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SUSSEX ,. ; . .. . ' . Brighton . — Royal York Lodge ( No . & 9 % —The monthly nieetmg of this Lodge was held at the Old Ship Hotel , on Tuesdays the 2 nd hisfe , the W . M ., Bro . WopUvenv presidin g * and , with his usual ^^ Buckman to the degree of ; MI . Twx > gentlemen ^ were proposed for initiation . At this meeting the Brethren ctecided oil patronizing an evening ' s perftemanee at the Theatre ,, the lessee of which , Bro . Ph Nye Chart , Lodge No , 394 , is generally respected . The hist bespeak from the York Lodge produced a crowded house . At the next meeting ( Dec . ^ th ) the Lodge will proceed to the election of Master * Treasurer and I'yler for the ensuing year .
Horse , Ipswieii , at 7 ; Thursday , 18 th , Yirtue and Silence ( 117 ) , Lion Uote \ Hadleigu , afc 7 ; Unity ( 84 jL Sufolk lltftel , Lowestoft , at 7 .
Awomm-Em . —Lodge . —Tuesday , November 16 th , St . David ' s ( 540 ) , British Hotel , Bangor , at 6 : . - ¦ _ .. ; .. ' WILTSHIRE . ApTOi ^ TitiiNTr ™ Lodges Thursday , November 18 th , Fidelity ( 961 ) , Town Hall , Devizes , at ; 7 s WORGESTERBHIEE . A , ? Bom'SK ^ in'Sii . ( —Lodges —Wednesday , JiTovembeivl 7 th , Worcester 319 ) , Bell Hotel , Worcester , at ( % j Vernoii ( 819 ) , O ^ d Towu Hall , Dudley , at 7 .
DubIjEY . —Havmoryic Lodge ( No . 31 : 3 ) . —The monthly meeting of this Lodge took place on Tuesday last , when a goodly muster of the Brethren and visitors ; attended . The WJM ., Bro , Clark , Prov . G . S , D ., was supported by P . Ms . J ^ asefielcl , Rudd , Morris , Dennison , and Bristow , with his Senior and Junior Wardens , and the , other ofiiGer sand Brethren . As visitors , we noticed Bro . th & Bev . A . XL Davis , S . Prov . G . W . ; Bro . Hollier , ( Mayor of Dudley ) , W . M . of Lodge 819 ; Bro . Horton ,. Prov . G . R 0 ., W . M . of Lodge S 3 S ; Bro . Dr . Davidson , S . D ., Lodge 730 , and Bro . Collier , of Lodge 819 ,. Bro . Thompson-, being in readiness to be raised to the third degree , Bro . Masefield , P . M ., Prov . Gr . Treas . ( hi ilie absence of the W . M ., wlu , could not attend until : the ceremony was nearly over ) took the chair , and performed the ceremony in a most solemn and appro p-riate manner . A candidate
having been duly proposed and seconded for initiation the next meeting , and there being no other business for consideration , the Lodge was closed in clue form , with solemn prayer , and the Brethren adjourned to refreshment . After the customary loyal and Grand Lodge toasts were honoured , the W . M . rose to propose to tlieir attention a toast which was always deadly cherished , by that Lodge , and the province in general , he meant their venerated , and esteemed Prov . GL Master ., Bro . Vernon . As a man , a Mason , and a gentleman , he would challenge any province in the world to procure his superior ; his heart was in the right spot ; his zeal on behaljf of the , Masonic cause was of the purest and most energetic nature ; and he believed that their worthy Prov . GM . had never disappointed the legitimate aspirations of a deserving Brother in the distribution of his Prov . G . Lodge favours . He was proud to see so many of the Prov . G . officers around him , who knew the Prov .
G Master ' s merits much better than himself ; he would at once propose to them u Prov . G . M ., the D . Prov . G . M . and officers of the Prov . G . Lodge of Worcestershire . " Bro . the Kev . A . G . Davis , Prov . G . S . W ., hogged to thank the W . M . and Brethren for the handsome manner in which his ami the Prov . G . Officers' names had been mentioned iu connexion , with- the toast , andj he cordially agreed with the observation of their W . M ! . ; but he could not allow this opportunity to pass , holding us he did the distinguished postfof Prov . G . S . Warden , without entering his -most unqualified protest against those most waspish , scurrilous , and unmasonic articles which had appeared in the Freeniaxoiix Magazine against their respected dij . ef and ., his officers . Was it to be tolerated that the editor should be allowed to sit on his stool iu London and hold up to public odium the callings and professions of Masons , and no protest should be entered against such an abuse of the pi ; em ?
