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Mark Mas0nrt
year—Bm C . 11 . Harrison ,-S . W . ; Bro . P . L . Simmonds , J . W . ; Bro . Fox , Secretary ; Bro . Hart , Organist : Bro . Mott Thearle , M . O ... He announced that the remaining appointments would be jilled up at the next meeting , when he hoped to have a fuller attendance of the Brethren . The Lodge being closed , the Brethren retired
to the banquet . In giving the " Past Masters of the Lodge , Bros . H . Gr . Warren and C . J . Hughes , " Bro . Sharman paid a high compliment to the exertions of both those "brethren in behalf of the Mark Degree in general and of that Lodge in particular . He regretted the indisposition of Bro . Hughes , which had prevented his attendance that evening . He would put the toast in thi s way : — " Continued , health to Bro . Warren and restored health to Bro . Hughes , the Past Masters of this Lodge . " The Brethren having honoured the toast jwith a most cordial reception , Bro . H . G " . Warren returned thanks , and concluded by asking the Brethren to drink the health
of Bro . Sharman , the E . W . Master of the Lodge , and wish him a happy and prosperous year in the chair , which bring done , Bro . Sharman returned thanks . He said that when , in spite of all the offshoots which had taken place from that Lodge , and in spite of its being convened by mistake on the wrong evening , he still saw so many Brethren around him , he could not but look forward hopefully to the future . He had in the appointment of his officers sought to select such
Brethren as would do their duties most efficiently , and in this spirit , at their next meeting , he would also appoint to the offices which yet remained to be filled up . He hoped that in the course of the year their numerical strength would be increased by the addition of many Brethren of high character , good Masons , and good men . He concluded by proposing lc the Officers of the Lodge , " which was acknowledged by Bro . Simmonds / J . W . The Brethren dispersed after drinking to " The health of the poor and distressed Members of the Mark Degrse . "
Thistle Lodge ( No . 3 , Scottish Constitution ) . —The members of this Lodge met at Bro . Quelch ' s , Dick's Coffee House , Fleet-street , on Friday , November 5 th . The Lodge being opened , Bro . Sheen , R . W . M ., proceeded to instal Bro . Cotterell into the Master ' s chair , to which he had been elected at the previous meeting . The following Brethren were then advanced to the Mark degree ; viz ., Bro . Lee , P . M ., No . 9 ; Bro . Fraser , No . 3 ; Bro . Roberts , No . 7 ; and Bro . Barrett , 198 ; the ceremony being performed by the R . W . M ., Bro . Cotterell , in the most satisfactory and impressive manner . The report of the Audit Committee was then received , which set forth ,
that although the Lodge had been established but eighteen months , it had been enabled to discharge the necessary liabilities attendant on its formation , and to leave a balance in the hands of the Treasurer . The Committee congratulated the members on the present position aad future prospects of the Lodge , and concluded by recommending that the annual subscription be reduced to one half its present amount . The Lodge was then closed , and the Brethren retired to an excellent banquet . On the removal of the cloth , the usual loyal , patriotic , and Masonic toasts were given , and the evening was spent in perfect harmony . Bro . Burton , St . Mark ' s Lodge , No . 1 , was the only visitor present .
