Article PROVINCIAL ← Page 18 of 21 →
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sense of the gre ^ it which had displayed behalf Freemasonry , especially in this province , where his exertions mainly contributed to the regeneration ofthe Provincial Grand Lodged The resolution was seconded , and carried unanimously . The B . Prov . G . M . then appointed and invested the following officers for the year ensuing : —Bro . John Bacon , ( No . 394 and 1034 ) , ' Prov . S . G . W . ; James Powell , ( No . 45 ) , Prov . J . G . W . ; Wm . Watkins , ( No . 45 ) , re-appointed Prov . G . Chaplain ; Wm . Verrall , re-elected Prov . G . Treas . ; Henry Verrall , ( No . 338 )^ Prov . G . Reg . ;
Givin E . Pocock , ( No . 388 and 390 ) , re-appointed Prov . G . Sec . ; Wm . R . Wood , ( No . 394 ); Prov . S . G . Deacon ; C . Woolven , ( No : 394 ) , Prov , J . G . Deacon ; E . E . Scott , ( No . 333 ) , re-appointed Prov . G . Supt . of Works ; H . Schilling , ( No . 338 ) , reappointed Prov . G . Dir . of Cers . ; G . Wellerd , ( No . 47 ) , re-appointed Prov . G . Assist . Dir . of Cers . ; Bowmer , ( No . 47 ) Prov . G . S . B . ; Kuhe , ( No . 338 ) , re-appointed Prov . Gw Organist ; Butcher , ( No . 390 ) , re-appointed Prov . G . Purs . ; Bros . Ridley , ( No . 394 and 1034 ); Goodeve , ( No . 45 ) , Burchell , ( No . 47 ) , Collins , ( No . 45 ) , re ^ appointed Prov . G . Stewards ; Penfbld- ( No . 390 ) , re-appointed Prov . G . Tyler . V
Bro . John Baeon B ^ Prov . S , G . W ., then JG moved W the following resolution , which ( , being seconded by ro , Powell , Prov . ..., was carried unanimously :-- ^ f That the best thanks of this Prov . Grand Lodge be presented to the Eight Worshipful Bro . Colonel James MacQueen , upon his retirement from the appointment of D . Prov . G . M ., for the ability , impartiality , and courtesy at all times shown by him during the period of his ^ p ^ ^ Freemasons of this province , as the deputy of his grace the Duke of Richmond . "
Bro . Pocock , the Prov . G . Sec . then rose , and after dilating on what the Masons of Sussex had already done in aid of the charities , proposed— - " That two governorships for fifteen years in the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution for aged Freemasons and their widows , be purchased from the funds of this Provincial Grand Lodge , at a cost of £ 20 , and that the privileges of one be given to the Worshipful Master ( for the time being ) of the Lodge of Union , ( No . 45 ); and ofthe other to the Worshipful Master ( for the time being ) of the Derwent Lodge , ( No . 47 ) , " which was carried unanimously .
The D . Prov . G . M . said he desired , now that the business was disposed of , to convey to the R . W . Bro . Hall , Prov . G . M . for Cambridge , the thanks of himself and the Prov . G . Lodge , for the honour of his presence on the occasion . Bro . Hall acknowledged the compliment , and , said he-considered it was offered rather to the position he held in Masonry than to himself , as it was the first occasion of his visiting the Masons of Sussex ; he trusted , however , he might have other opportunities of meeting them .
Bro . Stuckey begged to call the attention of the D . Prov . G . M . to the subject of reports of meetings of Lodges which appeared in the press , in which the conviviality and conversation at the banquets were commented upon , and asked whether t could not be p re vented . The D . Prov . G . M . said that he did not see any necessity for noticing the matter ;
he was friendly to publicity , and considered that Masons need not be ashamed to see their acts and deeds recorded ; he only wished that in the reports complained of , the Brethren who contributed the information would , with the jokes and convivialities , tell of the good deeds of the Masons—the bane would then carry the antidote with it . ( Applause ) . The I ) . Prov . G . M ,, having announced that the next Prov . Grand Lodge would bo held at Hastings , the Prov . Grand Lodge was closed in ancient and solemn form .
