Article AGRICULTURAL LIFE. ← Page 3 of 3 Article THE PEN-AND-INK SKETCHES OF ONE FANG. Page 1 of 1 Article MASONIC NOTES AND QUERIES. Page 1 of 1 Article MASONIC NOTES AND QUERIES. Page 1 of 1 Article CORRESPONDENCE. Page 1 of 2 →
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Agricultural Life.
in the case in question ) be shown without evil results being consequent . Cross's case , as it stands , is certainly deserving of the notice of the charitable , Avhich Ave are heartily glad to see it is receiving ; and all Ave wish isthat it had been brought fonvard under
, circumstances of a less painful character . As it is , the wise men of Wimborne have ( unwittingly ) done about the best thing they could to make John Cross ' s home somewhat more Arcadian than it has hitherto been .
The Pen-And-Ink Sketches Of One Fang.
( Continued from page 38 S . ) No . 6 .
Masonic Notes And Queries.
lEITlt D 0 C 1 CS . The following extracted from a newspaper , I should presume about 100 years old , may possibly interest some of the readers of the EREEMASONS ' MAGAZINE AND MASONIC MIRROR , —V . Scotland .
At Leith , on May 1-i , the foundation-stone of the new and extensive Wet Docks was laid by Robert Dundas , of Melville , esq .. Deputy Grand Master of the Craft of Free and Accepted Masons in Scotlaud , in absence of the Grand Master , the Right Hon . Charles Earl of Dalkeith . The procession consisted of the Lord Provost , Magistrates , anil Council of the
Masonic Notes And Queries.
city of Edinburgh , with the Magistrates of Leith , in their robes , preceded hy the usual insignia of office . Next followed the Grand Lodge of Scotland , the brethren of the different Lodges in and near the city , the Master , Wardens , and brethren of the Trinity House , Leith , & c , attended Avith several excellent
hands of music , and by a large guard of militia , & c . The procession closed by a great number of the most respectable merchants aud inhabitants of Edinburgh , the whole forming a very grand and pleasing spectacle . For many years past the trade of Leith has heen
greatly on the increase , and it must afford high satisfaction to every friend of the country to contemplate the honourable and successful exertions of our merchants , who have embarked large capitals in extensive commerce , thus adding opulence to the metropolis of Scotland , and placing her in a commercial point of view , far more respectable .
THE EABDS AND AUTHORS 01 ? CLEVELAND . On reading the " Bards and Authors of Cleveland , " by our esteemed and learned Bro . G . M . TAveddell , the following quotation from the benevolent and divine Bernard Gilpin , of the sixteenth century , seemed to be remarkably applicable to the "
Allocution " of unenviable notoriety . — "W . J . HUGHAN , IS" . " Touching those Roman thunder-claps ( the Pope's bulls ) , there is no great cause Avhy we should he afraid ; those bugbears were invented to frighten children ; they are not to be feared by men of years . Erasmus called them hrutafulminafoolish false fires .
, If there Avere in the Pope and his cardinals , who curse us Avith so much bitterness , but the least resemblance of Peter and Paul , had they the fervent charity of those holy men , and their exquisite diligence to feed the flock of Christ clay and night , Avith other Apostolic virtuesthen Avere their threats to be feared .
, But they have changed the humility of Peter into the pride of Lucifer , the poverty and daily labours of the Apostle into the riches of Crcesus , and into the laziness and luxury of Sardanapalus . "
EXCOMMUNICATION 01 ? MASONS . How often , and at what times , have the Popes already excommunicated and extirpated Masonry ?—¦ By the efficacy of former attempts AA C may be able to judge of the present . —CHEVRON . GRAND REGISTRARS .
Is there any list of the Grand Registrars and Past Grand Registrars , and their legal ( qualifications ?—• P . G . R .
