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KENT . F OLKESTONE . —Temple Lodge ( No . 558 ) . —On Monday , the 13 th ult ., the brethren of the Temple Lodge assembled in lodge at the Town Hall for the purpose of installing Bro . John English , the W . M . elect . A new candidate having been initiated by the retiring Master , AV F . Gosling , the ceremony of installation was performed by Bro . Ashdown , of Hythe . After
the ordinary business was transacted , Bro . W . F . Gosling , AV . M ., presented a valuable gold medal , manufactured by Bro . R . Spencer , of London , and a purse of money to Bro . John AA arrington , as a testimonial from the brethren , for his zealous services during the space of twenty years that he had filled the office of Secretary . The brethren aftewards dined together at the King's Arms Hotel . Several brethren from Dover and Hythe visited the lodge on this occasion .
HYTHE . —Prince Edwin ' s Lodge ( No . 125 ) . —The brethren of this lodge assembled at the Town Hall , on AVednesday , March 15 th , for the purpose of installing the AV . M ., Bro . George Key , the late proprietor of the AAliite Hart Hotel . The ceremony was performed by Bro . Ashdown , who also initiated two now brethren . The lodge then closed , and the brethren retired to tbe AA hite Hart Hotel , where a banquet was provided , The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given , and the evening spent in harmony and good-fellowship .
LANCASHIRE ( AVEST ) . WAEEINGTOIT . —Lodge of Lights ( No . 148 ) . —The regular monthly meeting of this lodge -was held at the Masonic Rooms , Sankey-street , on Monday the 27 th ult . In the unavoidable absence of the AV . M . Bro . Gilbert Greeuall , M . P ., the S . AV ., Bro . II . B . AVhite , P . M ., occupied the chair . There were present—Bros . Pettett , Master of the Ceremonies , as S . AV . ; AV . Smith ,
3 . AV . ; John Bowes , P . M . and Sec ; Joseph Maxfield , P . M . ; AV . H . Spring , AV . K . AValmsley , AV . Ashern , Joseph Robinson , & e . Visitors—Bros . Dr . F . AVhite , P . M . 663 , and Rev . R . Garland , LL . S . 696 . The lodge was opened iu due form and the minutes were read and confirmed . Bro . Garland , who had been proposed as a joining member , stated that he was about to leave the town and begged to be allowed to withdraw his name in consequence . The ballot was then taken for Mr .
William Richardson , who was proposed at the previous meeting , which proved unanimous in favour of that gentleman . A letter was read from Bro . John Brown who was a candidate for the sublime degree of a M . M ., stating that he was unable to be present . Bro . AVhite read a letter be had received from the Grand Secretary relative to the centenary jewel which will be ¦ worn at the centenary celebration on the 8 th of November next . It is expected that this meeting will be both large and influential . There being no further business the lodge -was closed in solemn form according to ancient custom .
SHROPSHIRE AND NORTH AVALES . PEOVINCIAI GEAND LODGE . The Right Worshipful the Provincial Grand Master for North Wales and Shropshire , Sir Watkin Williams Wynri , Hart ., M . P ., held a ¦ Provincial Grand Lodgo at Ludlow on Thursday , March 16 th . A very numerous body of the brethren were present , and the inhabitants of the beautiful and romantic
old town seemed duly impressed with the honour of a visit from them , for they assembled in vast numbers in tho streets , and at the windows of the various houses between the Assembly Rooms , where the Grand Lodge was held , and the Church , where divine service was performed . Amongst the brethren present wore Bro . Sir Watkin W . AVynn , R . W . Prov . G . M . ; the R . AV . D . Prov . G . M ., Bro . Dymock ; Bros . RandallProv . S . G . AA . ; FourdrinierProv . J . G . AV . ; AVigan
, , , Prov . G . Sec . ; Dr . Bowles , Prov . G . M . Herefordshire ; AV . B . Hooper , P . M . 203 , and P . Z . 361 ; Partridge , J . IV . 892 ; Wornington , S . D . 892 ; Tasker , 1141 ; Lambert , P . M . and P . G . D . 613 ; Hustwick , P . G . S . 120 ; Francis Smith , 201 ; Laing , AV . M . and P . Z . 120 ; Horton Jenks , P . G . Chap . 120 ; Butcher , I . G . and S . 892 . Lodge of the Marches ( Ludlow ) , 611-. —Bros . AV . C . Johnson , AV . M . ; Partridge , S . AV . ; Cox , J . AV ; Jellicose , Chap . ; AA illiams , Treas . ; Crowe , S 6 c . ; Powell , S . D . ; Henry
Price , J . D .,- Clarke , I . G . ; Ashworth , Newman , Harley Bayley , P . M . 's ; Sadbury , Bartholomew , T . Roberts , Herbold , Henry Jones , Peacock , Everell , Tuniieciill ' e , Kilvert , Crane , Lloyd , and Anderson . Salopian Lodge ( Shrewsbury ) 262 : —Bros .
