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The Quality Of Masonic Membership
were high places to be awarded and fat salaries to be dispensed , then tbe time-serving and self-seeking oame within its pales and introduced the corrupt leaven which well-nigh worked its ruin . So long as Masonry was too limited in nnmbers to afford a temptation for corrupt and designing men to
ally their fortunes with its destinies , just so long was it relatively pure . Now we are strong , and those who have lost character eome to us and desire to be propped up in society by our influence . Man who wish to traffic on
the good will engendered of our fraternity are seeking cur recognition , and may , in the end , turn our Lodgerooms into a den of thieves . It is not even sufficient that a candidate be a man of pure and incorruptible principle . Jn addition to
being under the tongue of good report in this respect , he should be possessed of sufficient intelligence , and refined sensibilities to appreciate our sublime teachings and the appositeness of the didactic symbols of Ereemasonry . Let it be borne in mind that we do not propose
Masonry as an imbecile school , or as a hospital . Our werk is not to light the minds of fools , or to cleanse the moral leprosy of the corrupt in heart and life . Ifc is a mockery for a man to be sporting the symbolry ° f our Order in the jewels he ; wears , who cannot give you an intelligeet interpretation of the significance of
our emblems . It is profane for a man to wear tbe sacreb G- on his breat , whose mouth is foul with blasphemous oaths . Men of Avisdom and of worth seek the associations of Masonry upon ground of congeniality . They only
in our altar oaths confirm the principles and practices of a virtuous life followed before they found thoir Avay to our altars . A man seeking the fraternization of Masons should be as pnre in heart when he kneels to assume our vows as ivhen he rises up from their
imposition . "We commit an error , gross in its nature , when we regard Masoury as a reformation institution , and admit to our association tbe ignorant and profligate . We want quality of membership more than quantity . Tile the outer door . Look well to the ballot . —Ken lucky Freemason .
Brother Richard Spencer informs us tbe reprint of the 1722 , 1723 , 1726 , 1730 editions of " The Old Constitutions belonging to the Ancient and Honourable Society of Free and Accepted Masons of England and Ireland ; " edited by Bro . the Rev . Dr . Cox P-G . Chaplain , & e ., illustrated with two facsimile Frontispieces , by the AVoodbury process , and other cuts , is now in course of delivery to the subscribers , and can be obtained at the Mnsoni Dep 6 t , ; 26 , Great Queen Street , AV . C .
CALIFORNIA . The Institution of an Italian Lodge in the City of San Praneisco , recently took place at the Masonic Temple , under the most favourable ^ auspices , with the following brethren as officers . Bro . Guglielmo Beretta , Venerabile ; Bro . A .
Sharboro , Primo Sorvegliante ; Bro . C . Steffani , Secondo Sorvegliante : Bro . ; L . Yalente , Tresoriere ; Bro . L . C . Agostini Segretario ; Bro . Ales . Barli , Primo Diacono ; Bro . G . Caglieri , Secondo Diacono ; Bro- A . Paltenghi , Mareschilo ; Bros . D . Torrettie
and A . Eittore , Cerimonieri . " Italy's Hope , " is the name of this , the youngest sister Lodge under tbe jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of the State of California . Though tbe last , yet not the least , to be held in the fraternal esteem of
tbe craft , if we may judge from the outpouring of the brethren who assembled on Eriday evening last to greet with sincere [ and hearty welcome our young Masonic sister . An invitation having been extended to Yerba Buena Lodge of Perfection to attend was fraternally accepted . After the usual ceremonies of
the institution of the Lodge were over , the Lodge was called off to refreshment in the banquet ball , where an excellent repast had been prepared . It was one of the most earnest heartfelt and joyous occasions that we ever attended at a Masonic gathering .
Eloquent responses were made to the various toasts by Bros . Abel , Sbaeifer , Bromley and others , all expressing the fervent desire for the prosperity and success of the " Hope of Italy" Lodge , which bad been instituted , under such favourable auspices .