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SUSSEX ,. ; . .. . ' . Brighton . — Royal York Lodge ( No . & 9 % —The monthly nieetmg of this Lodge was held at the Old Ship Hotel , on Tuesdays the 2 nd hisfe , the W . M ., Bro . WopUvenv presidin g * and , with his usual ^^ Buckman to the degree of ; MI . Twx > gentlemen ^ were proposed for initiation . At this meeting the Brethren ctecided oil patronizing an evening ' s perftemanee at the Theatre ,, the lessee of which , Bro . Ph Nye Chart , Lodge No , 394 , is generally respected . The hist bespeak from the York Lodge produced a crowded house . At the next meeting ( Dec . ^ th ) the Lodge will proceed to the election of Master * Treasurer and I'yler for the ensuing year .
Horse , Ipswieii , at 7 ; Thursday , 18 th , Yirtue and Silence ( 117 ) , Lion Uote \ Hadleigu , afc 7 ; Unity ( 84 jL Sufolk lltftel , Lowestoft , at 7 .
Awomm-Em . —Lodge . —Tuesday , November 16 th , St . David ' s ( 540 ) , British Hotel , Bangor , at 6 : . - ¦ _ .. ; .. ' WILTSHIRE . ApTOi ^ TitiiNTr ™ Lodges Thursday , November 18 th , Fidelity ( 961 ) , Town Hall , Devizes , at ; 7 s WORGESTERBHIEE . A , ? Bom'SK ^ in'Sii . ( —Lodges —Wednesday , JiTovembeivl 7 th , Worcester 319 ) , Bell Hotel , Worcester , at ( % j Vernoii ( 819 ) , O ^ d Towu Hall , Dudley , at 7 .
DubIjEY . —Havmoryic Lodge ( No . 31 : 3 ) . —The monthly meeting of this Lodge took place on Tuesday last , when a goodly muster of the Brethren and visitors ; attended . The WJM ., Bro , Clark , Prov . G . S , D ., was supported by P . Ms . J ^ asefielcl , Rudd , Morris , Dennison , and Bristow , with his Senior and Junior Wardens , and the , other ofiiGer sand Brethren . As visitors , we noticed Bro . th & Bev . A . XL Davis , S . Prov . G . W . ; Bro . Hollier , ( Mayor of Dudley ) , W . M . of Lodge 819 ; Bro . Horton ,. Prov . G . R 0 ., W . M . of Lodge S 3 S ; Bro . Dr . Davidson , S . D ., Lodge 730 , and Bro . Collier , of Lodge 819 ,. Bro . Thompson-, being in readiness to be raised to the third degree , Bro . Masefield , P . M ., Prov . Gr . Treas . ( hi ilie absence of the W . M ., wlu , could not attend until : the ceremony was nearly over ) took the chair , and performed the ceremony in a most solemn and appro p-riate manner . A candidate
having been duly proposed and seconded for initiation the next meeting , and there being no other business for consideration , the Lodge was closed in clue form , with solemn prayer , and the Brethren adjourned to refreshment . After the customary loyal and Grand Lodge toasts were honoured , the W . M . rose to propose to tlieir attention a toast which was always deadly cherished , by that Lodge , and the province in general , he meant their venerated , and esteemed Prov . GL Master ., Bro . Vernon . As a man , a Mason , and a gentleman , he would challenge any province in the world to procure his superior ; his heart was in the right spot ; his zeal on behaljf of the , Masonic cause was of the purest and most energetic nature ; and he believed that their worthy Prov . GM . had never disappointed the legitimate aspirations of a deserving Brother in the distribution of his Prov . G . Lodge favours . He was proud to see so many of the Prov . G . officers around him , who knew the Prov .
G Master ' s merits much better than himself ; he would at once propose to them u Prov . G . M ., the D . Prov . G . M . and officers of the Prov . G . Lodge of Worcestershire . " Bro . the Kev . A . G . Davis , Prov . G . S . W ., hogged to thank the W . M . and Brethren for the handsome manner in which his ami the Prov . G . Officers' names had been mentioned iu connexion , with- the toast , andj he cordially agreed with the observation of their W . M ! . ; but he could not allow this opportunity to pass , holding us he did the distinguished postfof Prov . G . S . Warden , without entering his -most unqualified protest against those most waspish , scurrilous , and unmasonic articles which had appeared in the Freeniaxoiix Magazine against their respected dij . ef and ., his officers . Was it to be tolerated that the editor should be allowed to sit on his stool iu London and hold up to public odium the callings and professions of Masons , and no protest should be entered against such an abuse of the pi ; em ?