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Bro . ^ Dav ^ y , Bro . Catling , Bro . Griffin , Bro . Quicke , and many others . The usual patriotic and Masonic toasts having been given , addresses from the Patriotic Chapter and Angel Lodge were presented to Bro . Maydwell . T ^ duced the toast of the evening— " Health and prosperity to Bro . Maydwell '—in kind and energetic language , andfinished hisi speech by placing on Bro . MaydwelTs breast a very splendid Past Master ' s jewel , as a present from the Unrt Bro . Maydwell expressed his gratification at these marks of kindness on the part of the Brethren , which would never be effaced from his memory .
aLOUCESTERSHIRE . Appointment . — !^*? , -Wednesday , August 15 th , Cotteswold ( 862 ) , Bain Hotel , Cirencester , at 6 J . HAMPSHIRE . AppoiNTMENTS .---Lo ^ s .- ~ Wednesday , September 15 th , Royal Sussex ( 428 ) , Freemasons ' Hotel , Portsea , at 7 ; Thursday , 16 th , Southampton ( 555 ) , Freemasons' Hall , Southampton , at 7 .
ISLE OF WIGHT . Appointment . —Lodj / e .- ^ We dnesda . j , September 15 th , East Medina ( 204 ) , Masonic Hall , Ryde , at 7 .
KENT . ' Appointment . —Xo ^ e . —Wednesday , September 16 th , Royal Naval ( 621 ) , Hamsgate , at 7 . LANCASHIRE ( EAST ) . Appointments . —Lodges . —We & msfay , September 15 th , St . John ' s { MSy , Commercial Hotel , Bolton , at 6 f ; Faith ( 847 ) , New Inn , Openshaw , at 7 ; Thursday , 16 th , Samaritan ( 358 ) , Green Man , Bacup , at 7 y Perseverance ( 432 ) , Old Bxill , JBIaclcburn , at 8 ; Friday , 17 th , Virtue ( 177 ) , Masonic Kooms , Manchester , at 6 . Chapter . —Monday , 13 th , Perseverance ( 432 ) , Old Bull , ZBlackburn , at 8 . Encampment . — ' Friday , 17 tby Hugh de Payens , Old Bull , Blackburn , at 7 .
Makchestee . — Lodge of Affability ( No . 399 . )—The Brethren of this Lodge met at the Masonic Lodge rooms , Cross-street Chambers , on Thui'sday , the 2 nd inst . The Lodge having been opened in the first degree , Mr . Samuel Tidniass and Mr . George Abel were initiated by Bro . Lyons Wright , P . M ., in liis usual able and impressive manner . The charge was kindly '' and effectively delivered by Bro . Baldwin , W . M ., No . 216 . It was proposed by Bro . Lyons Wright , P . M ., and seconded by Bro . J . J . Lundy , P . M ., that Bro . J . L . Hine , P . M ., No . 407 , be
admitted an honorary member of the Lodge of Affability , as a mark of respect for his truly Masonic character , and as a slight recognition of his able and willing assistance continually rendered to the officers and members of the Lodge for several years past , whenever his services were required , and oftentimes at very great inconvenience to himself . There was as usual a good number of visiting Brethren from the sister Lodges , and the Lodge was also honoured by the presence of Bro . Henry F . Holt , of Cadogan Lodge , London , No . 188 .
LANCASHIRE ( WEST ) . Appointments . —Lodges . —Monday , September 13 th , Sincerity ( 368 ) , Adelpki Hotel , Liverpool , at 4 ; Tuesday , 14 th , Merchants ( 310 ) , Royal Hotel , Liverpool , at 5 ; Ifcoyal Preston ( 418 ) , Cross Axes , Preston , at 8 ; Thursday , 16 th , Ancient Union ( 245 ) , Boyal Hotel , Liverpool , at 6 ; Friday , 17 th , Mariners ( 310 ) . Instruction . —Hank ' s Buildings , Liverpool , at 7 . Encampment . — Friday , 17 th , Jacques de Molay , Adelphi Hotel , Liverpool , at 4 .
LINCOLNSHIRE . Appointments . —Lodges . —Tuesday , September 14 th , Harmony ( 339 ) , Masonic Hall , Boston , at 7 - , Thursda }' , 16 th , Shakepeare ( 617 ) , Town Hall , Spilsby , at 6 .
