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degrees were displayed for tho first time , executed in truly artistic stylo , and . presented for the uso of the Lodge by tho Orator , Bro . Eatier , P . M ., of the first of which ho availed himself , when called upon for the discharge of tho duties of his office , by delivering the customary address and exhortation to the new apprentice . In this instance , Bro . Eatier seemed to excel himself , not only in point of eloquence , but as regards argument and reasoning , aud the powers which ho thus brought to bear upon the subject . The members present listened with almost breathless
attention to a most interesting extempore address of nearly an hour ' s duration . After explaining carefully , intelligibly , and at full length , not in the customary verbal routine , but in his own forcible and original language , all the emblems depicted on the diagram , he declared his firm conviction of the high antiquity and universality of Freemasonry , for which he adduced ample evidence , and then entered into a learned historical disquisition on the revival of tho science at the time of the Crusades , and on the peculiar forms which it assumed at that time iu
connexion with the Knights of St . John . He briefly traced Freemasonry from that period in its progress through the different countries of Europe , remarking the singular circumstance of its start from Scotland , and its extension thence through England and Franco towards its original seat in the east ; and , having given his views on the proofs which may be brought forward in support of his opinions , expressed his regret that by the course pursued by the Grand Lodge of England , a largo portion of the force and historical continuity of the science
has been lost to that country ; thus depriving its members of much that is grand and beautiful , and diminishing its value and importance as a study . Ho concluded with an earnest appeal to the newly initiated ever to act up to the principles of the Order , aud assured them of the profit they would derive from its ardent and
zealous pursuit . At the close of this address , of which our slight sketch cau afford but a very faint idea , the W . M ., having called upon his Director of Ceremonies , Bro . Asplet , ancl his Senior Deacon , Bro . Binet , to place the Orator iu front of the pedestal , addressed him iu a short but affectionate and feeling speech ; and , after enumerating the services he had rendered to the Lodgo , and the full appreciation which they could not but commaud , presented him in tho name of the brethren with a handsome silver snuffbox , bearing the following inscription : — "Au Frere Gustavo RatterOrateurtemoignage d . ' eslimede reconnaissanceet d ' affection
, , , , , fraternelle , de la part de ses Freres , membres de la Loge La Cesaree , No . SCO . Jersey , 31 Mars , 1 S 59 . " This substantial compliment was acknowledged by Bro . Eatier , briefly , but with deep emotion , iu which the brethren marked their sympathy by loud and renewed acclamations . Several new candidates were proposed , and also two joining members , one of them having belonged to a LocV'e iu France , and the other being Bro . Poagam , a Past Master of the Eoyal Sussex , No . 722 , from which he has lately seceded . The Lodge was then closed , and thus
tbo interesting events of the evening terminated . Not being a member of La Cesaree " , but merely an occasional visitor , your present correspondent may , without impropriety , remark on tho strict order and decorum which prevail iu this Lodge , and on tho correctness of the ceremonies , even to minute detail , with but very few exceptions , as given in the Lodge of Unions in London . This is mainly owing to the fact , that when the late Bro . Dr . Cuquemelle rendered it into French , thCficcuracy of the Jersey Lodges was perfectas your correspondent distinctly
, remembers to have reported to his Lodge in England , on his return from a visit to this island seven years ago . In the other Lodges , some few ritualistic changes have since been made , which would now render such au observation incorrect with respect to them , though thoy are nevertheless well and efficiently worked . [ Communicated by Bro . H . H . J
CHESHIRE . ArroixraiOTS . —Lodges . —TYodnosilay , April 13 lh , Fidelity (( 523 ) , White Hart , Flowery Field at 0 ; Thursday , Uth , Mersey ( 701 ) , Augcl Hotel , Birkenhead , at S ; Industry ( -105 ) , Norfolk Arms , Hyde , lit 7 . . Encampment .-Monday , 11 th , St . Salem , Dog and Partridge Inn , Stockport . CORNWALL . AraoiHTJiENTs . —Lodges . —Tuesday , April 12 th , Druids ol' I . ovc ami Liberality ( 859 ) , Lodso Rooms , Kedrulh , at 7 ; Cormibiai * ( 059 ) , Crotch ' s Hold , Hayle , at 7 . " »
