Article Til! MASOHIC MIRiOE. ← Page 2 of 3 →
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Til! Masohic Mirioe.
delightfully situated about nine miles down the Eastern Counties line , on the road to ; merry Edmonton , of Jdhnny Gilpin celebrity ' - ~ a neighbourhood which , thanks to railways and other means of easy locomotion unknown to our forefathers , has become a favourite resort from the labours of the day , of a large number of merchants , and their employes of the city of London , many of whom naturally look for a Masonic Lodge , as a means of reunion and recreation . The
new Lodge was consecrated at the Bail way Hotel . Northumberland Park—adjoining the Park station ofthe Eastern Counties Railway , on Friday , the 27 th August , by Bro . John Hervey , P . G . I ) ., assisted by Bro . Wm " Watson P . G . Steward ( who gave the invocation prayer ) and other Brethren—the music being conducted by Bro . G . F . Taylor , who presided-at the hariiionium , assisted by Ero . Banks and others . The consecration having been concluded , Bro . Hervey proceeded to induct Bro . Potts P . M ., of the Lodge of Sincerity , No . 203 , who was named in the
warrant ot constitution , as the first Master into the chair . The W . M . then invested his officers as follows , Bro . Willson , S . W . ; Bro . Hamilton , J . W . ; Bro . Hart , Sec . ; Bro . Wright , S . D . ; Bro . Arliss , J . D . ; Bro . Whittle , LG . Bro . Dominy , . formerly of Poole , Dorsetshire , who has recently . taken the house where the Lodge is to be held , was then elected and invested as Treasurer ; and Bro . Johnson as Tyler . The usual addreses having been delivered with much power by Bro . Hervey , the ballet was taken for four candidates , Messrs . Robert Bowley Ghapman : Wm . Steadrnan
Edward Wilden , and William Pennion Smithy and two joming members , Bros . Thos . Weaver , and F . T . Ddddington , the ballot in each case being unanimous . The W . M . then proceeded to initiate the candidate of whom were introduced separately , as they should always be . At the close of the brisiiiess the Brethren adjourned to a very elegant banquet , and the remainder of the evening was spent in a most agreeable manner , there being several visitors present , in addition to the Brethren we have named , including Bro . Geo . Biggs , P . G . S ^ B . ; Bro . Richard
Spencer , P . M . 239 ; Bro . Sheen , P . M . 283 ; Bro . Garpenter , P . M . 206 ; Bro . Odell , P . M . 165 ; Bro . Burton , P . M . 9 and 202 ; & e . The toasts of the Grand Officers and the visitors was appropriately acknowledged by Bro . John Hervey , who augured from the auspicious opening of the Lodge a most prosperous future , the
whole of the candidates initiated that evening being inhabitants of the neighbourlioocL Bro . Welden returned thanks for the initiates , andexpressed the great gratification they had experienced at having been admitted as the first candidates in a new Lodge , of an Order of which they had heard so much—but of which nothing they had heard could have led them to fully realize its beauties but initiation . It would be their endeavour— -not to invite others to follow their
example—but to induce them to do so by the example which he felt they must offer to society if they only practised those precepts which had been so forcibly and beautifully enfored upon them . Bro . Hervey gave a Prosperity to the High Cross Lodge , " coupled with the health of the W . M ., than whom no brother is better adapted for bringing a Lodge into good working order . The toast was briefly acknowledged , and other toasts , relieved by some excellent singing , soon brought
the evening to a happy close . The Lodge is to meet twice a month and being beautifully situated at a short distance from the metropolis / willno doubt become a favourite place of resort for our east end brethren—especially in the summer months . We cannot conclude without a word of commendation to Bro . Dominy , for the arrangements made to secure the comfort of the Brethren . The furniture which is all new , has been supplied by Bro . Spencer .
