Article fHE MASONIC MIRROE, ← Page 6 of 7 →
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Fhe Masonic Mirroe,
least once in every year , either by the Provincial Grand Master or by his D eputy , " —said he wished to commence by saying that all cause for his motion would have been removed if the M . W . G . M . had called upon the Prov . G . M . of Bucks and Berks , or his Deputy * to hold , yearly , a meeting of the Grand Lodge of The M . W . Grand Master must be permitted to interrupt the worthy Brother , by inforrning him that he had expressed that wish to the Prov . Grand Master , who had promised him that hiswish should be complied with .
Bro . Hervey observed that there was no necessity for the motion , as the rule it would lay down was already part of the Book of Constitutions as Bro . Portal would find by reference to page 47 , Bro . the Rev . G . R . Portal Was aware—on p . 47 —[ Bro . Roxburgh— ec Section 8 . " ] Yes , section 8 . He thanked the Brother for section 8- — -page 47 , section 8 . ( Great laughter . ) That law , however , seemed , through some irregularity , to have fallen into abeyance , or probably , the Grand Registrar had not looked sharp enough after the Provincial Lodges . It was extraordinary that those answers invariably came at the same time with his motions .
The M . W . Grand Master wished to set the worthy Brother right on that point . Long before the notice was given in , he had received from Lord Downshire the assurance referred to . Brov Roxburgh , G . Reg ., could only assure Bro . Portal that he should feel obliged to him if he would point out—if he would be kind enough to point out—the Grand Registrar ' s laches . A fillip from Bro . Portal would he a compliment to the delinquent . The motion was then withdrawn .
Bro . Whitmore then moved— " That it shall be competent for any member of Grand Lodge to move , without previous notice being given , the adoption , or otherwise , of any report , or recommendation contained in such report , of any board or committee appointed either by the Grand Lodge , or by the Grand Lodge and Grand Master conjointly ; and it shall also be competent for any other member of Grand Lodge , upon such motion being duly made and seconded , to propose an amendment to the same . " He said , that it seemed , from circumstances that had lately
occurred , that Grand Lodge had but a very qualified power in dealing with the reports of the several Boards , and the authorities were at variance with regard to the extent of it . On the occasion of the last meeting of Grand Lodge , Bro . Green had inquired ofthe Grand Master if it were competent for him to move that a certain portion of the report ofthe Board of General Purposes be not adopted , and he was told that it was . Consequent on that decision of his lordship a conversation took place between him and the Grand Registrar , and the result of it was , that he was induced to reverse his own ruling .
The M . W . Grand Master wished to set Bro . Whitmore right . He had not at all reversed his decision . He clearly stated that Bro . Green had that right , but that was not the proper time for him to exercise it . Bro . Whitmore said he stood corrected ; but the mere , fact of a difference of opinion between his lordship and the Grand Registrar—Bro . Roxburgh , G . Reg . — " No , thope you will not say that . " Bro . Whitmore . — The impression of the Brethren was , that there was a difference of opinion . Bro . Roxburgh , G . Reg . — I am not liable for impressions . "
Bro ., Whitmore said he did not find fault with those pleasurable interruptions ; at the same time it might be as well that the worthy Brother should hear him to the end , and then explain . ( Hear , hear . ) It had been his opinion that there was not a coincidence of views between them . His experience of public bodies was , that when a report of a committee was presented to them , it became their property to deal with it as they might think fit , and therefore it was that he brought
forward the present motion . He thought the responsibility of deciding how far these reports might be discussed , should not be imposed upon the Grand Master , but that Grand Lodge itself should do so . He had another reason for his resolution . It was that he was jealous of the privileges of Grand Lodge . ( Hear , hear . ) As they had the power of making laws , so they had the power of dealing with their defects . His resolution went to make that power distinct . When a report from
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Fhe Masonic Mirroe,
least once in every year , either by the Provincial Grand Master or by his D eputy , " —said he wished to commence by saying that all cause for his motion would have been removed if the M . W . G . M . had called upon the Prov . G . M . of Bucks and Berks , or his Deputy * to hold , yearly , a meeting of the Grand Lodge of The M . W . Grand Master must be permitted to interrupt the worthy Brother , by inforrning him that he had expressed that wish to the Prov . Grand Master , who had promised him that hiswish should be complied with .
Bro . Hervey observed that there was no necessity for the motion , as the rule it would lay down was already part of the Book of Constitutions as Bro . Portal would find by reference to page 47 , Bro . the Rev . G . R . Portal Was aware—on p . 47 —[ Bro . Roxburgh— ec Section 8 . " ] Yes , section 8 . He thanked the Brother for section 8- — -page 47 , section 8 . ( Great laughter . ) That law , however , seemed , through some irregularity , to have fallen into abeyance , or probably , the Grand Registrar had not looked sharp enough after the Provincial Lodges . It was extraordinary that those answers invariably came at the same time with his motions .
The M . W . Grand Master wished to set the worthy Brother right on that point . Long before the notice was given in , he had received from Lord Downshire the assurance referred to . Brov Roxburgh , G . Reg ., could only assure Bro . Portal that he should feel obliged to him if he would point out—if he would be kind enough to point out—the Grand Registrar ' s laches . A fillip from Bro . Portal would he a compliment to the delinquent . The motion was then withdrawn .
Bro . Whitmore then moved— " That it shall be competent for any member of Grand Lodge to move , without previous notice being given , the adoption , or otherwise , of any report , or recommendation contained in such report , of any board or committee appointed either by the Grand Lodge , or by the Grand Lodge and Grand Master conjointly ; and it shall also be competent for any other member of Grand Lodge , upon such motion being duly made and seconded , to propose an amendment to the same . " He said , that it seemed , from circumstances that had lately
occurred , that Grand Lodge had but a very qualified power in dealing with the reports of the several Boards , and the authorities were at variance with regard to the extent of it . On the occasion of the last meeting of Grand Lodge , Bro . Green had inquired ofthe Grand Master if it were competent for him to move that a certain portion of the report ofthe Board of General Purposes be not adopted , and he was told that it was . Consequent on that decision of his lordship a conversation took place between him and the Grand Registrar , and the result of it was , that he was induced to reverse his own ruling .
The M . W . Grand Master wished to set Bro . Whitmore right . He had not at all reversed his decision . He clearly stated that Bro . Green had that right , but that was not the proper time for him to exercise it . Bro . Whitmore said he stood corrected ; but the mere , fact of a difference of opinion between his lordship and the Grand Registrar—Bro . Roxburgh , G . Reg . — " No , thope you will not say that . " Bro . Whitmore . — The impression of the Brethren was , that there was a difference of opinion . Bro . Roxburgh , G . Reg . — I am not liable for impressions . "
Bro ., Whitmore said he did not find fault with those pleasurable interruptions ; at the same time it might be as well that the worthy Brother should hear him to the end , and then explain . ( Hear , hear . ) It had been his opinion that there was not a coincidence of views between them . His experience of public bodies was , that when a report of a committee was presented to them , it became their property to deal with it as they might think fit , and therefore it was that he brought
forward the present motion . He thought the responsibility of deciding how far these reports might be discussed , should not be imposed upon the Grand Master , but that Grand Lodge itself should do so . He had another reason for his resolution . It was that he was jealous of the privileges of Grand Lodge . ( Hear , hear . ) As they had the power of making laws , so they had the power of dealing with their defects . His resolution went to make that power distinct . When a report from