Article MASONIC MEMS. Page 1 of 1 Article Craft Masonry. Page 1 of 1 Article Craft Masonry. Page 1 of 1 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 3 →
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Masonic Mems.
THEMASONICMIEEOE. * * All communications to be addressed to the EDITOR , at No . 19 , Salisbury-street , Strand , London , W . C .
The Right Hon . Earl of Talbot and Shrewsbury , Provincial Grand Master for Staffordshire , will preside at the Anniversary Festival of the Boys' School , in March , 1872 . The Annual General Meeting ef the Provincial Grand Lodge of Leicestershire and Rutland will be held at Loughborough ,
under the auspices of the Howe and Charmivood Lodge , No . 1007 , on Friday , the 24 th inst . The Half-yearly Convocation of the Provincial Grand Chapter , of West Yorkshire , will be holden in tbe Masonic Hull , Huddersfield , on "Wednesday the 8 tli inst ., iastend of the 1 st inst ., as previously announced , at 3 o'clock p . m . After business the the companions will be entertained by the Perseverance Chapter , 275 .
The METROPOLITAN MAKE LODGE OI INSTET / CTION ( the only one of tho Degree in London ) , resumed its meetings on Monday , October 2 nd , and meets every Monday , at half-past Seven o ' clock p . m .. at the Lyceum Tavern , No . 361 , Strand . Bro . Thos . Meggy , P . G . M . 0 . will preside as W . M . Meyer A . Luewenstai-k , P . M . 86 , W . M . elect , 22 , P . G . Steward , Hon . See .
Neptune Lodge , 22 , and Mount Sinai Chapter , 22 , having removed from Radley ' s Hotel , will , in future , hold their meetings at the Guildhall Tavern , City . WEST KENT MASONIC CHAHITABM : INSTITUTION . —A number of brethren in the Greenwich district have started an Association under this name , the object of which is to enable any
member of the Craft to gain , by easy subscriptions , a Life Governship or Life Subscribership in one of the Masonic Charities . The Association has arisen in connection with tbe Pythagorean Lodge of Instruction ( No . 75 ) . The British Oak Lodge ( No . 831 ) , will in future hold its meetings at the Beaumont Hall , Beaumont Square , Mile End , the last Monday in the month .
Craft Masonry.
Craft Masonry .
ENGLISH CONSTITUTION . METROPOLITAN . LEBANON LODGE ( No . 1326 ) , —The brethren oi this lodgewet
on Thursday , the lGth inst ., at the Red Lion Hotel , Hampton . Present : Bros . Samuel "Wickens , W . M . . R . M . Bowman , S . W , ; W . Hammond , P . M ., J . D . ; P . Walters , P . M . Sec ; J . T . Moss , P . G . S ., P . M . Treas . ; H . A , Dubois , B . C . ; J . W . Jackson ; J . C . Sinclair , and others . Visitors-. Bros . J . Cli-ynowetli , i , 30 ; T . Vesper , P . M . 551 ; L . Beck , 205 ; J . T . H . Moss , 169 ; * . Holmes , 196 ; | E . Townshend , 1275 ; J . Foj , 1275 ; E . S . Lane , 1275 ; W . Bell , 1275 ; H . E . Trotter , 1014 , and others . Bro . J . T . Moss initiated Messrs . G . W . Tolley , G . Jones , J .
Craft Masonry.
Wells , M . H . Lirefct , and A . Broom . Broe . S . Wickens , W . M . passsd Bros . 0 . Fleet ; I . McRitcbie . R . N . ; W . Bel ) , 1275 , and E . S . Lane , 1275 . Bro . F . Walters raised Bros . H . Stevens , C . S . Simpson , E . Townshend , and J . Fox , 1275 . A banquet closed the proceedings ;!
STRONG MAN LODGE ( NO . 45 ) . —At the weekly meeting oi this very excellent Lodge of Instruction , on Monday last , of which the VV . Bro . Jas . Terry is Preceptor , the W . Bro . H . Muggeridge delivered in admirable style his really beautiful version of the lecture on the Tracing Board of the first degree , previous to which Bro . Terry , as W . M ., supported by Bros . Beckett , S . W . ; Braid , J . W . ; Moss , Treasurer ; Vesper , Secretary
pro . tem . ; Griggs , S . D . ; Follett , J . D . ; Crawley , I . G ., and 30 other members and visitors rehearsed the first section of tlw lecture and the ceremony of initiation in his usual masterly style . After the conclusion of Bro . Muggeridge's lecture , a vote of thanks to him was proposed by Bro . Terry , and seconded by Bro . Beckett , for bis kind attendance and lecture , which was unanimously adoptedand ordered to be entered on the minutes .
, Six new members were elected , and after closing tbe lodge , the brethren separated , exceedingly well pleased with the evening's instruction ; with the kind attention of the "VV . Bro . S . Watkins , the esteemed host ; and the curious and interesting old hall over St . John ' s Gate , Clerkenwell , where the lodge holds its meetings .
