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Wolverhampton . ^—8 t Peter ' s Lodge ( No . 607 ) . —A meetiing of the members was holden at the Star and Garter , on Thursdayy September 2 nd . In the a bsence of the W . M ., Bro . King , the chair was taken by Bro . Gpugh , W . M . 769- —a member also of this Lodge / The mr ^ was passed to the second degree . The ceremony was ably conducted by the W , M „ who also delivered the charge of this degree ; A gentleman was proposed for initiation . Several visitors were present .
SUFFOLK . > A ^ mtNTKEma ^ Lodges . ^ ' Wednesday , September 15 th , Perfect Prielidship ( 523 ) , White Hart , Ipswich , at 7 ; Thursday , 16 th , lenity ( 84 ) , Sufi ^ lk Hotel , Lowestoft , at 7 .
¦ . SUSSEX-, . : A ?? omwmT .- ~ Lod ( je . ~ -Moiiday , September 13 th , J ) erweut ( 47 ) , Swan Hotel , Hastings , at 8 . Chichester . —Lo ( % e of Z 7 mo % ( No . 45 . )^ -This Lodge held its first meeting after the summer recess , on Thursday , the 2 nd inst ., at which ^ a members were present . The W . M . Bro . Geo . Smith presided . A ballot was taken for Mr . William Augustus Joberns , surgeon , of Selsey , that gentleman being unanimously accepted as a candidate for initiation . TheW . M . gave the ceremony
with his accustomed precision . Bro . Saniuel / Newman having given proof of his proficiency , was duly passed to the degree of F . G . The business of the Lodge being over , the Lodge closed in due form and in perfect harnipny , and the Brethren retired to an elegant banquet , provided by Bro / Purchase , of the Globe Hotel , The usual loyal and Masonic toasts having been given and duly honoured , the W . M . proposed the health of the newly initiate Brother . Bro . Joberns in hisi reply expressed himself delighted to find , even during his short acquaintance
with Freemasonry , so mueh to admire . There was a turning point in the lives of all , and he believed his was in becoming a Mason ; and of this he felt sure , that in carrying out the principles and' precepts of Freemasonry he should improve himself and benefit his neighbours . The W < M . then in . a truly sincere and Masonic speech , in which he deservedly eulogized the able and energetic services of the Past Masters of the Lodge , proposed their health . The immediate P . M . Bro ; Jas . Powell , jun ., in reply , begged to assure theBrethren that it afforded him
great pleasure at all times to render any assistance in his power , and to the extent of his ability , for the advancement and welfare of the Order ; and , with the permission of the W . M ., he would observe , that he deemed it the paramount duty of every Brother to use his best endeavours to promote the interests of his Lodge , by constant and regular attendance , and a conscientious and faithful discharge of any official duty entrusted to him . The time was approaching when the annual change of officers would take place ; and he ( Bro . Powell ) begged most earnestly
to urge the Brethren of No . 45 , to apply themselves diligently to the acquirements of that Masonic knowledge so essential to the proper working of a Lodge , and without which in officers , the dignity of the Order and the beauty of the ceremonies suffered materially . The health of the W . M . having been drunk with hearty good will , Bro . Smith , in reply , alluded to the absence and general apathy of his Deacons , hut cordially recognized the valuable aid and co-operation of his officers present , and expressing a hope that their absent Brethren would , for the
remainder of the year , be more attentive to their Masonic duties . The W . M . concluded by proposing the officers of £ To . 45 . Bro . Molesworth , S . W ., in acknowledging the toast said , that sharing in some degree the anxiety of Bro . Powell , for the continued prosperity of the Lodge , he was not disposed to despond . When he looked around that board , he felt satisfied that whoever was elected to rule the Lodge in December next , would have no difficulty in selecting an able and efficient
staff of officers . Of himself lie could only say , it was his most anxious desire to discharge his Masonic duties with fervency and zeal ; but there were Brethren present , both in and out of oifice , who set a bright example to all by their unvarying regularity and noteworthy attention ; and some of these came seven or eight miles to every Lodge , regardless of wind or weather . Would that the Brethren resident in Chichester would exhibit a like spirit . The worthy Brother concluded by proposing tho health of the Brethren of No . 45 resident in the
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Wolverhampton . ^—8 t Peter ' s Lodge ( No . 607 ) . —A meetiing of the members was holden at the Star and Garter , on Thursdayy September 2 nd . In the a bsence of the W . M ., Bro . King , the chair was taken by Bro . Gpugh , W . M . 769- —a member also of this Lodge / The mr ^ was passed to the second degree . The ceremony was ably conducted by the W , M „ who also delivered the charge of this degree ; A gentleman was proposed for initiation . Several visitors were present .