W . J . Clement , and AVhite , P . M . ' s ; Brightwell , and Chandler , G . Rcg . Royal Oak Lodge ( Welshpool ) 998 : —Bros . Dr . Goldsbro' , AV . M ., and P . M . 201 ; Jcnkin , S . AV . ; Sloman , J . AV . ; Brown , S . D . and Sec . ; T . Pugli , Jones , Wifchy , Edward Jones , Askew Robens , J . M . Edwards , and Thomas Morris . Lodge of Charity ( Shrewsburv ) 117 : —T . Phillips , P . M . ; Hem-y Atkin , P . G . Purst . ; Fletcher , J . AV . ; and Fleet , S . AV . St . Tudno Lodge ( Llandudno ) , 755 : —Bros . AV . Bulkeley Hughes , and-G . Felton , Webster
P . M . Besides these there were also present Bros . R . C . , Ruabon , J . H . Green , Robert Everell , and several others who omitted signing their names in the Tyler ' s book , and whose names , consequently , we are unable to record . The members of 611 , assisted by their brethren of the province , held a lodge in the third degree at noon , when tho Grand Master and his officers were received in due form , and Grand Lodge heldat the conclusion of whichin accordance with
was : , the wishes of the Ludlow brethren , but rather reluctantly on the part of many of the visiting brethren , a procession was formed , which proceeded to the parish church in the following order : — 611 Lodge of the Marches Ludlow . 998 Royal Oak Lodge Welshpool . 755 St . Tudno Llandudno . head
597 Hibcrnia , Holy . 3 S 0 St . David's Bangor . 262 Salopian Shrewsbury . 117 Lodge of Charity Shrewsbury .
Visitors from other lodges . Volume of the Sacred Law , carried by four M . M . ' s Sons . Fall cathedral service was held at two o ' clock , the prayers and psalms being intoned by Bro . the Rev . Hampton , of Tenbury , and the lessons read by tbe Rev . the Rector of the parish . The sermon was preached by Brother the Rev . Sir F . A . Gore Ouseley , Bart ., Grand Chaplain of England . The musical arrangements were under the direction of Bro . Robert
Bartholomew , organist of the church ; and the Grand Chaplain ( we are informed ) presided at the organ during the singing of the anthem . The choir was chiefly composed of brethren from St . Michael ' s College , Tenhm-y , and tho boys of the college choir . The following was the order of service : —
Evensong . Processional Psalm exxii Rimbault , in G . Preces and A ersicles Tallis . Daily Psalms ( Onseley ' s Psalter ) ... j xi \ Kinkee . ' Magnificat ? K - in p _ Nunc Dnnitis ) D After 3 rd Collect .
Anthem— " Praise the Lord" John G oss . ISSth Hymn—Melcombc —( Hymns Ancient aud Modern ) . 0 Lord , how joyful 'tis to see The brethren join in love to Thee ; On Thee alone their heart relies , Their only strength Thy grace supplies . How sweetwithin Thholy place
, y , AVitli one accord to sing Thy grace , Besieging Thine attentive ear With all the force of fervent prayer . 0 may we love the House of God , Of peace and joy the blest abode ; 0 may no angry strife destroy That sacred peace , that holy joy .
