Article PROVINCIAL ← Page 4 of 21 →
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communications from almost every Lodge in the province , urging his elevation to tfie office . This was indeed gratifying to him , and he felt sure was fiattering to Bro . Antrobus , in whom he had great confidence . He was glad that Bro . Lord de Tabley had joined the Crewe Lodge , under Bro * Antrobus ' sahle supervision , and he had great pleasure in proposing Bro . Antrobus * s health , with Masonic honours .
Bro . Antrobus in returning his warmest thanks to the Brethren ^ ^ ^ s the recommendation to his lordship for the appbintment had come from his immediate neighbourhood , Macclesfield and Congleton > he could have understood the feeling displayed , but arising from the whole of the province ^ was indeed highly flattering and overpowerm ^ thank s to them for their very kind wishes , and to hislordsM for the honours thus conferreds . Bro . Willoughby returned thanks to the toast of the Provincial Greuld Officers .
The Proyv G . Master then proposed ^ The health of Bro . Lord do Tabley , " in very complimentary terms , assuring him how delighted he and the Brethren were to have him in the province . Bro . Lord de Tabley said he thanked them from the bottom of his heart forthe honour just conferred . It was wiffi great pleasu ^ as a Freemason in Cheshire . He was not a young man . Upwards of twenty-four years
ago he was initiated in the A . pollo Lodge at Oxford ; since then he had resided much abroad . After his return he again desired to belong to the Cheshire Craft , and accepted the invitation to he present at the Crewe meeting , under the presidency of the W . M . Bro . Antrobus , and the government of the Provincial Grand Master . He hoped to derive practical lessons in the working of the Lodge , and no exertions or efforts on his part should be wanting . He trusted it would not be the hist time he should meet the Cheshire Masons in Provincial 0 rand Lodge .
The IProv , G . Master then said , " Brethren , I have some distance to go and I must beg your kind indulgence . I have known some of your fathers and grandfathers . May the Great Architect of the universe bless you a ' The noble and venerable lord then quitted the room amidst the respectful cheers of the Brethren . The Lodge was then left under the Dep . Prov . G * Master , who afterwards ably occupied the chair .
DEVONSHIRE . _ Ar ? oiNTMENTS . ^ -j ^ tf % e 4 .-Monday , October 4 th , Fidelity ( 280 ) , Three Tuns , Tiveita , at 7 % Bedford ( 351 ) , Private Koora , Tavistock * at 7 ; Harmony ( 182 ) , Swan Inn , Plymouth , at 7 ; Tuesday , 5 th , St . John ' s 83 ) , Masonic Hall , Plymouth , at 7 ; Wednesday , ( 1 th , Brunswick ( 185 ) , Masonic Hall , Plymouth , at 7 ; Perseverance ( 190 ) , London Hotel , Sidmoutu , at 7 , ^ otkes . —Pleiades Lodge ( No . 1012 ) . —This Lodge held its regular meeting on Thursday , the 23 rd , at the Masonic Rooms , Totnes . The minutes of a former
Lodge , held August 19 th , were confirmed . Bro . Haydon was examined and passed to the second degree . Bro . Came was examined and raised to the third degree . The election of a W . M . for the ensuing year took place , and the Rev . W . G . Daykin was declared duly elected . Bro . S . F . Shairp was unanimously re-elected Treasurer . A report was made of the proceedings of the Provincial Grand Lodge held at Exeter , and the Lodge was closed in due and ancient form , and with solemn prayer .
DORSETSHIRE . Avv 6 iM'i \ mm ~ tjodyes . ~ "We & iitzQda , y , Octoher 6 th , Amity ( ICO ) , Masonic Hall , Poole , at 7 \ . ( ' ( Paith and Unanimity 605 ) , freemasonsHall , Dorchester , at 6 ; Unity 51 > 2 ) , Town Hall , Wareham , at 7 . DURHAM . APmiXMTatm ~ Lodges . ~ l } ne &&& y , October 5 th , Marquis of Granby ( 16-4 ) , freemasons' * ITallj Durham , at 7 \ Thursday * 7 th , Tees ( 719 ) , Black Lion , Stockton-on-Toes , at 7 .
