Article ¦»(¦ THE BOYS' SCHOOL. ← Page 2 of 9 →
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¦»(¦ The Boys' School.
extending the plan of the school , before all the pupils are placed under one roof ? This consideration , however ^ is quite distinct from those to which I would now draw the attentionof your jreMets rel ^ ive to the pl & n itself . 1 . Your cor ^ si > dndent , LL . B ,, says that he is quite sure that £ 100 a year is sufficient fbr a young mm to live upoii at college . I have now resided in the TJniyersity ftf OxfoM for ten ye ! n * s continuously ( with the
exception of occasional absence aftd my ( experience teaches me * that thMgh such a thing has b ££ ti tone , and is therefore within the raiige bf possibility ^ it is a hard tbhig to expect of any young man . It depekds , firstly , on the college tit ball to which the student belong ^; gepiidly , xm hifnself . In the several colleges , th & charges for tuition * batells , rent , & c ,-j vary so much that it is perhaps difficult to strike an av ^ rjage ^ but I will , ntvertheleps take , as an average ^ what I believe to
be about as fair a one as any other , viz ,, —my own' batell bills , from my matriculation in March , 1849 , to my degree in 1853 , four y ^ ars , about the usual time spent in the university . I should add that this includes college
expenses only , and that without ever having been extravagant , I did not , as my means were comfortable , practise quite as close econoiny as I might have done . 1849 . ' ¦¦' £ .. > . _ '
Matriculation fees to the college and university , about d 0 0 Caiition money . . " . . . . . . 30 0 0 Batells , including room rent , tuition , bread , butter , cheese , beer , meat , washing , college and university dues , and all college and university expenses * . 12 6 0 1850 . Batells , as before . . . . . . . . 103 7 0 1851 . „ „ . . . . . ' . . . 60 13 0 loO ^ . ,, ., . . . . . . . , Jo o o
1853 . Batells , not including room rent and tuition , which are no longer charged when the student has resided a certain time , as he is then exempted from attending college lectures , and finds his own lodgings out of college . ( This is only from about April to June . )* 7 18 0 College fees for B . A degree 2 2 0 University fees for ditto , about . . . . 80 0 £ 353 9 C
C ( I N 3 . —Out of the sixteen terms required by the university , four are virtually dispensed with , as during two , called grace terms , the student is non-resident ; and also during tlie term in which he matriculates , and in which he takes his degree , both which acts occupy under an hour , but nevertheless " keep the term , " so that the expense of his keep for these four terms , at home or elsewhere , must be added to the three hundred and odd pounds named above , as also his keep during all the vacations . Besides this there are to be considered the absolutely necessary items of clothes , books , and travelling expenses , and the equally necessary one of something
lor amusements . No man can be absolutely without amusement of any hind for a period of four years ; and especially just when emerging from the hoy into tho man ; and such expenses as the subscription to support the college boat , the subscription to a reading room * the Union tor instance , and a little money occasionally spent on boating on his own account , may be considered as almost unavoidable expenses , as being necessary for the health both of body and mind . I may add that in my college one or two charges were higher , others lower than in other colleges—it may , I should say , bo considered as a fair average . In Cambridge 1 have every reason to believe that , though the items vary , the actual expense is about the oatne .
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¦»(¦ The Boys' School.
extending the plan of the school , before all the pupils are placed under one roof ? This consideration , however ^ is quite distinct from those to which I would now draw the attentionof your jreMets rel ^ ive to the pl & n itself . 1 . Your cor ^ si > dndent , LL . B ,, says that he is quite sure that £ 100 a year is sufficient fbr a young mm to live upoii at college . I have now resided in the TJniyersity ftf OxfoM for ten ye ! n * s continuously ( with the
exception of occasional absence aftd my ( experience teaches me * that thMgh such a thing has b ££ ti tone , and is therefore within the raiige bf possibility ^ it is a hard tbhig to expect of any young man . It depekds , firstly , on the college tit ball to which the student belong ^; gepiidly , xm hifnself . In the several colleges , th & charges for tuition * batells , rent , & c ,-j vary so much that it is perhaps difficult to strike an av ^ rjage ^ but I will , ntvertheleps take , as an average ^ what I believe to
be about as fair a one as any other , viz ,, —my own' batell bills , from my matriculation in March , 1849 , to my degree in 1853 , four y ^ ars , about the usual time spent in the university . I should add that this includes college
expenses only , and that without ever having been extravagant , I did not , as my means were comfortable , practise quite as close econoiny as I might have done . 1849 . ' ¦¦' £ .. > . _ '
Matriculation fees to the college and university , about d 0 0 Caiition money . . " . . . . . . 30 0 0 Batells , including room rent , tuition , bread , butter , cheese , beer , meat , washing , college and university dues , and all college and university expenses * . 12 6 0 1850 . Batells , as before . . . . . . . . 103 7 0 1851 . „ „ . . . . . ' . . . 60 13 0 loO ^ . ,, ., . . . . . . . , Jo o o
1853 . Batells , not including room rent and tuition , which are no longer charged when the student has resided a certain time , as he is then exempted from attending college lectures , and finds his own lodgings out of college . ( This is only from about April to June . )* 7 18 0 College fees for B . A degree 2 2 0 University fees for ditto , about . . . . 80 0 £ 353 9 C
C ( I N 3 . —Out of the sixteen terms required by the university , four are virtually dispensed with , as during two , called grace terms , the student is non-resident ; and also during tlie term in which he matriculates , and in which he takes his degree , both which acts occupy under an hour , but nevertheless " keep the term , " so that the expense of his keep for these four terms , at home or elsewhere , must be added to the three hundred and odd pounds named above , as also his keep during all the vacations . Besides this there are to be considered the absolutely necessary items of clothes , books , and travelling expenses , and the equally necessary one of something
lor amusements . No man can be absolutely without amusement of any hind for a period of four years ; and especially just when emerging from the hoy into tho man ; and such expenses as the subscription to support the college boat , the subscription to a reading room * the Union tor instance , and a little money occasionally spent on boating on his own account , may be considered as almost unavoidable expenses , as being necessary for the health both of body and mind . I may add that in my college one or two charges were higher , others lower than in other colleges—it may , I should say , bo considered as a fair average . In Cambridge 1 have every reason to believe that , though the items vary , the actual expense is about the oatne .