Article THE BOYS' SCHOOL. ← Page 2 of 2 Article THE BOYS' SCHOOL. Page 2 of 2 Article PROVINCIAL Page 1 of 5 →
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The Boys' School.
five passings , and three initiations , besides the installation of the W . M . All these ceremonies were most ably performed by Bro . James McLean , W . M . One of the candidates for initiation being a member of the Society of Friends , he was introduced separately , as a slight deviation from the usual formula had to be made . The duties of J . D . were performed at tho request of the W . M ., by Bro . Waltcrhean , a visitor from the City of
London Lodgo ( No . 901 ) ( also a member of the Society of Friends ) who administered tho affirmation in the place of tbo customary obligation . The chair was afterwards taken by Bro . John Savage , P . J . G . D ., to whom Bro . H . J . W . Thompson , S . W . and W . M . elect , was presented by his father , Bro . H . J . Thompson , P . M . 869 , to receive the benefit of installation . After some suitable remarks from Bro . Savage , who congratulated the lodge in having selected so worthy a brother to
preside over them , he proceeded to instal Bro . H . J . AV . Thompson into the chair of K . S . The board of installed masters was unusually large , consisting of fourteen masters and past masters . On the re-admission of the brethren the W . M . was saluted and proclaimed in the three degrees . The whole ceremony was performed in that masterly manner for which Bro . J . Savage is so justly celebrated , and called forth a hearty burst of applause at the conclusion . The sum of five guineas was voted to the
Boys' School . The lodge was called from labour to refreshment at nine p . m ., when about 74 . brethren sat down to a banquet which was served in a style highly creditable to the proprietors of Mason ' s Hall . The usual toasts were duly honoured , and at midnight the brethren separated sorry to part .
PAMIUKE LODOE ( No . 720 ) . —The members of this rapidly increasing lodge held their usual monthly meeting at tiie Loughborough Anns Tavern , Brixton , on Monday , the 20 th ult ., when a numerous lodge was formed . After the usual Masonic business , the brethren retired to banquet , the W . M . , Bro . John Read , presiding . Amongst the members and visitors supporting him were Bros . D . R . Farmer , P . G . Purst . ; N . W . HodgesP . Prov . G . Sec . ; ' E . H . PattenP . G . S . B . JWL
, , ; . . yon , P . M . 25 ; Dr . O'Connor , Bradley , J . R . Warren , and others eminent in the Craft . The customary loyal and Masonic toasts were given and responded to with much enthusiasm . Iu reply to the toast of the Secretary , Bro . Stevens , P . M ., took occasion to thank the members of the lodge for the staunch support they had given to him on the occasion of his representing the lod go as Steward at tho Festival of the Royal Masonic Boys' School
, on the 8 th ult ., and stated that he had been enabled through their assistance to hand over to that Charity a donation of between £ 70 and ; GSO . This announcement was received with considerable expressions of satisfaction , as' was also the statement that the lodge will be represented at the ensuing festival of the Girls' School , in May next , by the W . M ., and it is anticipated with the like success . In the course of the evening the
necessary preliminary steps were taken for the purpose of obtaining a charter for the attachment of a Royal Arch Chapter to this lodge . There has been for some years a Lodge of Instruction connected with the Panmure Lodge , which meets in the lodge room on every Thursday evening , the good results attending which are evidenced by the rapid progress the lodge itself is making .
WESTBOUEJCE LODGE ( No . 723 ) . —This lodge has become so popular under the able guidance of the twice-elected W . M ., Bro . Carter , that every lodge night witnesses an accession of members . During the past year there were about thirty initiations , and in the present year twelve or fourteen gentlemen have already been recipients of the mysieries of the " Craft . So much business necessitated the holding of a lodge of emergencywhich was held at Bro . Davison ' sthe New Inn
, , , Edgware-road , on the 23 rd ult ., when four candidates were duly admitted to the first degree , and nine of the E . A . passed to that of F . C . On the conclusion of Masonic business about fifty brethren sat down to an excellent banquet , after which the W . M . proposed the usual loyal and Masonic toasts . Bro . Hodges , P . Prov . G . Sec . Worcestershire , P . M ., & c , in responding for the visitors , expressed the gratification he
always experienced in witnessing the excellent working and admirable administration of the affairs of the Westbourne Lodge by their able W . M . and his equally efficient officers , and concluded by proposing , in highly eulogistic terms , the health of the W . M ., which was heartily responded to , and suitably acknowledged . We are glad to hear that several musical brethren of this lodge intend , at the request of the W . M ., to
The Boys' School.
