Article MAEK MASONRY ← Page 3 of 3 Article ROYAL ARCH Page 1 of 5 →
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Maek Masonry
NORTHUMBERLAND . Nortktmberland and Berwick- upon-Tweed Lodge . — Leigh .. Constitution ; , ^ This Lodge was duly opened on Wednesday , Oct . 27 , in the Masonic Hall , Newcastle-upon-Tyne , by Bro . John Barker , as R . W . M . ; Septimus Bell , as S . W . ; H . T . Ludvvig , as J . W . ; Henry Hotham , as S . D . ; C . J . Bannister , as XL * . ; Andrew Gillespie , as Reg * , and Sec . ; and other Brethren . Bro . James Rutter , of the Zetland Lodge , Hong Kong , was , after a unanimous ballot , advanced to this degree by Bro . JohnBarker . The Lodge then proceeded to the election of R . W . M .,
Treasurer , and Tyler , and the unanimous vote of the Lodge fell on Bro . Barker as R . W . M . ; Bro . Gillespie as Treas ., and Bro . Trotter as Tyler . The R . W . M / elect having thanked the Brethren , announced to them / that since their last meeting the M . W . G . M ., Lord Leigh , had been pleased to honour the Lodge , by appointing one of its members to office , and that the selection has fallen on himself , he having been appointed G . Dir . of ' Cers . This announcement was received with applause , and the R . W . M . was congratulated on his promotion . After the transaction of other business , the Lodge was closed in love and harmony .
Royal Arch
METROPOLITAN CHAPTERS . Union of Waterloo Chapter . ( No . 13 ) . —This very flourishing Chapter held its usual meeting on Wednesday , the 27 th inst ., at Comp . Allen ' s , the Red Lion Tavern , Woolwich . In consequence of the decease of the M . E . Z ., Comp . James Wild , the First Principal ' s chair was filled by E . Comp . Peter Laird , P . Z ., assisted by Comp . G-. T . Fox , IT ., and Comp . H . Clerk , J ., who , in a yery able manner , exalted Bro . Carter , of Lodge No . 1 , 008 , and Bro . Dadson , to the supreme degree of Royal Arch Mason . The exaltations being concluded , the Companions
proceeded to the election of officers for the ensuing year , when the following were declared to be duly elected : —Comps . G . T . Fox , as M . E . Z . ; H . Clerk , as H . ; H . Moore , as J . ; R . E . Barnes , as E . ; John Anderson , as N . ; G . W . Turner , as Treasurer ; Richard Brown , as P . S . ; Samuel Allison , as Janitor . An additional sum of five pounds was voted to the Widows' Annuity Fund . The Chapter being closed , the Companions , about twenty-five in number , adjourned to an elegant
banquet . The banquet ended , the usual toasts were given and responded to . The M . E . Z . then proposed " The Health of the Past Principals / ' viz ., Comps . Turner , Muggeridge , and R . E . Barnes . Oomp . Turner , in reply , assured the Companions , as the pillars of the Chapter , it would be their earnest desire to give all the support in their power not only to the Chapter collectively , but to the members individually . " The Health of the Visitors , " Comps . Hinxman and Chase , was also given , and warmly responded to . The Companions parted at an early hour .
RoBEK ' rBuiiNsCHArTEB ( No . 25 ) . —The members of this Chapter held a convocation on Monday , the 25 th October , Comp . Blackburn acting as Z . - ; Comp . Archer , P . Z ., as H . ; and Halkett , J . The businens of exaltation , was most admirably carried out , the candidates being Bros . Thos . Robinson , XI ) ., of the Prince Frederick William Lodge , No . 1055 ; and Bro . Freud , S . W . of the Belgrave Lodge , No . 1051 . Some candidates for exaltation having been proposed , the Chapter was duly closed , and the Comps . adjourned to refreshment , Comp- Wm . Watson , P . Z .,
presiding . Comp . Froud acknowledged the toast of the newly exalted Companions , and expressed the great satisfaction lie felt at his admissio n to the exalted degree . Comp . Gole , Prov . G . S . B ., responded to the health of the Grand Officers , and subsequently for the visitors . " Prosperity to Royal Arch Freemasonry " having been drunk in connection with the name of the Rev . Bro . McLaughlan , that Bro . responed by a very eloquent discourse on the beauties of the Order . The harmony of the evening was enhanced by tho singing of Comps . Taylor , Piatt , and others .
