Article THE MASONIC MIRROR. ← Page 2 of 7 →
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The Masonic Mirror.
¦ 1 . That the K . W . Provincial Grand Master , and Deputy Provincial Grand Master , be requested to take tho offices of President and Vice-President of such committee . 5 . That the said Provincial Committee bo requested to hold a general meeting at least once a year , and to present to the Provincial Grand . Lodge a report showing the results of the labours of its members individually and collectively .
After a short conversation it was resolved , on the motion of Bro . Hopwood , S . G . D ., seconded by Bro . C . Purton Cooper , Prov . G . M . for Kctifc , " That the report bo approved ; ancl this Court being much impressed with the importance ol uniform action on the part of the supporters ol the Institution throughout tho country , earnestly recommend tho brethren in the provinces to adopt the suggestions offered on page fl ( given above ) of the printed report . "
It was also resolved , on the motion of Bro . Symonds , seconded by Bro . Cooper , "That a copy of the foregoing resolution be transmitted to the M . W . G . M ., and that his lordship be respectfully solicited to forward it to the R . W . Prov . Grand Masters , with a request that they will take the subject into their serious consideration , and bring the resolution and report under the notice of the brethren of their respective provinces , either at a Provincial Grand Lodge , or in such other way as fchey may deem most fitting . " A vote of thanks to Bro . Udall for presiding , closed the proceedings .
EOYAL . MASONIC BOYS SCHOOL . ON the afternoon of the same day a Special Court of the governors and sub scribcrs of this Institution was held under the presidency of Bro . G . Barrett , V . P . and similar resolutions agreed fo . THE ANSUAti FESTIVAL . THK Anniversary Festival was held at the Freemasons' Tavern on Wednesday
last . March 30 th . Tho chair was occupied by the Hight Hon . Lord Panmure , . R . W . D . G . M ., supported by Bros . Bowyer , Prov . G . M ., Oxfordshire ; C . P . Cooper , Prov . G . M ., Kent ; Hammond , Prov . G . M ., Jersey ; B . Bond Cabbell , Prov . G . M ., Norfolk ; W . G . Clarke , G . Sec . ; W . P . Scott , S . G . D . ; Hopwood , J . G . D . ; Potter , P . G . D . ; Evans , P . G . S . B . ; Le Veau ' , P . G . S . B . ; Walmisley , P . G . S . B . ; Farnfield , Asst . G . S * . ; F . Slight , Prov . G . W ., Surrey ; Shaw , P . Prov . G . W ., West Yorkshire ; Job AustenProv . G . Orgt . Essex ; Col . Western ; Aid . Eose ; Frederic Ledger
, , , V . Crew , G . Barrett , F . Binckes , Stuart , Head , Z . Watkins , Herapath , Symonds , and about one hundred and eighty other brethren . At the conclusion of the dinner , which was most admirably served , The E . W . D . G . M . rose and said , on quitting the labour of refreshment ho would ask them to join with him iu giving utterance to those sentiments of loyalty and charity which he was convinced pervaded their meeting that evening . He had risen to propose to them to drink the health of "Her Gracious Majesty , the Patroness
of the Masonic School for Boys . " In giving that toast he need not appeal to their loyalty to the ladies , because one great characteristic of Freemasonry was loyalty to them as well as to their sovereign . He called upon them to drink the health of Her Majesty with that respect and lovo which was due to her as their Queen and as patroness of their institution—ho called upon them to drink her health in her private and domestic capacity as a wife and a mother , and he called upon them to drink to her health as the first lady in tho laud , as setting a bright example to her sex , whicli was held most clear by every Mason , ( Applause ) .
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The Masonic Mirror.
¦ 1 . That the K . W . Provincial Grand Master , and Deputy Provincial Grand Master , be requested to take tho offices of President and Vice-President of such committee . 5 . That the said Provincial Committee bo requested to hold a general meeting at least once a year , and to present to the Provincial Grand . Lodge a report showing the results of the labours of its members individually and collectively .
After a short conversation it was resolved , on the motion of Bro . Hopwood , S . G . D ., seconded by Bro . C . Purton Cooper , Prov . G . M . for Kctifc , " That the report bo approved ; ancl this Court being much impressed with the importance ol uniform action on the part of the supporters ol the Institution throughout tho country , earnestly recommend tho brethren in the provinces to adopt the suggestions offered on page fl ( given above ) of the printed report . "
It was also resolved , on the motion of Bro . Symonds , seconded by Bro . Cooper , "That a copy of the foregoing resolution be transmitted to the M . W . G . M ., and that his lordship be respectfully solicited to forward it to the R . W . Prov . Grand Masters , with a request that they will take the subject into their serious consideration , and bring the resolution and report under the notice of the brethren of their respective provinces , either at a Provincial Grand Lodge , or in such other way as fchey may deem most fitting . " A vote of thanks to Bro . Udall for presiding , closed the proceedings .
EOYAL . MASONIC BOYS SCHOOL . ON the afternoon of the same day a Special Court of the governors and sub scribcrs of this Institution was held under the presidency of Bro . G . Barrett , V . P . and similar resolutions agreed fo . THE ANSUAti FESTIVAL . THK Anniversary Festival was held at the Freemasons' Tavern on Wednesday
last . March 30 th . Tho chair was occupied by the Hight Hon . Lord Panmure , . R . W . D . G . M ., supported by Bros . Bowyer , Prov . G . M ., Oxfordshire ; C . P . Cooper , Prov . G . M ., Kent ; Hammond , Prov . G . M ., Jersey ; B . Bond Cabbell , Prov . G . M ., Norfolk ; W . G . Clarke , G . Sec . ; W . P . Scott , S . G . D . ; Hopwood , J . G . D . ; Potter , P . G . D . ; Evans , P . G . S . B . ; Le Veau ' , P . G . S . B . ; Walmisley , P . G . S . B . ; Farnfield , Asst . G . S * . ; F . Slight , Prov . G . W ., Surrey ; Shaw , P . Prov . G . W ., West Yorkshire ; Job AustenProv . G . Orgt . Essex ; Col . Western ; Aid . Eose ; Frederic Ledger
, , , V . Crew , G . Barrett , F . Binckes , Stuart , Head , Z . Watkins , Herapath , Symonds , and about one hundred and eighty other brethren . At the conclusion of the dinner , which was most admirably served , The E . W . D . G . M . rose and said , on quitting the labour of refreshment ho would ask them to join with him iu giving utterance to those sentiments of loyalty and charity which he was convinced pervaded their meeting that evening . He had risen to propose to them to drink the health of "Her Gracious Majesty , the Patroness
of the Masonic School for Boys . " In giving that toast he need not appeal to their loyalty to the ladies , because one great characteristic of Freemasonry was loyalty to them as well as to their sovereign . He called upon them to drink the health of Her Majesty with that respect and lovo which was due to her as their Queen and as patroness of their institution—ho called upon them to drink her health in her private and domestic capacity as a wife and a mother , and he called upon them to drink to her health as the first lady in tho laud , as setting a bright example to her sex , whicli was held most clear by every Mason , ( Applause ) .