NORFOLK Norwich . —Perwuranee fjodge ( No . 258 ) . —This Lodge met at the Lamb Inn , St . Peter ' s Mancroffc , on Thursday , August 26 * th . After the minutes of the previous meeting had been confirmed , the ballot was taken for Mr . Francis Colsey , when he was unanimously elected . Bro * Emanuel Hyams , Junior Warden of the
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Bro . ^ Dav ^ y , Bro . Catling , Bro . Griffin , Bro . Quicke , and many others . The usual patriotic and Masonic toasts having been given , addresses from the Patriotic Chapter and Angel Lodge were presented to Bro . Maydwell . T ^ duced the toast of the evening— " Health and prosperity to Bro . Maydwell '—in kind and energetic language , andfinished hisi speech by placing on Bro . MaydwelTs breast a very splendid Past Master ' s jewel , as a present from the Unrt Bro . Maydwell expressed his gratification at these marks of kindness on the part of the Brethren , which would never be effaced from his memory .
aLOUCESTERSHIRE . Appointment . — !^*? , -Wednesday , August 15 th , Cotteswold ( 862 ) , Bain Hotel , Cirencester , at 6 J . HAMPSHIRE . AppoiNTMENTS .---Lo ^ s .- ~ Wednesday , September 15 th , Royal Sussex ( 428 ) , Freemasons ' Hotel , Portsea , at 7 ; Thursday , 16 th , Southampton ( 555 ) , Freemasons' Hall , Southampton , at 7 .
ISLE OF WIGHT . Appointment . —Lodj / e .- ^ We dnesda . j , September 15 th , East Medina ( 204 ) , Masonic Hall , Ryde , at 7 .
KENT . ' Appointment . —Xo ^ e . —Wednesday , September 16 th , Royal Naval ( 621 ) , Hamsgate , at 7 . LANCASHIRE ( EAST ) . Appointments . —Lodges . —We & msfay , September 15 th , St . John ' s { MSy , Commercial Hotel , Bolton , at 6 f ; Faith ( 847 ) , New Inn , Openshaw , at 7 ; Thursday , 16 th , Samaritan ( 358 ) , Green Man , Bacup , at 7 y Perseverance ( 432 ) , Old Bxill , JBIaclcburn , at 8 ; Friday , 17 th , Virtue ( 177 ) , Masonic Kooms , Manchester , at 6 . Chapter . —Monday , 13 th , Perseverance ( 432 ) , Old Bull , ZBlackburn , at 8 . Encampment . — ' Friday , 17 tby Hugh de Payens , Old Bull , Blackburn , at 7 .
Makchestee . — Lodge of Affability ( No . 399 . )—The Brethren of this Lodge met at the Masonic Lodge rooms , Cross-street Chambers , on Thui'sday , the 2 nd inst . The Lodge having been opened in the first degree , Mr . Samuel Tidniass and Mr . George Abel were initiated by Bro . Lyons Wright , P . M ., in liis usual able and impressive manner . The charge was kindly '' and effectively delivered by Bro . Baldwin , W . M ., No . 216 . It was proposed by Bro . Lyons Wright , P . M ., and seconded by Bro . J . J . Lundy , P . M ., that Bro . J . L . Hine , P . M ., No . 407 , be
admitted an honorary member of the Lodge of Affability , as a mark of respect for his truly Masonic character , and as a slight recognition of his able and willing assistance continually rendered to the officers and members of the Lodge for several years past , whenever his services were required , and oftentimes at very great inconvenience to himself . There was as usual a good number of visiting Brethren from the sister Lodges , and the Lodge was also honoured by the presence of Bro . Henry F . Holt , of Cadogan Lodge , London , No . 188 .
LANCASHIRE ( WEST ) . Appointments . —Lodges . —Monday , September 13 th , Sincerity ( 368 ) , Adelpki Hotel , Liverpool , at 4 ; Tuesday , 14 th , Merchants ( 310 ) , Royal Hotel , Liverpool , at 5 ; Ifcoyal Preston ( 418 ) , Cross Axes , Preston , at 8 ; Thursday , 16 th , Ancient Union ( 245 ) , Boyal Hotel , Liverpool , at 6 ; Friday , 17 th , Mariners ( 310 ) . Instruction . —Hank ' s Buildings , Liverpool , at 7 . Encampment . — Friday , 17 th , Jacques de Molay , Adelphi Hotel , Liverpool , at 4 .
LINCOLNSHIRE . Appointments . —Lodges . —Tuesday , September 14 th , Harmony ( 339 ) , Masonic Hall , Boston , at 7 - , Thursda }' , 16 th , Shakepeare ( 617 ) , Town Hall , Spilsby , at 6 .
NORFOLK Norwich . —Perwuranee fjodge ( No . 258 ) . —This Lodge met at the Lamb Inn , St . Peter ' s Mancroffc , on Thursday , August 26 * th . After the minutes of the previous meeting had been confirmed , the ballot was taken for Mr . Francis Colsey , when he was unanimously elected . Bro * Emanuel Hyams , Junior Warden of the