practise suitable Masonic glees , four part songs , & c , for introduction at the banquet , and that it is also the intention of the W . M . to appoint a distinguished musician to the office & . ' Organist , a post which is to be no sinecure , as an instrument is likely to be purchased without delay . NEW CO ^ COED L 3- ( N . 813 ) . — -The installation of Bro . Boyd in the chair of this young but very flourishing lodge was
admirably performed by Bro . Emmens , who , we perceive , has received an appointment in the Executive of Grand Lodge . Bros . Brooker , Davis , and Taylor then took the second step in Freemasonry . The lodge being closed in due form , the call from labour to refreshment was succeeded by an elegant banquet , provided by Bro . Gabb , the worthy and attentive host . On the right of the W . M . sat the Rev . Bro . ShaboeP . M . 554
, > of the Rosemary Branch , Hoxton , and on his left the Rev . Bro . Loughlin , P . M ., and Chaplain of the Lodge . The visiting list was very numerous , and an evening of gratification waspassed , in which conviviality was blended with temperate enjoyment .
Sr . MARK ' S LODOE ( No . 857 . —On Tuesday , the 21 st ult ., thebrethren of this lodge met at the Horns Tavern , Kennington , and , with visitors from various lodges , the muster was very large , doubtless the installation of Bro . John Smith as W . M ., contributing much to the number . The business of the lodgewas not over great , but soon after four o ' clock the W . M ., Bro . C . H . Murr , aided by his brother officers , opened it with due form . Bro . Damni , and Bro . Devenish , were respectively raised
to the sublime degree of a M . M . The installation of Bro . Smith , S . W ., as AV . M ., elect , followed , the installing Master being Bro . J . W . Lilley , P . M ., who , in a most impressive manner , performed the ceremony . Bro . Smith , as AV . M ., then initiated into the mysteries of Freemasonry Mr . Phillip Newman with great ability . The officers of the lodge are Bros . J . Smith , AA . M . ; C . H . R . Harrison , S . AV ; E . J . L . Anderson , J . W . ; Dr . W . J . Lilley , P . M ., Treas . ; S . P . Howell , Sec ; J .
11 . Dudgeon , S . D . ; T . Tout , J . D . ; G . Schuck , I . G . ; AV . Radford , Tyler . The business of the lodge being finished the brethren retired to banquet , to which about forty sat down , including visitors from various lodges , among whom were eight men from Royal Jubilee 72 , four being P . M . 'S . viz ., Bros . J . Nunn , H . A . Rolfes , J . James , and J . Batley ; also Bros . J . Lilley , P . M . ; C . Wormald 507 , and J . D . Mills , AV . S ., Royal Union , 382 , & c . After the repast , which was served up by Brc « .
Davis in an admirable manner , the AVM . gave the usual loyal and Masonic toasts , and also the following : — " Health of the initiate , Bro . Newman , " "The Visitors , " to which Bros . Batley , Nunn , James , and J . D . Mills severally responded . Bro . Murr , P . M ., then gave "The health of the W . M . / ' which was drunk with due honours . The W . M . feelingly acknowledged the compliment , aud concluded by proposing "The health of the P . M . 's" at the same timein the name of the lodgepresenting
, , , a handsome P . M . ' s jewel to Bro . Murr . Bro . Murr returned thanks . The toast of "The officers of the lodge" followed , and Bra . Lilley , Treas ., in reply , stated the lodge to be in every way satisfactory . The "Tylers toast" brought the business , to a close .
ESSEX . HARWICH . —Lodge Star in the East ( No . 650 ) . —The members of this lodge held their usual monthly mooting on Monday March 13 th , at the pier Hotel . There were present—Bros-J . Dnrrant , W . M . j Surridge , S . W . ; Newman , J . AV . ; Farthing ,. Boulding , Dickson , AA ard , P . M ., South , Barlow , Nash , & c-
Visitors—Bros . Wostgate , S . AV . 225 , 376 , and 959 ; Cobb , 959 ; AA illiams , 376 , & i . The lodgo having opened in the first degree the minutes of last lodge were read and confirmed . The AV . M . next proceeded to open in the second degree , when Bro » Barlow was raised to the sublime degree of a M . M . Bro . Farthing having proposed a gentleman for initiation , and no other business offeringtiie AA ^ . M . proceeded to close his lodge
, finally . Tho brethren then partook of a well served banquet , provided in the well known style of Bro . Brice . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts having been di-unk and responded to , the brethren retired after one of the most pleasant evenings . spent in this flourishing lodge .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Boys' School.
