Article THE MASONIC MIRROR. ← Page 2 of 2 Article METROPOLITAN. Page 1 of 3 →
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The Masonic Mirror.
deceased , and the governor or subscriber shall attach his or her signature to such alteration '—be not approved . " By AA . Bro . JOHN SAVAGE , P . S . G . D . : — ' - 'That whereas a special general meeting of the Royal Benevolent Institution for Aged Freemasons and their AAldows has been called for Friday , 1 st June , for the purpose of correcting the alleged inaccuracies in the return of the scrutineers at the annual meeting of the ISth instant , and there are good grounds for believing that at least tivo of the list of successful
candidates , officially announced iu The Times and other periodicals , will be displaced upon a scrutiny : and whereas there are good grounds for believing that Jane Yule , widow of Archibald Yule , late of Lodge No . 595 , LougtoAvn , Cumberland , will be one of those so displaced : Be it resolved—That in the event of such a result , the sum of . € 25 be granted from the Fluid of Benevolence to the said Jane Yule , and that the said » mn be placed in the hands of some brother approved by Grand Lodge , for the purpose of being paid to her in four equal payments during the
ensuing twelve months . " By . AA . Bro . JOHN SAVAGE , P . S . G . D .: — "That whereas a special general meeting of the Royal Benevolent Institution for Aged Freemasons and their AVidows has been called for Friday , 1 st June , for the jihrpose of correcting the alleged inaccuracies in the return of the scrutineers at the annual meeting of tho ISth instant , and there are good grounds for believing that at least two of the list of successful candidatesofficially announced in The Times and other periodicalswill be
, , displaced upon a scrutiny ; and whereas there are good grounds for believing that Elizabeth Cooke , ividoiv of Thomas Cooke , late of Lodge No . 22 , London , ivill be one of those so displaced : Be it resolved—That in the event of such a result , the sum of £ 15 be granted from tho Fund of Benevolence to the said' Elizabeth Cooke , and that the said sum be placed iu the hands of some brother approved by the Grand Lodge , for the purpose of being paid to her in four equal payments during the ensuing tivelve months , "
Tho M . AV . Grand Master having given notice that the AV . Bro . Joseph Smith do take the rank of Past Grand Pursuivant .
THE NEW CONCORD LODGE ( NO . 1 , 015 ) . —This Lodge held an emergency meeting on AVednesday last , at the Rosemary Branch . Hoxton , for the purpose of cleaving up nil arrears of : Masonic business . Accordin Sh ' : at six o ' clock , Bvo . 'Emmens , AV . M ., opened the Lodge iu tho three degrees , and raised Bros . Cole , Kennedy , Barnett . Sehiveizer , Brown , and Nightingale to the degree of MM . Tho accuracy and iinpressiveness of the working of the AV . M . is so Avell knoAvn in the Craft , that it AVOUM be superfluous to dilate here upon it . 'Die Lodgeivbioh has only been
, established three months , already numbers forty five members . In consequence of the numerous applications tor admission , it is expected that the AV . M . will be under the necessity of calling another Lodge of emergency during the month . The brethren , after the Lodge business ivas finished , adjourned to a cold collation , well served by Bro . Stannard , Avho at all times evinces great zeal to administer to the comforts of the brethren .
