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happy to say that there were severalBrethren presentthat evening who had greatly exerted themselves in favour of the charities and he would coaple with the toast the names of Bro . Hervey for the Girls School ; Bro . Thiselton for the Boys School ; andBro . Barrett for the Annuity Institution . ( Cheers . ) Bro . J . Hervey , P . G D . said , that he felt himself in some-difiic ' iilty ' upon-the present occasion , as he scarcely knew how to address them . It had been suggested ¦ to
him that he might return thanks , first , for the Girls School ; secondly , for the Boys School thirdly , for the Benevolent Institution ; and fourthly , for them nil—but as Bro . Thiselton was present , he should leave the Boys School to him , although he ( Bro . Hervey ) as the chairman of thecommittee , was more immediately connected with the Boys than with the Girls School . There were fevy of them present but doubtless had heard Bro . Crew eloquently advocate the claims of the last named
institution- —and state " that little girl > were more interesting than little boys . " There could be no doubt that that impression bore sway to a considerable extent , and hence the school was a general favourite with the Craft . He certainly looked upon that institution as most important , and he trusted it would continue to meet with the approbation of the public , and that Bro . Crew would never find any of his annual addresses rejected by the Craft . ( Cheers . ) (
Bro . Thiselton , in speaking on behalf of the Boys School , could not help drawing attention to the splendid addition which had lately been made to that institution by the building lately opened for educating the sons of poor and distressed Freemasons . The Brethren should recollect that the school educated the children of any of the Brethren without regard to the religious denomination—though of course those only could be admitted into the school-house connected with the
church of England . They had hitherto been only able to admit twenty-five boys into the school , but exertions had been lately made to increase the number , so that the whole of the seventy who wished to do so , might avail themselves of the opportunity of entering the school . He might truly say , that though he always had the greatest admiration for the Girls , that he looked upon the Boys School as the most important charity , and he trusted that the Brethren of Essex would send them one or two stewards for the next festival . —( Applause . )
Bro . Barrett returned thanks on behalf of the Royal Benevolent Institution , reminding the Brethren that the annual festival would take place on the 26 th of January—being the nearest Wednesday to the anniversary of the birth of his late Royal Highness the Duke of Sussex—and he was happy to say that he had that day received the names of three Brethren who had kindly consented to act as stewards upon that occasion . The health of the visitors , briefly responded to by Bro . Henry G . Warren , aud other toasts having been drunk , the company separated .
GLOUCESTERSHIRE . Appointment . —Lodge , —Wednesday , November 17 th , Cotteswold ( SG 2 ) , Ram Hotel , Cirencester , at Uj . HAMPSHIRE . Appointments . — Lodges . —Wednesday , November 17 fch , Royal Sussex ( 428 ) , Freemasons Hotel , Portsea , at 7 ; Thursday , 18 th , Southampton ( 555 ) , Freemasons' Hall , Southampton , at 7 Marie- —Monday , 15 th , Phoenix , Private Rooms , Portsmouth , at 7 .
ISLE OP WIGHT . Appointment . —Lodge *—Wednesday , November 17 th , East Medina ( 20 t ) , Freemasons Hall at 7 ..
KENT . Appointments . —/> orty ™ . ~ -Wednesday , November 17 th , Royal Naval ((>! U ) , Koval Hotel , Kamaffate , at 7 ; Nelson ( 1002 ) , Red I ' jiou , Woolwich , at ( 5 ; Friday , HRh , Union ( 14 !) » , Kintft Head , Margate , nt 7 . Mark . — Tuesday , ltith , Adams ( 6 , Leigh Constitution ) , Masonic ; fcTall . Sheeruetj ^ at 0 . Encampment . — Wednesday , " 17 tl » , Keineys Tynte , Railway Hotel , Blaeldieuth , at -h , 3 m
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happy to say that there were severalBrethren presentthat evening who had greatly exerted themselves in favour of the charities and he would coaple with the toast the names of Bro . Hervey for the Girls School ; Bro . Thiselton for the Boys School ; andBro . Barrett for the Annuity Institution . ( Cheers . ) Bro . J . Hervey , P . G D . said , that he felt himself in some-difiic ' iilty ' upon-the present occasion , as he scarcely knew how to address them . It had been suggested ¦ to
him that he might return thanks , first , for the Girls School ; secondly , for the Boys School thirdly , for the Benevolent Institution ; and fourthly , for them nil—but as Bro . Thiselton was present , he should leave the Boys School to him , although he ( Bro . Hervey ) as the chairman of thecommittee , was more immediately connected with the Boys than with the Girls School . There were fevy of them present but doubtless had heard Bro . Crew eloquently advocate the claims of the last named
institution- —and state " that little girl > were more interesting than little boys . " There could be no doubt that that impression bore sway to a considerable extent , and hence the school was a general favourite with the Craft . He certainly looked upon that institution as most important , and he trusted it would continue to meet with the approbation of the public , and that Bro . Crew would never find any of his annual addresses rejected by the Craft . ( Cheers . ) (
Bro . Thiselton , in speaking on behalf of the Boys School , could not help drawing attention to the splendid addition which had lately been made to that institution by the building lately opened for educating the sons of poor and distressed Freemasons . The Brethren should recollect that the school educated the children of any of the Brethren without regard to the religious denomination—though of course those only could be admitted into the school-house connected with the
church of England . They had hitherto been only able to admit twenty-five boys into the school , but exertions had been lately made to increase the number , so that the whole of the seventy who wished to do so , might avail themselves of the opportunity of entering the school . He might truly say , that though he always had the greatest admiration for the Girls , that he looked upon the Boys School as the most important charity , and he trusted that the Brethren of Essex would send them one or two stewards for the next festival . —( Applause . )
Bro . Barrett returned thanks on behalf of the Royal Benevolent Institution , reminding the Brethren that the annual festival would take place on the 26 th of January—being the nearest Wednesday to the anniversary of the birth of his late Royal Highness the Duke of Sussex—and he was happy to say that he had that day received the names of three Brethren who had kindly consented to act as stewards upon that occasion . The health of the visitors , briefly responded to by Bro . Henry G . Warren , aud other toasts having been drunk , the company separated .
GLOUCESTERSHIRE . Appointment . —Lodge , —Wednesday , November 17 th , Cotteswold ( SG 2 ) , Ram Hotel , Cirencester , at Uj . HAMPSHIRE . Appointments . — Lodges . —Wednesday , November 17 fch , Royal Sussex ( 428 ) , Freemasons Hotel , Portsea , at 7 ; Thursday , 18 th , Southampton ( 555 ) , Freemasons' Hall , Southampton , at 7 Marie- —Monday , 15 th , Phoenix , Private Rooms , Portsmouth , at 7 .
ISLE OP WIGHT . Appointment . —Lodge *—Wednesday , November 17 th , East Medina ( 20 t ) , Freemasons Hall at 7 ..
KENT . Appointments . —/> orty ™ . ~ -Wednesday , November 17 th , Royal Naval ((>! U ) , Koval Hotel , Kamaffate , at 7 ; Nelson ( 1002 ) , Red I ' jiou , Woolwich , at ( 5 ; Friday , HRh , Union ( 14 !) » , Kintft Head , Margate , nt 7 . Mark . — Tuesday , ltith , Adams ( 6 , Leigh Constitution ) , Masonic ; fcTall . Sheeruetj ^ at 0 . Encampment . — Wednesday , " 17 tl » , Keineys Tynte , Railway Hotel , Blaeldieuth , at -h , 3 m