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The W . MASTEE thanked their Bro . AVilson for the way in which he had proposed his health , and for the cordial manner in which the brethren had responded to it . The AA ' . MASTER said the next was always an important toast in the Fitzroy Lodge , as it was that of "Their Brother Visitors . " They were always most happy to receive visitors , and the more the better . They were in barracks , and although they coulcl not do that which would be satisfactory to the fullest extent
, yet they did all they could to promote their comforts . He only hoped that the visitors had enjoyed themselves that evening , and that they would come amongst them more frequently than they were accustomed to clo , as he was sure that the P . M . ' s and the members of the lodge would be most glad to receive them . Song , Bro . Marriott— " Sweet May of the vale . " Bro . MTJNTON , in a very humorous but excellent speech , returned thanks for the visitors .
the AV . MASTEE then gave "The Past Masters of theFitzroy Lodge . " Bro . AVnsoif , I . P . M ., said the duty devolved upon him to return thanks on behalf of the P . M . 's . He thanked the "brethren very sincerely for the jewel they had presented to him as a mark of their respect , ancl he could assure them that ho would do the best he coulcl to promote the happiness of every 'brother of the Fitzroy LodgeHe would leave the other PM's
. .. of the lodge to return thanks . Bro . AA'ilson was followed by The W . MASTEE , who saicl he had the pleasure of proposing "The Health of their Treasurer and Secretary . " Their Bro . Matthews , was an excellent man and Mason , and , as regarded Bro . Eglese , they all knew his worth as Secretary . His duties were then very different to what they were fifteen
years ago , for at that time they did not meet more than seven or eight members , but now they were a good way I wards fifty members , and , of course , the duties pertaining to his office of Secretary must occupy a good deal of his time . Bro . EGLESE thanked the brethren sincerely for the very flattering manner in which his name had been brought under the notice of the lodge , but was sure that Bro . Matthews , had
lie been there , would have expressed his thanks for their kindness in a more competent manner . Tlie '' Health of the Officers of the . Lodge" was then given , for which Bros . Maddick , Meggy , and Crosthwaite severally returned thanks , and the proceedings of a very happily spent evening were brought to a close . The evening was most agreeabl y diversified by songs , glees , & c , by Bros . Tolley , Marriott , and ' Whifcchouse .
CUMBERLAND AND WESTMORELAND . KENDAL . — Union Lodge ( No . 129 ) . — The regular monthly meeting of this lodge was hold at the Masonic Hull , on Thursday , Jan . 25 th , at two o'clock , for tlie installation of the AA ' . M . elect , appointment and investment of his officers , and to celebrate tlie Festival of St . John the Evangelist . The W . M . Bro . E . Busiier , Prov . G . Sec , was supported on this occasion by Bros . John AVhitwellS . AA ' . AA ' . M . elect ; Titus AVilsonJ . AV . and Treas . ;
, , , J . Bintley , S . D . ; S . Gawith , J . D . ; Dr . Greaves , the K . AA ' . D . Prov . G . M . ; Bannister , P . G . S . B . of England ; James Hamer , Prov . G . Treas . W . L . ; J . H . Johnstone , P . Prov . G . D . ; John Bowes , P . M ., Prov . G . Dir . of Cers . ; Hansbrow , P . M ., Prov . G . S . B . W . L . ; Rev . James Simpson ; Rev . T . Simpson , Halccot ; Dr . Learning ; James Barrett , W . Wilson , Henry Cragg , J . O . Atkinson , 11 . Hodgson , Thomas Jones , Robert Gibson , E . Medcalf ,
jun ., Joseph Wilson , Rev . AV . Chaplin , Thomas Busher , AV . Tattersall , JonesjTaylor , James AA' . Scott , Robert Buttenvorth , Org ., AVilliam Cartmel , C . G . Thompson , AVilliam Doubleday , Rev . J . F . Black , R . James , ll'illiam Docld , Atkinson , Winder , Hogg , A . It . AA'ood , & c . The lodge was duly opened , and the minutes read and confirmed . The E . A . P . 'shaving retired , the lodge was opened in tho second degree , when Dr . Greaves , the li . W . D . Prov . G . M . assumed the chair as Installing Master . Bros .
