Article PROVINCIAL ← Page 12 of 18 →
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only vouchsafed to the * good and faithful ; servants and stewards of God ' s householcl , he would earnestly beseech thena so to ruii tUat they might obtain . " Know ye not that they which now run , run all- ^ but ^ In their Masonic creed , " free , " had they made tlieniselves serva ^ s to all ^ l ^ gain the more ? . '¦ ¦ ' To the weak had they become weak that t ^ gain the weak ? If not , his Master' s truth and service qpmpelled Inm
the fearful fact that they were not faithfully running the race that was set before them ; that the Lord did not build tlie house of such , ancl did not kefp su ; qh a city . a Strive one strive all / ' with humble reliance upon the goodness and ^ he mediatorial sacrifice of their Lord and Master , so to place out the talents entrusted unto them that when their Master came in glory to preside oyer the Grand Lodge above , they might all be properly clothed and ranged upder their proper boners ; that the heavenly pursuivant might meet thernIn their proper places in , that
grand and final and ever endiiring lodge , and that they might be hailed by their Grand Master with this joyous and glorious welcome , ^ Well done , good and faithful servants ; ye haye been faithful over a few things , I will make yon ruler over many things : enter ye into the joy of your Lord /' and Masters , and , Wardens , and Deacons , and Tylers ! would then sit down to banquet at the marriage feast of the Lamb , After some further exhortations the Prov . G . Chaplain concluded as follows i—As men and citizens of the world , or as Masonic Brethren in tilecl recess ,
We cannot conceive a in ore clear and condensed code of rules [ md admonrtmns ^ or one better fitted to guide us in our social and . moral relations , than th ^ Antient Charges contained in our Book of Gonstitutions ^ Study these rules and admbnitions ; carefully , especially ye who _ are members of this newly consecrated Lodge , and act earefully up to their precepts , and you will & o fajj be doing your heayenly Master ' s work , as well as becoming yourselves better men and , better ; Masons . But rest not here , my dear Brethren . Watch and pray ; keep ypur lamps burning and
your vessels filled with oil , and await with joy the coming of the Church ' s heavenly Bridegroom . Finally , be especially mindful to preserve mviolate the truly Masonxq jewels , benevolence and charity ; keep them , in their fullest splendour . Qui Masonic charities are now everywhere distinguishing our association , and nowhere more signally , I believe , than in the province of Sta ^ ordshire . An appeal has
lately been made to us individually and collectively to aid in their extension ; and I earnestly exhort you , my dear brethren , to shov ^ by the extensioiv of your charitable contributions this day , and everyday , that the Freemason ' s heart is proud of its distinguishing characteristic—I mean charity , in ministeringto the wants of a deceased Brother ' s widow or his orphans . And now , may the Lord , the Ruler of heaven and earth , our eternal Grand Master Builder , so build our
house , and so keep our city , and so bless our striving to win the race , that at the end we may all enter into His joy , wearing the robes and crown of that happy choir who chaunt ceaseless hallelujahs in the courts of heaven . May He bless you and keep you , and may you at last be exalted to that everlasting abode where the world's Great Architect lives and reigns for ever . The collection made immediately afterwards amounted to eleven guineas R W , which sum was ordered to be added to the Prov . Gr ^ nd Lodge Fund s . The . . Bro . Shuttleworth then presented the R . W . Prov . G . M . with a diploma , constituting
him ( the Prov . G . Mr . ) an honorary member of the Lodge of Hope , Berne , Switzerland ; also with a jewel distinguishing his rank in that Lodge . These marljs of esteem were acknowledged in suitable terms by the li . W . Brothei ; . The . Rev . Brp . Gwynne tendered his Resignation , as Prov . ( I . Chanlaiu , but ex , pressecl his loye fpr the Craft , and his willingness at all times to render his assistance shouldhe . be called upon ; Bro . the Rev . James Downes , % / t . A ., was a / ppointecj in his stead . On there-appointment of Bro . Wm . Lloyd , as Prov . G . Treasurer , and Bro . Dee , Prov . G . Secretary , the Prov . G . M . took the opportunity of paying a high and well
de-^ served compliment to those Brethren , who had so long and with so , much z ^ al and integrity filled their responsible offices . Respecting the former , it was owing to his ( the treasurer ' s ) great j ^ eal for tho noble Craft that they were that , day in a position to voto considerable sums to Masonic charities well deserving of" thejr support . The Prov . G . M . then proceeded to appoint his , officers for the ) ensuing yeai ^ , m