five passings , and three initiations , besides the installation of the W . M . All these ceremonies were most ably performed by Bro . James McLean , W . M . One of the candidates for initiation being a member of the Society of Friends , he was introduced separately , as a slight deviation from the usual formula had to be made . The duties of J . D . were performed at tho request of the W . M ., by Bro . Waltcrhean , a visitor from the City of
London Lodgo ( No . 901 ) ( also a member of the Society of Friends ) who administered tho affirmation in the place of tbo customary obligation . The chair was afterwards taken by Bro . John Savage , P . J . G . D ., to whom Bro . H . J . W . Thompson , S . W . and W . M . elect , was presented by his father , Bro . H . J . Thompson , P . M . 869 , to receive the benefit of installation . After some suitable remarks from Bro . Savage , who congratulated the lodge in having selected so worthy a brother to
preside over them , he proceeded to instal Bro . H . J . AV . Thompson into the chair of K . S . The board of installed masters was unusually large , consisting of fourteen masters and past masters . On the re-admission of the brethren the W . M . was saluted and proclaimed in the three degrees . The whole ceremony was performed in that masterly manner for which Bro . J . Savage is so justly celebrated , and called forth a hearty burst of applause at the conclusion . The sum of five guineas was voted to the
Boys' School . The lodge was called from labour to refreshment at nine p . m ., when about 74 . brethren sat down to a banquet which was served in a style highly creditable to the proprietors of Mason ' s Hall . The usual toasts were duly honoured , and at midnight the brethren separated sorry to part .
PAMIUKE LODOE ( No . 720 ) . —The members of this rapidly increasing lodge held their usual monthly meeting at tiie Loughborough Anns Tavern , Brixton , on Monday , the 20 th ult ., when a numerous lodge was formed . After the usual Masonic business , the brethren retired to banquet , the W . M . , Bro . John Read , presiding . Amongst the members and visitors supporting him were Bros . D . R . Farmer , P . G . Purst . ; N . W . HodgesP . Prov . G . Sec . ; ' E . H . PattenP . G . S . B . JWL
, , ; . . yon , P . M . 25 ; Dr . O'Connor , Bradley , J . R . Warren , and others eminent in the Craft . The customary loyal and Masonic toasts were given and responded to with much enthusiasm . Iu reply to the toast of the Secretary , Bro . Stevens , P . M ., took occasion to thank the members of the lodge for the staunch support they had given to him on the occasion of his representing the lod go as Steward at tho Festival of the Royal Masonic Boys' School
, on the 8 th ult ., and stated that he had been enabled through their assistance to hand over to that Charity a donation of between £ 70 and ; GSO . This announcement was received with considerable expressions of satisfaction , as' was also the statement that the lodge will be represented at the ensuing festival of the Girls' School , in May next , by the W . M ., and it is anticipated with the like success . In the course of the evening the
necessary preliminary steps were taken for the purpose of obtaining a charter for the attachment of a Royal Arch Chapter to this lodge . There has been for some years a Lodge of Instruction connected with the Panmure Lodge , which meets in the lodge room on every Thursday evening , the good results attending which are evidenced by the rapid progress the lodge itself is making .
WESTBOUEJCE LODGE ( No . 723 ) . —This lodge has become so popular under the able guidance of the twice-elected W . M ., Bro . Carter , that every lodge night witnesses an accession of members . During the past year there were about thirty initiations , and in the present year twelve or fourteen gentlemen have already been recipients of the mysieries of the " Craft . So much business necessitated the holding of a lodge of emergencywhich was held at Bro . Davison ' sthe New Inn
, , , Edgware-road , on the 23 rd ult ., when four candidates were duly admitted to the first degree , and nine of the E . A . passed to that of F . C . On the conclusion of Masonic business about fifty brethren sat down to an excellent banquet , after which the W . M . proposed the usual loyal and Masonic toasts . Bro . Hodges , P . Prov . G . Sec . Worcestershire , P . M ., & c , in responding for the visitors , expressed the gratification he
always experienced in witnessing the excellent working and admirable administration of the affairs of the Westbourne Lodge by their able W . M . and his equally efficient officers , and concluded by proposing , in highly eulogistic terms , the health of the W . M ., which was heartily responded to , and suitably acknowledged . We are glad to hear that several musical brethren of this lodge intend , at the request of the W . M ., to
The Boys' School.