PRINCE FUEDEUICK AVILLIAM LODGE ( NO . 1 , 0 . 75 ) . —This Lodgo held its last meeting for the season at the Knights of St . John ' s Tavern , St . John ' s AVood , on AA ' ednesday , the 23 rd ult . The business of the evening commenced at five o ' clock , the AV . M ., Bro . Hardy , presiding , assisted by hisAA ' iu-clcns . The minutes of the former meeting liaving been read and confirmed , Mr . T . If . Tomlhison ivas introduced and initiated into Freemasonry according to antient form , the ceremony being ably performed by the AVorshipful JIaster . The next business Avas the election of
AVorshipful Master for tho ensuing tivelve months : on proceeding to the ballot the suffrages of the brethren were unanimously in favour of Bro . Frazor , the present S . AV . Bro . T . 11 . Caulcher , P . M ., Avas reelected Treasurer amid the acclamations of the brethren . Bro . Bradley was reelected T yler . A recommendation to the M . AV . Grand Master AA-as signed by the AVorshipful JIaster and ofiicers of the Lodge on behalf of some brethren , members of the A'ictoria Rifle Corps , for a warrant of constitution to hold a Lodge at Kilbm-n . Masonic business being ended
, the Lodge adjourned to a eold collation provided under the judicious management of Bro . AV . AA ' atson ; dinner ended , the usual JIasonic and loyal toasts folloAved , that of the Ji . AV . Grand Master and Deputy Grand JIaster being greeted with JIasonic honours . Tho AVorshipful Master next proposed "The newly initiated brother , " and trusted he ivas deeply impressed with the responsibility he had that night taken on himself . Bro . Tomlhison said it bad boon his greatest desire for some years past to become a Masonand he felt much gratified at being
sur-, rounded by so many friends ; he was convinced , from , tho little insight he had obtained that evening , that Freemasonry AA'as founded on the best and purest principles of morality aud virtue . The health of the first P . JL of tho Lodge and its present Treasurer ( Bro . Caulcher ) , was then given . Bro . Caulcher , in reply , stated that he felt great pleasure in having been thought worthy of reappointment as their Treasurer , and he would bo willing at all times to render any assistance that lay in his
power to young and aspiring Masons . " Ihe Visitors' was the next toast proposed , and replied to by Bro . Barton , P . JL , No . P , AA-IIO took the opportunity of thanking the AVorshipful JIaster , officers , and brethren of the Prince Frederick AVilliam Lodge for the promptness with ivhich they had signed the recommendation to the M . AV . Grand JIaster for a Avarrant to hold a Lodge at Kilburn , and he hoped , if successful , to have many opportunities of reciprocating their kindness . Bro . Caulcher , P . M ., then proposed " The health ofthe AVorshipful JIaster , " and , iu doing so , highly
eulogised his conduct during the twelve months he had presided over their Lodge ; the brethren had witnessed the prosperity of the Lodge under his management , and his desire at all times to promote its best interests ; the pains he took to instruct the junior members of the Lodge , and his kindness and urbanity of maimers , demanded from them their warmest thanks . The AVorshipful JIaster could only assure the brethren that as long as he continued a member of the Lodge he would continue to pursue the same line of conduct that had merited their approbation .
"The health of the AVorshipful JIaster elect , " followed , the W . JI . paying him a well deserved compliment for his attention to the duties of the Lodge . Bro . Frazer replied by assuring the brethren of his determination to endeavour to carry out his year of office so as to ensure continued prosperity to the Lodge . The brethren soon afterwards separated , much delighted with the evening ' s entertainment , Avhich was greatly enhanced by the tasteful singing of some of tho brethren . ROYAL ALERED LODGE ( NO . 1082 ) . —The Lodge held its regular
meeting at Bro . Rackstraw ' s , the Star and Garter , KBAA-, on Friday , the 25 th ult . There AA" ; IS a large assembly of the members present , as that day , tho last of the tenure of office by the first AY . JI . of the Lodge , had been selected for fhe puipose of presenting to the AA \ JI , Bro . Joseph Smith , P . G . Purs ., a very handsome P . M . jewel and . chain , as a testimonial from the Lodge , AA'hich special object AA-as accomplished by tho AV . Bro . John Havers , P . S . G . D ., who had kindly consented to act on behalf of the Lodge . The business on the summons was as folloivs : —