NEPTUNE LODGE ( No . 22 ) . —This lodgo met at the Guildhall Tavern , Gresham-streef , on Thursday , 26 th ult ., at four o ' clock p . m . ( having been removed from Radley ' s Hotel on the expiry of lease ) , JBro . Geo . Waterall , AV . M ., in the chair . The lodge was opened in the first degree , and the minutes of last lodge ( March ) were read and confirmed . Ballot was taken for Messrs . Phythian and Keer , and they , being unanimously elected , were
duly initiated into the mysteries and privileges of ancient Freemasonry . The following brethren handed in their names as Stewards at the forthcoming festivals : —Bro . Eames , Boys ' School ; Bro . Gray , Girls'School ; and Br . Cooper , Annuities . A vote of thanks to the committee appointed to az-range the removal of the lodge , for the great trouble they bad taken , and the satisfactory result , was passed unanimously ( proposed by Bro . Goodwin , P . M ., seconded by Br . Marshall , P . M . ) Visitors . Bros . Cutting , Shakespeare ( No . 28-1 ) , aud Dubois , St . Thomas ( Xo . 112 ) .
DEVONSHIRE . TONNES . —Pleiades Lodge ( No . 710 ) . —The rthiiUal meeting was held at the Masonic Rooms , on Thursday , October 26 th . Noon was the time named for commencing business , but it was balf-an-hour later before the chair was taken h y Bro . William Cumingi AV . M ., who opened the Lodge , assisted by Bros , A . B . NinerS . AV ; StaffordJ , W . ; Rev . J . PoivningChaplain ;
, , , , Presswel ! , Secretary ; Pridham , I . P . M . ; Do Sclimid , S . D . ; Maye , acting as I . G . ; Taylor , Organist ; Past-Masters Watson ( Treasurer ) , J . Heath , Marks , Dr . Hopkins , with many members of the Lodge and visitors from Torquay , Paignton , Kingsbridge , & c . At a later period many others arrived , among tliem Past Masters Owen , Oliver , Rev . R . Bowden , G . Heath . The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . Tbe
Secretary read the Treasurer's accounts , which showed a balance of upwards of £ 40 in favour of tho Lodge , besides arrears of dues , and also laid before the members the report of the Audit Committee . As in the latter several subjects were alluded to , which appeared likely to cause much discussion not interesting to visitors nor desirable in their presence , it was decided to postpone the consideration of it till the next meeting . Bro . Crocker was unanimously re-elected as Tilerand Bro . Scale was
, admitted by ballot as a joining member . The Lodge was opened in the second degree . Bro . Dr . Hopkins , P . P . G . S . AV . for Warwickshire , having been deputed to officiate as Installing Master , then took the chair . Bro . A . B . Niner was presented us W . M . elect by the W . M . and the Chaplain , who , from a
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Mems.
THEMASONICMIEEOE. * * All communications to be addressed to the EDITOR , at No . 19 , Salisbury-street , Strand , London , W . C .
The Right Hon . Earl of Talbot and Shrewsbury , Provincial Grand Master for Staffordshire , will preside at the Anniversary Festival of the Boys' School , in March , 1872 . The Annual General Meeting ef the Provincial Grand Lodge of Leicestershire and Rutland will be held at Loughborough ,
under the auspices of the Howe and Charmivood Lodge , No . 1007 , on Friday , the 24 th inst . The Half-yearly Convocation of the Provincial Grand Chapter , of West Yorkshire , will be holden in tbe Masonic Hull , Huddersfield , on "Wednesday the 8 tli inst ., iastend of the 1 st inst ., as previously announced , at 3 o'clock p . m . After business the the companions will be entertained by the Perseverance Chapter , 275 .
The METROPOLITAN MAKE LODGE OI INSTET / CTION ( the only one of tho Degree in London ) , resumed its meetings on Monday , October 2 nd , and meets every Monday , at half-past Seven o ' clock p . m .. at the Lyceum Tavern , No . 361 , Strand . Bro . Thos . Meggy , P . G . M . 0 . will preside as W . M . Meyer A . Luewenstai-k , P . M . 86 , W . M . elect , 22 , P . G . Steward , Hon . See .
Neptune Lodge , 22 , and Mount Sinai Chapter , 22 , having removed from Radley ' s Hotel , will , in future , hold their meetings at the Guildhall Tavern , City . WEST KENT MASONIC CHAHITABM : INSTITUTION . —A number of brethren in the Greenwich district have started an Association under this name , the object of which is to enable any
member of the Craft to gain , by easy subscriptions , a Life Governship or Life Subscribership in one of the Masonic Charities . The Association has arisen in connection with tbe Pythagorean Lodge of Instruction ( No . 75 ) . The British Oak Lodge ( No . 831 ) , will in future hold its meetings at the Beaumont Hall , Beaumont Square , Mile End , the last Monday in the month .
Craft Masonry.
Craft Masonry .
