Article THE MASONIC MIRROR. ← Page 6 of 7 →
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The Masonic Mirror.
f M rn- ° ! J \} 1 C ^ IC * Wis thcn S » * ' ™ d responded to by Bro . F . Cossens , of r , o . GOo , who had officiated as one of the ladies' stewards . Ho assured the noble lord m the chair and the brethren , that the ladies wero extremely pleased bv the arrauginents made tor their accommodation , aud ; it observing how nobly fche institution , m which they took the greatest , , interest was supoorted by the brethren liio list of Liu Cossens , as representative of ffo . 605 , Dorchester , amounted to ~ oJ IDS .
Hie health of Jio stewards having been drunk , the company separated ; the excellent example of the stewards of the Eoyal Benevolent Institution , in Wry last , in dispensing with the glee room , being followed on this occasion , to the evident satisfaction or all parties concerned . The musical arrangements , under the direction of Br . Donald King , wore of more thani usual excellence , and included the talents of Bros . Francis , Winn , and Lawer ; Mrs . Gilbert , Mies . Susanna Colo , Lefller , and Bytes . Bro . Count Montemei-h , of tfo . * , volunteered his valuable assistance , ' and delighted the brethren by his excellent vocalization .
The following is the annual report of the Committee with that of tho Evaminei ot the boys in the school , circulated in the course of the evening . " Iu presenting to the subscribers the annual statementof receipts and expend ! ture , the Committee cannot but congratulate themselves and the supporters of the Institution generally on the success which has attended their efforts durinc the past year—the amount received being larger than that of any former year The Committee must regard this as the best evidence of the bthe Craft
approval y -it large of the steps they have taken with a view to improve the efficiency of the establishment and to extend , as far as possible , the benefits it is so well calculated to afford , the future remains with the brethren who have never been appealed to m vain when then-support has been solicited , aud who , it is confidently hoped will at the ensuing festival not only renew , but increase , the assistance which the Committee now so gratefully acknowledge . "Plans for the extension and enlargement of the present building havoibeen submitted to Committeebthe of
your , y adoption which adequate accommodation . nay be provided for sevent y boys , and they feel sure that the members ofthe Craft will at once recognize the manifest advantage of having the whole of the boys on the Institution ( or so many of them whoso parents shall sanction their admission ) under one roof and under the control and direction of an adequate staff of masiers , & e ., who wil be directly responsible to the executive into whose hands the management of the school is annuall y entrusted . The estimated cost of the contemplated enlargement is £ 1 , 500 . " 5 lh March , 1 S 5 V . ( Signed ) JOHN HEim-y , Chairman . "
,., V IM S * " 1 S 58 Sl - 0 WS tllc tot ! l 1 revenue for the year ( includi ., £ 10 olas . i , brought forward from the previous account ) to have been £ ^ S 0 lb n S l * f'J ^ ^ »^ ure £ 2 ; t 30 Is . 3 , ; . £ 100 Stock had been purchased at a cost ot ^ . JSo , and there remained in hand ou 30 th December a balance of £ 295 ' ¦ ' To the Committee of the Eoyal Masonic Institution for Boys .
" Bl 'f' ^ . -Having undertaken for the first time the examination of the boys connected wih your insti ution , 1 have much pleasure in sending you the accom panying classification oi them , and report . til ^ w'fWr' - ' l ' f ! ° ach boy S ° ' ' ately t 0 a ™ *<** ™™ " >* - , m 1 , ,, f ' . , ™ ° ' T ] hy this r , m ' ' <™> ™ ™™ to a 2 H \ " ? l CM f" « *» the merits of the different candidates , than I could oJiemyse have done . Some of ( he l , „ y acquitted themselves well
very diK'T ^ W 'T * P"i ' " ; v' ™ ot tha «>««"» howc Z ™ l y in 1 w f' 1 j , P *'/ ' ; WhlCh i ] r e WiM ! tlle ^* t ^ "eilcy was arithmetictin , was badly done b jf all , -several of the boys net answering , or faring to answer one single mention . The spelling also was generally bad . " fau """' m
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Masonic Mirror.
f M rn- ° ! J \} 1 C ^ IC * Wis thcn S » * ' ™ d responded to by Bro . F . Cossens , of r , o . GOo , who had officiated as one of the ladies' stewards . Ho assured the noble lord m the chair and the brethren , that the ladies wero extremely pleased bv the arrauginents made tor their accommodation , aud ; it observing how nobly fche institution , m which they took the greatest , , interest was supoorted by the brethren liio list of Liu Cossens , as representative of ffo . 605 , Dorchester , amounted to ~ oJ IDS .