Tbe warm and fraternal sentiments of our Italian brethren were freely expressed on that occasion , and found uterance in grateful thanks for the universal wish expressed for their advancement and prosperity . Bros . Berretta , Sharboro , Agostini and others
replied in eloquent terms to the many toasts given in their honour for the zeal they had manifested in the organisation of [ this new Lodge for the benefit of our Italian brethren . AVe reiterate our earnest desire for their prosperity and feel Avarranted in predicting their glorious
success , Italian Ereemasonry has done more than all others , in breaking tbe Papal Lock , which barred up the door of conscience and the soul ; the Bastile of the Inquisition at Home has been torn down , tbe sunlight of Liberty and [ Free Thought now shines in all
its brilliancy and splendour over the Capitoline Hills of Eome redeemed , and the Lion's paw has snatched the keys from the would be infallible Jailor of the human conscience , whose occupation is now gone . — Masonic Mirror-
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Quality Of Masonic Membership
were high places to be awarded and fat salaries to be dispensed , then tbe time-serving and self-seeking oame within its pales and introduced the corrupt leaven which well-nigh worked its ruin . So long as Masonry was too limited in nnmbers to afford a temptation for corrupt and designing men to
ally their fortunes with its destinies , just so long was it relatively pure . Now we are strong , and those who have lost character eome to us and desire to be propped up in society by our influence . Man who wish to traffic on
the good will engendered of our fraternity are seeking cur recognition , and may , in the end , turn our Lodgerooms into a den of thieves . It is not even sufficient that a candidate be a man of pure and incorruptible principle . Jn addition to
being under the tongue of good report in this respect , he should be possessed of sufficient intelligence , and refined sensibilities to appreciate our sublime teachings and the appositeness of the didactic symbols of Ereemasonry . Let it be borne in mind that we do not propose
Masonry as an imbecile school , or as a hospital . Our werk is not to light the minds of fools , or to cleanse the moral leprosy of the corrupt in heart and life . Ifc is a mockery for a man to be sporting the symbolry ° f our Order in the jewels he ; wears , who cannot give you an intelligeet interpretation of the significance of
our emblems . It is profane for a man to wear tbe sacreb G- on his breat , whose mouth is foul with blasphemous oaths . Men of Avisdom and of worth seek the associations of Masonry upon ground of congeniality . They only
in our altar oaths confirm the principles and practices of a virtuous life followed before they found thoir Avay to our altars . A man seeking the fraternization of Masons should be as pnre in heart when he kneels to assume our vows as ivhen he rises up from their
imposition . "We commit an error , gross in its nature , when we regard Masoury as a reformation institution , and admit to our association tbe ignorant and profligate . We want quality of membership more than quantity . Tile the outer door . Look well to the ballot . —Ken lucky Freemason .
Brother Richard Spencer informs us tbe reprint of the 1722 , 1723 , 1726 , 1730 editions of " The Old Constitutions belonging to the Ancient and Honourable Society of Free and Accepted Masons of England and Ireland ; " edited by Bro . the Rev . Dr . Cox P-G . Chaplain , & e ., illustrated with two facsimile Frontispieces , by the AVoodbury process , and other cuts , is now in course of delivery to the subscribers , and can be obtained at the Mnsoni Dep 6 t , ; 26 , Great Queen Street , AV . C .
CALIFORNIA . The Institution of an Italian Lodge in the City of San Praneisco , recently took place at the Masonic Temple , under the most favourable ^ auspices , with the following brethren as officers . Bro . Guglielmo Beretta , Venerabile ; Bro . A .
Sharboro , Primo Sorvegliante ; Bro . C . Steffani , Secondo Sorvegliante : Bro . ; L . Yalente , Tresoriere ; Bro . L . C . Agostini Segretario ; Bro . Ales . Barli , Primo Diacono ; Bro . G . Caglieri , Secondo Diacono ; Bro- A . Paltenghi , Mareschilo ; Bros . D . Torrettie
and A . Eittore , Cerimonieri . " Italy's Hope , " is the name of this , the youngest sister Lodge under tbe jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of the State of California . Though tbe last , yet not the least , to be held in the fraternal esteem of
tbe craft , if we may judge from the outpouring of the brethren who assembled on Eriday evening last to greet with sincere [ and hearty welcome our young Masonic sister . An invitation having been extended to Yerba Buena Lodge of Perfection to attend was fraternally accepted . After the usual ceremonies of
the institution of the Lodge were over , the Lodge was called off to refreshment in the banquet ball , where an excellent repast had been prepared . It was one of the most earnest heartfelt and joyous occasions that we ever attended at a Masonic gathering .
Eloquent responses were made to the various toasts by Bros . Abel , Sbaeifer , Bromley and others , all expressing the fervent desire for the prosperity and success of the " Hope of Italy" Lodge , which bad been instituted , under such favourable auspices .
Tbe warm and fraternal sentiments of our Italian brethren were freely expressed on that occasion , and found uterance in grateful thanks for the universal wish expressed for their advancement and prosperity . Bros . Berretta , Sharboro , Agostini and others
replied in eloquent terms to the many toasts given in their honour for the zeal they had manifested in the organisation of [ this new Lodge for the benefit of our Italian brethren . AVe reiterate our earnest desire for their prosperity and feel Avarranted in predicting their glorious
success , Italian Ereemasonry has done more than all others , in breaking tbe Papal Lock , which barred up the door of conscience and the soul ; the Bastile of the Inquisition at Home has been torn down , tbe sunlight of Liberty and [ Free Thought now shines in all
its brilliancy and splendour over the Capitoline Hills of Eome redeemed , and the Lion's paw has snatched the keys from the would be infallible Jailor of the human conscience , whose occupation is now gone . — Masonic Mirror-