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country . Bro . ^ W H . Stubbington briefly responded for the eight country members present , & nd said that whenever there was any thing doin ^ the range of his capability , he liked to be one there . The W . M ., in proposing the health of the Secretary / Bro . W ^ of the late Secretary , Bro . Robert Elliott , adding , that the pleasure he ^ ^ ^ M appohiting Bro . Cottell was alloyed by the necessity that existed for Bro . Elliott
to resign . Bro . Cottell thanked the W . M . and Brethren for their kindness , in a brief but manly speech— " I hold , said he , that when a man accepts office , he pledges his fidelity to the duties thereof ! In what I have done , I have only endeavoured to do my duty ; if I have succeeded in doing that , I have only done what I ought , and deserve ho thanks for having done my duty . " Bro . Elhott thanked allpresent for the cordial and fraternal greeting he had received on this his first appearance among them since it had pleased the Great Architect of the
Universe to chasten hinl with affliction . Though compelled from pressure of domestic and ^ professional matters to resign the office of Secretary , he hope d yet to be of service to the Lodge , whose continued prosperity he should at all times endeavour to promote . The W . M . having cahed on his S . Wr for a toast , Bro . Molesworth , in ahusion to some previous observations of the initiate , remarked that although solicitation or persuasion was not permitted , still , if the uninitiated wished to know what Freemasonry did , they could proudly point to the noble
charities of the Order , by means of which the wants and distresses of the aged and infirm were cared for ; and bj which also the children of their less fortunate Brethren were fostered and so trained , that he believed in no single instance had a child from their schools , when started on the broad stage of life , cast discredit on their teachers , but had so conducted themselves as to reflect the highest honour on the managers of the schools and their noble Craft An old member of No . 45 , Bro . John Simmonds , and Mrs . Palmer ( widow of an old townsman ) had
during the past year , been elected annuitants of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Fund ; the remainder of their existence being cheered by the happiness of knowing that want would trouble not their souls . He ( Bro . Molesworth ) would take that opportunity of acknowledging with gratitude the assistance afforded by many present , in obtaining these elections ; but he wished most strongly to impress on those Brethren who were subscribers to either of the charities , the duty of
obtaining more subscribers : and on those who were not already subscribers , to become so . Bro . Molesworth concluded a very earnest appeal by declaring that , while the charities might be deemed an ornament to the Order , the support they received was a disgrace . Bros . Chase , Qoodeve , Joberns , Lancaster and Collins , contributed to the harmony of the evening by some excellent songs .
WARWICKSHIRE . Appointments . —Lodges . —Monday , September 13 th , Rectitude ( 739 ) , George Hotel , Rugby , at 6 | j Howe ( 857 ) , Masonic Rooms , Birmingham , at 6 . WILTSHIRE . ArvoiNTM-Rms . —Lodges . —Tuesday , September 14 th , Elias de Derham ( 806 ) , White Hart Hotel , Salisbury , at 7 £ ; Thursday , 10 th , Fidelity ( 961 ) , Town Hall , Devizes , at 7 .
WORCESTERSHIRE . Appointments . —Tuesday , September 14 th , Provincial Grand Lodge , Jludley Arms Hotel , Dudley , at 1 |; the meeting ofthe Eoyal Standard Lodge for this date fa adjourned in consequence ofthe Provincial Grand Lodge . Wednesday , 15 th , Yernon ( 819 ) ? Old Town Hall Installation , at 4 ; Worcester ( 349 ) , Bell Hotel , Worcester , at 6 i . Instru < : tio ? i . —Thursday , 9 th , at 8 .