Hie health of Jio stewards having been drunk , the company separated ; the excellent example of the stewards of the Eoyal Benevolent Institution , in Wry last , in dispensing with the glee room , being followed on this occasion , to the evident satisfaction or all parties concerned . The musical arrangements , under the direction of Br . Donald King , wore of more thani usual excellence , and included the talents of Bros . Francis , Winn , and Lawer ; Mrs . Gilbert , Mies . Susanna Colo , Lefller , and Bytes . Bro . Count Montemei-h , of tfo . * , volunteered his valuable assistance , ' and delighted the brethren by his excellent vocalization .
The following is the annual report of the Committee with that of tho Evaminei ot the boys in the school , circulated in the course of the evening . " Iu presenting to the subscribers the annual statementof receipts and expend ! ture , the Committee cannot but congratulate themselves and the supporters of the Institution generally on the success which has attended their efforts durinc the past year—the amount received being larger than that of any former year The Committee must regard this as the best evidence of the bthe Craft
approval y -it large of the steps they have taken with a view to improve the efficiency of the establishment and to extend , as far as possible , the benefits it is so well calculated to afford , the future remains with the brethren who have never been appealed to m vain when then-support has been solicited , aud who , it is confidently hoped will at the ensuing festival not only renew , but increase , the assistance which the Committee now so gratefully acknowledge . "Plans for the extension and enlargement of the present building havoibeen submitted to Committeebthe of
your , y adoption which adequate accommodation . nay be provided for sevent y boys , and they feel sure that the members ofthe Craft will at once recognize the manifest advantage of having the whole of the boys on the Institution ( or so many of them whoso parents shall sanction their admission ) under one roof and under the control and direction of an adequate staff of masiers , & e ., who wil be directly responsible to the executive into whose hands the management of the school is annuall y entrusted . The estimated cost of the contemplated enlargement is £ 1 , 500 . " 5 lh March , 1 S 5 V . ( Signed ) JOHN HEim-y , Chairman . "
,., V IM S * " 1 S 58 Sl - 0 WS tllc tot ! l 1 revenue for the year ( includi ., £ 10 olas . i , brought forward from the previous account ) to have been £ ^ S 0 lb n S l * f'J ^ ^ »^ ure £ 2 ; t 30 Is . 3 , ; . £ 100 Stock had been purchased at a cost ot ^ . JSo , and there remained in hand ou 30 th December a balance of £ 295 ' ¦ ' To the Committee of the Eoyal Masonic Institution for Boys .
" Bl 'f' ^ . -Having undertaken for the first time the examination of the boys connected wih your insti ution , 1 have much pleasure in sending you the accom panying classification oi them , and report . til ^ w'fWr' - ' l ' f ! ° ach boy S ° ' ' ately t 0 a ™ *<** ™™ " >* - , m 1 , ,, f ' . , ™ ° ' T ] hy this r , m ' ' <™> ™ ™™ to a 2 H \ " ? l CM f" « *» the merits of the different candidates , than I could oJiemyse have done . Some of ( he l , „ y acquitted themselves well
very diK'T ^ W 'T * P"i ' " ; v' ™ ot tha «>««"» howc Z ™ l y in 1 w f' 1 j , P *'/ ' ; WhlCh i ] r e WiM ! tlle ^* t ^ "eilcy was arithmetictin , was badly done b jf all , -several of the boys net answering , or faring to answer one single mention . The spelling also was generally bad . " fau """' m