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
only vouchsafed to the * good and faithful ; servants and stewards of God ' s householcl , he would earnestly beseech thena so to ruii tUat they might obtain . " Know ye not that they which now run , run all- ^ but ^ In their Masonic creed , " free , " had they made tlieniselves serva ^ s to all ^ l ^ gain the more ? . '¦ ¦ ' To the weak had they become weak that t ^ gain the weak ? If not , his Master' s truth and service qpmpelled Inm
the fearful fact that they were not faithfully running the race that was set before them ; that the Lord did not build tlie house of such , ancl did not kefp su ; qh a city . a Strive one strive all / ' with humble reliance upon the goodness and ^ he mediatorial sacrifice of their Lord and Master , so to place out the talents entrusted unto them that when their Master came in glory to preside oyer the Grand Lodge above , they might all be properly clothed and ranged upder their proper boners ; that the heavenly pursuivant might meet thernIn their proper places in , that
grand and final and ever endiiring lodge , and that they might be hailed by their Grand Master with this joyous and glorious welcome , ^ Well done , good and faithful servants ; ye haye been faithful over a few things , I will make yon ruler over many things : enter ye into the joy of your Lord /' and Masters , and , Wardens , and Deacons , and Tylers ! would then sit down to banquet at the marriage feast of the Lamb , After some further exhortations the Prov . G . Chaplain concluded as follows i—As men and citizens of the world , or as Masonic Brethren in tilecl recess ,
We cannot conceive a in ore clear and condensed code of rules [ md admonrtmns ^ or one better fitted to guide us in our social and . moral relations , than th ^ Antient Charges contained in our Book of Gonstitutions ^ Study these rules and admbnitions ; carefully , especially ye who _ are members of this newly consecrated Lodge , and act earefully up to their precepts , and you will & o fajj be doing your heayenly Master ' s work , as well as becoming yourselves better men and , better ; Masons . But rest not here , my dear Brethren . Watch and pray ; keep ypur lamps burning and
your vessels filled with oil , and await with joy the coming of the Church ' s heavenly Bridegroom . Finally , be especially mindful to preserve mviolate the truly Masonxq jewels , benevolence and charity ; keep them , in their fullest splendour . Qui Masonic charities are now everywhere distinguishing our association , and nowhere more signally , I believe , than in the province of Sta ^ ordshire . An appeal has
lately been made to us individually and collectively to aid in their extension ; and I earnestly exhort you , my dear brethren , to shov ^ by the extensioiv of your charitable contributions this day , and everyday , that the Freemason ' s heart is proud of its distinguishing characteristic—I mean charity , in ministeringto the wants of a deceased Brother ' s widow or his orphans . And now , may the Lord , the Ruler of heaven and earth , our eternal Grand Master Builder , so build our
house , and so keep our city , and so bless our striving to win the race , that at the end we may all enter into His joy , wearing the robes and crown of that happy choir who chaunt ceaseless hallelujahs in the courts of heaven . May He bless you and keep you , and may you at last be exalted to that everlasting abode where the world's Great Architect lives and reigns for ever . The collection made immediately afterwards amounted to eleven guineas R W , which sum was ordered to be added to the Prov . Gr ^ nd Lodge Fund s . The . . Bro . Shuttleworth then presented the R . W . Prov . G . M . with a diploma , constituting
him ( the Prov . G . Mr . ) an honorary member of the Lodge of Hope , Berne , Switzerland ; also with a jewel distinguishing his rank in that Lodge . These marljs of esteem were acknowledged in suitable terms by the li . W . Brothei ; . The . Rev . Brp . Gwynne tendered his Resignation , as Prov . ( I . Chanlaiu , but ex , pressecl his loye fpr the Craft , and his willingness at all times to render his assistance shouldhe . be called upon ; Bro . the Rev . James Downes , % / t . A ., was a / ppointecj in his stead . On there-appointment of Bro . Wm . Lloyd , as Prov . G . Treasurer , and Bro . Dee , Prov . G . Secretary , the Prov . G . M . took the opportunity of paying a high and well
de-^ served compliment to those Brethren , who had so long and with so , much z ^ al and integrity filled their responsible offices . Respecting the former , it was owing to his ( the treasurer ' s ) great j ^ eal for tho noble Craft that they were that , day in a position to voto considerable sums to Masonic charities well deserving of" thejr support . The Prov . G . M . then proceeded to appoint his , officers for the ) ensuing yeai ^ , m