Royal Arch
SUPREME GRAND CHAPTER . The quarterly convocation of Grand Chapter , was holden on Wednesday , Nov 3 rd , in the Temple , when there were present , Comp . Hall , as M . E . Z . ; Comp . Bagfchaw , as H . ; and Comp . Puttison , as J . ; Comp . Cioker , P . Soj . ; and Comps . Harvey and Potter , as Assist . Sojs . ; Comp . Clarke , K ; Comp . B . Dobree , as N . ; Comp . Roxburgh , Reg . ; Comp . Q coch , S . B . ; and Comps . Havers , Gole , Symondsj T . White , N . Bradford , J . Smith , & c , & c . The Chapter having been opened in ample form , the report of tho Genera ]
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Mark Mas0nrt
year—Bm C . 11 . Harrison ,-S . W . ; Bro . P . L . Simmonds , J . W . ; Bro . Fox , Secretary ; Bro . Hart , Organist : Bro . Mott Thearle , M . O ... He announced that the remaining appointments would be jilled up at the next meeting , when he hoped to have a fuller attendance of the Brethren . The Lodge being closed , the Brethren retired
to the banquet . In giving the " Past Masters of the Lodge , Bros . H . Gr . Warren and C . J . Hughes , " Bro . Sharman paid a high compliment to the exertions of both those "brethren in behalf of the Mark Degree in general and of that Lodge in particular . He regretted the indisposition of Bro . Hughes , which had prevented his attendance that evening . He would put the toast in thi s way : — " Continued , health to Bro . Warren and restored health to Bro . Hughes , the Past Masters of this Lodge . " The Brethren having honoured the toast jwith a most cordial reception , Bro . H . G " . Warren returned thanks , and concluded by asking the Brethren to drink the health
of Bro . Sharman , the E . W . Master of the Lodge , and wish him a happy and prosperous year in the chair , which bring done , Bro . Sharman returned thanks . He said that when , in spite of all the offshoots which had taken place from that Lodge , and in spite of its being convened by mistake on the wrong evening , he still saw so many Brethren around him , he could not but look forward hopefully to the future . He had in the appointment of his officers sought to select such
Brethren as would do their duties most efficiently , and in this spirit , at their next meeting , he would also appoint to the offices which yet remained to be filled up . He hoped that in the course of the year their numerical strength would be increased by the addition of many Brethren of high character , good Masons , and good men . He concluded by proposing lc the Officers of the Lodge , " which was acknowledged by Bro . Simmonds / J . W . The Brethren dispersed after drinking to " The health of the poor and distressed Members of the Mark Degrse . "
Thistle Lodge ( No . 3 , Scottish Constitution ) . —The members of this Lodge met at Bro . Quelch ' s , Dick's Coffee House , Fleet-street , on Friday , November 5 th . The Lodge being opened , Bro . Sheen , R . W . M ., proceeded to instal Bro . Cotterell into the Master ' s chair , to which he had been elected at the previous meeting . The following Brethren were then advanced to the Mark degree ; viz ., Bro . Lee , P . M ., No . 9 ; Bro . Fraser , No . 3 ; Bro . Roberts , No . 7 ; and Bro . Barrett , 198 ; the ceremony being performed by the R . W . M ., Bro . Cotterell , in the most satisfactory and impressive manner . The report of the Audit Committee was then received , which set forth ,
that although the Lodge had been established but eighteen months , it had been enabled to discharge the necessary liabilities attendant on its formation , and to leave a balance in the hands of the Treasurer . The Committee congratulated the members on the present position aad future prospects of the Lodge , and concluded by recommending that the annual subscription be reduced to one half its present amount . The Lodge was then closed , and the Brethren retired to an excellent banquet . On the removal of the cloth , the usual loyal , patriotic , and Masonic toasts were given , and the evening was spent in perfect harmony . Bro . Burton , St . Mark ' s Lodge , No . 1 , was the only visitor present .
Royal Arch
SUPREME GRAND CHAPTER . The quarterly convocation of Grand Chapter , was holden on Wednesday , Nov 3 rd , in the Temple , when there were present , Comp . Hall , as M . E . Z . ; Comp . Bagfchaw , as H . ; and Comp . Puttison , as J . ; Comp . Cioker , P . Soj . ; and Comps . Harvey and Potter , as Assist . Sojs . ; Comp . Clarke , K ; Comp . B . Dobree , as N . ; Comp . Roxburgh , Reg . ; Comp . Q coch , S . B . ; and Comps . Havers , Gole , Symondsj T . White , N . Bradford , J . Smith , & c , & c . The Chapter having been opened in ample form , the report of tho Genera ]