Article THE GEA^D MASTEE A^ ← Page 2 of 11 →
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The Gea^D Mastee A^
I write this hiirriedly , in the hope that it may be in time for your next number , and remain , Sir and Brother , yours fraternally , 125 , Oxford Street , J , Whitmore , NoveniberMi . 1858 .
THE OFFICE OE GEAND SECEETAEr . TO OTTED I ^ Sir ^ anjx B ^ which the in
quiry is made , I am very unwilling to b ^ coiTespond ^ nt , and therefore am induced to depart firorn my resolution to maintain soine wee 4 ; A ^^
p I ww & candidate for the office of feand Secret c ^ pn through ^ courteous repl ^^ upon W'hich , it m
ahle ahdperfee ^ Iinay Mate ^ to the resignation of Bro . White ^ and therefore could hardly be m influenced by that eveM Let me take this opportunity to assure my numerous fHends , that the
4 4 tali siting" of your last week ' s editorial has not been productive of any immediately dangerous consequences to Sir and Brother , Yours faithfully and fraternally , London , loth Nov ,, 1858 . Fkede . Binckes .
PEOVINCIAL GRAND LODGE OP WOECESTEESHIEE . VtO THE 3 SDIT 0 E OF THE PREEMASONS * MAGAZINE AJTO MASONIC MIBROB . Si £ and Brgtheb , —I beg to forward the enclosed resolution , unani imously passed at the Eoyal Standard Lodge last night , and to remain , Your obedient servant , We Masefield , Sec ., P . Prov . S . G . W ., and Prov , G . Treas . Worcestershire , Dudley . Nov . 10 $ , 1858 .
" Royal Standard Lodge , No . 780 , Dudley , Nov , 9 , 1858 . " Proposed and unanimously resolved" That this Lodge cannot but express its deep regret upon reading in some of the leading articles in the last few numbers of tho Freemasons' Magazine , expressions and opinions relative to our Provincial Grand Master and his appointment of officers for the present year—articles which are written in a most mimaso ^ ic » pirit , and calculated to cause much dissension in the Craft and disunion amongst
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Gea^D Mastee A^
I write this hiirriedly , in the hope that it may be in time for your next number , and remain , Sir and Brother , yours fraternally , 125 , Oxford Street , J , Whitmore , NoveniberMi . 1858 .
THE OFFICE OE GEAND SECEETAEr . TO OTTED I ^ Sir ^ anjx B ^ which the in
quiry is made , I am very unwilling to b ^ coiTespond ^ nt , and therefore am induced to depart firorn my resolution to maintain soine wee 4 ; A ^^
p I ww & candidate for the office of feand Secret c ^ pn through ^ courteous repl ^^ upon W'hich , it m
ahle ahdperfee ^ Iinay Mate ^ to the resignation of Bro . White ^ and therefore could hardly be m influenced by that eveM Let me take this opportunity to assure my numerous fHends , that the
4 4 tali siting" of your last week ' s editorial has not been productive of any immediately dangerous consequences to Sir and Brother , Yours faithfully and fraternally , London , loth Nov ,, 1858 . Fkede . Binckes .
PEOVINCIAL GRAND LODGE OP WOECESTEESHIEE . VtO THE 3 SDIT 0 E OF THE PREEMASONS * MAGAZINE AJTO MASONIC MIBROB . Si £ and Brgtheb , —I beg to forward the enclosed resolution , unani imously passed at the Eoyal Standard Lodge last night , and to remain , Your obedient servant , We Masefield , Sec ., P . Prov . S . G . W ., and Prov , G . Treas . Worcestershire , Dudley . Nov . 10 $ , 1858 .
" Royal Standard Lodge , No . 780 , Dudley , Nov , 9 , 1858 . " Proposed and unanimously resolved" That this Lodge cannot but express its deep regret upon reading in some of the leading articles in the last few numbers of tho Freemasons' Magazine , expressions and opinions relative to our Provincial Grand Master and his appointment of officers for the present year—articles which are written in a most mimaso ^ ic » pirit , and calculated to cause much dissension in the Craft and disunion amongst