Article THE MASONIC MIlUtOK. ← Page 2 of 6 →
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The Masonic Milutok.
Manchester ( 209 ) , Aaderton ' s Hotel . Chapter . —YsLrbovougii ( S 12 ) , George Hotel , Commercial Koad East . House Committee of Oirls Scnool , at 2 J . Friday , 19 ^ .--Lodges , Prosperity ( 78 ) , White Hart Tavern , Bishopsgate Street ; Middlesex ( 167 ) , Thateked House Jordan ( 237 ) , Preemasons , Tavera . Chapter .-r-Moira ( 109 ) , London Tavern . Saturday , 2 Qth .- ~ Lodge , Honour and Generosity ( 194 ) , London Tavern . [ The appointments of Lodges of Jnstmetion will appear in the last number of eacli month . ]
Old King ' s Arms Lodge ( No . 30 } . —This - Lodge ¦ held its first meeting this season on Monday , 25 th October , nearly the whole of the members being present . The Secretary read a letter from Bro . Farn field , announcing the festival for the Eoyal Benevolent Institution was fixed for 26 th January , 1859 , and Bro . E . S . Phillips ( Junior Warden ) expressed his willingness to serve as a steward from the Lodge . The Brethren ¦ ¦ adjourned to an excellent banquet , presided over by Bro . Marsh , W . M ., who expressed his disappointment at the candidate not coming up for initiation . The only visitor present was Bro . Powell , P . IVL
Eotal Jubilee Lodge ( No . 8 o . ) - ~ A meeting of this Lodge was held on Monday , Nov . 1 st , at Anderton ' s Hotel , ]^ eetVsfcreet ; tliere being present Bro . Lawson , W . M . ; Bro ; vFrederick Clemow , & . W . ; Bro . Clout , S . D . ; Bro . Lascelles , J . D . ; Bro . James , & c . fcc . The P . M ' s . present were Bros . ' Hayward , Stroud , Nnnn , Corneld , and Parr ( Secretary . ) Bro . Evans -was passed to the degree of F . O . Amongst the visitors were Bro . Lewes , and Bro . Ward , of the United Pilgrims' Lodge ; and Bro . Garrocl , P ; M . of the 'D ogmatic Lodge , No . 206 / Bro . Franklin , of the United Pilgrims ' Lodge , was proposed as a joining member .
St . John ' s Lodge ( No . 196 ) . —This Lodge held a Lodge of emergency , on the 2 nd instant , at the Holly Bush Tavern , Hampstead . r There were present , Bro * Henry Gorniek , W . M ., in the chair ; Bros . W . Johnson , P . M . ; R . Hazard , P . M . and Treas . ; Samuel Aldrich , P . M . and Hon . Sec ; 'P . ' Adlard , P . M . and D . C . ; J . B > Thomson , P . M . ; T . A . Adams , P . M . ; W . Sheery . P . M . and S . W . pro . ten . ; G-. Hart , J . W . ; G . Pritchavd , S . D . ; John Douglas , J . D . ; P . W . Collins , J . G . ;
Bros . Capt . Thompson , Dr . Winter , E . Winter , E . Pitt , W . Geltro , A , D , Loewenstark , J . T . Row . e , Clowser , Chadwick , and about twenty-five other members . Of the visiting Brethren , we noticed Bro . Arliss , P . M .., No . 237 ; W . Hughes , No . 70 ; W . Long , No . 725 . Five gentlemen were balloted for initiation . Bros- Warren , Davies and Slagg were severally raised to the third degree . Bro . Haward was passed to the second degree ; aud Messrs . Willis ,-Perry , and Goddard . were severally initiated into tho Order . One gentleman was -proposed for initiation at the next meeting into tho Order . One gentleman was proposed for initiation at the next meeting
. . The Lodge having been closed , the Worshipful Master and Brethren adjourned to bancmet at half-past six . The several toasts having been disposed of , Bro . P . M . Adlard , in a neat and forcible speeeh , proposed " Success to the Masonic charities ; *' and as Bro . Aldrich was known to take an active part in promoting the usefulness of the Benevolent Institution , for Aged Freemasons and their Widows , he would couple that Brother ' s name with the toast . Bro . Aldrich said , he was . much indebted to their respected Bro . Adlard for the kind manner in which he had
noticed the Benevolent Institution , and his ( Bro . Aldrich '«) humble exertions m promoting and extending its usefulness , and he was much gratified by the manner in which the Brethren had received the toast . Bro . Adlard had brought the claims of the Boys' and Girls' Schools before the Lodge very forcibly and convincingly ; ho was a member of the committee of those institutions , and most useful and laudable institutions they were ; but for himself , he ( Bro . Aldrich ) was a member of the Benevolent Institution , and he felt that their aged Brethren and their widows were as deserving the cordial and earnest support of the whole Masonic
body as were the Boys and Girls . But how had the wants of the institution been supplied ? It was well known that the applicants for the annuity had been most numerous , and that the funds had been miserably deficient ; so much so , in 1856 , that not one candidate could , be admitted . ( Murmurs of regret . ) In 1857 but four ' Brethren and four widows , out of a long list of candidates , were , placed on the annuity . At the last election , however , by the exertions of the 'Stewards at the Festival in June , 1857 , the committee were enabled to admit ten Brethren , out of a list of thirty-two candidates , and eight widows from a list of twenty-three can-
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The Masonic Milutok.
