Article THE MASONIC ← Page 2 of 3 →
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The Masonic
Tuesday , oWl- ~ Lodges , Albion ( 9 ) , Freemasons Tavern ; United of Prudence ( 93 ) , Albion Tavern ; Temple ( IIS ) , Ship and Turtle ; Old Concord ( 201 ) , Freemasons' Tavern j Euphrates ( 257 j , White Hart Tavern , Bishopsgate Street ; Stability ( 264 ) , Grreen Dragon , Bishopsgate Street ; La Tolerance ( 7 S 4 i )) Freemasons' Tavern . Mark . —Florence Nightingale . ( S , C ) , Crown and anchor , Woolwich ; Audie Committee of Girls' . School , ' at 12 , - Colonial Board s at 3 . Wednesday , 6 t 7 i , — Lodge , Camden ( 1006 ) > Assembly House , Kentish Town . Thursday , 1 th . —Lodges , Egyptian ( 29 ) , G-eorge and Blue Boar ; Strong Man ( 53 ) , Falcon Tavern , Fetter Lr-jne ; Good Report ( 158 ) , Eadiey ' s Hotel ; Lion and Lamb ( 227 ) ,- Bridge House Hotel ; ... Ionic ( 275 ) j Ship and Turtle ; Yarborough ( 812 ) , G-eorge , Commercial Koad East . Friday , Stk , —Lodges , Caledonian ( 156 ) , Ship arid Turtle ; Union ( 195 ) , London Tavern . [ The appointments of Lodges of Instruction will appear in the last number of each month . ] United Pilgrims' Lodge ( No . 745 ) . —On Wednesday , Sept . 22 nd , the Brethren
of the United Pilgrims' Lodge held their first meeting this season , at their Lodge of Boom , Manor House Tavern . The W . M . Bro . ICeats , presided , and performed the ceremony of initiation in a manner that did credit to the Lodge , being ably supported by hi ^ two Wardens , Brothers Webb and Eattley .. The first section was worked in first rate style , by Bros . Farmer and Thomas , after which the Brethren sat down to an excellent banquet . After the usual Masonic toasts , the visitors , Bro ; Francis , of the United Strength Lodge , and Bro . Cozin , W . M ., returned thanks , andthe ' 'Brethren departed , highly pleased with the prosperity of the Lodge .
Wellingtoh Lodge ( No . 895 ) . —This Lodge commenced its season at Bro . Haynes ' s , the Lord Duncan Tavern , Deptford , on Tuesday , Sept . 23 rd , Bro . Bailey , W . M ., who was ably assisted hj Bros . Wadeson , and Howden , S . W ; and JW . y and others . Messrs . Stevens and Cole , who had been properly proposed in open Lodge , were now balloted for , accepted , and initiated into the early portion ofthe
mysteries of Freemasonry . The newly made Brethren acknowledged the honour vouchsafed them on being admitted . to so excellent and ancient an order , and trusted that their conduct would be sufficiently Masonic , in and out of Lodge , to warrant further favours . The other ¦ business being disposed of , the Brethren sat down to an excellent banquet , which was folio wed by the usual log / aland Masonic toasts .
Panmuiie Lodge ( No , 1022 ) . —The closing meeting of this Lodge was held at Bro . Wardell ' s , the Swan , Stockwell , on Monday last . Joseph T . Warren , W . M .,-supported by Bros . Charnock , S . W . ; Braham , J . W . ; Garrod , S . D . ; Green , J . D ; and Stevens , I . G . P . Ms . Thomas , Farmer , Garrod , and J . II . "Warren . During the evening the W . M . ably worked the first , fourth , and fifth sections of the first lecture . The lodge was opened raid closed in the three degrees , and Bro . Farmer gave a beautiful illustration ofthe tracing board , in the second degree . A banquet closed the proceedings , at which the greatest harmony prevailed . Prince Fredemck William Lodge ( No . 1055 ) , —The second meeting of this Lodge was held under the presidency of Bro . Caulcher , W . M ., at the Knight of St . John's Hotel , St . John ' s Wood , on Wednesday , Sept . 22 nd , when Mr . J . T . Moss and Mr . W . Sanderson were duly initiated into the Order , Bro . Wood Banks was elected a , joining member from Lodge 360 , Scotland , and Bros . Stiles , Shirley , and
Tindalo , passed to the second degree , the whole of the ceremonies being admirably performed by the W . M . A splendid rosewood harmonium has been purchased by Bro . Stiles for the use of the Lodge , and Bro . Banks presided at it with great taste . At the conclusion of the business , the Brethren adjourned to an elegant banquet , and passed , a yory pleasant evening .
