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Bro . DYMOCK , in reply , said—I beg to thank you all for the very kind way my health has been proposed and received by you " . I can assure yon that there is no brother in the province who takes a greater interest than I do in Masonry . I was initiated in the Shrewsbury Lodge , and it gives me very great p leasure to see old faces flocking to this board . I beg most particularly to thank you all for the very kind way you have received this toastand assure I am very grateful for it .
, you The PKOV . G . MASTER said—The next toast is " The Health of those Brethren of the Provincial Grand Lodge who have given their active services to-day . " I know that without good Provincial Grand Officers nothing can be done well . I thank those officers for the efficiency of the lodge , and I couple witlr the toast the Senior Grand Warden . Bio . RAXDELD , Prov . S . G . AV ., said—Right AVorshipful
Provincial Grand Master , having very kindly called upon me to return thanks , I shall do so with very great pleasure . The very proud position I stand in makes me wish that I could prove that my honours befitted me . I am sorry that all the Grand Officers are not here to-day . I can account for the absence of the two Grand Deacons . One has recently married , and has to attend more to the Queen than to the Craft , and Bro . Bulkeley Owen has lost his mother . Both your Grand AVardens
are here " properly topped and tailed . " All the rest are present . Your Grand Chaplain , Bro . Morgan , could only come by coming last night , and going to-morrow morning . ( A laugh . ) The present Grand Officers can account for themselves . Bro . Dr . CLEMENT said—Bro . Dr . Bowles , with his fascinating tongue , has completely taken the wind out of my sails . I am sorry that , when he proposed the health of the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master , he did not go on a little
further—he can say so much more than I can . You , sir , our Right AVorshipful Provincial Grand Master , in proposing the health of that great sovereign under whom we live so happily , said that you regretted that the ladies could not be made Ereemasons . I am only re-echoing the deep regret when I say that it was a defect of the time when Freemasonry was instituted . Though Lady AA ynn cannot be a Freemason , I do hope that next year she will be blessed with a son , who may hereafter preside , as worthily as ycu do , over the province of North
AVales and Shropshire . Brethren , I beg of you all to drink to "The Health of Lady Wynn , long life to hei , " and let me add the vulgar Shropshire saying of luck ancl a lad . Tho Pnov . G . MASTEE in reply said—In the name of Lady AVynn I return you my thanks . Lady Wynn has been brought up among Masons . Her father was a great Mason . Out of that country the Prince of AA ' ales chose his wife , and I trust that she ( knowing as ive do what good Masons are ) will
persuade the prince to be as good a Mason as I trust we all are . A BEOTHEE , whose name we did not hear mentioned , then rose and said—After the eloquent address by Dr . Bowles , I will not detain you long by what I am going to say . AA'ith all due respect to the Provincial Grand AA arden , I think it is no excuse for a brother not to be present on this occasion . I left home at four o'clock this morning , and shall he at home at four o ' clock to-morrow morning . I do not say that I gratif own
y my feelings in coming here to-day . I came here to-day to do honour to my countrymen . It has been well said , " Long live our Provincial Grand Master to preside ovor this Grand Lodge , and that wo may soon see a son and heir to the house of Wynnstay . " The toast I have the privilege to propose is " The Worshipful Masters and Wardens of the Province . " Bro . JOHNSON , of the Ludlow Lodge ( No . 611 ) , returned
thanlts on behalf of the Master and AA ' ardens of the province , and said he had to propose the next toast , viz ., " The Health of a distinguished Mason ( Bro . Anderson ) , " who more than sixty years ago was initiated in the Mercia Lodge , in this town , and who was now between eighty and ninety years of age . Bro . ANDEUSOU " , in reply , said—I scarcely know what to say . In 1805 I was initiated in this town . The lodwas dissolved
ge , and it merged into the Mercia Lodge . Providence has been very kind to me , for I am the only survivor . To come here to-day is tho greatest treat to me . I thank you all for drinking my health , and I wish that every prosperity may attach itself to this Provincial Grand Lodge , and to Masonry in general . Bro . J . H . FOTJDEINIEE , Prov . G . W ., proposed "The Health of the Visitors , " and said—I should fail in my duty to the
brethren if I did not bring prominently before their notice the high estimation in which every lodge is held that kindly visits another . The principles of the Craft are universal , and it is only by the interchange of visits that uniformity of working
can be preserved . AVhen visitors do como , those who have to receive them enjoy a pleasure that words can hardly express . Bro . LAMBEET returned thanks for the visitors , and said—This toast is a most honoured one . On behalf of the visitors I must express how much we have been gratified with the proceedings of this day . AVe congratulate you , Right Worshipful Grand Master , in carrying out the beautiful harmony of Freeshown b going to church in publicand thus
masonry , y your , performed a public duty . I say with David , - 'I was glad when they said unto me , Let us go into tbe house of the Lord . " AA e heard with great pleasure the eloquent sermon preached to us on the principles of Masonic love and charity , and we have heard the beautiful harmony by which we sing the gloiy of God . Brethren , permit me to thank you for the way in which we have been received by you to-day .
