Article EOYAL ARCH ← Page 2 of 5 →
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Eoyal Arch
been abundantly evidenced of late by the large number of new Lodges which have been constituted in the suburbs of themetropolis and else where ; but a considerable period has elapsed since such an impetus was given to Arch Masonry as that afforded by the opening of a new Chapter in connection with the St . Albans' Lodg-e , on Tuesday , 26 th Sept ., at the London Coffee House , Ludgate-hill . From what came under our own observation , we should say that this Chapter has been formed under peculiarly favourable auspices , and we augur for it a long career of usefulness and prosperity . To the indefatigable exertions of Comp . S . E . Nutt , we believe is mainly to be attributed the success which haa already been attained , though several Companions have rendered much valuable assistance ,
foremost amongst them ranking Comp . R . Bavies , who has presented the Chapter with the whole of the really beautiful regalia which was so much admired , and to whom a vote of thanks , recorded on the minutes , has been presented . To Comp . W . Watson , P . ZL , was entrusted the ceremony of consecration , and most efficiently conducted were the whole of the proceedings under his able supervision . Comp . D . S . Potts , P . Z ., sat as H . ; and Comp . Geo . Biggs , P . Z ., and P . G . D . C ^ whose services to Arch Masonry are so well known , and so highly esteemed , occupied the chair of J . ; Comp . S . Noble acting as E . ; Comp . de la Chaumette as P / S . ; with Comps . Herepath . and Cole as Assists . ; Comp . Archer undertaking the
responsible duties of Dir . of Oers . After the consecration , ballots were taken for those Brethren who-had been proposed for exaltation , all of which being in the affirmative , Bros . Chapman , Boards , and Davies , all of Lodge No . 32 , were introduced and duly exalted to a participation in the secrets and mysteries of the supreme degree . Then followed the installation of Principals , and the election and appointment of officers :- ~ Comps . R . Dames , Z . ; S . E . Nutt , PL ; H . Webber , J . ; TV Hatchings , E . ; Chapman , N . ; A . de la Chaumette , P . S . ; Boards , 1 st Assist . ; Geo . Dames , 2 nd Assist . ; Bowen and Cole , Stewards ; Comp . Nutt w as unanimously
elected Treas . The Chapter having been closed in ancient and solemn form , the Companions adjourned to the banquet , which was furnished with every attention to their requirements and comfort . The visitors were Comps . J . Simpson , P . Z ., No . 11—who , on behalf of the entire body , ably gave expression to the pleasure they had derived from their visit , and to the acknowledgment of the kindness and attention they had received , and to their earnest wishes for the continued and increasing prosperity of the Chapter ; F . Adlard , M . E . Z ., No . 259 ; J . W . Adams , P . Z ., No . 778 : Playford , George , and Hemsby , No . 30 ; Thos . E . Ladd , ISTo . 223 ; Knott ,
No . 248 ; F . Binckes , No . 259 ; H . J . Thompson , No . 812 ; Riches , No . 7 ; Guest , No . 248 ; Lawler , & c , & c . ; Comps . Lawler and George adding much to the enjoyment of the evening by their excellent singing . Comp . W . Gray Clarke , C . S . E ., who was unavoidably absent , sent a letter expressive of his regret at not being able to attend on so interesting an occasion .
PROVINCIAL . PROVINCIAL GRAND CHAPTER OF WEST YORKSHIRE / The following by-laws have been adopted for the government of the Prov . Grand Chapter of West Yorkshire , and which we publish for the information of other ' - ' W . Grand Chapters : —
1 st . —A Prov . Grand Chapter shall be holden twice in every year—on the first Wednesday in the months of May and November ; and at every Prov . Grand Chapter ( if the Prov . Grand Superintendent will permit ) the Companions shall appoint the place for holding the next 'Prov . Grand Chapter .