[ We have long had the honour of the acquaintance of Bro . Dominy , and know him to be a most conscientious , upright man , but cannot avoid noticing that according to p . 57 of the Book of Constitutions ., Bro . Dominy cannot hold the office of Treasurer without obtaining a dispensation from the M . W . G . M .- —En . ]
INSTRUCTION " . Lodge ob Confidence ( No . 228 . )—A . largo number of Brethren assembled at this Lodge of Instruction , on Wednesday , August 25 , at Bro . Wadeson ' s , Bengal Arms , Birchiu Lane , it having been announced that Bin . William Watson would
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Til! Masohic Mirioe.
delightfully situated about nine miles down the Eastern Counties line , on the road to ; merry Edmonton , of Jdhnny Gilpin celebrity ' - ~ a neighbourhood which , thanks to railways and other means of easy locomotion unknown to our forefathers , has become a favourite resort from the labours of the day , of a large number of merchants , and their employes of the city of London , many of whom naturally look for a Masonic Lodge , as a means of reunion and recreation . The
new Lodge was consecrated at the Bail way Hotel . Northumberland Park—adjoining the Park station ofthe Eastern Counties Railway , on Friday , the 27 th August , by Bro . John Hervey , P . G . I ) ., assisted by Bro . Wm " Watson P . G . Steward ( who gave the invocation prayer ) and other Brethren—the music being conducted by Bro . G . F . Taylor , who presided-at the hariiionium , assisted by Ero . Banks and others . The consecration having been concluded , Bro . Hervey proceeded to induct Bro . Potts P . M ., of the Lodge of Sincerity , No . 203 , who was named in the
warrant ot constitution , as the first Master into the chair . The W . M . then invested his officers as follows , Bro . Willson , S . W . ; Bro . Hamilton , J . W . ; Bro . Hart , Sec . ; Bro . Wright , S . D . ; Bro . Arliss , J . D . ; Bro . Whittle , LG . Bro . Dominy , . formerly of Poole , Dorsetshire , who has recently . taken the house where the Lodge is to be held , was then elected and invested as Treasurer ; and Bro . Johnson as Tyler . The usual addreses having been delivered with much power by Bro . Hervey , the ballet was taken for four candidates , Messrs . Robert Bowley Ghapman : Wm . Steadrnan
Edward Wilden , and William Pennion Smithy and two joming members , Bros . Thos . Weaver , and F . T . Ddddington , the ballot in each case being unanimous . The W . M . then proceeded to initiate the candidate of whom were introduced separately , as they should always be . At the close of the brisiiiess the Brethren adjourned to a very elegant banquet , and the remainder of the evening was spent in a most agreeable manner , there being several visitors present , in addition to the Brethren we have named , including Bro . Geo . Biggs , P . G . S ^ B . ; Bro . Richard
Spencer , P . M . 239 ; Bro . Sheen , P . M . 283 ; Bro . Garpenter , P . M . 206 ; Bro . Odell , P . M . 165 ; Bro . Burton , P . M . 9 and 202 ; & e . The toasts of the Grand Officers and the visitors was appropriately acknowledged by Bro . John Hervey , who augured from the auspicious opening of the Lodge a most prosperous future , the
whole of the candidates initiated that evening being inhabitants of the neighbourlioocL Bro . Welden returned thanks for the initiates , andexpressed the great gratification they had experienced at having been admitted as the first candidates in a new Lodge , of an Order of which they had heard so much—but of which nothing they had heard could have led them to fully realize its beauties but initiation . It would be their endeavour— -not to invite others to follow their
example—but to induce them to do so by the example which he felt they must offer to society if they only practised those precepts which had been so forcibly and beautifully enfored upon them . Bro . Hervey gave a Prosperity to the High Cross Lodge , " coupled with the health of the W . M ., than whom no brother is better adapted for bringing a Lodge into good working order . The toast was briefly acknowledged , and other toasts , relieved by some excellent singing , soon brought
the evening to a happy close . The Lodge is to meet twice a month and being beautifully situated at a short distance from the metropolis / willno doubt become a favourite place of resort for our east end brethren—especially in the summer months . We cannot conclude without a word of commendation to Bro . Dominy , for the arrangements made to secure the comfort of the Brethren . The furniture which is all new , has been supplied by Bro . Spencer .
[ We have long had the honour of the acquaintance of Bro . Dominy , and know him to be a most conscientious , upright man , but cannot avoid noticing that according to p . 57 of the Book of Constitutions ., Bro . Dominy cannot hold the office of Treasurer without obtaining a dispensation from the M . W . G . M .- —En . ]
INSTRUCTION " . Lodge ob Confidence ( No . 228 . )—A . largo number of Brethren assembled at this Lodge of Instruction , on Wednesday , August 25 , at Bro . Wadeson ' s , Bengal Arms , Birchiu Lane , it having been announced that Bin . William Watson would