The Tyler ' s toast was then given , and this terminated the proceedings . During u part of the evening a number of ladies were permitted to be present in a gallery arranged for their accommodation . AA e cannot close this report without expressing our high admiration of the perfect manner in which the choral service was
conducted , also of the charming and masterly performance of Bro . Bartholomew upon the harmonium during the banquet . By command of the R . AV . Grand Master , the next Grand Lodge will be held at Shrewsbury .
SOUTH WALES ( EASTERN DIVISION ) . CAEDIEP . — Glamorgan Lodge ( No . 36 ) . —The regular meeting of this ancient and flourishing lodge was held at the Freemasons' Hall , St . Mary-street , on Tuesday , the 28 th ult ., when there was a numerous attendance , the W . M . ' s , officers , ancl brethren of the Silurian and Isca Lodges , Newport , having announced their intention to this lodge an official visit .
pay Owing to the pressure of business , and the desire of an early return hy the Newport brethren , the lodge was summoned at half-past six as an emergency , when there were present Bros . D . Roberts , AA . M . ;¦ T . II . Stephens , S . AV . ; R . P . Hunt , J . W . ; E . J . Thomas , P . M ., Treas . ; R . J . Fisher , Sec . ; J . AV . Joy , S . D . ; T . G . Glass , J . D . ; J . E . Dawson , I . G . ; G . Robertson , F AVare , T . M . Williams , N . Powell , R , R . AVatkins , J . Stevenson ,
J . E . Billups , S . Cooper , & c . Amongst the numerous visitors we noticed Bros . Jno . Griffiths , AV . M . 471 ; AV . Williams , Prov . G . Sec . Monmouthshire , P . M . and Sec . 471 ; R . B . Evans , Prov . G . Dir . of Cers . Monmouthshire , P . M . 471 ; C . II . Oliver , J . W . 471 ; Rev . S . Fox , Chap . 471 ; II . J . Parnal ] , S . D . 471 ; J . S . Stone , J . D . 471 ; J . Gobbett , I . G . 471 ; W . Randall , Steward , 471 ; R . II . Richards , J . Sanders , AA . Watkins , H . HillE . AVhitehallT . P . AVilliamsJ . HornerAV . J . Llovd
, , , , , 471 ; J . Middleton , W . M . 683 ; T . Williams , Sec . 683 ; W . H . Martin , AV . M . 960 ; T . G . Thorp , P . M . 960 ; AV . H . Moreton , P . M . 471 , Sec . 960 ; J . AVillans , S . W . 960 ; Jno . Davies , G . T . Downton , R . Deacon , A \ . B . Gibbs , 960 ; & c . Lodge having been opened , was immediately raised to the third degree , > vhen
Bros . Billups and Cooper , having previously undergone an examination in the former degree , were admitted and raised to the sublime degree in a manner which reflected much credit upon the W . M ., by whom the whole ceremony was performed , and tho lecture delivered in a masterly style . Lodge having been closed down to the first degree at half-past seven ( the time of meeting fixed by the by-laws ) , the minutes of the last regular lodge were read and confirmed . The AV . M " . stated that the
alterations in the by-laws , fixing the meetings of tbe lodge on Monday instead of Tuesday , and leaving the hour of summons at the option of the AV . M ., had been duly confirmed by the requisite authority , and would for the future be acted upon . It was also announced that the sum of twenty-two guineas had been contributed by members of the lodge , and placed in the hands of the Steward from this province at the late Festival of
the Boys' School , ' [ 'he W . M . then drew attention to the compliment which was paid the lodge by the very numerous and influential attendance of the brethren from tho Newport lodges , and having cordially thanked those brethren for their fraternal visit , called upon the members of his own lodge to bestow thoso honours to which the position of some of their visitors entitled them . Bros . J . GriffithsAV . M . 471 ancl J . MiddletonAV . M .