St . AnuNtt' Ciiafthu ( No . : J 2 ) . -The increasing prosperity of our Order has
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Maek Masonry
NORTHUMBERLAND . Nortktmberland and Berwick- upon-Tweed Lodge . — Leigh .. Constitution ; , ^ This Lodge was duly opened on Wednesday , Oct . 27 , in the Masonic Hall , Newcastle-upon-Tyne , by Bro . John Barker , as R . W . M . ; Septimus Bell , as S . W . ; H . T . Ludvvig , as J . W . ; Henry Hotham , as S . D . ; C . J . Bannister , as XL * . ; Andrew Gillespie , as Reg * , and Sec . ; and other Brethren . Bro . James Rutter , of the Zetland Lodge , Hong Kong , was , after a unanimous ballot , advanced to this degree by Bro . JohnBarker . The Lodge then proceeded to the election of R . W . M .,
Treasurer , and Tyler , and the unanimous vote of the Lodge fell on Bro . Barker as R . W . M . ; Bro . Gillespie as Treas ., and Bro . Trotter as Tyler . The R . W . M / elect having thanked the Brethren , announced to them / that since their last meeting the M . W . G . M ., Lord Leigh , had been pleased to honour the Lodge , by appointing one of its members to office , and that the selection has fallen on himself , he having been appointed G . Dir . of ' Cers . This announcement was received with applause , and the R . W . M . was congratulated on his promotion . After the transaction of other business , the Lodge was closed in love and harmony .
Royal Arch
METROPOLITAN CHAPTERS . Union of Waterloo Chapter . ( No . 13 ) . —This very flourishing Chapter held its usual meeting on Wednesday , the 27 th inst ., at Comp . Allen ' s , the Red Lion Tavern , Woolwich . In consequence of the decease of the M . E . Z ., Comp . James Wild , the First Principal ' s chair was filled by E . Comp . Peter Laird , P . Z ., assisted by Comp . G-. T . Fox , IT ., and Comp . H . Clerk , J ., who , in a yery able manner , exalted Bro . Carter , of Lodge No . 1 , 008 , and Bro . Dadson , to the supreme degree of Royal Arch Mason . The exaltations being concluded , the Companions
proceeded to the election of officers for the ensuing year , when the following were declared to be duly elected : —Comps . G . T . Fox , as M . E . Z . ; H . Clerk , as H . ; H . Moore , as J . ; R . E . Barnes , as E . ; John Anderson , as N . ; G . W . Turner , as Treasurer ; Richard Brown , as P . S . ; Samuel Allison , as Janitor . An additional sum of five pounds was voted to the Widows' Annuity Fund . The Chapter being closed , the Companions , about twenty-five in number , adjourned to an elegant
banquet . The banquet ended , the usual toasts were given and responded to . The M . E . Z . then proposed " The Health of the Past Principals / ' viz ., Comps . Turner , Muggeridge , and R . E . Barnes . Oomp . Turner , in reply , assured the Companions , as the pillars of the Chapter , it would be their earnest desire to give all the support in their power not only to the Chapter collectively , but to the members individually . " The Health of the Visitors , " Comps . Hinxman and Chase , was also given , and warmly responded to . The Companions parted at an early hour .
RoBEK ' rBuiiNsCHArTEB ( No . 25 ) . —The members of this Chapter held a convocation on Monday , the 25 th October , Comp . Blackburn acting as Z . - ; Comp . Archer , P . Z ., as H . ; and Halkett , J . The businens of exaltation , was most admirably carried out , the candidates being Bros . Thos . Robinson , XI ) ., of the Prince Frederick William Lodge , No . 1055 ; and Bro . Freud , S . W . of the Belgrave Lodge , No . 1051 . Some candidates for exaltation having been proposed , the Chapter was duly closed , and the Comps . adjourned to refreshment , Comp- Wm . Watson , P . Z .,
presiding . Comp . Froud acknowledged the toast of the newly exalted Companions , and expressed the great satisfaction lie felt at his admissio n to the exalted degree . Comp . Gole , Prov . G . S . B ., responded to the health of the Grand Officers , and subsequently for the visitors . " Prosperity to Royal Arch Freemasonry " having been drunk in connection with the name of the Rev . Bro . McLaughlan , that Bro . responed by a very eloquent discourse on the beauties of the Order . The harmony of the evening was enhanced by tho singing of Comps . Taylor , Piatt , and others .
St . AnuNtt' Ciiafthu ( No . : J 2 ) . -The increasing prosperity of our Order has