U ' lIE . BANQUET took place in the ball-room ; the D . Prov . G . M . presided . On the removal ofthe cloth , after doing honour to the toasts of " Her Majesty the Queen / ' and " The Prince Consort , and . the rest ofthe royal family /' The D . Prov . G . M . called on all present to join in a toast to _ the health of one whom it was impossible for them too much to honour---the M . W . G . M ., the Earl of Zetland . Every one knew how well his lordship was fitted for the high position he held : that during the period of his government the charities of the Order had
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sense of the gre ^ it which had displayed behalf Freemasonry , especially in this province , where his exertions mainly contributed to the regeneration ofthe Provincial Grand Lodged The resolution was seconded , and carried unanimously . The B . Prov . G . M . then appointed and invested the following officers for the year ensuing : —Bro . John Bacon , ( No . 394 and 1034 ) , ' Prov . S . G . W . ; James Powell , ( No . 45 ) , Prov . J . G . W . ; Wm . Watkins , ( No . 45 ) , re-appointed Prov . G . Chaplain ; Wm . Verrall , re-elected Prov . G . Treas . ; Henry Verrall , ( No . 338 )^ Prov . G . Reg . ;
Givin E . Pocock , ( No . 388 and 390 ) , re-appointed Prov . G . Sec . ; Wm . R . Wood , ( No . 394 ); Prov . S . G . Deacon ; C . Woolven , ( No : 394 ) , Prov , J . G . Deacon ; E . E . Scott , ( No . 333 ) , re-appointed Prov . G . Supt . of Works ; H . Schilling , ( No . 338 ) , reappointed Prov . G . Dir . of Cers . ; G . Wellerd , ( No . 47 ) , re-appointed Prov . G . Assist . Dir . of Cers . ; Bowmer , ( No . 47 ) Prov . G . S . B . ; Kuhe , ( No . 338 ) , re-appointed Prov . Gw Organist ; Butcher , ( No . 390 ) , re-appointed Prov . G . Purs . ; Bros . Ridley , ( No . 394 and 1034 ); Goodeve , ( No . 45 ) , Burchell , ( No . 47 ) , Collins , ( No . 45 ) , re ^ appointed Prov . G . Stewards ; Penfbld- ( No . 390 ) , re-appointed Prov . G . Tyler . V
Bro . John Baeon B ^ Prov . S , G . W ., then JG moved W the following resolution , which ( , being seconded by ro , Powell , Prov . ..., was carried unanimously :-- ^ f That the best thanks of this Prov . Grand Lodge be presented to the Eight Worshipful Bro . Colonel James MacQueen , upon his retirement from the appointment of D . Prov . G . M ., for the ability , impartiality , and courtesy at all times shown by him during the period of his ^ p ^ ^ Freemasons of this province , as the deputy of his grace the Duke of Richmond . "
Bro . Pocock , the Prov . G . Sec . then rose , and after dilating on what the Masons of Sussex had already done in aid of the charities , proposed— - " That two governorships for fifteen years in the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution for aged Freemasons and their widows , be purchased from the funds of this Provincial Grand Lodge , at a cost of £ 20 , and that the privileges of one be given to the Worshipful Master ( for the time being ) of the Lodge of Union , ( No . 45 ); and ofthe other to the Worshipful Master ( for the time being ) of the Derwent Lodge , ( No . 47 ) , " which was carried unanimously .
The D . Prov . G . M . said he desired , now that the business was disposed of , to convey to the R . W . Bro . Hall , Prov . G . M . for Cambridge , the thanks of himself and the Prov . G . Lodge , for the honour of his presence on the occasion . Bro . Hall acknowledged the compliment , and , said he-considered it was offered rather to the position he held in Masonry than to himself , as it was the first occasion of his visiting the Masons of Sussex ; he trusted , however , he might have other opportunities of meeting them .
Bro . Stuckey begged to call the attention of the D . Prov . G . M . to the subject of reports of meetings of Lodges which appeared in the press , in which the conviviality and conversation at the banquets were commented upon , and asked whether t could not be p re vented . The D . Prov . G . M . said that he did not see any necessity for noticing the matter ;
he was friendly to publicity , and considered that Masons need not be ashamed to see their acts and deeds recorded ; he only wished that in the reports complained of , the Brethren who contributed the information would , with the jokes and convivialities , tell of the good deeds of the Masons—the bane would then carry the antidote with it . ( Applause ) . The I ) . Prov . G . M ,, having announced that the next Prov . Grand Lodge would bo held at Hastings , the Prov . Grand Lodge was closed in ancient and solemn form .
U ' lIE . BANQUET took place in the ball-room ; the D . Prov . G . M . presided . On the removal ofthe cloth , after doing honour to the toasts of " Her Majesty the Queen / ' and " The Prince Consort , and . the rest ofthe royal family /' The D . Prov . G . M . called on all present to join in a toast to _ the health of one whom it was impossible for them too much to honour---the M . W . G . M ., the Earl of Zetland . Every one knew how well his lordship was fitted for the high position he held : that during the period of his government the charities of the Order had