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in each case , having been declared unanimous , they were severally introduced , and duly received the initiatory step to Freemasonry . Lodge having been closed in due form , the Brethren adjourned h ? om labour to refreshment , provided by Bro . Wright . The P . Ms , and officers included Bros . Eawleyy Oman , Potts , Morris , Wright ,, G . Spencer , lllen , Blichfeldt , & c .
Yaebobouoh Lodoe ( N * o , 812 ) . —This Lodge resumed its meetings on Thursday , Sept . 2 nd , Bro . Crisp , W . M ., taking the chair , supported by Bro . Micldleton , S . W ., Bro . Vassey , J . W ., and by Bros . Kindred , Wyne , W . Vesper , and D . S . Potts , P . Ms , ; the visitors were Bros . Biggs , P . G . S . B ., Seholfield P . M ., 752 , Nordmark Lodge , Stockholm , Ellis , P . M ., and others . The minutes of the previous meeting having been read and confirmed , two gentlemen were introduced and initiated into the Order . Two Brothers were entrusted with the second degree , and two other Brothers advanced to the sublime degree of M . M . The ceremonies were admirably
performed by the W . M . and Bro . Kindred . The other business of the evening was the election of Tyler , in the room of Bro . Hookey , deceased . The majority of votes were in favour of Bro . Speight ^ of H o . 29 , who returned thanks for the honour conferred . Business ended , and Lodge closed the Brethren adjourned to refreshment , followed by the usual toasts . / Bro . Geo . Biggs returned thanks for the Grand Officers , and took the opportunity of addressing the newly made Brethren , exhorting them to bear in mind the beautiful precepts they had heard that night , although feeling assured , from the high recommendation that had accompanied their introduction , that they would scarcely need any exhortation from him .
BRISTOL . App oiMMENTS . —Lodges . —Tvlottdeiy , September 13 th , Royal Clarence ( 81 ) , Freemasons' Hall , at 7 ; Tuesday , 14 th , Jerusalem ( 956 ) , ditto , at 7 ; Wednesday , loth , Golston ( 880 ) , ditto , at 7 ; Friday , 17 th , Instruction , ditto , at 7 \ j Mark , —Thursday , loth , Canynges ( Nq . 7 , S . 0 . ) , ditto , at 7 .
CHESHIRE . AvvQimwmi ! . —Lodges . —Wednesday , September 15 th , Zetland ( 782 ) , Monk ' s Ferry Hotel , Birkenhead , at 4 ; Thursday , 16 th , Unity ( 334 ) , Macclesfield Arms , Macclesiield , at 7 . DEVONSHIRE . AvTOWZMnmB . —Lodyiss . —Monday , September 13 th , Sincerity ( 22 i <) , St , George ' Hall , Stonehouse jit 7 ; Sun ( 123 ) , Globe Hotel , Exmouth , at 5 .
DORSETSHIRE . Appointments . —Lodyts . -- Monday , September 13 th , Montague ( 063 ) , Lion Inn , Lyme llegbj at 7 j Wednesday , 15 th , Amity ( 160 ) , Masonic Hall > Poole , at 7 .
ESSEX . Appointment .--Xo ^ c . —Monaay , September 13 th , Star in the East ( 035 ) , Private Kooms , Harwich , ' at 7 , Oohcnmmn . —United Lodge ( No . 998 ) . —A banquet was given by the Freemasons of Colchester , at the George Hotel , on Friday , to Lieut .-Colonci Maydwell , W . M . of the United Lodgewho has juBt been appointed Deputy Adjutant-General
, at Ceylon . The room was handsomely decorated with the banners of the Angel and the United Lodges , the Patriotic Chapter , and the Temple Crossing Encampment . Amongst the Brethren who assembled to do honour to the gallant Brother we noticedtheR . W . Prov . Q . Master , Bro . Bagshaw ; Bro . J . Pattison , Prov . G . Treas . $ Bro . Burney ( Chairman ); Bro . Marriott ( Vice-Chairman ); Bro . Haddock , Bro . ft , & Nunn , Bro . Pander , Bro . E . Williams , Bro . Browne , Bro . Forbes , Bro , Slane ^
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
in each case , having been declared unanimous , they were severally introduced , and duly received the initiatory step to Freemasonry . Lodge having been closed in due form , the Brethren adjourned h ? om labour to refreshment , provided by Bro . Wright . The P . Ms , and officers included Bros . Eawleyy Oman , Potts , Morris , Wright ,, G . Spencer , lllen , Blichfeldt , & c .