YORKSHIRE ( NORTH AND EAST ) . Appointments . —September , Provincial Grand Lodge , Whitby ; Lodges , Monday , September 13 th , Royal ( 926 ) , Bellevue House , Filey , at 7 . Chapter . —ihuvBdaxy , 16 th , Constitutional ( 371 ) , Assembly Rooms , Beveriey , at 8 . YORKSHIRE ( WEST ) . Appointments . — Lodges . — Thursday , September 16 th , Harmony ( 874 ) , Freemasons' Hall , Bradford , at 7 ; Friday , 17 th , Alfred ( 384 ) . Instruction . —Griffin Hotel , Leeds ? at 8 . Clwpter .-r-Tuesday , 14 th , Fidelity ( 304 ) , Freemasons' Halh Iiocdp , at 7 . ' '
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
country . Bro . ^ W H . Stubbington briefly responded for the eight country members present , & nd said that whenever there was any thing doin ^ the range of his capability , he liked to be one there . The W . M ., in proposing the health of the Secretary / Bro . W ^ of the late Secretary , Bro . Robert Elliott , adding , that the pleasure he ^ ^ ^ M appohiting Bro . Cottell was alloyed by the necessity that existed for Bro . Elliott
to resign . Bro . Cottell thanked the W . M . and Brethren for their kindness , in a brief but manly speech— " I hold , said he , that when a man accepts office , he pledges his fidelity to the duties thereof ! In what I have done , I have only endeavoured to do my duty ; if I have succeeded in doing that , I have only done what I ought , and deserve ho thanks for having done my duty . " Bro . Elhott thanked allpresent for the cordial and fraternal greeting he had received on this his first appearance among them since it had pleased the Great Architect of the
Universe to chasten hinl with affliction . Though compelled from pressure of domestic and ^ professional matters to resign the office of Secretary , he hope d yet to be of service to the Lodge , whose continued prosperity he should at all times endeavour to promote . The W . M . having cahed on his S . Wr for a toast , Bro . Molesworth , in ahusion to some previous observations of the initiate , remarked that although solicitation or persuasion was not permitted , still , if the uninitiated wished to know what Freemasonry did , they could proudly point to the noble
charities of the Order , by means of which the wants and distresses of the aged and infirm were cared for ; and bj which also the children of their less fortunate Brethren were fostered and so trained , that he believed in no single instance had a child from their schools , when started on the broad stage of life , cast discredit on their teachers , but had so conducted themselves as to reflect the highest honour on the managers of the schools and their noble Craft An old member of No . 45 , Bro . John Simmonds , and Mrs . Palmer ( widow of an old townsman ) had
during the past year , been elected annuitants of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Fund ; the remainder of their existence being cheered by the happiness of knowing that want would trouble not their souls . He ( Bro . Molesworth ) would take that opportunity of acknowledging with gratitude the assistance afforded by many present , in obtaining these elections ; but he wished most strongly to impress on those Brethren who were subscribers to either of the charities , the duty of
obtaining more subscribers : and on those who were not already subscribers , to become so . Bro . Molesworth concluded a very earnest appeal by declaring that , while the charities might be deemed an ornament to the Order , the support they received was a disgrace . Bros . Chase , Qoodeve , Joberns , Lancaster and Collins , contributed to the harmony of the evening by some excellent songs .
WARWICKSHIRE . Appointments . —Lodges . —Monday , September 13 th , Rectitude ( 739 ) , George Hotel , Rugby , at 6 | j Howe ( 857 ) , Masonic Rooms , Birmingham , at 6 . WILTSHIRE . ArvoiNTM-Rms . —Lodges . —Tuesday , September 14 th , Elias de Derham ( 806 ) , White Hart Hotel , Salisbury , at 7 £ ; Thursday , 10 th , Fidelity ( 961 ) , Town Hall , Devizes , at 7 .
WORCESTERSHIRE . Appointments . —Tuesday , September 14 th , Provincial Grand Lodge , Jludley Arms Hotel , Dudley , at 1 |; the meeting ofthe Eoyal Standard Lodge for this date fa adjourned in consequence ofthe Provincial Grand Lodge . Wednesday , 15 th , Yernon ( 819 ) ? Old Town Hall Installation , at 4 ; Worcester ( 349 ) , Bell Hotel , Worcester , at 6 i . Instru < : tio ? i . —Thursday , 9 th , at 8 .
YORKSHIRE ( NORTH AND EAST ) . Appointments . —September , Provincial Grand Lodge , Whitby ; Lodges , Monday , September 13 th , Royal ( 926 ) , Bellevue House , Filey , at 7 . Chapter . —ihuvBdaxy , 16 th , Constitutional ( 371 ) , Assembly Rooms , Beveriey , at 8 . YORKSHIRE ( WEST ) . Appointments . — Lodges . — Thursday , September 16 th , Harmony ( 874 ) , Freemasons' Hall , Bradford , at 7 ; Friday , 17 th , Alfred ( 384 ) . Instruction . —Griffin Hotel , Leeds ? at 8 . Clwpter .-r-Tuesday , 14 th , Fidelity ( 304 ) , Freemasons' Halh Iiocdp , at 7 . ' '