practise suitable Masonic glees , four part songs , & c , for introduction at the banquet , and that it is also the intention of the W . M . to appoint a distinguished musician to the office & . ' Organist , a post which is to be no sinecure , as an instrument is likely to be purchased without delay . NEW CO ^ COED L 3- ( N . 813 ) . — -The installation of Bro . Boyd in the chair of this young but very flourishing lodge was
admirably performed by Bro . Emmens , who , we perceive , has received an appointment in the Executive of Grand Lodge . Bros . Brooker , Davis , and Taylor then took the second step in Freemasonry . The lodge being closed in due form , the call from labour to refreshment was succeeded by an elegant banquet , provided by Bro . Gabb , the worthy and attentive host . On the right of the W . M . sat the Rev . Bro . ShaboeP . M . 554
, > of the Rosemary Branch , Hoxton , and on his left the Rev . Bro . Loughlin , P . M ., and Chaplain of the Lodge . The visiting list was very numerous , and an evening of gratification waspassed , in which conviviality was blended with temperate enjoyment .
Sr . MARK ' S LODOE ( No . 857 . —On Tuesday , the 21 st ult ., thebrethren of this lodge met at the Horns Tavern , Kennington , and , with visitors from various lodges , the muster was very large , doubtless the installation of Bro . John Smith as W . M ., contributing much to the number . The business of the lodgewas not over great , but soon after four o ' clock the W . M ., Bro . C . H . Murr , aided by his brother officers , opened it with due form . Bro . Damni , and Bro . Devenish , were respectively raised
to the sublime degree of a M . M . The installation of Bro . Smith , S . W ., as AV . M ., elect , followed , the installing Master being Bro . J . W . Lilley , P . M ., who , in a most impressive manner , performed the ceremony . Bro . Smith , as AV . M ., then initiated into the mysteries of Freemasonry Mr . Phillip Newman with great ability . The officers of the lodge are Bros . J . Smith , AA . M . ; C . H . R . Harrison , S . AV ; E . J . L . Anderson , J . W . ; Dr . W . J . Lilley , P . M ., Treas . ; S . P . Howell , Sec ; J .
11 . Dudgeon , S . D . ; T . Tout , J . D . ; G . Schuck , I . G . ; AV . Radford , Tyler . The business of the lodge being finished the brethren retired to banquet , to which about forty sat down , including visitors from various lodges , among whom were eight men from Royal Jubilee 72 , four being P . M . 'S . viz ., Bros . J . Nunn , H . A . Rolfes , J . James , and J . Batley ; also Bros . J . Lilley , P . M . ; C . Wormald 507 , and J . D . Mills , AV . S ., Royal Union , 382 , & c . After the repast , which was served up by Brc « .
Davis in an admirable manner , the AVM . gave the usual loyal and Masonic toasts , and also the following : — " Health of the initiate , Bro . Newman , " "The Visitors , " to which Bros . Batley , Nunn , James , and J . D . Mills severally responded . Bro . Murr , P . M ., then gave "The health of the W . M . / ' which was drunk with due honours . The W . M . feelingly acknowledged the compliment , aud concluded by proposing "The health of the P . M . 's" at the same timein the name of the lodgepresenting
, , , a handsome P . M . ' s jewel to Bro . Murr . Bro . Murr returned thanks . The toast of "The officers of the lodge" followed , and Bra . Lilley , Treas ., in reply , stated the lodge to be in every way satisfactory . The "Tylers toast" brought the business , to a close .
ESSEX . HARWICH . —Lodge Star in the East ( No . 650 ) . —The members of this lodge held their usual monthly mooting on Monday March 13 th , at the pier Hotel . There were present—Bros-J . Dnrrant , W . M . j Surridge , S . W . ; Newman , J . AV . ; Farthing ,. Boulding , Dickson , AA ard , P . M ., South , Barlow , Nash , & c-
Visitors—Bros . Wostgate , S . AV . 225 , 376 , and 959 ; Cobb , 959 ; AA illiams , 376 , & i . The lodgo having opened in the first degree the minutes of last lodge were read and confirmed . The AV . M . next proceeded to open in the second degree , when Bro » Barlow was raised to the sublime degree of a M . M . Bro . Farthing having proposed a gentleman for initiation , and no other business offeringtiie AA ^ . M . proceeded to close his lodge
, finally . Tho brethren then partook of a well served banquet , provided in the well known style of Bro . Brice . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts having been di-unk and responded to , the brethren retired after one of the most pleasant evenings . spent in this flourishing lodge .