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HAMPSHIRE . ____ AppoiiniMEHDs . —X / odg-es . —Monday , October 4 th , Oakley ( 995 ) , Black Boy , Basingstoke , at 6 ; Thurs day * 7 th , PaftmUte ( 1025 ) > Ro ^ al Hofcel , Aldeisliott , at 6 . Gftftpiers , ^ -Wednesday 6 th , Southampton ( 555 ) , Freemasons' Hall , Southampton , afc 7 ; Thursday ^ 7 th , Eoyal Gloucestisr ( 152 ) > ditto , at 7 .
ISLE OF WIGHT . ~ . At $ 6 imMKm ^ Lcdge ^ WMmB && y , October 6 th , Yarborough ( 809 ) , High Street , Yefrtiior , at 7 * ¦¦ . ; ¦ ' .. ; y KENT ; , ' : ¦ ¦ '¦/"¦ ' . . ' AppoiKTMJ & NrS . ^ Xd ^ e ^ . ^ Mohdaf , Octob er 4 th , PesLce and Harmony ( 235 ) , Royal Oak , Dover , at 7 J ; Tuesday , 5 th , Act & ms ( 184 ) , Masohic Hall , SheeriieS ^ at 6 ; We dnesday , 6 th , Eoyal Naval' ( 621 ) , Royal Hotel , Eamsgate , at 7 ; Invicta ( lOll ) WGteorge Hotel , Ashfordj at 8 ; Thursday , 7 th , tfrkited Industrious ( 34 ) j Freemasons'Tavern , Canterbury , at 8 »
LANCASHIRE ( EAST ) . A ^ omTMBisTS . - —Lodges . —Monday , October 4 th i Cheetham and Grumpsall ( 928 ) , Crnmpsall Hotel , Manehestery at 6 ; Thursday , Fth , Affability ( 393 ) , Cross Street * Manchester , at 6 £ . Mark . ** -Th . uvs < ba . y 7 th , St . Iphn ' s ( S . C . )> Commercial Hotel , Bolton , at 6 .
LANCASHIRE ( WEST ) . A £ PoiMotTS . ^ £ o ^ Harfiaony ( 287 ) , Wellingtoil Hotel , Garstoii , at 3 f ; Tuesday , 5 th , Alliance ( 965 ) , Stanley Arms , Eoby , ; at 4 J ; Wednesdays tith , St . John ' s ( 971 ) , Caledonian Arms , Liverpool , at 6 ; CEUesmere ( 10 : 32 ) , Bed Lion * Choiiey > at 6 $ Thursday , 7 th , Mariner ' s ( 310 ) , Haak r s Bililto Friday , 6 th , Mariner ' s Instruction ( 310 ) , ditto , at 7 . Chewier .----St . John ' s ( 245 ) , Eoyal Hotel , Liverpool , at 6 ,
E . ftYWOQB . —Naphtali Lodge ( No . 333 ) .- —On Tuesday evening , SepL 21 st , the members ofthe Naphtali Lodge , No . 333 , held their first meeting since the removal of the Lodge from Heap Bridge , at the house of Bro . Westcoe , the Brunswick Hotel , Heywood . The Lodge being opened in the first degree by Bro . Jas . Howard , W . MV five joining members were proposed and accepted by the Lodge , and six candidates proposed for initiation . The visiting members present were Bro . Roberts , of the Harmony Lodge , No * 875 , Rochdale , Prov . G . Pur . for
East Lancashire ; Bro , Wm . Binns , W . M . of the Lodge of Relief , No . 50 / Bury ; Bro . John Redfern , B . C . ; and Bro . George M . Twecldell , of the same Lodge . A Lodge of emergency was agreed to for initiating three of the candidates on Wednesday afternoon , Sept . 29 fch , at five o ' clock . The Lodge having been duly closed , the Brethren were called from their labour to refreshment , when the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given . Songs and recitations were given by Bros .
Howard , Barnes , hrankland , and Binns ; after which the Brethren separated , well pleased with the arrangements of Bro . Westcoe , who is evidently determined to do his utmost for the comfort and respectability of the Lodge . Lodge Naphtali , since its warrant was granted in 1788 , has been more than once removed ; but there is good reason to believe that it has at last found a permanent resting placeit being the only Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons in the populous manufacturing town of Heywood , midway between Rochdale and Bury .
LEICESTERSHIRE . Appointment . —Lodge . —Wednesday , October 6 th , St . John ' s ( 348 ) , Boll Hotel , Leiceslci at 7 . NORFOLK Ayvoimin & m & . - ^ Lodyes . —Monday , October 4 th , Friendship ( 117 ) , Duke ' s Head , Great Yar mouth , at 7 » Chapter . —Tuesday , 5 th , Perseverance ( 258 ) , Lamb Inn , Norwich , at 7 .
NORTHUMBERLAND . Arponra ? ME 3 ? TS . —// O ^ A ' . —Monday , October 4 th , Northern Counties ( 586 ) , Freemasons' Hall , Newcastle , at 7 ; St . George ' s ( 624 ) , Commercial Hotel , North gliields , at 8 ; Tuesday , 5 th , Northumberland ( 985 ) , Central Exchange , Newcastle , at 7 j St . David ' s ( 554 ) , Salmon Inn , Berwick , at 7 5 Thursday , 7 th , Newcastle ( 24 ) , Ifreema 8 ons Hall , Newcastle , at 7 . SUFFOLK . ArromrMJKNr .- ^/ wo ^ e . ^ Wedneacl a ^ October 6 tb , tiotkti ( OG ) , Private Koom , Woodbridge at 7 .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
HAMPSHIRE . ____ AppoiiniMEHDs . —X / odg-es . —Monday , October 4 th , Oakley ( 995 ) , Black Boy , Basingstoke , at 6 ; Thurs day * 7 th , PaftmUte ( 1025 ) > Ro ^ al Hofcel , Aldeisliott , at 6 . Gftftpiers , ^ -Wednesday 6 th , Southampton ( 555 ) , Freemasons' Hall , Southampton , afc 7 ; Thursday ^ 7 th , Eoyal Gloucestisr ( 152 ) > ditto , at 7 .