Manchester ( 209 ) , Aaderton ' s Hotel . Chapter . —YsLrbovougii ( S 12 ) , George Hotel , Commercial Koad East . House Committee of Oirls Scnool , at 2 J . Friday , 19 ^ .--Lodges , Prosperity ( 78 ) , White Hart Tavern , Bishopsgate Street ; Middlesex ( 167 ) , Thateked House Jordan ( 237 ) , Preemasons , Tavera . Chapter .-r-Moira ( 109 ) , London Tavern . Saturday , 2 Qth .- ~ Lodge , Honour and Generosity ( 194 ) , London Tavern . [ The appointments of Lodges of Jnstmetion will appear in the last number of eacli month . ]
Old King ' s Arms Lodge ( No . 30 } . —This - Lodge ¦ held its first meeting this season on Monday , 25 th October , nearly the whole of the members being present . The Secretary read a letter from Bro . Farn field , announcing the festival for the Eoyal Benevolent Institution was fixed for 26 th January , 1859 , and Bro . E . S . Phillips ( Junior Warden ) expressed his willingness to serve as a steward from the Lodge . The Brethren ¦ ¦ adjourned to an excellent banquet , presided over by Bro . Marsh , W . M ., who expressed his disappointment at the candidate not coming up for initiation . The only visitor present was Bro . Powell , P . IVL
Eotal Jubilee Lodge ( No . 8 o . ) - ~ A meeting of this Lodge was held on Monday , Nov . 1 st , at Anderton ' s Hotel , ]^ eetVsfcreet ; tliere being present Bro . Lawson , W . M . ; Bro ; vFrederick Clemow , & . W . ; Bro . Clout , S . D . ; Bro . Lascelles , J . D . ; Bro . James , & c . fcc . The P . M ' s . present were Bros . ' Hayward , Stroud , Nnnn , Corneld , and Parr ( Secretary . ) Bro . Evans -was passed to the degree of F . O . Amongst the visitors were Bro . Lewes , and Bro . Ward , of the United Pilgrims' Lodge ; and Bro . Garrocl , P ; M . of the 'D ogmatic Lodge , No . 206 / Bro . Franklin , of the United Pilgrims ' Lodge , was proposed as a joining member .
St . John ' s Lodge ( No . 196 ) . —This Lodge held a Lodge of emergency , on the 2 nd instant , at the Holly Bush Tavern , Hampstead . r There were present , Bro * Henry Gorniek , W . M ., in the chair ; Bros . W . Johnson , P . M . ; R . Hazard , P . M . and Treas . ; Samuel Aldrich , P . M . and Hon . Sec ; 'P . ' Adlard , P . M . and D . C . ; J . B > Thomson , P . M . ; T . A . Adams , P . M . ; W . Sheery . P . M . and S . W . pro . ten . ; G-. Hart , J . W . ; G . Pritchavd , S . D . ; John Douglas , J . D . ; P . W . Collins , J . G . ;
Bros . Capt . Thompson , Dr . Winter , E . Winter , E . Pitt , W . Geltro , A , D , Loewenstark , J . T . Row . e , Clowser , Chadwick , and about twenty-five other members . Of the visiting Brethren , we noticed Bro . Arliss , P . M .., No . 237 ; W . Hughes , No . 70 ; W . Long , No . 725 . Five gentlemen were balloted for initiation . Bros- Warren , Davies and Slagg were severally raised to the third degree . Bro . Haward was passed to the second degree ; aud Messrs . Willis ,-Perry , and Goddard . were severally initiated into tho Order . One gentleman was -proposed for initiation at the next meeting into tho Order . One gentleman was proposed for initiation at the next meeting
. . The Lodge having been closed , the Worshipful Master and Brethren adjourned to bancmet at half-past six . The several toasts having been disposed of , Bro . P . M . Adlard , in a neat and forcible speeeh , proposed " Success to the Masonic charities ; *' and as Bro . Aldrich was known to take an active part in promoting the usefulness of the Benevolent Institution , for Aged Freemasons and their Widows , he would couple that Brother ' s name with the toast . Bro . Aldrich said , he was . much indebted to their respected Bro . Adlard for the kind manner in which he had
noticed the Benevolent Institution , and his ( Bro . Aldrich '«) humble exertions m promoting and extending its usefulness , and he was much gratified by the manner in which the Brethren had received the toast . Bro . Adlard had brought the claims of the Boys' and Girls' Schools before the Lodge very forcibly and convincingly ; ho was a member of the committee of those institutions , and most useful and laudable institutions they were ; but for himself , he ( Bro . Aldrich ) was a member of the Benevolent Institution , and he felt that their aged Brethren and their widows were as deserving the cordial and earnest support of the whole Masonic
body as were the Boys and Girls . But how had the wants of the institution been supplied ? It was well known that the applicants for the annuity had been most numerous , and that the funds had been miserably deficient ; so much so , in 1856 , that not one candidate could , be admitted . ( Murmurs of regret . ) In 1857 but four ' Brethren and four widows , out of a long list of candidates , were , placed on the annuity . At the last election , however , by the exertions of the 'Stewards at the Festival in June , 1857 , the committee were enabled to admit ten Brethren , out of a list of thirty-two candidates , and eight widows from a list of twenty-three can-