ENGLISH CONSTITUTION . METROPOLITAN . LEBANON LODGE ( No . 1326 ) , —The brethren oi this lodgewet
on Thursday , the lGth inst ., at the Red Lion Hotel , Hampton . Present : Bros . Samuel "Wickens , W . M . . R . M . Bowman , S . W , ; W . Hammond , P . M ., J . D . ; P . Walters , P . M . Sec ; J . T . Moss , P . G . S ., P . M . Treas . ; H . A , Dubois , B . C . ; J . W . Jackson ; J . C . Sinclair , and others . Visitors-. Bros . J . Cli-ynowetli , i , 30 ; T . Vesper , P . M . 551 ; L . Beck , 205 ; J . T . H . Moss , 169 ; * . Holmes , 196 ; | E . Townshend , 1275 ; J . Foj , 1275 ; E . S . Lane , 1275 ; W . Bell , 1275 ; H . E . Trotter , 1014 , and others . Bro . J . T . Moss initiated Messrs . G . W . Tolley , G . Jones , J .
Craft Masonry.
Wells , M . H . Lirefct , and A . Broom . Broe . S . Wickens , W . M . passsd Bros . 0 . Fleet ; I . McRitcbie . R . N . ; W . Bel ) , 1275 , and E . S . Lane , 1275 . Bro . F . Walters raised Bros . H . Stevens , C . S . Simpson , E . Townshend , and J . Fox , 1275 . A banquet closed the proceedings ;!
STRONG MAN LODGE ( NO . 45 ) . —At the weekly meeting oi this very excellent Lodge of Instruction , on Monday last , of which the VV . Bro . Jas . Terry is Preceptor , the W . Bro . H . Muggeridge delivered in admirable style his really beautiful version of the lecture on the Tracing Board of the first degree , previous to which Bro . Terry , as W . M ., supported by Bros . Beckett , S . W . ; Braid , J . W . ; Moss , Treasurer ; Vesper , Secretary
pro . tem . ; Griggs , S . D . ; Follett , J . D . ; Crawley , I . G ., and 30 other members and visitors rehearsed the first section of tlw lecture and the ceremony of initiation in his usual masterly style . After the conclusion of Bro . Muggeridge's lecture , a vote of thanks to him was proposed by Bro . Terry , and seconded by Bro . Beckett , for bis kind attendance and lecture , which was unanimously adoptedand ordered to be entered on the minutes .
, Six new members were elected , and after closing tbe lodge , the brethren separated , exceedingly well pleased with the evening's instruction ; with the kind attention of the "VV . Bro . S . Watkins , the esteemed host ; and the curious and interesting old hall over St . John ' s Gate , Clerkenwell , where the lodge holds its meetings .
NEPTUNE LODGE ( No . 22 ) . —This lodgo met at the Guildhall Tavern , Gresham-streef , on Thursday , 26 th ult ., at four o ' clock p . m . ( having been removed from Radley ' s Hotel on the expiry of lease ) , JBro . Geo . Waterall , AV . M ., in the chair . The lodge was opened in the first degree , and the minutes of last lodge ( March ) were read and confirmed . Ballot was taken for Messrs . Phythian and Keer , and they , being unanimously elected , were
duly initiated into the mysteries and privileges of ancient Freemasonry . The following brethren handed in their names as Stewards at the forthcoming festivals : —Bro . Eames , Boys ' School ; Bro . Gray , Girls'School ; and Br . Cooper , Annuities . A vote of thanks to the committee appointed to az-range the removal of the lodge , for the great trouble they bad taken , and the satisfactory result , was passed unanimously ( proposed by Bro . Goodwin , P . M ., seconded by Br . Marshall , P . M . ) Visitors . Bros . Cutting , Shakespeare ( No . 28-1 ) , aud Dubois , St . Thomas ( Xo . 112 ) .
DEVONSHIRE . TONNES . —Pleiades Lodge ( No . 710 ) . —The rthiiUal meeting was held at the Masonic Rooms , on Thursday , October 26 th . Noon was the time named for commencing business , but it was balf-an-hour later before the chair was taken h y Bro . William Cumingi AV . M ., who opened the Lodge , assisted by Bros , A . B . NinerS . AV ; StaffordJ , W . ; Rev . J . PoivningChaplain ;
, , , , Presswel ! , Secretary ; Pridham , I . P . M . ; Do Sclimid , S . D . ; Maye , acting as I . G . ; Taylor , Organist ; Past-Masters Watson ( Treasurer ) , J . Heath , Marks , Dr . Hopkins , with many members of the Lodge and visitors from Torquay , Paignton , Kingsbridge , & c . At a later period many others arrived , among tliem Past Masters Owen , Oliver , Rev . R . Bowden , G . Heath . The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . Tbe
Secretary read the Treasurer's accounts , which showed a balance of upwards of £ 40 in favour of tho Lodge , besides arrears of dues , and also laid before the members the report of the Audit Committee . As in the latter several subjects were alluded to , which appeared likely to cause much discussion not interesting to visitors nor desirable in their presence , it was decided to postpone the consideration of it till the next meeting . Bro . Crocker was unanimously re-elected as Tilerand Bro . Scale was
, admitted by ballot as a joining member . The Lodge was opened in the second degree . Bro . Dr . Hopkins , P . P . G . S . AV . for Warwickshire , having been deputed to officiate as Installing Master , then took the chair . Bro . A . B . Niner was presented us W . M . elect by the W . M . and the Chaplain , who , from a