Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 15 of 16 →
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accepting this testimonial , I may render myself for ever worthy of it . I beg once again to thank you , and to drink all your good healths . " Other toasts followed and the evening was . spent in the full enjoyment of happiness , none perhaps experiencing their share of it with more real deli ght than the numerous body of the Craft , who attended to do honour to their Bro . Underwood , who lives among his brethren beloved and respected . Ho has done good suit and service to the Craft as well as to his native town , and richly deserves the high and valued compliment awarded him .
LINCOLNSHIRE . ' AroonrmsxTS . -Lodges . —Tuesday , April 12 th , Harmony ( 339 ) , Masonic Hall , Uoslou , si 7 ; Thursday , lllli , Shakspeare ( 617 ) , Town Hall , Spilsby , at 6 . NORFOLK ; Arroi : ii' : iiiXT . — . / . ix / i'c- —Monday , April 11 th , Perseverance ( 258 ) , Lamb Inn , Norwich , at 7 . NORTHAMPTONSHIRE .
AFI ' OIXIUEXT . —Ao . 'tyc—Monday , April 11 th , Fidelity ( 052 ) , Talbot Inn , Towecster , at b * . NORTHUMBERLAND . AiTOurajtiiOTS , — Lodges—Monday , April llt . li , St . Peter's ( 70 G ) , Hope and Anchor , Byker , Newcastle , at ( i ; Tuesday , 12 ! li , All Saints ( 1 G 1 ) , Sun Inn , Wooler , at 7 ; Do Ogle ( 1 ) 19 ) , St . ¦ lames ' s Seho „ l , Morpeth , at 7 . Instruction . —Freemasons' Hall , ^ Newcastle , lit 7 ; W'eduesihy , 13 lh , Blagdon ( 957 ) , liidleyArins , Blyth , at 8 ; Friday , loth , Do Lorainc ( 703 ) , Freemasons ' Hull , Newcastle , at 7 . Murh . —AVednesday , ISth , Newcastle , Hell's Court , Newcastle , at 7 .
SOMERSETSHIRE . AI ' I'O IXTHI-STS . —Mi / fs . —Monday , April It Hi , Honour ( . 323 ) , Milaom Street , Bath , at 8 ; Friday , 13 th , Rural Philanthropic ( 3117 ) , ltighbi-idge Inn , Ituutspill , at 1 . Mark . —Thursday , 11 th , Koyal Cuinhoi-land , . Masonic Hall , Bath , at 8 . Chapter . —Wcduesdav , 13 th , Koyal Sussex ( 31 ) , Ainery ' s Hotel , Bath , at 71 . " TAUNTOX—Lodge of Unanimity and Sinceritg ( No . 327 ) . —The Brethren of this Lodge met ou AA ednesday , the 23 rd ult ., Bro . Bluett , the AV . M ., in the chair . Tho business of the evening consisted chiefly of discussing the questions submitted by
Grand Lodge as to the contemplated dealings with the Masonic Hall and other property , to reliefer the same moro beneficial to the Craft ; these questions having been freely canvassed , suitable answers thereto , embodying the wishes of the brethren , were prepared and agreed to . The ease of a deceased brother ' s widow and seven children was next brought under consideration . Tho brother was initiated in this Lodge aud had been a subscribing member thereof from the date of his initiation about ten years since , and had served the several offices up to that of
Senior AVarden ; he died somewhat suddenly , leaving a widow and seven young children ( the eldest of whom is not more than twelve years of age ) , and in very indifferent circumstances . The Lodgo at once voted the sum of £ ' > 5 to the widow , to assist her in her present distressing position . AVe hope an appeal ou their behalf will be . made to the Grand Lodge , and to the Provincial Grand Loclge of Somerset at their next meetings , and we feel assured that this ease only requires to be made generally known to the Craft to call forth from thoso Lodges grants worthy of such an occasion .
STAFFORDSHIRE . Ai'i'OtMTJiESS . —Lodges . —Thursday , April llth , St . Jim-tin ' s ( 115 ) , Freemasons' Arras , Burslem , nt ( I ; Friday , lulh , Sutherland of Unity ( WI ; , Castle Hotel , ifeweastlc-under-Lyne , at 7 ; Noah's Ark ( -135 ) , Navigation Inn , 'Tipton , at 7 . SUFFOLK . Ar-roii-TMEXTS . — Lodijes . —l'huradav , April llth , Virtue and Silence ( -117 ) , Lion Hotel . Hadleigh . at 7 ; Drily ( SI ) , Sulfolk Hotel , Lowestoft , at 7 .