three raisings , two passings , three initiations , installation of the neAV AA . JL , and appointment of officers . Bro . Joseph Smith performed tho whole of the duties , including tho installation of his successor , in a very solemn and impressive manner , which was not lost upon the Lodge or the candidates . The three gentlemen admitted upon that occasion
AA-ere the Rev . Edward John AVade , M . A ., Jlr . AA'illiam llatton , aud Mr . AA ' alter Bertram . The officers wero the late S . W ., Bro . J . B . Osborne , AV . M ., ivho appointed Bros . Fry , S . AV . ; Sutton , J . AV . ; S . D . left open ; Johnson , J . D . ; Hale , I . G . ; Joseph Smith , P . JL , ivas invested Treas . ; Hen . G . Buss , the . esteemed See . ( re-invested ); Rev . 15 . J . AA aile , Chaplain ; H . Potter , P . JL . Steward ; George , Dir . of Cers . ; and Hammett ( re-appointed ) , Tj'ler . The visitors comprised the V . AA . Bro . John Havers . P . S . G . D . ( specially invited ) : the A W . Bro . Stephen Barton '
AA'ilson , P . l . G . D .: and Bros . Donald King , P . JL , No . 12 : Dr . AA'hitoman , AV . JI .. No . 318 ; C . Cottcbrmine . W . M * :, No . 1005 ; Piatt , S . AV ., No . ItiS ; Jlatthew Cooke , J . D ., No . 29 ; Dr . Parkes , No . 183 ; Hopwood , No . 1 ( 15 : Scott , No . 210 ; RlishaD . Cooke , of America , being present during a portion of the Avorking . The Lodge hai-ing been closed the brethren reassembled at dinner , after Avhieh the AVonsiui'i ' -ui ' . MASTKa ' ovoposed the toasts of "The Queen and the Craft , " and "The M . AV . G . M ., the E :, vl of Zetland , " ivhich were both , received with that loyalty that at all times
distinguish the Craft when the healths of their sovereign and the chief ruler ol ! Freemasons arc given . These ivere followed by " Tho D . G . M ., Lord Panmure , and the rest of the Grand Officers , past and present , '' the Vi . M . observing that on that occasion they were honoured by the presence ol ! throe Past Grand Officers , viz ., Bros . John Havers , P . S . G . D ., Stephen Barton AA'ilson , P . J . G . D ., and Joseph Smith , their immediate P . JI ., the immediate P . G . Purs . As the first and the last of those Grand Officers , ho had just mentioned Avould have to address the Lodge on special subjects , ho coupled with the toast the name of Bvo . Stephen Barton AVilson . Bro . AA ' ILSON , in reply , said it might appear
prosumptuous in him to respond to that toast , but as there were other toasts which his distinguished brethren ivould have to speak to , and as it was Bro . Havers ' a request , ho could not object to respond . Their D . G . JI ., Lord Panmure , was a brother dear to every good and true Freemason . His zeal aud ability ivere well knoAvn , and his urbanity made him the most popular officer iu tbe Craft . The Grand Officers , both past and present , wore justly proud of their names being associated ivith his lordship ' s . For his OAVU part he
regretted that the duty of acknowledging the toast had not fallen to Bro . Havers , whoso abilities would have done so much greater justice to the toast , than he could : for Bro . Havers was gifted with great abilities , w-hich , he AA-as happy to say , were fully recognized by all , and if thoy Avere deprived of his services , ifc would be no easy matter to replace him ; indeed , ho very much questioned tbe possibility of replacing him . As President of the Board of General Proposes , he had onerous duties to fulfil , and ifc was not his wish to be ailatterer , but be must bo alloived
to say that Bro . Hai-crs had a very extended influence on all subjects connected ivith JIasonry . and used that influence as ho judged it to be the most beneficial to all . His proceedings at the board were beyond praise ; ho carefully attended to all the arguments advanced , collected the sense of every member ' s words , and drew conclusions with such readiness and tact as to stamp him tho possessor of no mean abilities : but , above all , ho was glad to state that Pro . Havera ' s conclusions were generally jnst . HOAV gratifying , then , it must lie for both Bro . Joseph Smith anil himself , to find " their names coupled Avith such a toast in the presence of Bro . Havers , They were gratified and happy , aud
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Masonic Mirror.
