Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 13 of 16 →
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Lodge , bciug comparatively young iu Masonry , only having had the honour to belong to the Craft about two years . He was told when he was elected that if he acted up to the principles of Masonry , he could but be a good man , ancl he hoped by the blessing of God to be ablo to carry out for a long time all those high principles which the Order inculcated . As to his mayoralty , he hoped that so long as he held his office , the duties and the dignity would not suffer at his hands . The health of tho Grand Chaplain of the province was drunk with marks of much
honour and respect , and Bro . the Rev . G . R . Portal responded in an able speech . Sir Lucius Curtis proposed the health of Bro . J . E . Stebbing , Esq ., Prov . Grand Secretary pro ten , who responded in an interesting ancl energetic speech , in the course of which he complained o £ the rmeom-teous treatment he had experienced at the hands of tho Graud Secretary , which iio said might be regarded as an offence to every brother in the province . During the evening tho enjoyment of the company was greatly enhanced by the vocal contributions of Bro . J . Snary , of the cathedral choir , and other brethren .
KENT . AiToii-Tjiixis . —Lodi / es . —Tuesday , April 12 th , Belvidere ( 741 ) . Star Hotel , Maidstone , at 7 ; Friday , lstli , Union ( 140 ) , King ' s Head , Margate , at 7 . Chapter . —Tuesday , 12 fli , Adams ( 181 ) Masonic Hall , Sheerness , at 7 . LANCASHIRE ( EAST ) . ArroixmiHTS . — . Loth / as . —Wcdnosilay , April i 3 tli , Antiquity- ( 170 ) , One Horse Shoe , Bolton , at 7 : Lime lloc ' k ( 1 S 1 ) , Bromiloiv Arms , Clithcro , at 7 ; Friendship ( 310 ) , Angel Hotel , Oldham , at 7 ; St . John ' s ( -107 ) , Eose . and Crown , Pendleton , at ( il ; Thursday , 14 th , Samaritan (& 5 S ) , Green Man , Jlaeup , at 7 ; Perseverance ( 432 ) , Old Jiull , iilackburn , at 8 . Chapters . — Monday , 11 th , Perseverance ( -132 ) , Old Bull , Blackburn , at 8 . . Encampment— Friday , 15 th , Old Bull , Blackburn , at 7 ; Saturday , iCti , St . John ol'Jerusalem , Queen ' s Hotel , Todmorden ,
LANCASHIRE ( AVEST ) . ArroCHBi-sinrs . —Lodges . — 'iSowim ; April 11 th , Unity ( 8 S 9 ) , Seai-isbrick Arms , Southport , at 0 ; Tuesday , 12 Hi , 1 ' oyfll Preston ( 413 ) , Cross Ales , Preston , at 8 ; Merchants ( 204 ; , Masonic Temple , Liverpool , at a ; Wednesday , 13 th , Harmony ( 845 ) , Wheatsheal " , Ormsliirk , at 5 ; Loyalty ( 101 ) , Eoyal Hotel , Present , at 0 .
LODGES OP ESTRUCTIOS , LIVERPOOL . —Merchants Lodge of Instruction ( No . 29-J ) . —This Lodge , which was formed iu January last , under the sanction of its parent Loclge , No . 294 , is now in full working order . Its meetings are hold at the Masonic Temple , Hope-street , every Tuesday evening hi the month , except the second , at half-past five o ' clock ; the work for each meeting being previously arranged . On Tuesday last , in addition to the routine business of the eveningthe lecture on the tracing board in the first
, degree was effectively delivered by Bro . Younghusband , the zealous and energetic J . AV . of No . 29-1 , who was mainly instrumental iu tho establishment of this Lodge of instruction and improvement , and to whom the younger brethren ofthe Craft must feel indebted for the deep interest he takes in their Masonic training and progress . Considering the great benefits to be derived from Lodges of this description in preparing brethren to fill with efficiency any office to which they may be appointed iu a chartered Lodge , it is much to be regretted that they are not more
encouraged in the provinces . LIVER root .. —Mariner ' s Lodge . —( So . 310 ) .- — "We are requested to notice that this Lodge meets on the first and third Friday in each month , under tho patronage of Bro . ° Lord Skelmersdale . AVe learn from a circular just issued , inviting the members of No . 310 to join the Lodge of Instruction , that it numbers upwards of fiftythree members , viz : —Four Provincial Grancl Officers , five Past Masters , four AVorshiful Mastersnine other Officers and Past Officersancl thirty-one other
p , , members . The ceremonies practised in the third degree and installation , arc those established in 1 S 13 by the Lodge of Reconciliation . The sections are worked , lectures ancl orig inal essays delivered , inquiry invited , and information mutually given and received . Brethren subscribing to any Lodge are eligible for membership on payment of six shillings annually . The Freemason ? Magazine for
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Lodge , bciug comparatively young iu Masonry , only having had the honour to belong to the Craft about two years . He was told when he was elected that if he acted up to the principles of Masonry , he could but be a good man , ancl he hoped by the blessing of God to be ablo to carry out for a long time all those high principles which the Order inculcated . As to his mayoralty , he hoped that so long as he held his office , the duties and the dignity would not suffer at his hands . The health of tho Grand Chaplain of the province was drunk with marks of much
honour and respect , and Bro . the Rev . G . R . Portal responded in an able speech . Sir Lucius Curtis proposed the health of Bro . J . E . Stebbing , Esq ., Prov . Grand Secretary pro ten , who responded in an interesting ancl energetic speech , in the course of which he complained o £ the rmeom-teous treatment he had experienced at the hands of tho Graud Secretary , which iio said might be regarded as an offence to every brother in the province . During the evening tho enjoyment of the company was greatly enhanced by the vocal contributions of Bro . J . Snary , of the cathedral choir , and other brethren .