The world without may rage , but we "Will only cling more close to Thee , AVith hearts to Thee more wholly given , More weaned from earth , more fixed on heaven . Lord , shower upon us from above The sacred gift of mutual love ; Each other ' s wants may we supply ,
And reign together in the sky . Amen . Bro . the Rev . Sir Frederick Gore Ouseley preached the sermon , and took for his text the eleventh verse of the fourth chapter of 1 st John : " Beloved , if God so loved us , wo ought also to love one another . " The preacher commenced by observing that although this was an ordinary precept , yet it was treated in the world in an extraordinary manner , and alluded to the fratricidal war in America , aud the dissensions in the Christian Church , as strange and extraordinary , whilst all professed to believe the truths of the Bible and take it as
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
KENT . F OLKESTONE . —Temple Lodge ( No . 558 ) . —On Monday , the 13 th ult ., the brethren of the Temple Lodge assembled in lodge at the Town Hall for the purpose of installing Bro . John English , the W . M . elect . A new candidate having been initiated by the retiring Master , AV F . Gosling , the ceremony of installation was performed by Bro . Ashdown , of Hythe . After
the ordinary business was transacted , Bro . W . F . Gosling , AV . M ., presented a valuable gold medal , manufactured by Bro . R . Spencer , of London , and a purse of money to Bro . John AA arrington , as a testimonial from the brethren , for his zealous services during the space of twenty years that he had filled the office of Secretary . The brethren aftewards dined together at the King's Arms Hotel . Several brethren from Dover and Hythe visited the lodge on this occasion .
HYTHE . —Prince Edwin ' s Lodge ( No . 125 ) . —The brethren of this lodge assembled at the Town Hall , on AVednesday , March 15 th , for the purpose of installing the AV . M ., Bro . George Key , the late proprietor of the AAliite Hart Hotel . The ceremony was performed by Bro . Ashdown , who also initiated two now brethren . The lodge then closed , and the brethren retired to tbe AA hite Hart Hotel , where a banquet was provided , The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given , and the evening spent in harmony and good-fellowship .
LANCASHIRE ( AVEST ) . WAEEINGTOIT . —Lodge of Lights ( No . 148 ) . —The regular monthly meeting of this lodge -was held at the Masonic Rooms , Sankey-street , on Monday the 27 th ult . In the unavoidable absence of the AV . M . Bro . Gilbert Greeuall , M . P ., the S . AV ., Bro . II . B . AVhite , P . M ., occupied the chair . There were present—Bros . Pettett , Master of the Ceremonies , as S . AV . ; AV . Smith ,
3 . AV . ; John Bowes , P . M . and Sec ; Joseph Maxfield , P . M . ; AV . H . Spring , AV . K . AValmsley , AV . Ashern , Joseph Robinson , & e . Visitors—Bros . Dr . F . AVhite , P . M . 663 , and Rev . R . Garland , LL . S . 696 . The lodge was opened iu due form and the minutes were read and confirmed . Bro . Garland , who had been proposed as a joining member , stated that he was about to leave the town and begged to be allowed to withdraw his name in consequence . The ballot was then taken for Mr .
William Richardson , who was proposed at the previous meeting , which proved unanimous in favour of that gentleman . A letter was read from Bro . John Brown who was a candidate for the sublime degree of a M . M ., stating that he was unable to be present . Bro . AVhite read a letter be had received from the Grand Secretary relative to the centenary jewel which will be ¦ worn at the centenary celebration on the 8 th of November next . It is expected that this meeting will be both large and influential . There being no further business the lodge -was closed in solemn form according to ancient custom .
SHROPSHIRE AND NORTH AVALES . PEOVINCIAI GEAND LODGE . The Right Worshipful the Provincial Grand Master for North Wales and Shropshire , Sir Watkin Williams Wynri , Hart ., M . P ., held a ¦ Provincial Grand Lodgo at Ludlow on Thursday , March 16 th . A very numerous body of the brethren were present , and the inhabitants of the beautiful and romantic
old town seemed duly impressed with the honour of a visit from them , for they assembled in vast numbers in tho streets , and at the windows of the various houses between the Assembly Rooms , where the Grand Lodge was held , and the Church , where divine service was performed . Amongst the brethren present wore Bro . Sir Watkin W . AVynn , R . W . Prov . G . M . ; the R . AV . D . Prov . G . M ., Bro . Dymock ; Bros . RandallProv . S . G . AA . ; FourdrinierProv . J . G . AV . ; AVigan
, , , Prov . G . Sec . ; Dr . Bowles , Prov . G . M . Herefordshire ; AV . B . Hooper , P . M . 203 , and P . Z . 361 ; Partridge , J . IV . 892 ; Wornington , S . D . 892 ; Tasker , 1141 ; Lambert , P . M . and P . G . D . 613 ; Hustwick , P . G . S . 120 ; Francis Smith , 201 ; Laing , AV . M . and P . Z . 120 ; Horton Jenks , P . G . Chap . 120 ; Butcher , I . G . and S . 892 . Lodge of the Marches ( Ludlow ) , 611-. —Bros . AV . C . Johnson , AV . M . ; Partridge , S . AV . ; Cox , J . AV ; Jellicose , Chap . ; AA illiams , Treas . ; Crowe , S 6 c . ; Powell , S . D . ; Henry
Price , J . D .,- Clarke , I . G . ; Ashworth , Newman , Harley Bayley , P . M . 's ; Sadbury , Bartholomew , T . Roberts , Herbold , Henry Jones , Peacock , Everell , Tuniieciill ' e , Kilvert , Crane , Lloyd , and Anderson . Salopian Lodge ( Shrewsbury ) 262 : —Bros .
