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The Week.
to lay the matter before the United States Government , and if wrong had been done he had no doubt that reparation Avould he readily made . He also intended to call the attention of the American Government to to the conduct of Mr . Adams in granting certificates to British ships—an assumption Avhich he characterised as " most unwarrantable . " After some further
discussion , in which Lords Derby and Grey insisted that it was the duty of the Government to afford protection to British vessels , the subject dropped . —On Friday another discussion Avas raised on the proceedings of the Federal cruisers in the AVest Indies . Special allusion was made to Mr . Seward ' s instructions with reference to the disposal of letter bags found in
captured British ships—Lord Redesdale , Lord Derby , Lord Clanricarde , ancl Lord Hardwicke censuring the acquiescence of Her Majesty's Government in the directions issued by the Federal Secretary of State . Lord Russell replied to these remarks , and added that he would endeavour to lay the opinion of the law officers of the Crown before their Lordships on
Monday . —Lord AVodehouse moved the second reading of the hill abolishing the declaration required of persons holding municipal and other civil offices ; hut the motion Avas met by an amendment , and the measure Avas lost by a majority of 69 to 52 . ——On Monday , Lord Russell made an important statement with reference to the course taken by the Federal authorities
respecting the mail-bag carried by the Peterhoff , and hoped the House Avould not press for the opinion of the law officers of the Crown on the subject , as that opinion Avould ha \ -e to be carefully weighed by the Government before any directions Avere sent out to Lord Lyons . An additional reason for asking the indulgence of their Lordships was that " the next mail might entirely alter the facts of the case . " On Tuesday the business Avas void of interest . In the HOUSE OE COMMONS ' on
Thursday , the 23 rd ult ., the Chancellor of the Exchequer stated , in reply to a question from Sir James Fergusson , that the Government had no intention of altering tlie machinery by which the assessment for the income-tax was at present made . —Mr . Roebuck then made his promised speech on the proceedings of Admiral A \ ilkes . After some time the subject dropped , and Lord Palmerston , in Committee of Supply , moved a vote of
£ 50 , 000 towards the national memorial of the late Prince Consort . On Friday , in reply to a question from Lord Alfred Churchill , the Solicitor General said a British merchant vessel , on a voyage between two neutral ports , would not be justified in resisting by force an attempted seizure by a Federal cruiser . —Mr . Gladstone announced that he had abandoned that part
of his scheme of " ways and means" relating to the duties on stage coaches . —Mr . Horsfall called attention to the seizure of & Q Alexandra at Liverpool , and submitted that the declaration of the owners of that vessel that she was not intended for the the Confederate service was at least as reliable as the statements of the secret informants of the Government . The hou .
gentleman commented Avarnily on the spy system carried on in England by Federal agents , and reminded the Government that , Avhile they Avere so active in pouncing upon the Alexandra , whole field batteries were openly conveyed to the Northern States , and Irish labourers Avere leaving this country on a mission which it Avas not difficult to divine . On
Monday , Mr . Cubitt stated that the Mansion House Committee , Avhich had a balance in hand of about £ 90 , 000 , had no intention of uniting with the Central Relief Committee for Lancashire distress . —In answer to a question from Mr . Hibhert Lord Palmerston said the Government did not propose to ask the House to sanction a grant to meet the cost of forming parks in the vicinity of large towns with a view of employing the distressed operatives of the cotton manufacturing districts .
