Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 14 of 16 →
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185-1-5-C-7 and S , together with several other masonic works , ( the property of the Lodge ) arc at the service of the brethren . [ AVe shall be happy to receive some of the original essays for publication . ]
LEICESTERSHIRE . PRESENTATION TO ! JRO . JOSEPH UXDERWOOD . A largo number of gentlemen , including several influential members of the Craft in the province of Leicester , dined at the Bell Hotel , Leicester , on AVednesday , the 23 rd March , 1859 , on the occasion of the presentation to Bro . Joseph Underwood , P . M . of tho John of Gauut Lodge , No . 7 b" 6 , P . Prov . G . AV ., and Prov . G . Treas . Leicesterof the testimonial plate subscribed for bhis fellow townsmento
, , y , mark their sense of the ability , zeal , and impartiality with which , during two successive years , . ho discharged tljo onerous duties of mayor of Leicester . The chair was taken by Dr . Noble , the present mayor of Leicester , the post of honour being occupied by Bro . Underwood . The testimonial is of a very handsome character , consisting of a massive silver centre-piece , an elegant silver magisterial inkstand , with a figure of Justice , a largo round , chased , silver tray , a handsome set of tea aud coffee serviceconsisting of coffeepotteapotsugar and cream ewer
, , , , and au elegaut silver claret jug , the value of the wholo being about £ 300 . In proposing the toast of the evening , ihe chairman said they were now about to drink the health of a man who for the two past years had been the king of Leicester , aud a very mild , wise , and popular ruler he had been . AVithout the exercise of any very despotic power , by his good sense , and excellent example , aud kind sympathy with the wants of tho poor , he had so recommended himself to tho confidence unci affections of allthat they submitted to his rule with great
willing-, ness , and had been glad for the two past years to acknowledge themselves his willing subjects . He begged them to join him in wishing Bro . Underwood tho best possible health , ancl a long continuance of life in tho enjoyment of it , with his family . Bro . Underwood ( who was received with immense applause ) said : '" ' I thank you for the honour you have now conferred upon me , aud accept , with pleasure , your
presentation . AAlicn , on a former occasion , I stood the invited and honoured guest of my fellow townsmen , I said it was the proudest day of my life . I then received expressions of approval for the manner iu which I had fulfilled my year of office as chief magistrate , aud then accepted it for another year under depressing circumstances , when the trade of the town was iu that state that the operatives were almost without employment . Nevertheless , 1 had 'full confidence in the working classes as to their peaceable disposition , and shall be ever ready to render to them my meed of praise for their patient endurance under these trying circumstances .
The crisis was passed , and without anything occurring to endanger the peace of the town , or call for the interference of the authorities . But amidst all my highest hopes and most ardent wishes , I never could conceive of , or expect , such a token of the esteem and approbation of my fellow townsmen as that splendid and valuable testimonial . But I accept it with pride aud pleasure , and will treasure it to the latest hour of my existence . I really regret that I cannot find language to express my feelings on this occasion ; the presentation of so munificent a gift is beyond all
language . I cau only say it is far beyond any merit of mine for the poor services I may have rendered to the town , and can only tender my sincere thanks to the generous donors , and hope all the after part of my life may assure them that I will endeavour to continue to merit a continuance of their good opinion . I cannot let tins opportunity pass without giving my most cordial and sincere thanks to the gentlemen of the committee of management for their indefatigable zeal and attention iu the furtherance of the object of the meeting to-dayand also for their
kind-, ness in the selection of so magnificent a gift . And when it shall please God to take me away , I can only assure you , as you are aware that I have a family , to them it will be given , not as au inheritance from me , but as a gift from the town ; and I hope—as I feel satisfied they will—that they will preserve it with pride and pleasure , and hand it down to their children ' s children for many years to come . I only hope I shall bo spared to satisfy all present and the town at large , that in
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185-1-5-C-7 and S , together with several other masonic works , ( the property of the Lodge ) arc at the service of the brethren . [ AVe shall be happy to receive some of the original essays for publication . ]
LEICESTERSHIRE . PRESENTATION TO ! JRO . JOSEPH UXDERWOOD . A largo number of gentlemen , including several influential members of the Craft in the province of Leicester , dined at the Bell Hotel , Leicester , on AVednesday , the 23 rd March , 1859 , on the occasion of the presentation to Bro . Joseph Underwood , P . M . of tho John of Gauut Lodge , No . 7 b" 6 , P . Prov . G . AV ., and Prov . G . Treas . Leicesterof the testimonial plate subscribed for bhis fellow townsmento
, , y , mark their sense of the ability , zeal , and impartiality with which , during two successive years , . ho discharged tljo onerous duties of mayor of Leicester . The chair was taken by Dr . Noble , the present mayor of Leicester , the post of honour being occupied by Bro . Underwood . The testimonial is of a very handsome character , consisting of a massive silver centre-piece , an elegant silver magisterial inkstand , with a figure of Justice , a largo round , chased , silver tray , a handsome set of tea aud coffee serviceconsisting of coffeepotteapotsugar and cream ewer
, , , , and au elegaut silver claret jug , the value of the wholo being about £ 300 . In proposing the toast of the evening , ihe chairman said they were now about to drink the health of a man who for the two past years had been the king of Leicester , aud a very mild , wise , and popular ruler he had been . AVithout the exercise of any very despotic power , by his good sense , and excellent example , aud kind sympathy with the wants of tho poor , he had so recommended himself to tho confidence unci affections of allthat they submitted to his rule with great
willing-, ness , and had been glad for the two past years to acknowledge themselves his willing subjects . He begged them to join him in wishing Bro . Underwood tho best possible health , ancl a long continuance of life in tho enjoyment of it , with his family . Bro . Underwood ( who was received with immense applause ) said : '" ' I thank you for the honour you have now conferred upon me , aud accept , with pleasure , your
presentation . AAlicn , on a former occasion , I stood the invited and honoured guest of my fellow townsmen , I said it was the proudest day of my life . I then received expressions of approval for the manner iu which I had fulfilled my year of office as chief magistrate , aud then accepted it for another year under depressing circumstances , when the trade of the town was iu that state that the operatives were almost without employment . Nevertheless , 1 had 'full confidence in the working classes as to their peaceable disposition , and shall be ever ready to render to them my meed of praise for their patient endurance under these trying circumstances .
The crisis was passed , and without anything occurring to endanger the peace of the town , or call for the interference of the authorities . But amidst all my highest hopes and most ardent wishes , I never could conceive of , or expect , such a token of the esteem and approbation of my fellow townsmen as that splendid and valuable testimonial . But I accept it with pride aud pleasure , and will treasure it to the latest hour of my existence . I really regret that I cannot find language to express my feelings on this occasion ; the presentation of so munificent a gift is beyond all
language . I cau only say it is far beyond any merit of mine for the poor services I may have rendered to the town , and can only tender my sincere thanks to the generous donors , and hope all the after part of my life may assure them that I will endeavour to continue to merit a continuance of their good opinion . I cannot let tins opportunity pass without giving my most cordial and sincere thanks to the gentlemen of the committee of management for their indefatigable zeal and attention iu the furtherance of the object of the meeting to-dayand also for their
kind-, ness in the selection of so magnificent a gift . And when it shall please God to take me away , I can only assure you , as you are aware that I have a family , to them it will be given , not as au inheritance from me , but as a gift from the town ; and I hope—as I feel satisfied they will—that they will preserve it with pride and pleasure , and hand it down to their children ' s children for many years to come . I only hope I shall bo spared to satisfy all present and the town at large , that in