W . J . Clement , and AVhite , P . M . ' s ; Brightwell , and Chandler , G . Rcg . Royal Oak Lodge ( Welshpool ) 998 : —Bros . Dr . Goldsbro' , AV . M ., and P . M . 201 ; Jcnkin , S . AV . ; Sloman , J . AV . ; Brown , S . D . and Sec . ; T . Pugli , Jones , Wifchy , Edward Jones , Askew Robens , J . M . Edwards , and Thomas Morris . Lodge of Charity ( Shrewsburv ) 117 : —T . Phillips , P . M . ; Hem-y Atkin , P . G . Purst . ; Fletcher , J . AV . ; and Fleet , S . AV . St . Tudno Lodge ( Llandudno ) , 755 : —Bros . AV . Bulkeley Hughes , and-G . Felton , Webster
P . M . Besides these there were also present Bros . R . C . , Ruabon , J . H . Green , Robert Everell , and several others who omitted signing their names in the Tyler ' s book , and whose names , consequently , we are unable to record . The members of 611 , assisted by their brethren of the province , held a lodge in the third degree at noon , when tho Grand Master and his officers were received in due form , and Grand Lodge heldat the conclusion of whichin accordance with
was : , the wishes of the Ludlow brethren , but rather reluctantly on the part of many of the visiting brethren , a procession was formed , which proceeded to the parish church in the following order : — 611 Lodge of the Marches Ludlow . 998 Royal Oak Lodge Welshpool . 755 St . Tudno Llandudno . head
597 Hibcrnia , Holy . 3 S 0 St . David's Bangor . 262 Salopian Shrewsbury . 117 Lodge of Charity Shrewsbury .
Visitors from other lodges . Volume of the Sacred Law , carried by four M . M . ' s Sons . Fall cathedral service was held at two o ' clock , the prayers and psalms being intoned by Bro . the Rev . Hampton , of Tenbury , and the lessons read by tbe Rev . the Rector of the parish . The sermon was preached by Brother the Rev . Sir F . A . Gore Ouseley , Bart ., Grand Chaplain of England . The musical arrangements were under the direction of Bro . Robert
Bartholomew , organist of the church ; and the Grand Chaplain ( we are informed ) presided at the organ during the singing of the anthem . The choir was chiefly composed of brethren from St . Michael ' s College , Tenhm-y , and tho boys of the college choir . The following was the order of service : —
Evensong . Processional Psalm exxii Rimbault , in G . Preces and A ersicles Tallis . Daily Psalms ( Onseley ' s Psalter ) ... j xi \ Kinkee . ' Magnificat ? K - in p _ Nunc Dnnitis ) D After 3 rd Collect .
Anthem— " Praise the Lord" John G oss . ISSth Hymn—Melcombc —( Hymns Ancient aud Modern ) . 0 Lord , how joyful 'tis to see The brethren join in love to Thee ; On Thee alone their heart relies , Their only strength Thy grace supplies . How sweetwithin Thholy place
, y , AVitli one accord to sing Thy grace , Besieging Thine attentive ear With all the force of fervent prayer . 0 may we love the House of God , Of peace and joy the blest abode ; 0 may no angry strife destroy That sacred peace , that holy joy .
The world without may rage , but we "Will only cling more close to Thee , AVith hearts to Thee more wholly given , More weaned from earth , more fixed on heaven . Lord , shower upon us from above The sacred gift of mutual love ; Each other ' s wants may we supply ,
And reign together in the sky . Amen . Bro . the Rev . Sir Frederick Gore Ouseley preached the sermon , and took for his text the eleventh verse of the fourth chapter of 1 st John : " Beloved , if God so loved us , wo ought also to love one another . " The preacher commenced by observing that although this was an ordinary precept , yet it was treated in the world in an extraordinary manner , and alluded to the fratricidal war in America , aud the dissensions in the Christian Church , as strange and extraordinary , whilst all professed to believe the truths of the Bible and take it as