Article MAEK MASONRY ← Page 2 of 3 →
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Maek Masonry
and after -the usual business of the Lodge was concluded , the R . W . M . called the attention of the Brethren to the circulars issued by Bros . Hughes , No . 1 , Sheen , No . 3 , Isaacs , No . 4 , and Dixon , No . 11 , M . M . Lodges , relative to the position of Mark Masters' Lodges holding charters under the Grand Chapter of Scotland , and recommending the withdrawal of allegiance from the above Grand Chapter , and forming a new Grand Mark Lodge in England . Bro . Hinxman commented , in
strong terms , ' upon the proceedings of the so called Lord Leigh ' s / party , assuming to themselves the formation of a Grand Lodge , which is quite contrary to ^ all rules of Freemasonry , inasmuch as a number of Brethren assembled at a meeting for the purpose of making such laws as to regulate their own Lodge . No general invitation was given to Mark Masons to attend this meeting , neither were the proceedings published for the general information of the Craft . And Bro . Clerk observed that he looked upon Mark Masonry as an intermediate step between
Leicester . —The Foiuke Lodge of Marh Masters ( No . . 19 , L . C . )—The second meeting of this recently established Lodge , was held at the Three Crowns Hotel , Leicester , on Thursday last . There were present Bros . Kelly , ( Prov . Grand Master of the Mark for Leicestershire ) , W . M . Kinton , as S . W . ; Bankart , J . W . ; - Hardy , Clapham , Smith , Millican , Paul , Sheppard , Johnson , and Pithrey . The only visitor present was Bro . William Hands , of Lodge ( No . 58 ) , Hinckley , one of Nelson ' s veterans , having been a marine on board the Victory , and who was
advanced to the Mark degree , so far back as the year 1807 , in Lodge , No . 8 , attached to the 90 th 'Regiment , at Gibraltar . The minutes of the former Lodge having been read and confirmed , a ballot was taken for Bros . C . J . Willey , S . W . ; H . J . Davis , and S . Carter , of the John of Gaunt Lodge , No . 766 , and J . W . Smith , LL . JD . y S . W ., of the Knights of Malta Lodge , No . 53 , Hinckley , and Prov . G . Reg ., who were duly elected ; and Bros . Willey and Davis being present , were duly advanced to the degree of Mark Master , as was also Bro . Robt . B re win , Jan ., S . D .,
of No . 76 ( i , who was balloted for at the first meeting . The W . M . then appointed and invested the officers for the ensuing year , as follows ;—Bros . F . Goodyer , S . W . ; G . Bankart , J . W . ; E . Olephan , ( elected ) Treas . ; W . B . Smith , Sec ; W . Millican , Reg . ; J . D . Paul , S . D . ; T . Shepparu , J . I ) . ; W . S . Bitlirey , Dir . of Music and Cers . ; W . Johnson and C . J . Willey , Stewards ; Robt . Brew in , Jun ., I . G . The code oi
by-laws proposed at the former meeting was considered , and the various rules having been discussed seriatim , were unanimously adopted . The W . M . proposed , and the J . W . seconded—That Bros . Underwood , ( Mayor of Leicester ) , Pettifor , and Windram , the W . M .., S . and J . W ., ( and the founders ) , of the Howe Lod e of Mark Masters , No . 21 , Leicester , be elected honorary members of this Lodge .
After the transaction of further business of a formal character , the Lodge was closed in due form . Although the Lodge was only opened on the 9 th September , it already numbers fifteen subscribing members , and several other Brethren are waiting for advancement . There can be no doubt that , as the merits of this beautiful , but ( in England ) long neglected degree , become more generally known among the Brethren , they will be properly appreciated by tho Craft , and it is
devoutly to be wished that the whole of the Mark Masters Lodges in England may soon be united under one supreme authority , a » s nothing tends so greatly to check the progress of Mark Masonry iu the country as the disunited and disorganized state of the Lodges . One country Lodge , " working from immemorial usage , " han , to our -knowledge , some time ago granted a warrant for the establishment of at least one Lodge in another town .
Master Masons and the Royal Arch degree . After some further conversation aihongst the Brethren , it was unanimously agreed— " That the members of this Lodge have no intention to * withdraw their allegiance from the Grand Chapter of Scotland ., from whence they hail , and that they do not recognize any Grand Lodge of Mark Masters as a distinct body . Resolved that the Secretary be requested to transmit a copy of the above resolution to each of the Brethren who signed the "circular above mentioned .