deceased , and the governor or subscriber shall attach his or her signature to such alteration '—be not approved . " By AA . Bro . JOHN SAVAGE , P . S . G . D . : — ' - 'That whereas a special general meeting of the Royal Benevolent Institution for Aged Freemasons and their AAldows has been called for Friday , 1 st June , for the purpose of correcting the alleged inaccuracies in the return of the scrutineers at the annual meeting of the ISth instant , and there are good grounds for believing that at least tivo of the list of successful
candidates , officially announced iu The Times and other periodicals , will be displaced upon a scrutiny : and whereas there are good grounds for believing that Jane Yule , widow of Archibald Yule , late of Lodge No . 595 , LougtoAvn , Cumberland , will be one of those so displaced : Be it resolved—That in the event of such a result , the sum of . € 25 be granted from the Fluid of Benevolence to the said Jane Yule , and that the said » mn be placed in the hands of some brother approved by Grand Lodge , for the purpose of being paid to her in four equal payments during the
ensuing twelve months . " By . AA . Bro . JOHN SAVAGE , P . S . G . D .: — "That whereas a special general meeting of the Royal Benevolent Institution for Aged Freemasons and their AVidows has been called for Friday , 1 st June , for the jihrpose of correcting the alleged inaccuracies in the return of the scrutineers at the annual meeting of tho ISth instant , and there are good grounds for believing that at least two of the list of successful candidatesofficially announced in The Times and other periodicalswill be
, , displaced upon a scrutiny ; and whereas there are good grounds for believing that Elizabeth Cooke , ividoiv of Thomas Cooke , late of Lodge No . 22 , London , ivill be one of those so displaced : Be it resolved—That in the event of such a result , the sum of £ 15 be granted from tho Fund of Benevolence to the said' Elizabeth Cooke , and that the said sum be placed iu the hands of some brother approved by the Grand Lodge , for the purpose of being paid to her in four equal payments during the ensuing tivelve months , "
Tho M . AV . Grand Master having given notice that the AV . Bro . Joseph Smith do take the rank of Past Grand Pursuivant .
THE NEW CONCORD LODGE ( NO . 1 , 015 ) . —This Lodge held an emergency meeting on AVednesday last , at the Rosemary Branch . Hoxton , for the purpose of cleaving up nil arrears of : Masonic business . Accordin Sh ' : at six o ' clock , Bvo . 'Emmens , AV . M ., opened the Lodge iu tho three degrees , and raised Bros . Cole , Kennedy , Barnett . Sehiveizer , Brown , and Nightingale to the degree of MM . Tho accuracy and iinpressiveness of the working of the AV . M . is so Avell knoAvn in the Craft , that it AVOUM be superfluous to dilate here upon it . 'Die Lodgeivbioh has only been
, established three months , already numbers forty five members . In consequence of the numerous applications tor admission , it is expected that the AV . M . will be under the necessity of calling another Lodge of emergency during the month . The brethren , after the Lodge business ivas finished , adjourned to a cold collation , well served by Bro . Stannard , Avho at all times evinces great zeal to administer to the comforts of the brethren .