SUSSEX . AI ' ' OIHTMKXTS . —Lodges . —Monday , April llth , Dora-cut ( 47 ) , Swan Hotel , Hastings ; 'funsday , 12 th . Instruction . —Old Ship , Brighton ; Wednesday , 13 th , Mariner ' s Lod | je (;! 7 S ) , White
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
accepting this testimonial , I may render myself for ever worthy of it . I beg once again to thank you , and to drink all your good healths . " Other toasts followed and the evening was . spent in the full enjoyment of happiness , none perhaps experiencing their share of it with more real deli ght than the numerous body of the Craft , who attended to do honour to their Bro . Underwood , who lives among his brethren beloved and respected . Ho has done good suit and service to the Craft as well as to his native town , and richly deserves the high and valued compliment awarded him .
LINCOLNSHIRE . ' AroonrmsxTS . -Lodges . —Tuesday , April 12 th , Harmony ( 339 ) , Masonic Hall , Uoslou , si 7 ; Thursday , lllli , Shakspeare ( 617 ) , Town Hall , Spilsby , at 6 . NORFOLK ; Arroi : ii' : iiiXT . — . / . ix / i'c- —Monday , April 11 th , Perseverance ( 258 ) , Lamb Inn , Norwich , at 7 . NORTHAMPTONSHIRE .
AFI ' OIXIUEXT . —Ao . 'tyc—Monday , April 11 th , Fidelity ( 052 ) , Talbot Inn , Towecster , at b * . NORTHUMBERLAND . AiTOurajtiiOTS , — Lodges—Monday , April llt . li , St . Peter's ( 70 G ) , Hope and Anchor , Byker , Newcastle , at ( i ; Tuesday , 12 ! li , All Saints ( 1 G 1 ) , Sun Inn , Wooler , at 7 ; Do Ogle ( 1 ) 19 ) , St . ¦ lames ' s Seho „ l , Morpeth , at 7 . Instruction . —Freemasons' Hall , ^ Newcastle , lit 7 ; W'eduesihy , 13 lh , Blagdon ( 957 ) , liidleyArins , Blyth , at 8 ; Friday , loth , Do Lorainc ( 703 ) , Freemasons ' Hull , Newcastle , at 7 . Murh . —AVednesday , ISth , Newcastle , Hell's Court , Newcastle , at 7 .
SOMERSETSHIRE . AI ' I'O IXTHI-STS . —Mi / fs . —Monday , April It Hi , Honour ( . 323 ) , Milaom Street , Bath , at 8 ; Friday , 13 th , Rural Philanthropic ( 3117 ) , ltighbi-idge Inn , Ituutspill , at 1 . Mark . —Thursday , 11 th , Koyal Cuinhoi-land , . Masonic Hall , Bath , at 8 . Chapter . —Wcduesdav , 13 th , Koyal Sussex ( 31 ) , Ainery ' s Hotel , Bath , at 71 . " TAUNTOX—Lodge of Unanimity and Sinceritg ( No . 327 ) . —The Brethren of this Lodge met ou AA ednesday , the 23 rd ult ., Bro . Bluett , the AV . M ., in the chair . Tho business of the evening consisted chiefly of discussing the questions submitted by
Grand Lodge as to the contemplated dealings with the Masonic Hall and other property , to reliefer the same moro beneficial to the Craft ; these questions having been freely canvassed , suitable answers thereto , embodying the wishes of the brethren , were prepared and agreed to . The ease of a deceased brother ' s widow and seven children was next brought under consideration . Tho brother was initiated in this Lodge aud had been a subscribing member thereof from the date of his initiation about ten years since , and had served the several offices up to that of
Senior AVarden ; he died somewhat suddenly , leaving a widow and seven young children ( the eldest of whom is not more than twelve years of age ) , and in very indifferent circumstances . The Lodgo at once voted the sum of £ ' > 5 to the widow , to assist her in her present distressing position . AVe hope an appeal ou their behalf will be . made to the Grand Lodge , and to the Provincial Grand Loclge of Somerset at their next meetings , and we feel assured that this ease only requires to be made generally known to the Craft to call forth from thoso Lodges grants worthy of such an occasion .
STAFFORDSHIRE . Ai'i'OtMTJiESS . —Lodges . —Thursday , April llth , St . Jim-tin ' s ( 115 ) , Freemasons' Arras , Burslem , nt ( I ; Friday , lulh , Sutherland of Unity ( WI ; , Castle Hotel , ifeweastlc-under-Lyne , at 7 ; Noah's Ark ( -135 ) , Navigation Inn , 'Tipton , at 7 . SUFFOLK . Ar-roii-TMEXTS . — Lodijes . —l'huradav , April llth , Virtue and Silence ( -117 ) , Lion Hotel . Hadleigh . at 7 ; Drily ( SI ) , Sulfolk Hotel , Lowestoft , at 7 .
SUSSEX . AI ' ' OIHTMKXTS . —Lodges . —Monday , April llth , Dora-cut ( 47 ) , Swan Hotel , Hastings ; 'funsday , 12 th . Instruction . —Old Ship , Brighton ; Wednesday , 13 th , Mariner ' s Lod | je (;! 7 S ) , White