The'Editor is not responsible for the opinions expressed by Correspondents * BRO . ARTHUR RICHARD CLOSE . XO THIS l'DITOR OP THE rilliEMASOHS' . MAGAZINE ASD MASONIC MIU-IOB . DEAR SIR AND BROTHER , —The Ereemasons of this province will not soon forget the 1 st August ,
1 SG 5 . A cloudy day and dreary rain were Avell suited for the mournful train Avhich moved sadly and sorrowfully from the Military Hospital here to pay the last earthly tribute of respect to the remains of a departed
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Agricultural Life.
in the case in question ) be shown without evil results being consequent . Cross's case , as it stands , is certainly deserving of the notice of the charitable , Avhich Ave are heartily glad to see it is receiving ; and all Ave wish isthat it had been brought fonvard under
, circumstances of a less painful character . As it is , the wise men of Wimborne have ( unwittingly ) done about the best thing they could to make John Cross ' s home somewhat more Arcadian than it has hitherto been .
The Pen-And-Ink Sketches Of One Fang.
( Continued from page 38 S . ) No . 6 .
Masonic Notes And Queries.
lEITlt D 0 C 1 CS . The following extracted from a newspaper , I should presume about 100 years old , may possibly interest some of the readers of the EREEMASONS ' MAGAZINE AND MASONIC MIRROR , —V . Scotland .
At Leith , on May 1-i , the foundation-stone of the new and extensive Wet Docks was laid by Robert Dundas , of Melville , esq .. Deputy Grand Master of the Craft of Free and Accepted Masons in Scotlaud , in absence of the Grand Master , the Right Hon . Charles Earl of Dalkeith . The procession consisted of the Lord Provost , Magistrates , anil Council of the
Masonic Notes And Queries.
city of Edinburgh , with the Magistrates of Leith , in their robes , preceded hy the usual insignia of office . Next followed the Grand Lodge of Scotland , the brethren of the different Lodges in and near the city , the Master , Wardens , and brethren of the Trinity House , Leith , & c , attended Avith several excellent
hands of music , and by a large guard of militia , & c . The procession closed by a great number of the most respectable merchants aud inhabitants of Edinburgh , the whole forming a very grand and pleasing spectacle . For many years past the trade of Leith has heen
greatly on the increase , and it must afford high satisfaction to every friend of the country to contemplate the honourable and successful exertions of our merchants , who have embarked large capitals in extensive commerce , thus adding opulence to the metropolis of Scotland , and placing her in a commercial point of view , far more respectable .
THE EABDS AND AUTHORS 01 ? CLEVELAND . On reading the " Bards and Authors of Cleveland , " by our esteemed and learned Bro . G . M . TAveddell , the following quotation from the benevolent and divine Bernard Gilpin , of the sixteenth century , seemed to be remarkably applicable to the "
Allocution " of unenviable notoriety . — "W . J . HUGHAN , IS" . " Touching those Roman thunder-claps ( the Pope's bulls ) , there is no great cause Avhy we should he afraid ; those bugbears were invented to frighten children ; they are not to be feared by men of years . Erasmus called them hrutafulminafoolish false fires .
, If there Avere in the Pope and his cardinals , who curse us Avith so much bitterness , but the least resemblance of Peter and Paul , had they the fervent charity of those holy men , and their exquisite diligence to feed the flock of Christ clay and night , Avith other Apostolic virtuesthen Avere their threats to be feared .
, But they have changed the humility of Peter into the pride of Lucifer , the poverty and daily labours of the Apostle into the riches of Crcesus , and into the laziness and luxury of Sardanapalus . "
EXCOMMUNICATION 01 ? MASONS . How often , and at what times , have the Popes already excommunicated and extirpated Masonry ?—¦ By the efficacy of former attempts AA C may be able to judge of the present . —CHEVRON . GRAND REGISTRARS .
Is there any list of the Grand Registrars and Past Grand Registrars , and their legal ( qualifications ?—• P . G . R .
The'Editor is not responsible for the opinions expressed by Correspondents * BRO . ARTHUR RICHARD CLOSE . XO THIS l'DITOR OP THE rilliEMASOHS' . MAGAZINE ASD MASONIC MIU-IOB . DEAR SIR AND BROTHER , —The Ereemasons of this province will not soon forget the 1 st August ,
1 SG 5 . A cloudy day and dreary rain were Avell suited for the mournful train Avhich moved sadly and sorrowfully from the Military Hospital here to pay the last earthly tribute of respect to the remains of a departed