Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 8 of 15 →
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as I . G ., & c , & c . Bro . Nason , W . M ., and another member of the Nunea ^^ were also present . Bros . Harrold , Worthington , Watson , and Ferrim ^ been called to the pedestal , and having undergone the necessary examination / were severally passed to the second degree by Bro . Ciephan , W , M . / Nov 76 ^; after which Mr . Thomas Sansome Preston , solicitor , having been duly elected , wag
initiated into the Order by the D . Prov . G . M . A gentleman having been proposed as a candidate , and a committee appointed to revise the by-laws of the Lod ^ e , the Brethren adjourned to refreshment at the George Hotel . We congratulate the Lodge on the rapid progress which it is making since its recent resuscitation , and doubt not that it will ere long take that position in the province to which its antiquity entitles it .
NORFOLK . Appointment . —Lodge . —Monday , September 6 th / Friendship ( 117 ) , Duke ' s Head , Great Xai mouth , at 7 .
NORTHUMBERLAND . Appointments , — £ o % es .- —Monday , September 6 th , Northern Counties ( 58 ) / FreemasonsVHall , Neweastle-on-Tyne , at 7 / St . George ' s ( 624 ) , Commercial Hotel , North Shields , at 8 ; Tuesday , 7 th , St . David ' s ( 554 ) . Salmon Inn , Berwick / at 7 ; Northnml > erland ( 985 ) , CentralExchange ' Neweastle-ori-Tyne , at 7 ; Wednesday , 8 th , Blagden ( 957 ) , Ridley Arias , Biyth , at 8 . C ^ ap / er . — De Swinhourne , Freemason ' s Hall , Newcastle , at 7 .
SOMERSETSHIRE . Appointments . —Zv <> % es . ~ -Monday , September 6 th , Royal Sussex ( 61 ) , Amery ' s Hotel , Bath , at 7 J Mark . —Thursday , 9 th , Royal Cumberland , Masonic Hall , Bath , at 8 . Chapter . —Monday 6 th , Vale of Jehoshaphat , at Highbridge Inn , Huntspill , at 7 ; " Wednesday , 8 th , Royal Sussex ( 61 ) , Amery ' s Hotel , Bath , at 7 J . STAFFORDSHIRE . Appointments . —Z / od # c . ~ Frid & y , September loth , Honour ( 769 ) , Old Assembly Rooms , Wolverhampton , at 7 £ .
WILTSHIRE . PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE . The Provincial Grand Lodge of this small but prosperous province was held at the Court House , Trowbridge , on Tuesday , August 24 th—the attendance not being so numerous as was expected , owing to its being market day at Salisbury , which prevented the attendance of the Brethren from that district . At two o ' clock the Lodge of Concord ( No 915 ) was duly opened under the presidency of the
W . M . Bro . F . Webber—and shortly afterwards the R . W . Bro . Gooch , D . Prov . G . M . ( in the absence of the R . W . Prov . G . M . Lord Methuen ) and the officers of the Provincial Grand Lodge , were introduced . The W . M . tendered the chair to the R . W . D . Prov . G . M . who declined it until the business of the private Lodge and the Lodge itself , was closed . This having been done , the R . W . D . Prov . G . M . and his officers assumed their respective positions , and the Provincial Grand Lodge was duly opened .
The minutes of the last Grand Lodge held at Devizes having been read and confirmed , the Grand Treasurer brought forward his accounts , which showed a very handsome balance in favour of the Lodge . The R . W . D . Prov . G . M . congratulated the Brethren on the continued prosperity of the Lodges in the province , which could not be otherwise than most gratifying to the Brethren , as it was to him . There was one subject to which he wished specially to direct their attention , namely , the support given to their Masonic
charities . He held in his hand a circular from a committee which bad been appointed on behalf of the Masonic schools , from which it appeared that , whilst the greater part of the funds were supplied by the London Brethren , the larger number of candidates came from the provinces . This he felt ought not to be , and he would suggest whether it might not be desirable to appoint a committee to organize a system by which they might more effectually aid the charities . He was sure by doing so they would stand higher in their own estimation ; though he believ l
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
as I . G ., & c , & c . Bro . Nason , W . M ., and another member of the Nunea ^^ were also present . Bros . Harrold , Worthington , Watson , and Ferrim ^ been called to the pedestal , and having undergone the necessary examination / were severally passed to the second degree by Bro . Ciephan , W , M . / Nov 76 ^; after which Mr . Thomas Sansome Preston , solicitor , having been duly elected , wag
initiated into the Order by the D . Prov . G . M . A gentleman having been proposed as a candidate , and a committee appointed to revise the by-laws of the Lod ^ e , the Brethren adjourned to refreshment at the George Hotel . We congratulate the Lodge on the rapid progress which it is making since its recent resuscitation , and doubt not that it will ere long take that position in the province to which its antiquity entitles it .