KENT . AiToii-Tjiixis . —Lodi / es . —Tuesday , April 12 th , Belvidere ( 741 ) . Star Hotel , Maidstone , at 7 ; Friday , lstli , Union ( 140 ) , King ' s Head , Margate , at 7 . Chapter . —Tuesday , 12 fli , Adams ( 181 ) Masonic Hall , Sheerness , at 7 . LANCASHIRE ( EAST ) . ArroixmiHTS . — . Loth / as . —Wcdnosilay , April i 3 tli , Antiquity- ( 170 ) , One Horse Shoe , Bolton , at 7 : Lime lloc ' k ( 1 S 1 ) , Bromiloiv Arms , Clithcro , at 7 ; Friendship ( 310 ) , Angel Hotel , Oldham , at 7 ; St . John ' s ( -107 ) , Eose . and Crown , Pendleton , at ( il ; Thursday , 14 th , Samaritan (& 5 S ) , Green Man , Jlaeup , at 7 ; Perseverance ( 432 ) , Old Jiull , iilackburn , at 8 . Chapters . — Monday , 11 th , Perseverance ( -132 ) , Old Bull , Blackburn , at 8 . . Encampment— Friday , 15 th , Old Bull , Blackburn , at 7 ; Saturday , iCti , St . John ol'Jerusalem , Queen ' s Hotel , Todmorden ,
LANCASHIRE ( AVEST ) . ArroCHBi-sinrs . —Lodges . — 'iSowim ; April 11 th , Unity ( 8 S 9 ) , Seai-isbrick Arms , Southport , at 0 ; Tuesday , 12 Hi , 1 ' oyfll Preston ( 413 ) , Cross Ales , Preston , at 8 ; Merchants ( 204 ; , Masonic Temple , Liverpool , at a ; Wednesday , 13 th , Harmony ( 845 ) , Wheatsheal " , Ormsliirk , at 5 ; Loyalty ( 101 ) , Eoyal Hotel , Present , at 0 .
LODGES OP ESTRUCTIOS , LIVERPOOL . —Merchants Lodge of Instruction ( No . 29-J ) . —This Lodge , which was formed iu January last , under the sanction of its parent Loclge , No . 294 , is now in full working order . Its meetings are hold at the Masonic Temple , Hope-street , every Tuesday evening hi the month , except the second , at half-past five o ' clock ; the work for each meeting being previously arranged . On Tuesday last , in addition to the routine business of the eveningthe lecture on the tracing board in the first
, degree was effectively delivered by Bro . Younghusband , the zealous and energetic J . AV . of No . 29-1 , who was mainly instrumental iu tho establishment of this Lodge of instruction and improvement , and to whom the younger brethren ofthe Craft must feel indebted for the deep interest he takes in their Masonic training and progress . Considering the great benefits to be derived from Lodges of this description in preparing brethren to fill with efficiency any office to which they may be appointed iu a chartered Lodge , it is much to be regretted that they are not more
encouraged in the provinces . LIVER root .. —Mariner ' s Lodge . —( So . 310 ) .- — "We are requested to notice that this Lodge meets on the first and third Friday in each month , under tho patronage of Bro . ° Lord Skelmersdale . AVe learn from a circular just issued , inviting the members of No . 310 to join the Lodge of Instruction , that it numbers upwards of fiftythree members , viz : —Four Provincial Grancl Officers , five Past Masters , four AVorshiful Mastersnine other Officers and Past Officersancl thirty-one other
p , , members . The ceremonies practised in the third degree and installation , arc those established in 1 S 13 by the Lodge of Reconciliation . The sections are worked , lectures ancl orig inal essays delivered , inquiry invited , and information mutually given and received . Brethren subscribing to any Lodge are eligible for membership on payment of six shillings annually . The Freemason ? Magazine for