Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 14 of 15 →
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the motion on its own merits alone . The Rev . H . A . Pickard briefly explained that he had merelysaid that such rumours did exist , and had been spread , but that lie had never either believed them , or expressed his belief in them . The resolution was carried unanimously ; The Lodge was then closed in due form , and
the Brethren retired to the banquet , where the utmost unanimity and good feeling prevailed , the iare was good , the speeches short , and the tout ensemble such as fully to keep up the chaiucter which the Apollo Lodge , Oxford , has long sustained , as one of the most pleasant societies possible in which to spend an agreeable evening .
- , SOMERSETSHIRE . Appointment . —Lodge . —Monday , November 8 th , Honour ( 528 ) , Masonic Hall , Bath , " at . 8 . Marie . —Thursday , 11 th , Eoyal Cumberland , Masonic H all , Bath , at 8 . Chapter . —Wednesday 10 th , Boyal Sussex ( 61 ) , Amery s Hotel , Bath , at 7 J . STAFFORDSHIRE . > Ai ? PoiiirTMENT . *~ -X < G ^ e » - —Friday , November 12 th ., Honour ( 769 ) , Old Assembly Rooms , Wol verhampton , at 7 \ .
PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE . On Tuesday , Oct . 26 th , the brethren of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Staffordshire , met for tlie appointment of officers ancl the transaction of other business , in the Shire Hall , Stafford . The Right Worshipful the Prov . G . M . Col . Yernon presided on the occasion , supported by the Right Worshipful D . Prov . G . M . Bro . Ward , and a large body of the Past and Present Grand Officers . After the opening of the Grand Lodge , the consecration of the New Lodge , the Staffordshire Knot , was impressively performed by the Prov . G . M . ; the Prov . G . Chap . Brother Downs
the Prov . S . GW . Brother A . Glover ; the Prov . J . G . W . Rro . C . Davenport , & c . The musical arrangements were under the management of the Prov . G . Org , Bro . John Emery , jun ., assisted by Bro . Ed win Shargool . At the conclusion of the ceremonies , the brethren of the Prov . G . Lodge , to the number of nearly 100 , sat down to a very sumptuous banquet , the R . W . Prov . G . M . presiding . On the withdrawal of the cloth , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were proposed and duly honoured , being alternated by glees and songs effectively rendered by Bros . Pursall , Glydon , Pendleton , Baker , & c , under the able direction of Bro . Shargool .
SUSSEX . ArpoiNTMENT . —Xo ^ c . — -Monday , November 8 th , Dcrwent ( -. 17 ) , Swan Hotel , Hastings , at 8 , WARWICKSHIRE . Appointments . — Lodges . —M on day , November 8 th , llecti fcucle ( 739 ) , George Hotel , Itugb y at 6 J ; Howe ( 857 ) , Masonic Rooms , Birmingham , at 6 . Chapter . —Wednesday , 10 th , Howe ( 857 ) , Masonic Hall , Birmingham , at (> .
WILTSHIRE . kKvom'SWim—Lodfje . —Tuesday , November 0 th , Elias de Derham ( 856 ) , Salisbury , at 7-J . WORCESTERSHIRE . Ai . 'poIiN ^ mewts ,-- Lodges . — Tuesday , November 9 Lh , Koyal Standard ( 730 ) , Dudley Arms , Dudley , at 6 . J . Chapter . —Tueaday , 9 th , Kcval Standard ( 730 ) , Dudley Arms , . Dudley , at 3 . Dudley .---Lodge of Perseverance ( No . 838 ) . —The monthly meeting of this prosperous'Lodge took place on " Wednesday evening last , under more than ordinary
eclat ) it being an invitation meeting , in compliment to the newly appointed Master , . Bro . Horton , Burgeon . We noticed amongst a large number of tho members of the Lodge , the following visitors : Bro . Clark , W . M . of 313 , Prov . Q . B . I ) . ; the Rev . Bro . A . G . DavieK , Prov . G . S . W ., * Ih'o . Masefield , Prov , G . Treas . ; Bro . Dennison , P . M . and Prov , G . Registrar ; Pro . Dr . Davidson , 730 ; Bro . E . Hollier , W . M . 819 ; Bro . Westley , 819 ; Bro . Cooper , 313 ; and Bro . Burton , G . W ., 313 . There being a candidate in attendance to be passed U > the second degree , the Lodge was duly dedicated in that-ceremony , and tho W . M . in a most emphatic and
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the motion on its own merits alone . The Rev . H . A . Pickard briefly explained that he had merelysaid that such rumours did exist , and had been spread , but that lie had never either believed them , or expressed his belief in them . The resolution was carried unanimously ; The Lodge was then closed in due form , and
the Brethren retired to the banquet , where the utmost unanimity and good feeling prevailed , the iare was good , the speeches short , and the tout ensemble such as fully to keep up the chaiucter which the Apollo Lodge , Oxford , has long sustained , as one of the most pleasant societies possible in which to spend an agreeable evening .