, , , 683 , each responded on behalf of their respective lodges , and assured the brethren of a reciprocity of friendly greeting should the most desirable interchanges of such happy and trul y fraternal visits occur . The general business of the lodgo was then proceeded with , and ballots taken for Messrs . Barry ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Bro . DYMOCK , in reply , said—I beg to thank you all for the very kind way my health has been proposed and received by you " . I can assure yon that there is no brother in the province who takes a greater interest than I do in Masonry . I was initiated in the Shrewsbury Lodge , and it gives me very great p leasure to see old faces flocking to this board . I beg most particularly to thank you all for the very kind way you have received this toastand assure I am very grateful for it .
, you The PKOV . G . MASTER said—The next toast is " The Health of those Brethren of the Provincial Grand Lodge who have given their active services to-day . " I know that without good Provincial Grand Officers nothing can be done well . I thank those officers for the efficiency of the lodge , and I couple witlr the toast the Senior Grand Warden . Bio . RAXDELD , Prov . S . G . AV ., said—Right AVorshipful
Provincial Grand Master , having very kindly called upon me to return thanks , I shall do so with very great pleasure . The very proud position I stand in makes me wish that I could prove that my honours befitted me . I am sorry that all the Grand Officers are not here to-day . I can account for the absence of the two Grand Deacons . One has recently married , and has to attend more to the Queen than to the Craft , and Bro . Bulkeley Owen has lost his mother . Both your Grand AVardens
are here " properly topped and tailed . " All the rest are present . Your Grand Chaplain , Bro . Morgan , could only come by coming last night , and going to-morrow morning . ( A laugh . ) The present Grand Officers can account for themselves . Bro . Dr . CLEMENT said—Bro . Dr . Bowles , with his fascinating tongue , has completely taken the wind out of my sails . I am sorry that , when he proposed the health of the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master , he did not go on a little
further—he can say so much more than I can . You , sir , our Right AVorshipful Provincial Grand Master , in proposing the health of that great sovereign under whom we live so happily , said that you regretted that the ladies could not be made Ereemasons . I am only re-echoing the deep regret when I say that it was a defect of the time when Freemasonry was instituted . Though Lady AA ynn cannot be a Freemason , I do hope that next year she will be blessed with a son , who may hereafter preside , as worthily as ycu do , over the province of North
AVales and Shropshire . Brethren , I beg of you all to drink to "The Health of Lady Wynn , long life to hei , " and let me add the vulgar Shropshire saying of luck ancl a lad . Tho Pnov . G . MASTEE in reply said—In the name of Lady AVynn I return you my thanks . Lady Wynn has been brought up among Masons . Her father was a great Mason . Out of that country the Prince of AA ' ales chose his wife , and I trust that she ( knowing as ive do what good Masons are ) will
persuade the prince to be as good a Mason as I trust we all are . A BEOTHEE , whose name we did not hear mentioned , then rose and said—After the eloquent address by Dr . Bowles , I will not detain you long by what I am going to say . AA'ith all due respect to the Provincial Grand AA arden , I think it is no excuse for a brother not to be present on this occasion . I left home at four o'clock this morning , and shall he at home at four o ' clock to-morrow morning . I do not say that I gratif own
y my feelings in coming here to-day . I came here to-day to do honour to my countrymen . It has been well said , " Long live our Provincial Grand Master to preside ovor this Grand Lodge , and that wo may soon see a son and heir to the house of Wynnstay . " The toast I have the privilege to propose is " The Worshipful Masters and Wardens of the Province . " Bro . JOHNSON , of the Ludlow Lodge ( No . 611 ) , returned
thanlts on behalf of the Master and AA ' ardens of the province , and said he had to propose the next toast , viz ., " The Health of a distinguished Mason ( Bro . Anderson ) , " who more than sixty years ago was initiated in the Mercia Lodge , in this town , and who was now between eighty and ninety years of age . Bro . ANDEUSOU " , in reply , said—I scarcely know what to say . In 1805 I was initiated in this town . The lodwas dissolved
ge , and it merged into the Mercia Lodge . Providence has been very kind to me , for I am the only survivor . To come here to-day is tho greatest treat to me . I thank you all for drinking my health , and I wish that every prosperity may attach itself to this Provincial Grand Lodge , and to Masonry in general . Bro . J . H . FOTJDEINIEE , Prov . G . W ., proposed "The Health of the Visitors , " and said—I should fail in my duty to the
brethren if I did not bring prominently before their notice the high estimation in which every lodge is held that kindly visits another . The principles of the Craft are universal , and it is only by the interchange of visits that uniformity of working
can be preserved . AVhen visitors do como , those who have to receive them enjoy a pleasure that words can hardly express . Bro . LAMBEET returned thanks for the visitors , and said—This toast is a most honoured one . On behalf of the visitors I must express how much we have been gratified with the proceedings of this day . AVe congratulate you , Right Worshipful Grand Master , in carrying out the beautiful harmony of Freeshown b going to church in publicand thus
masonry , y your , performed a public duty . I say with David , - 'I was glad when they said unto me , Let us go into tbe house of the Lord . " AA e heard with great pleasure the eloquent sermon preached to us on the principles of Masonic love and charity , and we have heard the beautiful harmony by which we sing the gloiy of God . Brethren , permit me to thank you for the way in which we have been received by you to-day .