PRINCE FUEDEUICK AVILLIAM LODGE ( NO . 1 , 0 . 75 ) . —This Lodgo held its last meeting for the season at the Knights of St . John ' s Tavern , St . John ' s AVood , on AA ' ednesday , the 23 rd ult . The business of the evening commenced at five o ' clock , the AV . M ., Bro . Hardy , presiding , assisted by hisAA ' iu-clcns . The minutes of the former meeting liaving been read and confirmed , Mr . T . If . Tomlhison ivas introduced and initiated into Freemasonry according to antient form , the ceremony being ably performed by the AVorshipful JIaster . The next business Avas the election of
AVorshipful Master for tho ensuing tivelve months : on proceeding to the ballot the suffrages of the brethren were unanimously in favour of Bro . Frazor , the present S . AV . Bro . T . 11 . Caulcher , P . M ., Avas reelected Treasurer amid the acclamations of the brethren . Bro . Bradley was reelected T yler . A recommendation to the M . AV . Grand Master AA-as signed by the AVorshipful JIaster and ofiicers of the Lodge on behalf of some brethren , members of the A'ictoria Rifle Corps , for a warrant of constitution to hold a Lodge at Kilbm-n . Masonic business being ended
, the Lodge adjourned to a eold collation provided under the judicious management of Bro . AV . AA ' atson ; dinner ended , the usual JIasonic and loyal toasts folloAved , that of the Ji . AV . Grand Master and Deputy Grand JIaster being greeted with JIasonic honours . Tho AVorshipful Master next proposed "The newly initiated brother , " and trusted he ivas deeply impressed with the responsibility he had that night taken on himself . Bro . Tomlhison said it bad boon his greatest desire for some years past to become a Masonand he felt much gratified at being
sur-, rounded by so many friends ; he was convinced , from , tho little insight he had obtained that evening , that Freemasonry AA'as founded on the best and purest principles of morality aud virtue . The health of the first P . JL of tho Lodge and its present Treasurer ( Bro . Caulcher ) , was then given . Bro . Caulcher , in reply , stated that he felt great pleasure in having been thought worthy of reappointment as their Treasurer , and he would bo willing at all times to render any assistance that lay in his
power to young and aspiring Masons . " Ihe Visitors' was the next toast proposed , and replied to by Bro . Barton , P . JL , No . P , AA-IIO took the opportunity of thanking the AVorshipful JIaster , officers , and brethren of the Prince Frederick AVilliam Lodge for the promptness with ivhich they had signed the recommendation to the M . AV . Grand JIaster for a Avarrant to hold a Lodge at Kilburn , and he hoped , if successful , to have many opportunities of reciprocating their kindness . Bro . Caulcher , P . M ., then proposed " The health ofthe AVorshipful JIaster , " and , iu doing so , highly
eulogised his conduct during the twelve months he had presided over their Lodge ; the brethren had witnessed the prosperity of the Lodge under his management , and his desire at all times to promote its best interests ; the pains he took to instruct the junior members of the Lodge , and his kindness and urbanity of maimers , demanded from them their warmest thanks . The AVorshipful JIaster could only assure the brethren that as long as he continued a member of the Lodge he would continue to pursue the same line of conduct that had merited their approbation .
"The health of the AVorshipful JIaster elect , " followed , the W . JI . paying him a well deserved compliment for his attention to the duties of the Lodge . Bro . Frazer replied by assuring the brethren of his determination to endeavour to carry out his year of office so as to ensure continued prosperity to the Lodge . The brethren soon afterwards separated , much delighted with the evening ' s entertainment , Avhich was greatly enhanced by the tasteful singing of some of tho brethren . ROYAL ALERED LODGE ( NO . 1082 ) . —The Lodge held its regular
meeting at Bro . Rackstraw ' s , the Star and Garter , KBAA-, on Friday , the 25 th ult . There AA" ; IS a large assembly of the members present , as that day , tho last of the tenure of office by the first AY . JI . of the Lodge , had been selected for fhe puipose of presenting to the AA \ JI , Bro . Joseph Smith , P . G . Purs ., a very handsome P . M . jewel and . chain , as a testimonial from the Lodge , AA'hich special object AA-as accomplished by tho AV . Bro . John Havers , P . S . G . D ., who had kindly consented to act on behalf of the Lodge . The business on the summons was as folloivs : —