Edward Busher ancl John Bowes then conducted -Bro . John AA'hitwell , S . VV ., AA ' . M . elect , to the east , ancl presented him for the benefit of installation . Bro . Rev . AV . Chaplin , at the command of the D . Prov . G . M ., reacl the summary of ancient charges , to which Bro . AVhitwell assented in due form . This portion of the ceremony having been completed , the F . C . 's
retired , and the lodge was opened in the third degree . AH brethren below the degree of an Installed Master having- retired , a board was duly opened by the D . prov . G . M ., assisted by the following P . M . 's : Bros . Bannister , Hamer , E . Budier , Johnstone , John Bowes , and Hansbrow , when the AA ' . M . elect was duly and solemnly installed in the chair of K . S . as AA ' . M . for the ensuing year . The board was now closed , and Bro . E . Busher invested as P . M . The M . M . ' s were now admitted in processional order
, to appropriate music , by Bro . Buttcnvith , on tlie harmonium , and saluted the AV . M . according to ancient custom , after which lie was duly proclaimed . Tlie lodge was then closed in the third ancl second degrees , ancl the AV . M . saluted and proclaimed for the second and third time . The W . M . now proceeded to appoint and invest his officers for the ensuing year ; before doing so , however , he addressed the brethren at some length , as to the difficulthe had experienced in selecting the officers ;
y but expressed a hope that all would appreciate his motives , which were to clo tlie best for tlie lodge . The officers were : Bros . Rev . James Simpson , S . AV . ; T . Atkinson , J . W . ; Rev . AVilliam Chaplin , Chap . ; C . G . " Thompson , Treas . ; -William Cartwell , Hon . Sec ; Butterwith , Org . Tlie whole of the charges were delivered by Bro . James Hamer , Prov . G . Treas AA ' . L ., in his usual correct and efficient manner . Some routine business was then transacted , after which the lodge was duly
closed , ancl the brethren adjourned to the King ' s Anns Hotel , to celebrate the Festival of St . John the Evangelist . The banquet was served in the style usual to this hotel , and was of a faultless description . Grace before and after meat was said by the Rev . Bros . T . and J . Simpson . The chair was occupied by the AV . M ., and supported by the bretliren who had attended during the hours of labour . After the cloth was withdrawn the following toasts were proposed by tlie AV . M ., and duly honoured : " The Queen ; the daughter ancl niece of Masons ; " " The Prince and Princess of Wales , the Prince and Princess of Prussia , and the rest of the Royal Family ; " " Our Clerical Brethren , " which
was responded to by Bros . Thomas and James Simpson and J . F . Black . Bro . Joseph Bintley proposed "The Army , Navy , Militia , and Volunteers , " which was responded to by Bros . Lieuts . Johnstone and Gawith . Bro . C . G . Thompson proposed " The Most AA ' orshipful Grand Master , tho Earl of Zetland ; the Right Worshipful Deputy Grand Master , the Earl cle Grey and Ripon ,- ancl the Grand Lodge of England ; " which was ably responded to by Bro . Bannister , Past G . Swordbearer of
England . Bro . AV . AVilson , J . P ., proposed "The Right AVorshipful Provincial Grand Master , the Right AA ' orshipful Deputy Provincial Grand Master , and the Provincial Grand Lodge of Cumberland and Westmorland ; " which was responded to by the AA ' . M ., Prov . G . R ., the D . Prov . G . M . being obliged to leave by train . The AV .. A 1 , next proposed " The Provincial Grand Masters and Officers ofthe neighbouring Provinces , " which was responded to bBros . HamerHansbrow , and Bannisterthe
y , , last named for Durham and Northumberland . Bro . Atkinson , of the Unclwly Lodge , Kirkby-Lonschile , proposed "The AVorshipful Master ancl Officers for the ensuing year . " In doing so , Bro . Atkinson passed a high ancl deserved euioginm upon those worthy bretliren . The AA ' . M . responded , as also did the Wardens . Dr . Leeming proposed "The Immediate Past Officers , " which was responded to by Bro . Blivard Busher ; after which he proposed "The Masonic Charities . " Bro . Bannister responded .
Bro . Bowes proposed " The Visitors . " Bros . Atkinson ( Kii-kby-Lonsdale ) , and Banning ( Liverpool ) , responded . The J . AV . proposed "Our Brethren , Ncrth , East , South , and AA'est . " The W . M . then rose , and proposed in a most happy manner " The Bonnie Lasses of Cumberland and AA ' estmoreland , " which was acknowledged by Bros . Dr . Noble , Lieut . Gawith , and the Secretary , 'i'iie Tylers' toast brought tlie day ' s proceedings to a
close . AA ' e are glad again to express our gratification with the excellent condition of this old lodge , and the enthusiasm generally displayed by the members . The numbers are now so large that a second lodge seems inevitable .