GLOUCESTERSHIRE . AtfroiimJOTTs . —Lodges . —TncBd ^ yi October 5 th , Sherborne ( 1004 ) , Oeorge Hotel , StroUdj at 5 $ j Wednesday , 6 th , Royal Union ( 307 ) , IfreemaSons' Hall , Cheltenham , at " 6 .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
communications from almost every Lodge in the province , urging his elevation to tfie office . This was indeed gratifying to him , and he felt sure was fiattering to Bro . Antrobus , in whom he had great confidence . He was glad that Bro . Lord de Tabley had joined the Crewe Lodge , under Bro * Antrobus ' sahle supervision , and he had great pleasure in proposing Bro . Antrobus * s health , with Masonic honours .
Bro . Antrobus in returning his warmest thanks to the Brethren ^ ^ ^ s the recommendation to his lordship for the appbintment had come from his immediate neighbourhood , Macclesfield and Congleton > he could have understood the feeling displayed , but arising from the whole of the province ^ was indeed highly flattering and overpowerm ^ thank s to them for their very kind wishes , and to hislordsM for the honours thus conferreds . Bro . Willoughby returned thanks to the toast of the Provincial Greuld Officers .
The Proyv G . Master then proposed ^ The health of Bro . Lord do Tabley , " in very complimentary terms , assuring him how delighted he and the Brethren were to have him in the province . Bro . Lord de Tabley said he thanked them from the bottom of his heart forthe honour just conferred . It was wiffi great pleasu ^ as a Freemason in Cheshire . He was not a young man . Upwards of twenty-four years
ago he was initiated in the A . pollo Lodge at Oxford ; since then he had resided much abroad . After his return he again desired to belong to the Cheshire Craft , and accepted the invitation to he present at the Crewe meeting , under the presidency of the W . M . Bro . Antrobus , and the government of the Provincial Grand Master . He hoped to derive practical lessons in the working of the Lodge , and no exertions or efforts on his part should be wanting . He trusted it would not be the hist time he should meet the Cheshire Masons in Provincial 0 rand Lodge .
The IProv , G . Master then said , " Brethren , I have some distance to go and I must beg your kind indulgence . I have known some of your fathers and grandfathers . May the Great Architect of the universe bless you a ' The noble and venerable lord then quitted the room amidst the respectful cheers of the Brethren . The Lodge was then left under the Dep . Prov . G * Master , who afterwards ably occupied the chair .
DEVONSHIRE . _ Ar ? oiNTMENTS . ^ -j ^ tf % e 4 .-Monday , October 4 th , Fidelity ( 280 ) , Three Tuns , Tiveita , at 7 % Bedford ( 351 ) , Private Koora , Tavistock * at 7 ; Harmony ( 182 ) , Swan Inn , Plymouth , at 7 ; Tuesday , 5 th , St . John ' s 83 ) , Masonic Hall , Plymouth , at 7 ; Wednesday , ( 1 th , Brunswick ( 185 ) , Masonic Hall , Plymouth , at 7 ; Perseverance ( 190 ) , London Hotel , Sidmoutu , at 7 , ^ otkes . —Pleiades Lodge ( No . 1012 ) . —This Lodge held its regular meeting on Thursday , the 23 rd , at the Masonic Rooms , Totnes . The minutes of a former
Lodge , held August 19 th , were confirmed . Bro . Haydon was examined and passed to the second degree . Bro . Came was examined and raised to the third degree . The election of a W . M . for the ensuing year took place , and the Rev . W . G . Daykin was declared duly elected . Bro . S . F . Shairp was unanimously re-elected Treasurer . A report was made of the proceedings of the Provincial Grand Lodge held at Exeter , and the Lodge was closed in due and ancient form , and with solemn prayer .
DORSETSHIRE . Avv 6 iM'i \ mm ~ tjodyes . ~ "We & iitzQda , y , Octoher 6 th , Amity ( ICO ) , Masonic Hall , Poole , at 7 \ . ( ' ( Paith and Unanimity 605 ) , freemasonsHall , Dorchester , at 6 ; Unity 51 > 2 ) , Town Hall , Wareham , at 7 . DURHAM . APmiXMTatm ~ Lodges . ~ l } ne &&& y , October 5 th , Marquis of Granby ( 16-4 ) , freemasons' * ITallj Durham , at 7 \ Thursday * 7 th , Tees ( 719 ) , Black Lion , Stockton-on-Toes , at 7 .
GLOUCESTERSHIRE . AtfroiimJOTTs . —Lodges . —TncBd ^ yi October 5 th , Sherborne ( 1004 ) , Oeorge Hotel , StroUdj at 5 $ j Wednesday , 6 th , Royal Union ( 307 ) , IfreemaSons' Hall , Cheltenham , at " 6 .