Yaebobouoh Lodoe ( N * o , 812 ) . —This Lodge resumed its meetings on Thursday , Sept . 2 nd , Bro . Crisp , W . M ., taking the chair , supported by Bro . Micldleton , S . W ., Bro . Vassey , J . W ., and by Bros . Kindred , Wyne , W . Vesper , and D . S . Potts , P . Ms , ; the visitors were Bros . Biggs , P . G . S . B ., Seholfield P . M ., 752 , Nordmark Lodge , Stockholm , Ellis , P . M ., and others . The minutes of the previous meeting having been read and confirmed , two gentlemen were introduced and initiated into the Order . Two Brothers were entrusted with the second degree , and two other Brothers advanced to the sublime degree of M . M . The ceremonies were admirably
performed by the W . M . and Bro . Kindred . The other business of the evening was the election of Tyler , in the room of Bro . Hookey , deceased . The majority of votes were in favour of Bro . Speight ^ of H o . 29 , who returned thanks for the honour conferred . Business ended , and Lodge closed the Brethren adjourned to refreshment , followed by the usual toasts . / Bro . Geo . Biggs returned thanks for the Grand Officers , and took the opportunity of addressing the newly made Brethren , exhorting them to bear in mind the beautiful precepts they had heard that night , although feeling assured , from the high recommendation that had accompanied their introduction , that they would scarcely need any exhortation from him .
BRISTOL . App oiMMENTS . —Lodges . —Tvlottdeiy , September 13 th , Royal Clarence ( 81 ) , Freemasons' Hall , at 7 ; Tuesday , 14 th , Jerusalem ( 956 ) , ditto , at 7 ; Wednesday , loth , Golston ( 880 ) , ditto , at 7 ; Friday , 17 th , Instruction , ditto , at 7 \ j Mark , —Thursday , loth , Canynges ( Nq . 7 , S . 0 . ) , ditto , at 7 .
CHESHIRE . AvvQimwmi ! . —Lodges . —Wednesday , September 15 th , Zetland ( 782 ) , Monk ' s Ferry Hotel , Birkenhead , at 4 ; Thursday , 16 th , Unity ( 334 ) , Macclesfield Arms , Macclesiield , at 7 . DEVONSHIRE . AvTOWZMnmB . —Lodyiss . —Monday , September 13 th , Sincerity ( 22 i <) , St , George ' Hall , Stonehouse jit 7 ; Sun ( 123 ) , Globe Hotel , Exmouth , at 5 .
DORSETSHIRE . Appointments . —Lodyts . -- Monday , September 13 th , Montague ( 063 ) , Lion Inn , Lyme llegbj at 7 j Wednesday , 15 th , Amity ( 160 ) , Masonic Hall > Poole , at 7 .
ESSEX . Appointment .--Xo ^ c . —Monaay , September 13 th , Star in the East ( 035 ) , Private Kooms , Harwich , ' at 7 , Oohcnmmn . —United Lodge ( No . 998 ) . —A banquet was given by the Freemasons of Colchester , at the George Hotel , on Friday , to Lieut .-Colonci Maydwell , W . M . of the United Lodgewho has juBt been appointed Deputy Adjutant-General
, at Ceylon . The room was handsomely decorated with the banners of the Angel and the United Lodges , the Patriotic Chapter , and the Temple Crossing Encampment . Amongst the Brethren who assembled to do honour to the gallant Brother we noticedtheR . W . Prov . Q . Master , Bro . Bagshaw ; Bro . J . Pattison , Prov . G . Treas . $ Bro . Burney ( Chairman ); Bro . Marriott ( Vice-Chairman ); Bro . Haddock , Bro . ft , & Nunn , Bro . Pander , Bro . E . Williams , Bro . Browne , Bro . Forbes , Bro , Slane ^