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Eoyal Arch.
the next meeting . Colonel Vernon , the Grand Superintendent of the Province , said he could not permit the opportunity to pass without expressing to the M . EZ . ni hearty congratulations on the prosperity of the Chapter , his admiration of the ability with which it was conducted , and the efficient manner in which every officer discharged his duty .
The Week
Her Majesty continues to enjoy the quiet of Her- ~ HighIand residence : while the Prince of Wales and the Prince Consort go out daily grouse-shooting and deerstalking . On the 20 th Her-Majesty gave a ball in the new balbrooni . Her Royal Hig hness the Duchess of Kent was present , and about fifty of the nobility and gentry were invited . The Queen , we hear , will visit Oxford University and city , at the opening of the museum , at the grand commemoration in June next . Prince Alfred is still in Germany ; and is about to visit Gotha . ——The Emperor and
Empress of the French are still at Biarritz . The Emperor passes several hours every day in the . open air . The Prince Imperial is as well . as can possibly be desired . The Empress bathes every morning . The Imperial Government has yielded to the outcry the protectionists' raised at the rumour of intentions on the part of Prince Napoleon to introduce free trade , and has publicly promised that nothing is to be altered ill the present state of things . The Emperor was to have arrived at Saint Cloud yesterday , and is to proceed to the camp of Chalons to-morrow .
Marshal Canrobert is not , as was-, reported , to be married to- the Duchess de Sotomayor , but to the daughter of an iron-master in the Haute Marne . The new railway from Paris to Vincennes , which is of great importance , in a military point of view , is being completed . The Moniteur has published a statement of the results of the , Chinese expedition contained in the treaty with China . It concludes by attributing the happy results to the good understanding between England and France , and the bravery of their forces . The Moniteur de I'Armee describes the preparatory steps
already taken for the French , or rather French and Spanish , expedition against Cochin-China . The French had always this more at heart than the war against China itself . Accounts from all parts of France speak of the vintage being in full progress , and that the result will be from a third to a fourth beyond the hopes of the growers . Prince Ghika has been killed , exactly in the w tay the late Due d'Orleans perished , at the Rond-Point in the Champs Elysdes . He was returning to Paris from a drive in the Bois de Boulogne , when the horses of his phaeton took fright ;
the coachman was thrown , and the Prince seized the rems , when he himself was flung head foremoab , and was taken to a shop , but expired' in a few minutes . The expected alteration in the rate of discount at the Bank of France took place on Thursday . It was fixed at three per cent . No improvement on the Bourse occurred in consequence . The Prince Napoleon was to leave Paris oh Saturday for Warsaw where he was to be the guest of the Emperor of Russia , and to assist at the great review which is to astonish all Europe The Queen of Spain had arrived at the
Escurial on the 20 th from her tour , and arrived at Madrid on the 22 nd . The journals express the opinio }! that the new Cortes will be Progressist , and therefore hostile to O'Donnell . It is said that the government purposes to act energetically against Mexico ; and that it has determined on sending 3 , 000 men to the Isle of Cuba as a reinforcement to the garrison . Two war steamers are about to proceed to the Havannah station . Tho semi-official Correqioiidancia says that the
government is about to carry out the measure for the sale of . civil property . The elections are to take place in ( Octobcr . The state of siege in Catalonia , is immediately to be rais 3 ( l . The first law to be proposed by government will be a new , extremely liberal ,, la v on the press . A large meeting of the--French refugees is about to be held in Brussels , if the government consent , with a view of consulting m to the means of obtaining work for a great number of them who are suffering much distress ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Eoyal Arch.
the next meeting . Colonel Vernon , the Grand Superintendent of the Province , said he could not permit the opportunity to pass without expressing to the M . EZ . ni hearty congratulations on the prosperity of the Chapter , his admiration of the ability with which it was conducted , and the efficient manner in which every officer discharged his duty .
The Week
Her Majesty continues to enjoy the quiet of Her- ~ HighIand residence : while the Prince of Wales and the Prince Consort go out daily grouse-shooting and deerstalking . On the 20 th Her-Majesty gave a ball in the new balbrooni . Her Royal Hig hness the Duchess of Kent was present , and about fifty of the nobility and gentry were invited . The Queen , we hear , will visit Oxford University and city , at the opening of the museum , at the grand commemoration in June next . Prince Alfred is still in Germany ; and is about to visit Gotha . ——The Emperor and
Empress of the French are still at Biarritz . The Emperor passes several hours every day in the . open air . The Prince Imperial is as well . as can possibly be desired . The Empress bathes every morning . The Imperial Government has yielded to the outcry the protectionists' raised at the rumour of intentions on the part of Prince Napoleon to introduce free trade , and has publicly promised that nothing is to be altered ill the present state of things . The Emperor was to have arrived at Saint Cloud yesterday , and is to proceed to the camp of Chalons to-morrow .
Marshal Canrobert is not , as was-, reported , to be married to- the Duchess de Sotomayor , but to the daughter of an iron-master in the Haute Marne . The new railway from Paris to Vincennes , which is of great importance , in a military point of view , is being completed . The Moniteur has published a statement of the results of the , Chinese expedition contained in the treaty with China . It concludes by attributing the happy results to the good understanding between England and France , and the bravery of their forces . The Moniteur de I'Armee describes the preparatory steps
already taken for the French , or rather French and Spanish , expedition against Cochin-China . The French had always this more at heart than the war against China itself . Accounts from all parts of France speak of the vintage being in full progress , and that the result will be from a third to a fourth beyond the hopes of the growers . Prince Ghika has been killed , exactly in the w tay the late Due d'Orleans perished , at the Rond-Point in the Champs Elysdes . He was returning to Paris from a drive in the Bois de Boulogne , when the horses of his phaeton took fright ;
the coachman was thrown , and the Prince seized the rems , when he himself was flung head foremoab , and was taken to a shop , but expired' in a few minutes . The expected alteration in the rate of discount at the Bank of France took place on Thursday . It was fixed at three per cent . No improvement on the Bourse occurred in consequence . The Prince Napoleon was to leave Paris oh Saturday for Warsaw where he was to be the guest of the Emperor of Russia , and to assist at the great review which is to astonish all Europe The Queen of Spain had arrived at the
Escurial on the 20 th from her tour , and arrived at Madrid on the 22 nd . The journals express the opinio }! that the new Cortes will be Progressist , and therefore hostile to O'Donnell . It is said that the government purposes to act energetically against Mexico ; and that it has determined on sending 3 , 000 men to the Isle of Cuba as a reinforcement to the garrison . Two war steamers are about to proceed to the Havannah station . Tho semi-official Correqioiidancia says that the
government is about to carry out the measure for the sale of . civil property . The elections are to take place in ( Octobcr . The state of siege in Catalonia , is immediately to be rais 3 ( l . The first law to be proposed by government will be a new , extremely liberal ,, la v on the press . A large meeting of the--French refugees is about to be held in Brussels , if the government consent , with a view of consulting m to the means of obtaining work for a great number of them who are suffering much distress ,