LANCASHIRE ( AVEST ) . LIVERPOOL . —CONSECRATION OF THE WALTON LODGE ( No . 1086 ) . The above lodge was consecrated at the St . Mary's Schoolrooms , Kirkdale , near Liverpool , on the 17 th ult ., by Bro . Younghusband , P . M ., P . Z ., and Prov . J . G . D . The following is the programme ofthe consecration which was performed in strict accordance with the system taught by Bro . S . B . AA'ilson , of London , oi whom Bro . rounghusband is a pupil .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The W . MASTEE thanked their Bro . AVilson for the way in which he had proposed his health , and for the cordial manner in which the brethren had responded to it . The AA ' . MASTER said the next was always an important toast in the Fitzroy Lodge , as it was that of "Their Brother Visitors . " They were always most happy to receive visitors , and the more the better . They were in barracks , and although they coulcl not do that which would be satisfactory to the fullest extent
, yet they did all they could to promote their comforts . He only hoped that the visitors had enjoyed themselves that evening , and that they would come amongst them more frequently than they were accustomed to clo , as he was sure that the P . M . ' s and the members of the lodge would be most glad to receive them . Song , Bro . Marriott— " Sweet May of the vale . " Bro . MTJNTON , in a very humorous but excellent speech , returned thanks for the visitors .
the AV . MASTEE then gave "The Past Masters of theFitzroy Lodge . " Bro . AVnsoif , I . P . M ., said the duty devolved upon him to return thanks on behalf of the P . M . 's . He thanked the "brethren very sincerely for the jewel they had presented to him as a mark of their respect , ancl he could assure them that ho would do the best he coulcl to promote the happiness of every 'brother of the Fitzroy LodgeHe would leave the other PM's
. .. of the lodge to return thanks . Bro . AA'ilson was followed by The W . MASTEE , who saicl he had the pleasure of proposing "The Health of their Treasurer and Secretary . " Their Bro . Matthews , was an excellent man and Mason , and , as regarded Bro . Eglese , they all knew his worth as Secretary . His duties were then very different to what they were fifteen
years ago , for at that time they did not meet more than seven or eight members , but now they were a good way I wards fifty members , and , of course , the duties pertaining to his office of Secretary must occupy a good deal of his time . Bro . EGLESE thanked the brethren sincerely for the very flattering manner in which his name had been brought under the notice of the lodge , but was sure that Bro . Matthews , had
lie been there , would have expressed his thanks for their kindness in a more competent manner . Tlie '' Health of the Officers of the . Lodge" was then given , for which Bros . Maddick , Meggy , and Crosthwaite severally returned thanks , and the proceedings of a very happily spent evening were brought to a close . The evening was most agreeabl y diversified by songs , glees , & c , by Bros . Tolley , Marriott , and ' Whifcchouse .
CUMBERLAND AND WESTMORELAND . KENDAL . — Union Lodge ( No . 129 ) . — The regular monthly meeting of this lodge was hold at the Masonic Hull , on Thursday , Jan . 25 th , at two o'clock , for tlie installation of the AA ' . M . elect , appointment and investment of his officers , and to celebrate tlie Festival of St . John the Evangelist . The W . M . Bro . E . Busiier , Prov . G . Sec , was supported on this occasion by Bros . John AVhitwellS . AA ' . AA ' . M . elect ; Titus AVilsonJ . AV . and Treas . ;
, , , J . Bintley , S . D . ; S . Gawith , J . D . ; Dr . Greaves , the K . AA ' . D . Prov . G . M . ; Bannister , P . G . S . B . of England ; James Hamer , Prov . G . Treas . W . L . ; J . H . Johnstone , P . Prov . G . D . ; John Bowes , P . M ., Prov . G . Dir . of Cers . ; Hansbrow , P . M ., Prov . G . S . B . W . L . ; Rev . James Simpson ; Rev . T . Simpson , Halccot ; Dr . Learning ; James Barrett , W . Wilson , Henry Cragg , J . O . Atkinson , 11 . Hodgson , Thomas Jones , Robert Gibson , E . Medcalf ,
jun ., Joseph Wilson , Rev . AV . Chaplin , Thomas Busher , AV . Tattersall , JonesjTaylor , James AA' . Scott , Robert Buttenvorth , Org ., AVilliam Cartmel , C . G . Thompson , AVilliam Doubleday , Rev . J . F . Black , R . James , ll'illiam Docld , Atkinson , Winder , Hogg , A . It . AA'ood , & c . The lodge was duly opened , and the minutes read and confirmed . The E . A . P . 'shaving retired , the lodge was opened in tho second degree , when Dr . Greaves , the li . W . D . Prov . G . M . assumed the chair as Installing Master . Bros .