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
degrees were displayed for tho first time , executed in truly artistic stylo , and . presented for the uso of the Lodge by tho Orator , Bro . Eatier , P . M ., of the first of which ho availed himself , when called upon for the discharge of tho duties of his office , by delivering the customary address and exhortation to the new apprentice . In this instance , Bro . Eatier seemed to excel himself , not only in point of eloquence , but as regards argument and reasoning , aud the powers which ho thus brought to bear upon the subject . The members present listened with almost breathless
attention to a most interesting extempore address of nearly an hour ' s duration . After explaining carefully , intelligibly , and at full length , not in the customary verbal routine , but in his own forcible and original language , all the emblems depicted on the diagram , he declared his firm conviction of the high antiquity and universality of Freemasonry , for which he adduced ample evidence , and then entered into a learned historical disquisition on the revival of tho science at the time of the Crusades , and on the peculiar forms which it assumed at that time iu
connexion with the Knights of St . John . He briefly traced Freemasonry from that period in its progress through the different countries of Europe , remarking the singular circumstance of its start from Scotland , and its extension thence through England and Franco towards its original seat in the east ; and , having given his views on the proofs which may be brought forward in support of his opinions , expressed his regret that by the course pursued by the Grand Lodge of England , a largo portion of the force and historical continuity of the science
has been lost to that country ; thus depriving its members of much that is grand and beautiful , and diminishing its value and importance as a study . Ho concluded with an earnest appeal to the newly initiated ever to act up to the principles of the Order , aud assured them of the profit they would derive from its ardent and
zealous pursuit . At the close of this address , of which our slight sketch cau afford but a very faint idea , the W . M ., having called upon his Director of Ceremonies , Bro . Asplet , ancl his Senior Deacon , Bro . Binet , to place the Orator iu front of the pedestal , addressed him iu a short but affectionate and feeling speech ; and , after enumerating the services he had rendered to the Lodgo , and the full appreciation which they could not but commaud , presented him in tho name of the brethren with a handsome silver snuffbox , bearing the following inscription : — "Au Frere Gustavo RatterOrateurtemoignage d . ' eslimede reconnaissanceet d ' affection
, , , , , fraternelle , de la part de ses Freres , membres de la Loge La Cesaree , No . SCO . Jersey , 31 Mars , 1 S 59 . " This substantial compliment was acknowledged by Bro . Eatier , briefly , but with deep emotion , iu which the brethren marked their sympathy by loud and renewed acclamations . Several new candidates were proposed , and also two joining members , one of them having belonged to a LocV'e iu France , and the other being Bro . Poagam , a Past Master of the Eoyal Sussex , No . 722 , from which he has lately seceded . The Lodge was then closed , and thus
tbo interesting events of the evening terminated . Not being a member of La Cesaree " , but merely an occasional visitor , your present correspondent may , without impropriety , remark on tho strict order and decorum which prevail iu this Lodge , and on tho correctness of the ceremonies , even to minute detail , with but very few exceptions , as given in the Lodge of Unions in London . This is mainly owing to the fact , that when the late Bro . Dr . Cuquemelle rendered it into French , thCficcuracy of the Jersey Lodges was perfectas your correspondent distinctly
, remembers to have reported to his Lodge in England , on his return from a visit to this island seven years ago . In the other Lodges , some few ritualistic changes have since been made , which would now render such au observation incorrect with respect to them , though thoy are nevertheless well and efficiently worked . [ Communicated by Bro . H . H . J
CHESHIRE . ArroixraiOTS . —Lodges . —TYodnosilay , April 13 lh , Fidelity (( 523 ) , White Hart , Flowery Field at 0 ; Thursday , Uth , Mersey ( 701 ) , Augcl Hotel , Birkenhead , at S ; Industry ( -105 ) , Norfolk Arms , Hyde , lit 7 . . Encampment .-Monday , 11 th , St . Salem , Dog and Partridge Inn , Stockport . CORNWALL . AraoiHTJiENTs . —Lodges . —Tuesday , April 12 th , Druids ol' I . ovc ami Liberality ( 859 ) , Lodso Rooms , Kedrulh , at 7 ; Cormibiai * ( 059 ) , Crotch ' s Hold , Hayle , at 7 . " »