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integrity of purpose . He asked the Brethren not to pay any attention to rej ^ they might hear , but go into Grand Lodge themselves and exercise their own judgment oh the Grand Master ' s proceedings . If the jars between the powers that were in and the powers that were out were to be continued , he should bid
adieu to Masonry ; and would recommend those who desired peace and unanimity to retire into their own Lodges till quieter times arose . Fearing that his observations were extending to an unreasonable length , and that he should forget the purpose for which he rose , he concluded by thanking the Brethren of Sussex for the kindness and hospitality himself and brother visitor had received . ( Cheers ) .
The D . Prov . G . M ., after begging the Brethren to bear away In their minds the admirable remarks of the Prov . G , M . of Cambridge * proposed " The Grand Officers of Sussex , " appointed that day , which was acknowledged by Bro . Bacon , S . G . W ., who hopeu that they would , at the end of their year of office , be enabled to render a good account of their conduct . < cThe Past Prov . Grand Officers '' was responded to by Bro . McGee , who said himself and other past Prov . G . officers , were always ready at command to promote the interests of Masonry .
" The W-M . of the Royal York Lodge / L under whose banner the meeting was held , and Ji ^ The Pk > v . G . Stewards * ' were then drunk , the latter toast being acknowledged by Bro . Ridley . The toast , ' To all poor and distressed Masons " concluded the day ' s proceedings . The exertions of Bros . Fielding , Edney , and Kuhe , much enhanced the harmony of the evening .
WORCESTERSHIRE . Appointments .- —Zoci ^ es .--Monday , October 4 th , Semper Fidelis ( 772 ) , Crown Hotel , Worcester , at 9 J 4 Tuesday , 5 tJi , Harmonic ( 313 ) , Freemasons' Tavern , Dudley , at 6 j ; Worcester ( 349 ) , Bell Hotel , Worcester , at 6 £ . Dudley . —The Vernon Lodge ( No . 819 . )—The installation meeting of this Lodge was held on the 15 th inst ., at the Old Town Hall , Dudley , a fair number of the Brethren being present , and several visitors . Lodge was opened at four p . m . by
the W . M ., Bro . 6 . H . Deeley . Several matters of business were transacted , including the election of Sir E . Lechmere , Bart ., P . D . Prov . G . M .,-as . an honorary member , and a resolution to present a P . M . ' s jewel to Bro . Deeley . In pursuance of an intiihation to that effect from the Prov . G . Lodge , it w as unanimously resolved to strike Bro . Sheridan ' s name from the circular as joining member , that Brother not having yet backed the memorial of this Lodge to the Board of General Purposes .
Bro . E . H . Hollier , P . Prov . G . D . C , was then duly installed by the Rev . E . A . Gwynne ( Prov . G . C , Staffordshire ) , the Chardain , as W . M . for the ensuing year . Brother Hollier then invested his officers as follows : —Bros . B . B . Smith , S . W . ; W . Wigginton ( Prov . G . S . B . ) , J . W . ; Rev . E . A . Gwynne , Chaplain ; G . B . Lowe , Treasurer ; E . Poole , Secretary ; J . Ketley , S . D . ; J . W estley , J . D . ; E . H . Stringer , D D . C C .: Jl JWrisrht . Steward : H H . Peart . II . G G . ; and JJ . Jeffs , Tvler T . Lodge having been .. ; > WrightSteward ; . Peart .. ; and . Jeffs , yler . Lodge having been
, , closed , the Brethren adjourned to Bro . Deeley ' s , to celebrate the festival of St . John , and the installation of the W . M ., a most sumptuous banquet having been prepared by that Brother . The usual toasts were drunk and responded to , and the harmony of the evening was greatly enhanced by the admirable singing of Bro . Francies , who accompanied himself on the pianoforte . The Brethren separated at an early hour .
YORKSHIRE ( NORTH AND EAST ) . Appointments . — -Locals . —Monday , October 4 th , Union ( 287 ) , Masonic Hall , York , at 7 Tuesday , 6 th , Cainolodunum ( 958 ) , Crescent , Selby , at 7 .
