Article fHE MASONIC MIRROE, ← Page 5 of 7 →
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Fhe Masonic Mirroe,
The M . W ^ Grand Master replied hi the negative . Bro . Rev . G . R . Portal rose to a point of order . He had listened to the explanations of Bro . Havers and his worthy brother the Grrand Registrar patience , but he regretted that he could not understand the principle they Vvished to lay down . He had the most perfect confidence in the fairness of the decision of the M . W . Grand ^ Master , but he wished to remind Grand Lodge that at a recent meeting a correspondence with the Brethren hi Tasmania was laid before them : and
on that being read , a noble brot ^^ any previous notice whatever made a motion upon it . Bro . Dobi e > P . G . Reg ., did the same thing on a letter being read from Bro . Lord Naas , relative to Lodges -In the coloniesrefusing to receive Brethren initiated in the Lodges holding unSer Irish warrants . These were two important occasions on which resolutions had been entertained and passed on the presentation of papers without any previous notice . He could mention several precedents , but those to which he had alluded would serve his purpose .
Bro . Hervey , P . Q . D . said it was seldomyhe rose to interrupt any Brother , ; but he wished to refer Bro . Portal to the Boofi of Constitutions , and he would there see there that the reports of the several committees took precedence of all other business . Bro . Rev . G . R . Portal did not see the point which Bro ^ Hervey wish ed to urge . Therewas a certain letter on the paper : that letter had been passed over for the sake of avoiding discussion , and that , he and many other Brethren considered unfair .
Bro . Hervey , P . G . I ) ., explained that it was in obedience to the command of the M . W . Grand Master , that the correspondence was laid before Grand Lodge for information only , and that being the case , he wanted to know what motion eould be put upon it . Bro . Roxburgh , G . Reg , thought it his duty to call the attention of Grand Lodge to the real state of the matter before them . When the M . W . Grand Master laid before Grand Lodge any communication requiring action , it was
competent for any Brother , without previous notice , to move that that action be or . be not taken . There was , however , no analogy between such a case and the present , and Bro . Portal himself would see , if he read the words on the paper ( and no man could read them with more aeuteness ) , that this Harington correspondence was printed for the information of the Brethren and nothing else . He was surprised that one of such ingenuity and sagacity as the worthy Brother whom he had mentioned , did not himself see this .
The M . W . Grand Master wished , in reply to the question which had been put to him , to reiterate what he had already said . He agreed with the Grand Registrar that the correspondence formed no part of the report of the Board of General Purposes , and that it was not competent to any Brother to make a motion upon it without having given due notice thereof . The motion was then agreed to , that the report be taken as read .
Bro . Havers , as President ofthe Board of General Purposes , next moved that it be received and entered upon the minutes , and in doing so , begged leave to remark that it would be his duty to move the adoption of the last paragraph . If there was any portion of the report objected to by a Brother , the present was the moment for his moving that it he not received . Bro . Roxburgh , G . Reg ., seconded the motion , which was carried without further discussion .
THE BOOK OF CONSTITUTIONS . Bro . Havers then moved that the copyright of the forthcoming edition of the Book of Constitutions he vested in Bro . William Gray Clarke the Grand Secretary . This was duly seconded , and at once agreed to .
THE PROVINCES . Bio . the Rev . G . R , Portal , in moving the following resolution of which he had given notice— " It appearing , from the returns now before Grand Lodge , that some irregularity has occurred in holding Provincial Grand Lodges , it is the opinion of Grand Lodge that a Provincial Grand Lodge should be holden in each province at
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Fhe Masonic Mirroe,
The M . W ^ Grand Master replied hi the negative . Bro . Rev . G . R . Portal rose to a point of order . He had listened to the explanations of Bro . Havers and his worthy brother the Grrand Registrar patience , but he regretted that he could not understand the principle they Vvished to lay down . He had the most perfect confidence in the fairness of the decision of the M . W . Grand ^ Master , but he wished to remind Grand Lodge that at a recent meeting a correspondence with the Brethren hi Tasmania was laid before them : and
on that being read , a noble brot ^^ any previous notice whatever made a motion upon it . Bro . Dobi e > P . G . Reg ., did the same thing on a letter being read from Bro . Lord Naas , relative to Lodges -In the coloniesrefusing to receive Brethren initiated in the Lodges holding unSer Irish warrants . These were two important occasions on which resolutions had been entertained and passed on the presentation of papers without any previous notice . He could mention several precedents , but those to which he had alluded would serve his purpose .
Bro . Hervey , P . Q . D . said it was seldomyhe rose to interrupt any Brother , ; but he wished to refer Bro . Portal to the Boofi of Constitutions , and he would there see there that the reports of the several committees took precedence of all other business . Bro . Rev . G . R . Portal did not see the point which Bro ^ Hervey wish ed to urge . Therewas a certain letter on the paper : that letter had been passed over for the sake of avoiding discussion , and that , he and many other Brethren considered unfair .
Bro . Hervey , P . G . I ) ., explained that it was in obedience to the command of the M . W . Grand Master , that the correspondence was laid before Grand Lodge for information only , and that being the case , he wanted to know what motion eould be put upon it . Bro . Roxburgh , G . Reg , thought it his duty to call the attention of Grand Lodge to the real state of the matter before them . When the M . W . Grand Master laid before Grand Lodge any communication requiring action , it was
competent for any Brother , without previous notice , to move that that action be or . be not taken . There was , however , no analogy between such a case and the present , and Bro . Portal himself would see , if he read the words on the paper ( and no man could read them with more aeuteness ) , that this Harington correspondence was printed for the information of the Brethren and nothing else . He was surprised that one of such ingenuity and sagacity as the worthy Brother whom he had mentioned , did not himself see this .
The M . W . Grand Master wished , in reply to the question which had been put to him , to reiterate what he had already said . He agreed with the Grand Registrar that the correspondence formed no part of the report of the Board of General Purposes , and that it was not competent to any Brother to make a motion upon it without having given due notice thereof . The motion was then agreed to , that the report be taken as read .
Bro . Havers , as President ofthe Board of General Purposes , next moved that it be received and entered upon the minutes , and in doing so , begged leave to remark that it would be his duty to move the adoption of the last paragraph . If there was any portion of the report objected to by a Brother , the present was the moment for his moving that it he not received . Bro . Roxburgh , G . Reg ., seconded the motion , which was carried without further discussion .
THE BOOK OF CONSTITUTIONS . Bro . Havers then moved that the copyright of the forthcoming edition of the Book of Constitutions he vested in Bro . William Gray Clarke the Grand Secretary . This was duly seconded , and at once agreed to .
THE PROVINCES . Bio . the Rev . G . R , Portal , in moving the following resolution of which he had given notice— " It appearing , from the returns now before Grand Lodge , that some irregularity has occurred in holding Provincial Grand Lodges , it is the opinion of Grand Lodge that a Provincial Grand Lodge should be holden in each province at