Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 4 of 16 →
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owe to our country neighbours and ourselves , and exhorted all to prove to tho outer world that Freemasonry was indeed a name to be proud of . He advocated support to the great Masonic charities by all the Lodges iu his province , and individual members in particular . He was pleased to see that the new Lodge had commenced so well , the beautiful furniture of the Lodge , the well-known standing and respectability of their W . M . and Officers , ancl the many propositions for candidates and joining membersaugured a prosperous and successful yearand that
, , the Harbour of Refuge Lodge would be a credit to the province . He thanked them for the kind manner they had responded to his health , and sat down amidst tho continued applause of the brethren . "The Grancl Officers Past ancl Present , ancl tho Past and' Present Prov . Graud Officers" was proposed by the W . M . and responded to by Bro . R . B . Ridley , D . Prov . S . G . AA . " The Clergy , " particularly those present , was proposed by tho W . M . and
responded to by Bro . the Rev . J . Kenyon , Prov . Grand Chaplain . The E . W . Prov . G . M . proposed the health of the W . M ., who returned thanks in a neat speech . " The Visiting Brethren " was proposed by the WM . ancl responded to by Bro , E . D . Davies , in his usual good style . Bro . the Eev . Johu Cunliffe proposed " The Officers of , and harmony and pros ,-perity tothe Lodge No . 1066 " in an excellent and feeling maimerwhich was
, ,, , listened to and appreciated by all present . The S . AV . returned thanks . "The Ladies , " proposed by Bro . Eickards of the Robert Bums Loclge , No , 25 , in a spirited manner , which drew forth rounds of applause . The last toast was proposed by the Prov . Grand Master iu a very telling and affectionate speech , after which , the brethren from a distance left by special train , highly pleased with the day ' s proceedings .
GATESHEAD . —Lodge of Industry ( No . BG ) . —This Lodge hold a meeting on Monday , March 2 Sth , when it was opened in due form by the AA . M ., Bro . Antony Clapham , and his officers . After the minutes of last meeting were confirmed , Bro , C . J . Banister , P . M ., and AV . M . elect , was introduced by Bro . H . Hotham , P . M ., ( Prov . J . G . AA . of Northumberland , ) to tho installing Master , Bro . E . D . Davies , P . M . ( Prov . G . D . C ) , who performed the ceremony in the most impressive manner . After the AV . M . had been regularly installed and proclaimed , he invested his officers as follows : —Bros . Eev . Samuel AtkinsonMA . Chaplain ; A . ClaphamP . M .
, , , ; J . Dobson , S . AV . ; AA . J . Kimpster , J . AV ., P . M . ; F . P . Jonn , Treasurer ; H . AVyatt , Sec , P . M . ; J . L . Monro , Director of Ceremonies ; J . Bryden , S . D . ; T . AVard , J . D . ; T . Jensen , I . G . ; A . Dixon , Tyler . A brother was then passed to the F . C . Degree with tho usual earnestness displayed by the AV . M . The brethren of the district , willing' to show their esteem for Bro . Antony Clapham , P . M ., decided to present him with a silver salvor on leaving the chair of No . 56 . Bro . E . D . Davies , P . M . ( Prov . S . G . AV . ) , of Northumberlandwas unanimously solicited to present itwhich
, , ho did iu a most appropriate and feeling maimer . Bro . A . Clapham , P . M ., in returning thanks , said "Brethren , I feel as though I had not words fully to express to you the heartfelt pride and pleasure which this mark of your friendship and esteem so thoroughly awakens in my bosom . When I consider that my humble exertions and endeavours to promote the welfare of Freemasonry have been appreciated by my brethren to the extent whichis here attested by this handsome testimonial , I cannot help experiencing a sensation of pride on being considered worthy of
such a high mark of your esteem and approbation . Believe me , I shall ever keep and respect this valuable token of your regard ; and , as often as I look upon it , my thoughts shall revert to those who have so kindly contributed to its presentation , with sincere desire that they may enjoy health , happiness , and prosperity . And should I , at any future period , have to remove from this locality , it would become doubly valuable , in recalling to my memory those kind friends with whom 1 have so often met , and with whom I . have spent so many happy hours . Allow me , from the bottom of my heart , to return to you my sincere thanks for the very kind aud handsome present now before me : and may the cause of Freemasonry flourish ! Mav there always arise young Masons callable and
