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The Masonic
the lease of the Railway Hotel , was unanimously elected . The W . M ., in acquainting Bro . Dominy with the fact of his being again elected , drew his attention to the Book of Constitutions , and said that although the Brethren of the Lodge might be satisfied of his present eligibility to hold office , still , it w as proper as well as courteous for Bro . Dominy to Wait upon the Grand Secretary , and satisfy that officer that he was , prior to confirming the minutes at the next meeting for no society could possibly prosper without strict attention to the
Kent Lodge ,--- ( No . 15 ) . —The weekly meeting of this Lodge was held on Friday night , at the Halfway House , Webber Street , Blackfriars Road . Bro . Hayden presided as WJL , Bro . Jackson officiated as- ..-S . W ., and Bro ; Stewart as J . W . The third degree * and Ihe sections of it , Were worked in Bro . Haydon ' s usual able manner . Bro . Jackson was elected W , M . for the ensuing week . GoHPinsNeE Lodge ( No . 228 ) . — The usual weekly meeting of this Lodge was held on Wednesday evening , at Bro . Wadeson ' s , the Bengal Arms Tavern , Birchin Lane . Bro . J ; Smith , ofthe Crystal Palace Lodge , presided as W . M ., supported by
Bro . Sibley , S . W ., and Bro . Brewer , J . W . The ceremony of initiation was worked by the W . M ., Bro . Cohen being the candidate . The first section of the lecture was then worked by Bro . Austen ; the fourth , by Bro . Brett , W . M . of the Domatic Lodge ; the fifth , by Bro . Jackson ; the sixth , by Bro . Moss ; and the seventh , by Bro . Anslow . Bro . Candlish , of Lodge No . 959 , was elected a member of this Lodge . Bro . Moss was elected W . M . for the Lodge to be held on that day fortnight , when the fifteen sections wall be worked . Some other business having been transacted , the Lodge was idosecl . in the usual manner .
Domatic Lodge ( No . 206 ) . —The meeting of this Lodge was held on Tuesday at Bro . Ireland ' s , the Queen Elizabeth , King ' s Row , Walworth . Bro . Francis presided , supported by Bro . Brett , S . W ., ancl Bro .. Brewer , J . W . The ceremony of initiation was ably worked by the W . M ., Bro . Henry Thompson being the candidate . The fourth section was then worked by Bro . Farmer ; the fifth , by Bro . Brett ; the sixth , by Bro . Hay don ; the seventh , by Bro . Ireland . A vote of thanks was ordered to be recorded to Bro . Francis for his able servicer in the chair , who acknowledged the same in appropriate terms . Bro . Brett was elected W . M . for the ensuing week .
code of laws , which had been constructed with great care for its guidance . He ( Bro . Potts ) had had the honour of presiding over many Lodges as W . M ., and felt a pride in saying that not one of those Looses had ever been questioned for violating in the slightest degree , the laws by which they were bound . Bro . Dominy thanked the Brethren for the honour they had -conferred upon him , also for the Suggestion thrown out , to whichhe should pay -proper attention . Several propositions were then made for the good of the Lodge , which soon after closed in solemn prayer .
BRISTOL . Aproiiri ' AtENl & i— - £ or /^\— Tuesday , October 6 th , JBeatilbrt ( 120 ) , Trecniasons Hull , at 7 ; Wednesday , 6 th , M- ' oira ( 4 * 08 ) , ditto , at 7 ; Friday , 8 th , Instruction , ditto , at 7 \ . Chapter . ~ Ihnraday , 7 th , Hospitality ( 221 ) , ditto , at 7 .
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The Masonic
the lease of the Railway Hotel , was unanimously elected . The W . M ., in acquainting Bro . Dominy with the fact of his being again elected , drew his attention to the Book of Constitutions , and said that although the Brethren of the Lodge might be satisfied of his present eligibility to hold office , still , it w as proper as well as courteous for Bro . Dominy to Wait upon the Grand Secretary , and satisfy that officer that he was , prior to confirming the minutes at the next meeting for no society could possibly prosper without strict attention to the
Kent Lodge ,--- ( No . 15 ) . —The weekly meeting of this Lodge was held on Friday night , at the Halfway House , Webber Street , Blackfriars Road . Bro . Hayden presided as WJL , Bro . Jackson officiated as- ..-S . W ., and Bro ; Stewart as J . W . The third degree * and Ihe sections of it , Were worked in Bro . Haydon ' s usual able manner . Bro . Jackson was elected W , M . for the ensuing week . GoHPinsNeE Lodge ( No . 228 ) . — The usual weekly meeting of this Lodge was held on Wednesday evening , at Bro . Wadeson ' s , the Bengal Arms Tavern , Birchin Lane . Bro . J ; Smith , ofthe Crystal Palace Lodge , presided as W . M ., supported by
Bro . Sibley , S . W ., and Bro . Brewer , J . W . The ceremony of initiation was worked by the W . M ., Bro . Cohen being the candidate . The first section of the lecture was then worked by Bro . Austen ; the fourth , by Bro . Brett , W . M . of the Domatic Lodge ; the fifth , by Bro . Jackson ; the sixth , by Bro . Moss ; and the seventh , by Bro . Anslow . Bro . Candlish , of Lodge No . 959 , was elected a member of this Lodge . Bro . Moss was elected W . M . for the Lodge to be held on that day fortnight , when the fifteen sections wall be worked . Some other business having been transacted , the Lodge was idosecl . in the usual manner .
Domatic Lodge ( No . 206 ) . —The meeting of this Lodge was held on Tuesday at Bro . Ireland ' s , the Queen Elizabeth , King ' s Row , Walworth . Bro . Francis presided , supported by Bro . Brett , S . W ., ancl Bro .. Brewer , J . W . The ceremony of initiation was ably worked by the W . M ., Bro . Henry Thompson being the candidate . The fourth section was then worked by Bro . Farmer ; the fifth , by Bro . Brett ; the sixth , by Bro . Hay don ; the seventh , by Bro . Ireland . A vote of thanks was ordered to be recorded to Bro . Francis for his able servicer in the chair , who acknowledged the same in appropriate terms . Bro . Brett was elected W . M . for the ensuing week .
code of laws , which had been constructed with great care for its guidance . He ( Bro . Potts ) had had the honour of presiding over many Lodges as W . M ., and felt a pride in saying that not one of those Looses had ever been questioned for violating in the slightest degree , the laws by which they were bound . Bro . Dominy thanked the Brethren for the honour they had -conferred upon him , also for the Suggestion thrown out , to whichhe should pay -proper attention . Several propositions were then made for the good of the Lodge , which soon after closed in solemn prayer .
BRISTOL . Aproiiri ' AtENl & i— - £ or /^\— Tuesday , October 6 th , JBeatilbrt ( 120 ) , Trecniasons Hull , at 7 ; Wednesday , 6 th , M- ' oira ( 4 * 08 ) , ditto , at 7 ; Friday , 8 th , Instruction , ditto , at 7 \ . Chapter . ~ Ihnraday , 7 th , Hospitality ( 221 ) , ditto , at 7 .