SUFFOLK . > A ^ mtNTKEma ^ Lodges . ^ ' Wednesday , September 15 th , Perfect Prielidship ( 523 ) , White Hart , Ipswich , at 7 ; Thursday , 16 th , lenity ( 84 ) , Sufi ^ lk Hotel , Lowestoft , at 7 .
¦ . SUSSEX-, . : A ?? omwmT .- ~ Lod ( je . ~ -Moiiday , September 13 th , J ) erweut ( 47 ) , Swan Hotel , Hastings , at 8 . Chichester . —Lo ( % e of Z 7 mo % ( No . 45 . )^ -This Lodge held its first meeting after the summer recess , on Thursday , the 2 nd inst ., at which ^ a members were present . The W . M . Bro . Geo . Smith presided . A ballot was taken for Mr . William Augustus Joberns , surgeon , of Selsey , that gentleman being unanimously accepted as a candidate for initiation . TheW . M . gave the ceremony
with his accustomed precision . Bro . Saniuel / Newman having given proof of his proficiency , was duly passed to the degree of F . G . The business of the Lodge being over , the Lodge closed in due form and in perfect harnipny , and the Brethren retired to an elegant banquet , provided by Bro / Purchase , of the Globe Hotel , The usual loyal and Masonic toasts having been given and duly honoured , the W . M . proposed the health of the newly initiate Brother . Bro . Joberns in hisi reply expressed himself delighted to find , even during his short acquaintance
with Freemasonry , so mueh to admire . There was a turning point in the lives of all , and he believed his was in becoming a Mason ; and of this he felt sure , that in carrying out the principles and' precepts of Freemasonry he should improve himself and benefit his neighbours . The W < M . then in . a truly sincere and Masonic speech , in which he deservedly eulogized the able and energetic services of the Past Masters of the Lodge , proposed their health . The immediate P . M . Bro ; Jas . Powell , jun ., in reply , begged to assure theBrethren that it afforded him
great pleasure at all times to render any assistance in his power , and to the extent of his ability , for the advancement and welfare of the Order ; and , with the permission of the W . M ., he would observe , that he deemed it the paramount duty of every Brother to use his best endeavours to promote the interests of his Lodge , by constant and regular attendance , and a conscientious and faithful discharge of any official duty entrusted to him . The time was approaching when the annual change of officers would take place ; and he ( Bro . Powell ) begged most earnestly
to urge the Brethren of No . 45 , to apply themselves diligently to the acquirements of that Masonic knowledge so essential to the proper working of a Lodge , and without which in officers , the dignity of the Order and the beauty of the ceremonies suffered materially . The health of the W . M . having been drunk with hearty good will , Bro . Smith , in reply , alluded to the absence and general apathy of his Deacons , hut cordially recognized the valuable aid and co-operation of his officers present , and expressing a hope that their absent Brethren would , for the
remainder of the year , be more attentive to their Masonic duties . The W . M . concluded by proposing the officers of £ To . 45 . Bro . Molesworth , S . W ., in acknowledging the toast said , that sharing in some degree the anxiety of Bro . Powell , for the continued prosperity of the Lodge , he was not disposed to despond . When he looked around that board , he felt satisfied that whoever was elected to rule the Lodge in December next , would have no difficulty in selecting an able and efficient
staff of officers . Of himself lie could only say , it was his most anxious desire to discharge his Masonic duties with fervency and zeal ; but there were Brethren present , both in and out of oifice , who set a bright example to all by their unvarying regularity and noteworthy attention ; and some of these came seven or eight miles to every Lodge , regardless of wind or weather . Would that the Brethren resident in Chichester would exhibit a like spirit . The worthy Brother concluded by proposing tho health of the Brethren of No . 45 resident in the