ISLE OF WIGHT . ~ . At $ 6 imMKm ^ Lcdge ^ WMmB && y , October 6 th , Yarborough ( 809 ) , High Street , Yefrtiior , at 7 * ¦¦ . ; ¦ ' .. ; y KENT ; , ' : ¦ ¦ '¦/"¦ ' . . ' AppoiKTMJ & NrS . ^ Xd ^ e ^ . ^ Mohdaf , Octob er 4 th , PesLce and Harmony ( 235 ) , Royal Oak , Dover , at 7 J ; Tuesday , 5 th , Act & ms ( 184 ) , Masohic Hall , SheeriieS ^ at 6 ; We dnesday , 6 th , Eoyal Naval' ( 621 ) , Royal Hotel , Eamsgate , at 7 ; Invicta ( lOll ) WGteorge Hotel , Ashfordj at 8 ; Thursday , 7 th , tfrkited Industrious ( 34 ) j Freemasons'Tavern , Canterbury , at 8 »
LANCASHIRE ( EAST ) . A ^ omTMBisTS . - —Lodges . —Monday , October 4 th i Cheetham and Grumpsall ( 928 ) , Crnmpsall Hotel , Manehestery at 6 ; Thursday , Fth , Affability ( 393 ) , Cross Street * Manchester , at 6 £ . Mark . ** -Th . uvs < ba . y 7 th , St . Iphn ' s ( S . C . )> Commercial Hotel , Bolton , at 6 .
LANCASHIRE ( WEST ) . A £ PoiMotTS . ^ £ o ^ Harfiaony ( 287 ) , Wellingtoil Hotel , Garstoii , at 3 f ; Tuesday , 5 th , Alliance ( 965 ) , Stanley Arms , Eoby , ; at 4 J ; Wednesdays tith , St . John ' s ( 971 ) , Caledonian Arms , Liverpool , at 6 ; CEUesmere ( 10 : 32 ) , Bed Lion * Choiiey > at 6 $ Thursday , 7 th , Mariner ' s ( 310 ) , Haak r s Bililto Friday , 6 th , Mariner ' s Instruction ( 310 ) , ditto , at 7 . Chewier .----St . John ' s ( 245 ) , Eoyal Hotel , Liverpool , at 6 ,
E . ftYWOQB . —Naphtali Lodge ( No . 333 ) .- —On Tuesday evening , SepL 21 st , the members ofthe Naphtali Lodge , No . 333 , held their first meeting since the removal of the Lodge from Heap Bridge , at the house of Bro . Westcoe , the Brunswick Hotel , Heywood . The Lodge being opened in the first degree by Bro . Jas . Howard , W . MV five joining members were proposed and accepted by the Lodge , and six candidates proposed for initiation . The visiting members present were Bro . Roberts , of the Harmony Lodge , No * 875 , Rochdale , Prov . G . Pur . for
East Lancashire ; Bro , Wm . Binns , W . M . of the Lodge of Relief , No . 50 / Bury ; Bro . John Redfern , B . C . ; and Bro . George M . Twecldell , of the same Lodge . A Lodge of emergency was agreed to for initiating three of the candidates on Wednesday afternoon , Sept . 29 fch , at five o ' clock . The Lodge having been duly closed , the Brethren were called from their labour to refreshment , when the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given . Songs and recitations were given by Bros .
Howard , Barnes , hrankland , and Binns ; after which the Brethren separated , well pleased with the arrangements of Bro . Westcoe , who is evidently determined to do his utmost for the comfort and respectability of the Lodge . Lodge Naphtali , since its warrant was granted in 1788 , has been more than once removed ; but there is good reason to believe that it has at last found a permanent resting placeit being the only Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons in the populous manufacturing town of Heywood , midway between Rochdale and Bury .
LEICESTERSHIRE . Appointment . —Lodge . —Wednesday , October 6 th , St . John ' s ( 348 ) , Boll Hotel , Leiceslci at 7 . NORFOLK Ayvoimin & m & . - ^ Lodyes . —Monday , October 4 th , Friendship ( 117 ) , Duke ' s Head , Great Yar mouth , at 7 » Chapter . —Tuesday , 5 th , Perseverance ( 258 ) , Lamb Inn , Norwich , at 7 .
NORTHUMBERLAND . Arponra ? ME 3 ? TS . —// O ^ A ' . —Monday , October 4 th , Northern Counties ( 586 ) , Freemasons' Hall , Newcastle , at 7 ; St . George ' s ( 624 ) , Commercial Hotel , North gliields , at 8 ; Tuesday , 5 th , Northumberland ( 985 ) , Central Exchange , Newcastle , at 7 j St . David ' s ( 554 ) , Salmon Inn , Berwick , at 7 5 Thursday , 7 th , Newcastle ( 24 ) , Ifreema 8 ons Hall , Newcastle , at 7 . SUFFOLK . ArromrMJKNr .- ^/ wo ^ e . ^ Wedneacl a ^ October 6 tb , tiotkti ( OG ) , Private Koom , Woodbridge at 7 .