three raisings , two passings , three initiations , installation of the neAV AA . JL , and appointment of officers . Bro . Joseph Smith performed tho whole of the duties , including tho installation of his successor , in a very solemn and impressive manner , which was not lost upon the Lodge or the candidates . The three gentlemen admitted upon that occasion
AA-ere the Rev . Edward John AVade , M . A ., Jlr . AA'illiam llatton , aud Mr . AA ' alter Bertram . The officers wero the late S . W ., Bro . J . B . Osborne , AV . M ., ivho appointed Bros . Fry , S . AV . ; Sutton , J . AV . ; S . D . left open ; Johnson , J . D . ; Hale , I . G . ; Joseph Smith , P . JL , ivas invested Treas . ; Hen . G . Buss , the . esteemed See . ( re-invested ); Rev . 15 . J . AA aile , Chaplain ; H . Potter , P . JL . Steward ; George , Dir . of Cers . ; and Hammett ( re-appointed ) , Tj'ler . The visitors comprised the V . AA . Bro . John Havers . P . S . G . D . ( specially invited ) : the A W . Bro . Stephen Barton '
AA'ilson , P . l . G . D .: and Bros . Donald King , P . JL , No . 12 : Dr . AA'hitoman , AV . JI .. No . 318 ; C . Cottcbrmine . W . M * :, No . 1005 ; Piatt , S . AV ., No . ItiS ; Jlatthew Cooke , J . D ., No . 29 ; Dr . Parkes , No . 183 ; Hopwood , No . 1 ( 15 : Scott , No . 210 ; RlishaD . Cooke , of America , being present during a portion of the Avorking . The Lodge hai-ing been closed the brethren reassembled at dinner , after Avhieh the AVonsiui'i ' -ui ' . MASTKa ' ovoposed the toasts of "The Queen and the Craft , " and "The M . AV . G . M ., the E :, vl of Zetland , " ivhich were both , received with that loyalty that at all times
distinguish the Craft when the healths of their sovereign and the chief ruler ol ! Freemasons arc given . These ivere followed by " Tho D . G . M ., Lord Panmure , and the rest of the Grand Officers , past and present , '' the Vi . M . observing that on that occasion they were honoured by the presence ol ! throe Past Grand Officers , viz ., Bros . John Havers , P . S . G . D ., Stephen Barton AA'ilson , P . J . G . D ., and Joseph Smith , their immediate P . JI ., the immediate P . G . Purs . As the first and the last of those Grand Officers , ho had just mentioned Avould have to address the Lodge on special subjects , ho coupled with the toast the name of Bvo . Stephen Barton AVilson . Bro . AA ' ILSON , in reply , said it might appear
prosumptuous in him to respond to that toast , but as there were other toasts which his distinguished brethren ivould have to speak to , and as it was Bro . Havers ' a request , ho could not object to respond . Their D . G . JI ., Lord Panmure , was a brother dear to every good and true Freemason . His zeal aud ability ivere well knoAvn , and his urbanity made him the most popular officer iu tbe Craft . The Grand Officers , both past and present , wore justly proud of their names being associated ivith his lordship ' s . For his OAVU part he
regretted that the duty of acknowledging the toast had not fallen to Bro . Havers , whoso abilities would have done so much greater justice to the toast , than he could : for Bro . Havers was gifted with great abilities , w-hich , he AA-as happy to say , were fully recognized by all , and if thoy Avere deprived of his services , ifc would be no easy matter to replace him ; indeed , ho very much questioned tbe possibility of replacing him . As President of the Board of General Proposes , he had onerous duties to fulfil , and ifc was not his wish to be ailatterer , but be must bo alloived
to say that Bro . Hai-crs had a very extended influence on all subjects connected ivith JIasonry . and used that influence as ho judged it to be the most beneficial to all . His proceedings at the board were beyond praise ; ho carefully attended to all the arguments advanced , collected the sense of every member ' s words , and drew conclusions with such readiness and tact as to stamp him tho possessor of no mean abilities : but , above all , ho was glad to state that Pro . Havera ' s conclusions were generally jnst . HOAV gratifying , then , it must lie for both Bro . Joseph Smith anil himself , to find " their names coupled Avith such a toast in the presence of Bro . Havers , They were gratified and happy , aud