NORFOLK . Appointment . —Lodge . —Monday , September 6 th / Friendship ( 117 ) , Duke ' s Head , Great Xai mouth , at 7 .
NORTHUMBERLAND . Appointments , — £ o % es .- —Monday , September 6 th , Northern Counties ( 58 ) / FreemasonsVHall , Neweastle-on-Tyne , at 7 / St . George ' s ( 624 ) , Commercial Hotel , North Shields , at 8 ; Tuesday , 7 th , St . David ' s ( 554 ) . Salmon Inn , Berwick / at 7 ; Northnml > erland ( 985 ) , CentralExchange ' Neweastle-ori-Tyne , at 7 ; Wednesday , 8 th , Blagden ( 957 ) , Ridley Arias , Biyth , at 8 . C ^ ap / er . — De Swinhourne , Freemason ' s Hall , Newcastle , at 7 .
SOMERSETSHIRE . Appointments . —Zv <> % es . ~ -Monday , September 6 th , Royal Sussex ( 61 ) , Amery ' s Hotel , Bath , at 7 J Mark . —Thursday , 9 th , Royal Cumberland , Masonic Hall , Bath , at 8 . Chapter . —Monday 6 th , Vale of Jehoshaphat , at Highbridge Inn , Huntspill , at 7 ; " Wednesday , 8 th , Royal Sussex ( 61 ) , Amery ' s Hotel , Bath , at 7 J . STAFFORDSHIRE . Appointments . —Z / od # c . ~ Frid & y , September loth , Honour ( 769 ) , Old Assembly Rooms , Wolverhampton , at 7 £ .
WILTSHIRE . PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE . The Provincial Grand Lodge of this small but prosperous province was held at the Court House , Trowbridge , on Tuesday , August 24 th—the attendance not being so numerous as was expected , owing to its being market day at Salisbury , which prevented the attendance of the Brethren from that district . At two o ' clock the Lodge of Concord ( No 915 ) was duly opened under the presidency of the
W . M . Bro . F . Webber—and shortly afterwards the R . W . Bro . Gooch , D . Prov . G . M . ( in the absence of the R . W . Prov . G . M . Lord Methuen ) and the officers of the Provincial Grand Lodge , were introduced . The W . M . tendered the chair to the R . W . D . Prov . G . M . who declined it until the business of the private Lodge and the Lodge itself , was closed . This having been done , the R . W . D . Prov . G . M . and his officers assumed their respective positions , and the Provincial Grand Lodge was duly opened .
The minutes of the last Grand Lodge held at Devizes having been read and confirmed , the Grand Treasurer brought forward his accounts , which showed a very handsome balance in favour of the Lodge . The R . W . D . Prov . G . M . congratulated the Brethren on the continued prosperity of the Lodges in the province , which could not be otherwise than most gratifying to the Brethren , as it was to him . There was one subject to which he wished specially to direct their attention , namely , the support given to their Masonic
charities . He held in his hand a circular from a committee which bad been appointed on behalf of the Masonic schools , from which it appeared that , whilst the greater part of the funds were supplied by the London Brethren , the larger number of candidates came from the provinces . This he felt ought not to be , and he would suggest whether it might not be desirable to appoint a committee to organize a system by which they might more effectually aid the charities . He was sure by doing so they would stand higher in their own estimation ; though he believ l