Mr . Busfield Ferrand , in moving his resolution , declaring it to be the duty of the Government " to take into consideration , without delay , Avhat measures may he necessary to relieve the distress which prevails in the cotton manufacturing districts , so that the people may no longer continue unemployed , '" made a wild attack on the manufacturers , upon whose shoulders he
threw the entire responsibility of the cotton famine . After some discussion , the motion was withdrawn , and the House proceeded with voting the budget . On Tuesday , General Lindsay brought forward the case of the Crimean Colonels once more , and moved for a Royal Commission to inquire into the grievances of those officers . The Marquis of Hartington , on
behalf of the Government , opposed the motion , hut Sir John Pakington , Mr . Kinglake , and other members having strongly urged that an inquiry should he granted , Lord Palmerston promised an investigation of the ease if the hon . and gallant member for AVigan would withdraw his motion . Mr . Disraeli expressed his satisfaction at the course taken by the noble Lordj
to whose proposal General Lindsay finally gave his assent . Mr Arthur Mills raised a discussion on the question of the defence of the colonies . The hon . gentleman urged that the colonies , enjoying free institutions , ought to provide for their own defence ; ancl this view was supported by Mr , Adderley and other speakers . Mr . Chichester Fortescne said the Government had
stated its views on this subject to the Canadian government in very plain terms , hut at the same time he Avas bound to say that a good deal was now being done in the colony in the way of enrolling volunteers . AVith regard to New Zealand , a sufficient military force Avould be maintained during the progress o ' colonisation . On AVednesday , the Church Rate Abolition Bill occupied the House from twenty minutes past twelve o'clock to ten minutes before five ; and , at ten minutes past
five , the result of the division Avas announced . The Bill Avas rejected by 285 votes to 275 . GENERAL HOME NEWS . —The mortality of London still continues very high , and small-pox figures prominently as a cause of death . The deaths last Aveek Avere 1408 , Avhich Avas just about the number of the Aveek before . The numbers were 122 above the average of the week for the proceeding ten years . A
new and ghastly feature appears in the report , from the record of seven murders in the course of the week , which is at the rate of one a clay . The births were 1963 , Avhich is 30 above the corrected average . The monthly report ofthe Hon . Secretary of the Central Relief Committee announces a considerable increase in the number of persons fully employed , while Mr .
Farnail's weekly return shows a further decrease of 4404 in the number of recipients of parochial relief in the cotton manufacturing districts . The Committee ' s balance at the hank is about £ 400 , 000 . Among the contributions announced at the last meeting , Avas one of £ 500 from Honolulu—the King of the Sandwich Islands appearing in the list of donors . A party
of 1000 emigrants left Manchester on Tuesday . Their destination is Canterbury , New Zealand . An important movement Avas inaugurated on AVednesday , at the Bishop of London ' s residence , St . James ' s Square . A meeting of property owners and employers of labour in tho metropolis , convened by his lord , ship , was held for the purpose of devising means to meet the
spiritual wants of the poorer districts of London . Nearly 200 noblemen and gentlemen Avere present . The bishop delivered an interesting address , iu Avhich he expatiated on the great necessity which existed for larger spiritual provision to meet the enormous increase of population . The Earl of Shaftesbury , Lord Landon , and others having spoken , it was determined that £ 1 , 000 , 000 should be raised in the next ton years , for the pur-Dose of building churches , providing missionary curates , & c .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Week.
to lay the matter before the United States Government , and if wrong had been done he had no doubt that reparation Avould he readily made . He also intended to call the attention of the American Government to to the conduct of Mr . Adams in granting certificates to British ships—an assumption Avhich he characterised as " most unwarrantable . " After some further
discussion , in which Lords Derby and Grey insisted that it was the duty of the Government to afford protection to British vessels , the subject dropped . —On Friday another discussion Avas raised on the proceedings of the Federal cruisers in the AVest Indies . Special allusion was made to Mr . Seward ' s instructions with reference to the disposal of letter bags found in
captured British ships—Lord Redesdale , Lord Derby , Lord Clanricarde , ancl Lord Hardwicke censuring the acquiescence of Her Majesty's Government in the directions issued by the Federal Secretary of State . Lord Russell replied to these remarks , and added that he would endeavour to lay the opinion of the law officers of the Crown before their Lordships on
Monday . —Lord AVodehouse moved the second reading of the hill abolishing the declaration required of persons holding municipal and other civil offices ; hut the motion Avas met by an amendment , and the measure Avas lost by a majority of 69 to 52 . ——On Monday , Lord Russell made an important statement with reference to the course taken by the Federal authorities
respecting the mail-bag carried by the Peterhoff , and hoped the House Avould not press for the opinion of the law officers of the Crown on the subject , as that opinion Avould ha \ -e to be carefully weighed by the Government before any directions Avere sent out to Lord Lyons . An additional reason for asking the indulgence of their Lordships was that " the next mail might entirely alter the facts of the case . " On Tuesday the business Avas void of interest . In the HOUSE OE COMMONS ' on
Thursday , the 23 rd ult ., the Chancellor of the Exchequer stated , in reply to a question from Sir James Fergusson , that the Government had no intention of altering tlie machinery by which the assessment for the income-tax was at present made . —Mr . Roebuck then made his promised speech on the proceedings of Admiral A \ ilkes . After some time the subject dropped , and Lord Palmerston , in Committee of Supply , moved a vote of
£ 50 , 000 towards the national memorial of the late Prince Consort . On Friday , in reply to a question from Lord Alfred Churchill , the Solicitor General said a British merchant vessel , on a voyage between two neutral ports , would not be justified in resisting by force an attempted seizure by a Federal cruiser . —Mr . Gladstone announced that he had abandoned that part
of his scheme of " ways and means" relating to the duties on stage coaches . —Mr . Horsfall called attention to the seizure of & Q Alexandra at Liverpool , and submitted that the declaration of the owners of that vessel that she was not intended for the the Confederate service was at least as reliable as the statements of the secret informants of the Government . The hou .