YORKSHIRE ( WEST ) . Appointments . —Lodges . —Monday , October 4 th , Paradise ( 162 ) , Music Hall , Sheffield , at 7 * Thursday , 7 th , Sincerity ( 874 j ) , Freemasons' Hallj Bradford , at 8 . HubDEltSiriELD . —There is a growing interest in the province of West Yorkshire , on the Subject of the Freemasons' Schools , which has been evidenced by increased efforts
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integrity of purpose . He asked the Brethren not to pay any attention to rej ^ they might hear , but go into Grand Lodge themselves and exercise their own judgment oh the Grand Master ' s proceedings . If the jars between the powers that were in and the powers that were out were to be continued , he should bid
adieu to Masonry ; and would recommend those who desired peace and unanimity to retire into their own Lodges till quieter times arose . Fearing that his observations were extending to an unreasonable length , and that he should forget the purpose for which he rose , he concluded by thanking the Brethren of Sussex for the kindness and hospitality himself and brother visitor had received . ( Cheers ) .
The D . Prov . G . M ., after begging the Brethren to bear away In their minds the admirable remarks of the Prov . G , M . of Cambridge * proposed " The Grand Officers of Sussex , " appointed that day , which was acknowledged by Bro . Bacon , S . G . W ., who hopeu that they would , at the end of their year of office , be enabled to render a good account of their conduct . < cThe Past Prov . Grand Officers '' was responded to by Bro . McGee , who said himself and other past Prov . G . officers , were always ready at command to promote the interests of Masonry .
" The W-M . of the Royal York Lodge / L under whose banner the meeting was held , and Ji ^ The Pk > v . G . Stewards * ' were then drunk , the latter toast being acknowledged by Bro . Ridley . The toast , ' To all poor and distressed Masons " concluded the day ' s proceedings . The exertions of Bros . Fielding , Edney , and Kuhe , much enhanced the harmony of the evening .
WORCESTERSHIRE . Appointments .- —Zoci ^ es .--Monday , October 4 th , Semper Fidelis ( 772 ) , Crown Hotel , Worcester , at 9 J 4 Tuesday , 5 tJi , Harmonic ( 313 ) , Freemasons' Tavern , Dudley , at 6 j ; Worcester ( 349 ) , Bell Hotel , Worcester , at 6 £ . Dudley . —The Vernon Lodge ( No . 819 . )—The installation meeting of this Lodge was held on the 15 th inst ., at the Old Town Hall , Dudley , a fair number of the Brethren being present , and several visitors . Lodge was opened at four p . m . by
the W . M ., Bro . 6 . H . Deeley . Several matters of business were transacted , including the election of Sir E . Lechmere , Bart ., P . D . Prov . G . M .,-as . an honorary member , and a resolution to present a P . M . ' s jewel to Bro . Deeley . In pursuance of an intiihation to that effect from the Prov . G . Lodge , it w as unanimously resolved to strike Bro . Sheridan ' s name from the circular as joining member , that Brother not having yet backed the memorial of this Lodge to the Board of General Purposes .
Bro . E . H . Hollier , P . Prov . G . D . C , was then duly installed by the Rev . E . A . Gwynne ( Prov . G . C , Staffordshire ) , the Chardain , as W . M . for the ensuing year . Brother Hollier then invested his officers as follows : —Bros . B . B . Smith , S . W . ; W . Wigginton ( Prov . G . S . B . ) , J . W . ; Rev . E . A . Gwynne , Chaplain ; G . B . Lowe , Treasurer ; E . Poole , Secretary ; J . Ketley , S . D . ; J . W estley , J . D . ; E . H . Stringer , D D . C C .: Jl JWrisrht . Steward : H H . Peart . II . G G . ; and JJ . Jeffs , Tvler T . Lodge having been .. ; > WrightSteward ; . Peart .. ; and . Jeffs , yler . Lodge having been
, , closed , the Brethren adjourned to Bro . Deeley ' s , to celebrate the festival of St . John , and the installation of the W . M ., a most sumptuous banquet having been prepared by that Brother . The usual toasts were drunk and responded to , and the harmony of the evening was greatly enhanced by the admirable singing of Bro . Francies , who accompanied himself on the pianoforte . The Brethren separated at an early hour .
YORKSHIRE ( NORTH AND EAST ) . Appointments . — -Locals . —Monday , October 4 th , Union ( 287 ) , Masonic Hall , York , at 7 Tuesday , 6 th , Cainolodunum ( 958 ) , Crescent , Selby , at 7 .
YORKSHIRE ( WEST ) . Appointments . —Lodges . —Monday , October 4 th , Paradise ( 162 ) , Music Hall , Sheffield , at 7 * Thursday , 7 th , Sincerity ( 874 j ) , Freemasons' Hallj Bradford , at 8 . HubDEltSiriELD . —There is a growing interest in the province of West Yorkshire , on the Subject of the Freemasons' Schools , which has been evidenced by increased efforts