Edward Busher ancl John Bowes then conducted -Bro . John AA'hitwell , S . VV ., AA ' . M . elect , to the east , ancl presented him for the benefit of installation . Bro . Rev . AV . Chaplin , at the command of the D . Prov . G . M ., reacl the summary of ancient charges , to which Bro . AVhitwell assented in due form . This portion of the ceremony having been completed , the F . C . 's
retired , and the lodge was opened in the third degree . AH brethren below the degree of an Installed Master having- retired , a board was duly opened by the D . prov . G . M ., assisted by the following P . M . 's : Bros . Bannister , Hamer , E . Budier , Johnstone , John Bowes , and Hansbrow , when the AA ' . M . elect was duly and solemnly installed in the chair of K . S . as AA ' . M . for the ensuing year . The board was now closed , and Bro . E . Busher invested as P . M . The M . M . ' s were now admitted in processional order
, to appropriate music , by Bro . Buttcnvith , on tlie harmonium , and saluted the AV . M . according to ancient custom , after which lie was duly proclaimed . Tlie lodge was then closed in the third ancl second degrees , ancl the AV . M . saluted and proclaimed for the second and third time . The W . M . now proceeded to appoint and invest his officers for the ensuing year ; before doing so , however , he addressed the brethren at some length , as to the difficulthe had experienced in selecting the officers ;
y but expressed a hope that all would appreciate his motives , which were to clo tlie best for tlie lodge . The officers were : Bros . Rev . James Simpson , S . AV . ; T . Atkinson , J . W . ; Rev . AVilliam Chaplin , Chap . ; C . G . " Thompson , Treas . ; -William Cartwell , Hon . Sec ; Butterwith , Org . Tlie whole of the charges were delivered by Bro . James Hamer , Prov . G . Treas AA ' . L ., in his usual correct and efficient manner . Some routine business was then transacted , after which the lodge was duly
closed , ancl the brethren adjourned to the King ' s Anns Hotel , to celebrate the Festival of St . John the Evangelist . The banquet was served in the style usual to this hotel , and was of a faultless description . Grace before and after meat was said by the Rev . Bros . T . and J . Simpson . The chair was occupied by the AV . M ., and supported by the bretliren who had attended during the hours of labour . After the cloth was withdrawn the following toasts were proposed by tlie AV . M ., and duly honoured : " The Queen ; the daughter ancl niece of Masons ; " " The Prince and Princess of Wales , the Prince and Princess of Prussia , and the rest of the Royal Family ; " " Our Clerical Brethren , " which
was responded to by Bros . Thomas and James Simpson and J . F . Black . Bro . Joseph Bintley proposed "The Army , Navy , Militia , and Volunteers , " which was responded to by Bros . Lieuts . Johnstone and Gawith . Bro . C . G . Thompson proposed " The Most AA ' orshipful Grand Master , tho Earl of Zetland ; the Right Worshipful Deputy Grand Master , the Earl cle Grey and Ripon ,- ancl the Grand Lodge of England ; " which was ably responded to by Bro . Bannister , Past G . Swordbearer of
England . Bro . AV . AVilson , J . P ., proposed "The Right AVorshipful Provincial Grand Master , the Right AA ' orshipful Deputy Provincial Grand Master , and the Provincial Grand Lodge of Cumberland and Westmorland ; " which was responded to by the AA ' . M ., Prov . G . R ., the D . Prov . G . M . being obliged to leave by train . The AV .. A 1 , next proposed " The Provincial Grand Masters and Officers ofthe neighbouring Provinces , " which was responded to bBros . HamerHansbrow , and Bannisterthe
y , , last named for Durham and Northumberland . Bro . Atkinson , of the Unclwly Lodge , Kirkby-Lonschile , proposed "The AVorshipful Master ancl Officers for the ensuing year . " In doing so , Bro . Atkinson passed a high ancl deserved euioginm upon those worthy bretliren . The AA ' . M . responded , as also did the Wardens . Dr . Leeming proposed "The Immediate Past Officers , " which was responded to by Bro . Blivard Busher ; after which he proposed "The Masonic Charities . " Bro . Bannister responded .
Bro . Bowes proposed " The Visitors . " Bros . Atkinson ( Kii-kby-Lonsdale ) , and Banning ( Liverpool ) , responded . The J . AV . proposed "Our Brethren , Ncrth , East , South , and AA'est . " The W . M . then rose , and proposed in a most happy manner " The Bonnie Lasses of Cumberland and AA ' estmoreland , " which was acknowledged by Bros . Dr . Noble , Lieut . Gawith , and the Secretary , 'i'iie Tylers' toast brought tlie day ' s proceedings to a
close . AA ' e are glad again to express our gratification with the excellent condition of this old lodge , and the enthusiasm generally displayed by the members . The numbers are now so large that a second lodge seems inevitable .
LANCASHIRE ( AVEST ) . LIVERPOOL . —CONSECRATION OF THE WALTON LODGE ( No . 1086 ) . The above lodge was consecrated at the St . Mary's Schoolrooms , Kirkdale , near Liverpool , on the 17 th ult ., by Bro . Younghusband , P . M ., P . Z ., and Prov . J . G . D . The following is the programme ofthe consecration which was performed in strict accordance with the system taught by Bro . S . B . AA'ilson , of London , oi whom Bro . rounghusband is a pupil .