- , SOMERSETSHIRE . Appointment . —Lodge . —Monday , November 8 th , Honour ( 528 ) , Masonic Hall , Bath , " at . 8 . Marie . —Thursday , 11 th , Eoyal Cumberland , Masonic H all , Bath , at 8 . Chapter . —Wednesday 10 th , Boyal Sussex ( 61 ) , Amery s Hotel , Bath , at 7 J . STAFFORDSHIRE . > Ai ? PoiiirTMENT . *~ -X < G ^ e » - —Friday , November 12 th ., Honour ( 769 ) , Old Assembly Rooms , Wol verhampton , at 7 \ .
PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE . On Tuesday , Oct . 26 th , the brethren of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Staffordshire , met for tlie appointment of officers ancl the transaction of other business , in the Shire Hall , Stafford . The Right Worshipful the Prov . G . M . Col . Yernon presided on the occasion , supported by the Right Worshipful D . Prov . G . M . Bro . Ward , and a large body of the Past and Present Grand Officers . After the opening of the Grand Lodge , the consecration of the New Lodge , the Staffordshire Knot , was impressively performed by the Prov . G . M . ; the Prov . G . Chap . Brother Downs
the Prov . S . GW . Brother A . Glover ; the Prov . J . G . W . Rro . C . Davenport , & c . The musical arrangements were under the management of the Prov . G . Org , Bro . John Emery , jun ., assisted by Bro . Ed win Shargool . At the conclusion of the ceremonies , the brethren of the Prov . G . Lodge , to the number of nearly 100 , sat down to a very sumptuous banquet , the R . W . Prov . G . M . presiding . On the withdrawal of the cloth , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were proposed and duly honoured , being alternated by glees and songs effectively rendered by Bros . Pursall , Glydon , Pendleton , Baker , & c , under the able direction of Bro . Shargool .
SUSSEX . ArpoiNTMENT . —Xo ^ c . — -Monday , November 8 th , Dcrwent ( -. 17 ) , Swan Hotel , Hastings , at 8 , WARWICKSHIRE . Appointments . — Lodges . —M on day , November 8 th , llecti fcucle ( 739 ) , George Hotel , Itugb y at 6 J ; Howe ( 857 ) , Masonic Rooms , Birmingham , at 6 . Chapter . —Wednesday , 10 th , Howe ( 857 ) , Masonic Hall , Birmingham , at (> .
WILTSHIRE . kKvom'SWim—Lodfje . —Tuesday , November 0 th , Elias de Derham ( 856 ) , Salisbury , at 7-J . WORCESTERSHIRE . Ai . 'poIiN ^ mewts ,-- Lodges . — Tuesday , November 9 Lh , Koyal Standard ( 730 ) , Dudley Arms , Dudley , at 6 . J . Chapter . —Tueaday , 9 th , Kcval Standard ( 730 ) , Dudley Arms , . Dudley , at 3 . Dudley .---Lodge of Perseverance ( No . 838 ) . —The monthly meeting of this prosperous'Lodge took place on " Wednesday evening last , under more than ordinary
eclat ) it being an invitation meeting , in compliment to the newly appointed Master , . Bro . Horton , Burgeon . We noticed amongst a large number of tho members of the Lodge , the following visitors : Bro . Clark , W . M . of 313 , Prov . Q . B . I ) . ; the Rev . Bro . A . G . DavieK , Prov . G . S . W ., * Ih'o . Masefield , Prov , G . Treas . ; Bro . Dennison , P . M . and Prov , G . Registrar ; Pro . Dr . Davidson , 730 ; Bro . E . Hollier , W . M . 819 ; Bro . Westley , 819 ; Bro . Cooper , 313 ; and Bro . Burton , G . W ., 313 . There being a candidate in attendance to be passed U > the second degree , the Lodge was duly dedicated in that-ceremony , and tho W . M . in a most emphatic and