Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 5 of 16 →
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zealous to do the work when the older ones havo to retire ; and may brotherly lovo and charity increase and abound , amongst us . " Several candidates having been proposed , the Lodge was closed in due form and with solemn prayer . Amongst the visitors were Bros . E . B . Eidley , P . Prov . S . G . AV . ; Puncheon , P . Prov . S . G . AV . ; B . D . Davies , Prov . S . G . AV . ; John Barker , Prov . G . Treasurer ; H . Hotkam , Prov J . G . AV . ; J . B . Franklin , Prov . G . D . ; J . L . Monro , Prov . G . D . ; and F . P . Joun , P . Prov . G . D .
The joint annual festival of Lodges Nos . 56 and 614 was held at the Lodgo room , Grey Horse Inn , Gateshead , ou Tuesday , the 29 th ult ., under the presidency of the Masters of both . Lodges , assisted by their officers , and a large attendance of Provincial Graud officers ancl brethren , of Northumberland and Durham . Tho usual loyal and Masonic honours were given and responded to with that earnestness which at all times characterize Freemasons , and tho evening was spent in love and harmony . The brethren separated , after expressing their intention to attend tho regular meetings of the Lodges ,
ESSEX . 1 Avroi-XTimxis . —Lodges . —Monday , April 11 th , Star in the East ( 935 ) , Private Kooms , Harwich , at 7 ; Tuesday , 12 th , Angel ( 59 ) , Cups Hotel , Colchester , at 7 ; AVednesday , 13 th , United ( 203 ) , George Hotel , Colchester , at 7 ; Thursday , lit ]) , Good Fellowship ( 343 ) , AVhite Hart , Chelmsford , at 7 . HAMPSHIRE . ArroiN » siijXT—Lodge—ThursdayApril 14 thEoyal Gloucester ( 152 ) Freemasons' Hall
. . , , , , Southampton , at 1 , PHOVINOIAIi GEAND LODCE . A Grand Lodgo of Emergency of this province was held on Monday , 2 Sth of March , by command of the R . AV . Prov . Grancl Master , Admiral Sir Lucius Curtis , Bart ., at tho Masonic Hail adjoining the Black Swan , High-street , AVinchester .
The Lodgo was opened in duo form soon after noon . There were present , in addition to tho R . AV . Prov . G . M ., tho R . AV . Bro . AVyndham S . Portal , Junior Grand AVanlon of England , as D . Prov . G . M . ; Bro . AV . AV . Beach , M . P ., Prov . S . G . AV . ; Bro . Rastrick , Prov . J . G . AV . ; tho Rev . Bro . G . R . Portal , Prov . Grand Chaplain ; Bro . Hollingsworth , Prov . S . G . D . ; Bro . Dr . Clark , Prov . J . G . D . ; Bros . C . Sherry and C . Copeland , as Grancl Directors of Ceremonies ; Bro . J . R . Stebbing , Prov . G . Sec , pro ten ; Bro . Lisle , Prov . G . Purs ., and about seventy other brethren . The
following Lodges were represented on this occasion : —Nos . 90 , 152 , 319 , 387 , 428 , 4 G 2 , 555 , 717 , 995 , and 1025 . The R . AV . Prov . Grand Master having opened the Prov . Grand Loclge , referred tho brethren assembled to certain rules in the Book of Constitutions , as to eligibility of voting , & c , and then called upon the former Prov . Grand Sec ., ancl now pro tcm ., Bro . J . R . Stebbing , Esq ., to read the notice calling the Loclge of Emergency . The notice was then read , in which the business for transaction was entered as follows : —
- lo receive and consider a circular from the Board of General Purposes , dated 10 th January last , suggesting extensive improvements in the Grand Loclge property , ( Freemasons' Hall , & c . ) and more particularly to reply to certain questions propounded therein . "To receive and consider the report of Bros . Lyall and Symonds on tho Masonic charities , ancl any suggestion of the charity committee of this province , and generally to adopt such resolutions as may extend ancl increase the support of the provincial Lodges and brethren in behalf of the same .