The Tyler ' s toast was then given , and this terminated the proceedings . During u part of the evening a number of ladies were permitted to be present in a gallery arranged for their accommodation . AA e cannot close this report without expressing our high admiration of the perfect manner in which the choral service was
conducted , also of the charming and masterly performance of Bro . Bartholomew upon the harmonium during the banquet . By command of the R . AV . Grand Master , the next Grand Lodge will be held at Shrewsbury .
SOUTH WALES ( EASTERN DIVISION ) . CAEDIEP . — Glamorgan Lodge ( No . 36 ) . —The regular meeting of this ancient and flourishing lodge was held at the Freemasons' Hall , St . Mary-street , on Tuesday , the 28 th ult ., when there was a numerous attendance , the W . M . ' s , officers , ancl brethren of the Silurian and Isca Lodges , Newport , having announced their intention to this lodge an official visit .
pay Owing to the pressure of business , and the desire of an early return hy the Newport brethren , the lodge was summoned at half-past six as an emergency , when there were present Bros . D . Roberts , AA . M . ;¦ T . II . Stephens , S . AV . ; R . P . Hunt , J . W . ; E . J . Thomas , P . M ., Treas . ; R . J . Fisher , Sec . ; J . AV . Joy , S . D . ; T . G . Glass , J . D . ; J . E . Dawson , I . G . ; G . Robertson , F AVare , T . M . Williams , N . Powell , R , R . AVatkins , J . Stevenson ,
J . E . Billups , S . Cooper , & c . Amongst the numerous visitors we noticed Bros . Jno . Griffiths , AV . M . 471 ; AV . Williams , Prov . G . Sec . Monmouthshire , P . M . and Sec . 471 ; R . B . Evans , Prov . G . Dir . of Cers . Monmouthshire , P . M . 471 ; C . II . Oliver , J . W . 471 ; Rev . S . Fox , Chap . 471 ; II . J . Parnal ] , S . D . 471 ; J . S . Stone , J . D . 471 ; J . Gobbett , I . G . 471 ; W . Randall , Steward , 471 ; R . II . Richards , J . Sanders , AA . Watkins , H . HillE . AVhitehallT . P . AVilliamsJ . HornerAV . J . Llovd
, , , , , 471 ; J . Middleton , W . M . 683 ; T . Williams , Sec . 683 ; W . H . Martin , AV . M . 960 ; T . G . Thorp , P . M . 960 ; AV . H . Moreton , P . M . 471 , Sec . 960 ; J . AVillans , S . W . 960 ; Jno . Davies , G . T . Downton , R . Deacon , A \ . B . Gibbs , 960 ; & c . Lodge having been opened , was immediately raised to the third degree , > vhen
Bros . Billups and Cooper , having previously undergone an examination in the former degree , were admitted and raised to the sublime degree in a manner which reflected much credit upon the W . M ., by whom the whole ceremony was performed , and tho lecture delivered in a masterly style . Lodge having been closed down to the first degree at half-past seven ( the time of meeting fixed by the by-laws ) , the minutes of the last regular lodge were read and confirmed . The AV . M " . stated that the
alterations in the by-laws , fixing the meetings of tbe lodge on Monday instead of Tuesday , and leaving the hour of summons at the option of the AV . M ., had been duly confirmed by the requisite authority , and would for the future be acted upon . It was also announced that the sum of twenty-two guineas had been contributed by members of the lodge , and placed in the hands of the Steward from this province at the late Festival of
the Boys' School , ' [ 'he W . M . then drew attention to the compliment which was paid the lodge by the very numerous and influential attendance of the brethren from tho Newport lodges , and having cordially thanked those brethren for their fraternal visit , called upon the members of his own lodge to bestow thoso honours to which the position of some of their visitors entitled them . Bros . J . GriffithsAV . M . 471 ancl J . MiddletonAV . M .
, , , 683 , each responded on behalf of their respective lodges , and assured the brethren of a reciprocity of friendly greeting should the most desirable interchanges of such happy and trul y fraternal visits occur . The general business of the lodgo was then proceeded with , and ballots taken for Messrs . Barry ,