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The Week
Evidence was given to show that the prosecutor was insane , or ab least , labouring at present under extraordinary delusions . The inquiry was again adjourned . ——Isaac Hammond ) charged with the murder of Sarah Farrell , by throwing her out of the window of a house in York Street ^ Westminster , was brought up on Saturday for further examination , and committed for trial . The Coroner ' s jury , " after mature deliberation , brought in a verdict of " wilful murder" against the prisoner .
At the Court of Bankruptcy , the examination of the Directors -of the London and EasternjBanking Corporation was adjourned sine die , as under the order by the Court of Chancery no funds are provided for any inquiry in this Court . The inauguration of the Newton statue took place at Grantham on Tuesday with great pomp , in the midst of a large concourse ) including men of science from all parts of the country . Lord Brougham presided , and delivered a learned and eloquent oration , in which he passed in review the many and wonderful discoveries of Newton , whom
he eulogized as the most surprising genius the world ever knew .- ——The Marchioness of Londonderry has given her annual entertainment to her Irish tenants , at which she congratulated them on the progress they had made in the last few years , and encouraged them to fresh efforts for improvement . ——A scheme is on foot to form a new company to complete the Great Eastern steam-ship . The capital proposed to be raised is £ 330 , 000 , which it is calculated will suffice to fit her for sea . — - —The entire stud of Lord Derby has been put up to public auction at Doneaster .
Toxophilite was the lion of the sale . Two thousand five hundred guineas were bid for him , but this offer was refused . The horse was bought in for three thousand guineas . The Times and other journals have scurrilously attacked the noble lord for having reserved and bought in the best of the horses offered for public competition .- ——The Bishop of Winchester has been engaged in his triennial visitation to the clergy of his diocese . His charge appears to have been a very elaborate document and especially strong in its denunciations of private confessionals . ——The inquiry
into the charges against the Rev . Richard Temple West , curate of Boyne Hill , on the subject of pressing poor women into improper confession , was concluded on Friday , The commissioners after examining the evidence , declared that there was not sufficient ground for any further proceedings against Mr . West , and closed the ment will enable the Secretary for India to communicate with the Governor-Genecourt . ——Mr . William Weir , editor of the " Daily News , " and one of the most accomplished and conscientious journalists of the day , died last week , and was buried in Kensal Green Cemetery .
PUBLIC AMUSEMENTS . At Drury Lane the " Rose of Castille " continues so attractive , that we have not to chronicle the expected production of Flotow ' s " Martha" in its English dress . We are happy to say that this spirited undertaking which Mr . Harrison at first considered hazardous , is likely to " turn out a complete success . The Lyceum has obtained a great accession to the strength of its very excellent company , by the appearance of Mr . Leigh Murray , whose performance of the hero in " Extremes , "
is one of his happiest conceptions , and was almost all that was wanting to render the cast of the comedy perfect . Miss Woolgar also , and Mrs . Weston by their judicious acting have contributed greatly to the excellence of the general effect . On Thursday night a new ballet was produced , entitled the " Rendezvous , " in which the well-known Lauri family were the principal performers . The plot is as vague as usual ; we will just say that the interest turns upon the confusion of a multitude of lovers , who have assembled at one place to worship one damsel . The piece altogether is very droll . There is some very excellent dancing by Miss Jenny Lauri , and Mr . John Lauri . The remaining members of this clever family , Charles , Henry , Frederick , and Louisa , went through several clever dances . The ballet was entirely successful . A new drama is underlined as in preparation . Mr . Charles Selby has another new comedietta at the Strand Theatre which has proved equally successful with "The Last of the Pigtails ; " the run of the latter trifle still continuing . The new piece is exceedingly fast and funny , and as a consequence natural in these slow-going days , it is exceedingly improbable as to plot . | The hero , played by Mr , Parselle is desired by his hither ( Mr . Selby ) to put an end to his youthful
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Week
Evidence was given to show that the prosecutor was insane , or ab least , labouring at present under extraordinary delusions . The inquiry was again adjourned . ——Isaac Hammond ) charged with the murder of Sarah Farrell , by throwing her out of the window of a house in York Street ^ Westminster , was brought up on Saturday for further examination , and committed for trial . The Coroner ' s jury , " after mature deliberation , brought in a verdict of " wilful murder" against the prisoner .
At the Court of Bankruptcy , the examination of the Directors -of the London and EasternjBanking Corporation was adjourned sine die , as under the order by the Court of Chancery no funds are provided for any inquiry in this Court . The inauguration of the Newton statue took place at Grantham on Tuesday with great pomp , in the midst of a large concourse ) including men of science from all parts of the country . Lord Brougham presided , and delivered a learned and eloquent oration , in which he passed in review the many and wonderful discoveries of Newton , whom
he eulogized as the most surprising genius the world ever knew .- ——The Marchioness of Londonderry has given her annual entertainment to her Irish tenants , at which she congratulated them on the progress they had made in the last few years , and encouraged them to fresh efforts for improvement . ——A scheme is on foot to form a new company to complete the Great Eastern steam-ship . The capital proposed to be raised is £ 330 , 000 , which it is calculated will suffice to fit her for sea . — - —The entire stud of Lord Derby has been put up to public auction at Doneaster .
Toxophilite was the lion of the sale . Two thousand five hundred guineas were bid for him , but this offer was refused . The horse was bought in for three thousand guineas . The Times and other journals have scurrilously attacked the noble lord for having reserved and bought in the best of the horses offered for public competition .- ——The Bishop of Winchester has been engaged in his triennial visitation to the clergy of his diocese . His charge appears to have been a very elaborate document and especially strong in its denunciations of private confessionals . ——The inquiry
into the charges against the Rev . Richard Temple West , curate of Boyne Hill , on the subject of pressing poor women into improper confession , was concluded on Friday , The commissioners after examining the evidence , declared that there was not sufficient ground for any further proceedings against Mr . West , and closed the ment will enable the Secretary for India to communicate with the Governor-Genecourt . ——Mr . William Weir , editor of the " Daily News , " and one of the most accomplished and conscientious journalists of the day , died last week , and was buried in Kensal Green Cemetery .
PUBLIC AMUSEMENTS . At Drury Lane the " Rose of Castille " continues so attractive , that we have not to chronicle the expected production of Flotow ' s " Martha" in its English dress . We are happy to say that this spirited undertaking which Mr . Harrison at first considered hazardous , is likely to " turn out a complete success . The Lyceum has obtained a great accession to the strength of its very excellent company , by the appearance of Mr . Leigh Murray , whose performance of the hero in " Extremes , "
is one of his happiest conceptions , and was almost all that was wanting to render the cast of the comedy perfect . Miss Woolgar also , and Mrs . Weston by their judicious acting have contributed greatly to the excellence of the general effect . On Thursday night a new ballet was produced , entitled the " Rendezvous , " in which the well-known Lauri family were the principal performers . The plot is as vague as usual ; we will just say that the interest turns upon the confusion of a multitude of lovers , who have assembled at one place to worship one damsel . The piece altogether is very droll . There is some very excellent dancing by Miss Jenny Lauri , and Mr . John Lauri . The remaining members of this clever family , Charles , Henry , Frederick , and Louisa , went through several clever dances . The ballet was entirely successful . A new drama is underlined as in preparation . Mr . Charles Selby has another new comedietta at the Strand Theatre which has proved equally successful with "The Last of the Pigtails ; " the run of the latter trifle still continuing . The new piece is exceedingly fast and funny , and as a consequence natural in these slow-going days , it is exceedingly improbable as to plot . | The hero , played by Mr , Parselle is desired by his hither ( Mr . Selby ) to put an end to his youthful