2 nd . —The subordinate Chapter at the place where the Prov . Grand Chapter shall be appointed to be holden , shall allow their Chapter room and paraphernalia to be used by the Prov . Grand Chapter , free of charge ; but all other expenses incident to the meeting of the Prov . Grand Chapter shall be defrayed out of the funds of tho Prov . Grand Chapter , subject to revision by the Prov . . Grand Chapter 3 rd . —The Prov . Grand Officers shall be appointed , and thelYov . Grand Treasurer
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Eoyal Arch
been abundantly evidenced of late by the large number of new Lodges which have been constituted in the suburbs of themetropolis and else where ; but a considerable period has elapsed since such an impetus was given to Arch Masonry as that afforded by the opening of a new Chapter in connection with the St . Albans' Lodg-e , on Tuesday , 26 th Sept ., at the London Coffee House , Ludgate-hill . From what came under our own observation , we should say that this Chapter has been formed under peculiarly favourable auspices , and we augur for it a long career of usefulness and prosperity . To the indefatigable exertions of Comp . S . E . Nutt , we believe is mainly to be attributed the success which haa already been attained , though several Companions have rendered much valuable assistance ,
foremost amongst them ranking Comp . R . Bavies , who has presented the Chapter with the whole of the really beautiful regalia which was so much admired , and to whom a vote of thanks , recorded on the minutes , has been presented . To Comp . W . Watson , P . ZL , was entrusted the ceremony of consecration , and most efficiently conducted were the whole of the proceedings under his able supervision . Comp . D . S . Potts , P . Z ., sat as H . ; and Comp . Geo . Biggs , P . Z ., and P . G . D . C ^ whose services to Arch Masonry are so well known , and so highly esteemed , occupied the chair of J . ; Comp . S . Noble acting as E . ; Comp . de la Chaumette as P / S . ; with Comps . Herepath . and Cole as Assists . ; Comp . Archer undertaking the
responsible duties of Dir . of Oers . After the consecration , ballots were taken for those Brethren who-had been proposed for exaltation , all of which being in the affirmative , Bros . Chapman , Boards , and Davies , all of Lodge No . 32 , were introduced and duly exalted to a participation in the secrets and mysteries of the supreme degree . Then followed the installation of Principals , and the election and appointment of officers :- ~ Comps . R . Dames , Z . ; S . E . Nutt , PL ; H . Webber , J . ; TV Hatchings , E . ; Chapman , N . ; A . de la Chaumette , P . S . ; Boards , 1 st Assist . ; Geo . Dames , 2 nd Assist . ; Bowen and Cole , Stewards ; Comp . Nutt w as unanimously
elected Treas . The Chapter having been closed in ancient and solemn form , the Companions adjourned to the banquet , which was furnished with every attention to their requirements and comfort . The visitors were Comps . J . Simpson , P . Z ., No . 11—who , on behalf of the entire body , ably gave expression to the pleasure they had derived from their visit , and to the acknowledgment of the kindness and attention they had received , and to their earnest wishes for the continued and increasing prosperity of the Chapter ; F . Adlard , M . E . Z ., No . 259 ; J . W . Adams , P . Z ., No . 778 : Playford , George , and Hemsby , No . 30 ; Thos . E . Ladd , ISTo . 223 ; Knott ,
No . 248 ; F . Binckes , No . 259 ; H . J . Thompson , No . 812 ; Riches , No . 7 ; Guest , No . 248 ; Lawler , & c , & c . ; Comps . Lawler and George adding much to the enjoyment of the evening by their excellent singing . Comp . W . Gray Clarke , C . S . E ., who was unavoidably absent , sent a letter expressive of his regret at not being able to attend on so interesting an occasion .
PROVINCIAL . PROVINCIAL GRAND CHAPTER OF WEST YORKSHIRE / The following by-laws have been adopted for the government of the Prov . Grand Chapter of West Yorkshire , and which we publish for the information of other ' - ' W . Grand Chapters : —
1 st . —A Prov . Grand Chapter shall be holden twice in every year—on the first Wednesday in the months of May and November ; and at every Prov . Grand Chapter ( if the Prov . Grand Superintendent will permit ) the Companions shall appoint the place for holding the next 'Prov . Grand Chapter .
2 nd . —The subordinate Chapter at the place where the Prov . Grand Chapter shall be appointed to be holden , shall allow their Chapter room and paraphernalia to be used by the Prov . Grand Chapter , free of charge ; but all other expenses incident to the meeting of the Prov . Grand Chapter shall be defrayed out of the funds of tho Prov . Grand Chapter , subject to revision by the Prov . . Grand Chapter 3 rd . —The Prov . Grand Officers shall be appointed , and thelYov . Grand Treasurer