gentleman commented Avarnily on the spy system carried on in England by Federal agents , and reminded the Government that , Avhile they Avere so active in pouncing upon the Alexandra , whole field batteries were openly conveyed to the Northern States , and Irish labourers Avere leaving this country on a mission which it Avas not difficult to divine . On
Monday , Mr . Cubitt stated that the Mansion House Committee , Avhich had a balance in hand of about £ 90 , 000 , had no intention of uniting with the Central Relief Committee for Lancashire distress . —In answer to a question from Mr . Hibhert Lord Palmerston said the Government did not propose to ask the House to sanction a grant to meet the cost of forming parks in the vicinity of large towns with a view of employing the distressed operatives of the cotton manufacturing districts .
Mr . Busfield Ferrand , in moving his resolution , declaring it to be the duty of the Government " to take into consideration , without delay , Avhat measures may he necessary to relieve the distress which prevails in the cotton manufacturing districts , so that the people may no longer continue unemployed , '" made a wild attack on the manufacturers , upon whose shoulders he
threw the entire responsibility of the cotton famine . After some discussion , the motion was withdrawn , and the House proceeded with voting the budget . On Tuesday , General Lindsay brought forward the case of the Crimean Colonels once more , and moved for a Royal Commission to inquire into the grievances of those officers . The Marquis of Hartington , on
behalf of the Government , opposed the motion , hut Sir John Pakington , Mr . Kinglake , and other members having strongly urged that an inquiry should he granted , Lord Palmerston promised an investigation of the ease if the hon . and gallant member for AVigan would withdraw his motion . Mr . Disraeli expressed his satisfaction at the course taken by the noble Lordj
to whose proposal General Lindsay finally gave his assent . Mr Arthur Mills raised a discussion on the question of the defence of the colonies . The hon . gentleman urged that the colonies , enjoying free institutions , ought to provide for their own defence ; ancl this view was supported by Mr , Adderley and other speakers . Mr . Chichester Fortescne said the Government had
stated its views on this subject to the Canadian government in very plain terms , hut at the same time he Avas bound to say that a good deal was now being done in the colony in the way of enrolling volunteers . AVith regard to New Zealand , a sufficient military force Avould be maintained during the progress o ' colonisation . On AVednesday , the Church Rate Abolition Bill occupied the House from twenty minutes past twelve o'clock to ten minutes before five ; and , at ten minutes past
five , the result of the division Avas announced . The Bill Avas rejected by 285 votes to 275 . GENERAL HOME NEWS . —The mortality of London still continues very high , and small-pox figures prominently as a cause of death . The deaths last Aveek Avere 1408 , Avhich Avas just about the number of the Aveek before . The numbers were 122 above the average of the week for the proceeding ten years . A
new and ghastly feature appears in the report , from the record of seven murders in the course of the week , which is at the rate of one a clay . The births were 1963 , Avhich is 30 above the corrected average . The monthly report ofthe Hon . Secretary of the Central Relief Committee announces a considerable increase in the number of persons fully employed , while Mr .
Farnail's weekly return shows a further decrease of 4404 in the number of recipients of parochial relief in the cotton manufacturing districts . The Committee ' s balance at the hank is about £ 400 , 000 . Among the contributions announced at the last meeting , Avas one of £ 500 from Honolulu—the King of the Sandwich Islands appearing in the list of donors . A party
of 1000 emigrants left Manchester on Tuesday . Their destination is Canterbury , New Zealand . An important movement Avas inaugurated on AVednesday , at the Bishop of London ' s residence , St . James ' s Square . A meeting of property owners and employers of labour in tho metropolis , convened by his lord , ship , was held for the purpose of devising means to meet the
spiritual wants of the poorer districts of London . Nearly 200 noblemen and gentlemen Avere present . The bishop delivered an interesting address , iu Avhich he expatiated on the great necessity which existed for larger spiritual provision to meet the enormous increase of population . The Earl of Shaftesbury , Lord Landon , and others having spoken , it was determined that £ 1 , 000 , 000 should be raised in the next ton years , for the pur-Dose of building churches , providing missionary curates , & c .