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owe to our country neighbours and ourselves , and exhorted all to prove to tho outer world that Freemasonry was indeed a name to be proud of . He advocated support to the great Masonic charities by all the Lodges iu his province , and individual members in particular . He was pleased to see that the new Lodge had commenced so well , the beautiful furniture of the Lodge , the well-known standing and respectability of their W . M . and Officers , ancl the many propositions for candidates and joining membersaugured a prosperous and successful yearand that
, , the Harbour of Refuge Lodge would be a credit to the province . He thanked them for the kind manner they had responded to his health , and sat down amidst tho continued applause of the brethren . "The Grancl Officers Past ancl Present , ancl tho Past and' Present Prov . Graud Officers" was proposed by the W . M . and responded to by Bro . R . B . Ridley , D . Prov . S . G . AA . " The Clergy , " particularly those present , was proposed by tho W . M . and
responded to by Bro . the Rev . J . Kenyon , Prov . Grand Chaplain . The E . W . Prov . G . M . proposed the health of the W . M ., who returned thanks in a neat speech . " The Visiting Brethren " was proposed by the WM . ancl responded to by Bro , E . D . Davies , in his usual good style . Bro . the Eev . Johu Cunliffe proposed " The Officers of , and harmony and pros ,-perity tothe Lodge No . 1066 " in an excellent and feeling maimerwhich was
, ,, , listened to and appreciated by all present . The S . AV . returned thanks . "The Ladies , " proposed by Bro . Eickards of the Robert Bums Loclge , No , 25 , in a spirited manner , which drew forth rounds of applause . The last toast was proposed by the Prov . Grand Master iu a very telling and affectionate speech , after which , the brethren from a distance left by special train , highly pleased with the day ' s proceedings .
GATESHEAD . —Lodge of Industry ( No . BG ) . —This Lodge hold a meeting on Monday , March 2 Sth , when it was opened in due form by the AA . M ., Bro . Antony Clapham , and his officers . After the minutes of last meeting were confirmed , Bro , C . J . Banister , P . M ., and AV . M . elect , was introduced by Bro . H . Hotham , P . M ., ( Prov . J . G . AA . of Northumberland , ) to tho installing Master , Bro . E . D . Davies , P . M . ( Prov . G . D . C ) , who performed the ceremony in the most impressive manner . After the AV . M . had been regularly installed and proclaimed , he invested his officers as follows : —Bros . Eev . Samuel AtkinsonMA . Chaplain ; A . ClaphamP . M .
, , , ; J . Dobson , S . AV . ; AA . J . Kimpster , J . AV ., P . M . ; F . P . Jonn , Treasurer ; H . AVyatt , Sec , P . M . ; J . L . Monro , Director of Ceremonies ; J . Bryden , S . D . ; T . AVard , J . D . ; T . Jensen , I . G . ; A . Dixon , Tyler . A brother was then passed to the F . C . Degree with tho usual earnestness displayed by the AV . M . The brethren of the district , willing' to show their esteem for Bro . Antony Clapham , P . M ., decided to present him with a silver salvor on leaving the chair of No . 56 . Bro . E . D . Davies , P . M . ( Prov . S . G . AV . ) , of Northumberlandwas unanimously solicited to present itwhich
, , ho did iu a most appropriate and feeling maimer . Bro . A . Clapham , P . M ., in returning thanks , said "Brethren , I feel as though I had not words fully to express to you the heartfelt pride and pleasure which this mark of your friendship and esteem so thoroughly awakens in my bosom . When I consider that my humble exertions and endeavours to promote the welfare of Freemasonry have been appreciated by my brethren to the extent whichis here attested by this handsome testimonial , I cannot help experiencing a sensation of pride on being considered worthy of
such a high mark of your esteem and approbation . Believe me , I shall ever keep and respect this valuable token of your regard ; and , as often as I look upon it , my thoughts shall revert to those who have so kindly contributed to its presentation , with sincere desire that they may enjoy health , happiness , and prosperity . And should I , at any future period , have to remove from this locality , it would become doubly valuable , in recalling to my memory those kind friends with whom 1 have so often met , and with whom I . have spent so many happy hours . Allow me , from the bottom of my heart , to return to you my sincere thanks for the very kind aud handsome present now before me : and may the cause of Freemasonry flourish ! Mav there always arise young Masons callable and