High Cross Lodge ( No . 1050 ) . —This Lodge held , a meeting on . Friday last , at the Hallway Hotel , Northumberland Park , Tottenham ; Bro , !) . S . Potts , presiding , supported by Bros . Wilson , S . W . \ Wright , S . D . ; Arliss , J . D , ; Hart , Secretary ; Dominy , and others . Lodge was opened in due form . Bros . Wilder ) , Smith , Chapman , and Stcdman , were introduced , and passed to the second degree . The result proving satisfactory , they were favoured with the advanced degree ; " after which the election for Treasurer took place , when Bro . Dominy , haying disposed of
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The Masonic
Tuesday , oWl- ~ Lodges , Albion ( 9 ) , Freemasons Tavern ; United of Prudence ( 93 ) , Albion Tavern ; Temple ( IIS ) , Ship and Turtle ; Old Concord ( 201 ) , Freemasons' Tavern j Euphrates ( 257 j , White Hart Tavern , Bishopsgate Street ; Stability ( 264 ) , Grreen Dragon , Bishopsgate Street ; La Tolerance ( 7 S 4 i )) Freemasons' Tavern . Mark . —Florence Nightingale . ( S , C ) , Crown and anchor , Woolwich ; Audie Committee of Girls' . School , ' at 12 , - Colonial Board s at 3 . Wednesday , 6 t 7 i , — Lodge , Camden ( 1006 ) > Assembly House , Kentish Town . Thursday , 1 th . —Lodges , Egyptian ( 29 ) , G-eorge and Blue Boar ; Strong Man ( 53 ) , Falcon Tavern , Fetter Lr-jne ; Good Report ( 158 ) , Eadiey ' s Hotel ; Lion and Lamb ( 227 ) ,- Bridge House Hotel ; ... Ionic ( 275 ) j Ship and Turtle ; Yarborough ( 812 ) , G-eorge , Commercial Koad East . Friday , Stk , —Lodges , Caledonian ( 156 ) , Ship arid Turtle ; Union ( 195 ) , London Tavern . [ The appointments of Lodges of Instruction will appear in the last number of each month . ] United Pilgrims' Lodge ( No . 745 ) . —On Wednesday , Sept . 22 nd , the Brethren
of the United Pilgrims' Lodge held their first meeting this season , at their Lodge of Boom , Manor House Tavern . The W . M . Bro . ICeats , presided , and performed the ceremony of initiation in a manner that did credit to the Lodge , being ably supported by hi ^ two Wardens , Brothers Webb and Eattley .. The first section was worked in first rate style , by Bros . Farmer and Thomas , after which the Brethren sat down to an excellent banquet . After the usual Masonic toasts , the visitors , Bro ; Francis , of the United Strength Lodge , and Bro . Cozin , W . M ., returned thanks , andthe ' 'Brethren departed , highly pleased with the prosperity of the Lodge .
Wellingtoh Lodge ( No . 895 ) . —This Lodge commenced its season at Bro . Haynes ' s , the Lord Duncan Tavern , Deptford , on Tuesday , Sept . 23 rd , Bro . Bailey , W . M ., who was ably assisted hj Bros . Wadeson , and Howden , S . W ; and JW . y and others . Messrs . Stevens and Cole , who had been properly proposed in open Lodge , were now balloted for , accepted , and initiated into the early portion ofthe
mysteries of Freemasonry . The newly made Brethren acknowledged the honour vouchsafed them on being admitted . to so excellent and ancient an order , and trusted that their conduct would be sufficiently Masonic , in and out of Lodge , to warrant further favours . The other ¦ business being disposed of , the Brethren sat down to an excellent banquet , which was folio wed by the usual log / aland Masonic toasts .
Panmuiie Lodge ( No , 1022 ) . —The closing meeting of this Lodge was held at Bro . Wardell ' s , the Swan , Stockwell , on Monday last . Joseph T . Warren , W . M .,-supported by Bros . Charnock , S . W . ; Braham , J . W . ; Garrod , S . D . ; Green , J . D ; and Stevens , I . G . P . Ms . Thomas , Farmer , Garrod , and J . II . "Warren . During the evening the W . M . ably worked the first , fourth , and fifth sections of the first lecture . The lodge was opened raid closed in the three degrees , and Bro . Farmer gave a beautiful illustration ofthe tracing board , in the second degree . A banquet closed the proceedings , at which the greatest harmony prevailed . Prince Fredemck William Lodge ( No . 1055 ) , —The second meeting of this Lodge was held under the presidency of Bro . Caulcher , W . M ., at the Knight of St . John's Hotel , St . John ' s Wood , on Wednesday , Sept . 22 nd , when Mr . J . T . Moss and Mr . W . Sanderson were duly initiated into the Order , Bro . Wood Banks was elected a , joining member from Lodge 360 , Scotland , and Bros . Stiles , Shirley , and
Tindalo , passed to the second degree , the whole of the ceremonies being admirably performed by the W . M . A splendid rosewood harmonium has been purchased by Bro . Stiles for the use of the Lodge , and Bro . Banks presided at it with great taste . At the conclusion of the business , the Brethren adjourned to an elegant banquet , and passed , a yory pleasant evening .
High Cross Lodge ( No . 1050 ) . —This Lodge held , a meeting on . Friday last , at the Hallway Hotel , Northumberland Park , Tottenham ; Bro , !) . S . Potts , presiding , supported by Bros . Wilson , S . W . \ Wright , S . D . ; Arliss , J . D , ; Hart , Secretary ; Dominy , and others . Lodge was opened in due form . Bros . Wilder ) , Smith , Chapman , and Stcdman , were introduced , and passed to the second degree . The result proving satisfactory , they were favoured with the advanced degree ; " after which the election for Treasurer took place , when Bro . Dominy , haying disposed of