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Maek Masonry
and after -the usual business of the Lodge was concluded , the R . W . M . called the attention of the Brethren to the circulars issued by Bros . Hughes , No . 1 , Sheen , No . 3 , Isaacs , No . 4 , and Dixon , No . 11 , M . M . Lodges , relative to the position of Mark Masters' Lodges holding charters under the Grand Chapter of Scotland , and recommending the withdrawal of allegiance from the above Grand Chapter , and forming a new Grand Mark Lodge in England . Bro . Hinxman commented , in
strong terms , ' upon the proceedings of the so called Lord Leigh ' s / party , assuming to themselves the formation of a Grand Lodge , which is quite contrary to ^ all rules of Freemasonry , inasmuch as a number of Brethren assembled at a meeting for the purpose of making such laws as to regulate their own Lodge . No general invitation was given to Mark Masons to attend this meeting , neither were the proceedings published for the general information of the Craft . And Bro . Clerk observed that he looked upon Mark Masonry as an intermediate step between
Leicester . —The Foiuke Lodge of Marh Masters ( No . . 19 , L . C . )—The second meeting of this recently established Lodge , was held at the Three Crowns Hotel , Leicester , on Thursday last . There were present Bros . Kelly , ( Prov . Grand Master of the Mark for Leicestershire ) , W . M . Kinton , as S . W . ; Bankart , J . W . ; - Hardy , Clapham , Smith , Millican , Paul , Sheppard , Johnson , and Pithrey . The only visitor present was Bro . William Hands , of Lodge ( No . 58 ) , Hinckley , one of Nelson ' s veterans , having been a marine on board the Victory , and who was
advanced to the Mark degree , so far back as the year 1807 , in Lodge , No . 8 , attached to the 90 th 'Regiment , at Gibraltar . The minutes of the former Lodge having been read and confirmed , a ballot was taken for Bros . C . J . Willey , S . W . ; H . J . Davis , and S . Carter , of the John of Gaunt Lodge , No . 766 , and J . W . Smith , LL . JD . y S . W ., of the Knights of Malta Lodge , No . 53 , Hinckley , and Prov . G . Reg ., who were duly elected ; and Bros . Willey and Davis being present , were duly advanced to the degree of Mark Master , as was also Bro . Robt . B re win , Jan ., S . D .,
of No . 76 ( i , who was balloted for at the first meeting . The W . M . then appointed and invested the officers for the ensuing year , as follows ;—Bros . F . Goodyer , S . W . ; G . Bankart , J . W . ; E . Olephan , ( elected ) Treas . ; W . B . Smith , Sec ; W . Millican , Reg . ; J . D . Paul , S . D . ; T . Shepparu , J . I ) . ; W . S . Bitlirey , Dir . of Music and Cers . ; W . Johnson and C . J . Willey , Stewards ; Robt . Brew in , Jun ., I . G . The code oi
by-laws proposed at the former meeting was considered , and the various rules having been discussed seriatim , were unanimously adopted . The W . M . proposed , and the J . W . seconded—That Bros . Underwood , ( Mayor of Leicester ) , Pettifor , and Windram , the W . M .., S . and J . W ., ( and the founders ) , of the Howe Lod e of Mark Masters , No . 21 , Leicester , be elected honorary members of this Lodge .
After the transaction of further business of a formal character , the Lodge was closed in due form . Although the Lodge was only opened on the 9 th September , it already numbers fifteen subscribing members , and several other Brethren are waiting for advancement . There can be no doubt that , as the merits of this beautiful , but ( in England ) long neglected degree , become more generally known among the Brethren , they will be properly appreciated by tho Craft , and it is
devoutly to be wished that the whole of the Mark Masters Lodges in England may soon be united under one supreme authority , a » s nothing tends so greatly to check the progress of Mark Masonry iu the country as the disunited and disorganized state of the Lodges . One country Lodge , " working from immemorial usage , " han , to our -knowledge , some time ago granted a warrant for the establishment of at least one Lodge in another town .
Master Masons and the Royal Arch degree . After some further conversation aihongst the Brethren , it was unanimously agreed— " That the members of this Lodge have no intention to * withdraw their allegiance from the Grand Chapter of Scotland ., from whence they hail , and that they do not recognize any Grand Lodge of Mark Masters as a distinct body . Resolved that the Secretary be requested to transmit a copy of the above resolution to each of the Brethren who signed the "circular above mentioned .