" At this meeting it will bo proposed to pass some suitable resolution on the melancholy occasion of the death of the AVorshipful Bro . Thomas Norcross Firmin , late Graud Secretary of this province . " Sir Lucius Curtis then saicl , tho first business they would proceed to consider would be tho third item on the notice paper , namely , the passing of some suitable resolution on the melancholy occasion of tho death of their departed Worshipful 2 u
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zealous to do the work when the older ones havo to retire ; and may brotherly lovo and charity increase and abound , amongst us . " Several candidates having been proposed , the Lodge was closed in due form and with solemn prayer . Amongst the visitors were Bros . E . B . Eidley , P . Prov . S . G . AV . ; Puncheon , P . Prov . S . G . AV . ; B . D . Davies , Prov . S . G . AV . ; John Barker , Prov . G . Treasurer ; H . Hotkam , Prov J . G . AV . ; J . B . Franklin , Prov . G . D . ; J . L . Monro , Prov . G . D . ; and F . P . Joun , P . Prov . G . D .
The joint annual festival of Lodges Nos . 56 and 614 was held at the Lodgo room , Grey Horse Inn , Gateshead , ou Tuesday , the 29 th ult ., under the presidency of the Masters of both . Lodges , assisted by their officers , and a large attendance of Provincial Graud officers ancl brethren , of Northumberland and Durham . Tho usual loyal and Masonic honours were given and responded to with that earnestness which at all times characterize Freemasons , and tho evening was spent in love and harmony . The brethren separated , after expressing their intention to attend tho regular meetings of the Lodges ,
ESSEX . 1 Avroi-XTimxis . —Lodges . —Monday , April 11 th , Star in the East ( 935 ) , Private Kooms , Harwich , at 7 ; Tuesday , 12 th , Angel ( 59 ) , Cups Hotel , Colchester , at 7 ; AVednesday , 13 th , United ( 203 ) , George Hotel , Colchester , at 7 ; Thursday , lit ]) , Good Fellowship ( 343 ) , AVhite Hart , Chelmsford , at 7 . HAMPSHIRE . ArroiN » siijXT—Lodge—ThursdayApril 14 thEoyal Gloucester ( 152 ) Freemasons' Hall
. . , , , , Southampton , at 1 , PHOVINOIAIi GEAND LODCE . A Grand Lodgo of Emergency of this province was held on Monday , 2 Sth of March , by command of the R . AV . Prov . Grancl Master , Admiral Sir Lucius Curtis , Bart ., at tho Masonic Hail adjoining the Black Swan , High-street , AVinchester .
The Lodgo was opened in duo form soon after noon . There were present , in addition to tho R . AV . Prov . G . M ., tho R . AV . Bro . AVyndham S . Portal , Junior Grand AVanlon of England , as D . Prov . G . M . ; Bro . AV . AV . Beach , M . P ., Prov . S . G . AV . ; Bro . Rastrick , Prov . J . G . AV . ; tho Rev . Bro . G . R . Portal , Prov . Grand Chaplain ; Bro . Hollingsworth , Prov . S . G . D . ; Bro . Dr . Clark , Prov . J . G . D . ; Bros . C . Sherry and C . Copeland , as Grancl Directors of Ceremonies ; Bro . J . R . Stebbing , Prov . G . Sec , pro ten ; Bro . Lisle , Prov . G . Purs ., and about seventy other brethren . The
following Lodges were represented on this occasion : —Nos . 90 , 152 , 319 , 387 , 428 , 4 G 2 , 555 , 717 , 995 , and 1025 . The R . AV . Prov . Grand Master having opened the Prov . Grand Loclge , referred tho brethren assembled to certain rules in the Book of Constitutions , as to eligibility of voting , & c , and then called upon the former Prov . Grand Sec ., ancl now pro tcm ., Bro . J . R . Stebbing , Esq ., to read the notice calling the Loclge of Emergency . The notice was then read , in which the business for transaction was entered as follows : —
- lo receive and consider a circular from the Board of General Purposes , dated 10 th January last , suggesting extensive improvements in the Grand Loclge property , ( Freemasons' Hall , & c . ) and more particularly to reply to certain questions propounded therein . "To receive and consider the report of Bros . Lyall and Symonds on tho Masonic charities , ancl any suggestion of the charity committee of this province , and generally to adopt such resolutions as may extend ancl increase the support of the provincial Lodges and brethren in behalf of the same .
" At this meeting it will bo proposed to pass some suitable resolution on the melancholy occasion of the death of the AVorshipful Bro . Thomas Norcross Firmin , late Graud Secretary of this province . " Sir Lucius Curtis then saicl , tho first business they would proceed to consider would be tho third item on the notice paper , namely , the passing of some suitable resolution on the melancholy occasion of tho death of their departed Worshipful 2 u