Article MARK MASONRY. Page 1 of 1 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1
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Mark Masonry.
METROPOLITAN . Tldslle Lodge ( L . C . )—This Lodge held its regular meeting ( being the second which has taken place under English authority ) at Dick ' s Coffee Houso , Fleet Street , on Friday , April 1 , when the following brethren were duly advanced to tho Mark degree : —Bros . Young ( P . M ., No . 237 ) , Hind ( No . 219 ) , Gates ( No . 219 ) , and Taylor ( No . 752 ) . Tho ceremony was most ably performed by Bro . Cotterell , AV . M .,
after which Bro . Capt . Hamilton was admitted as a joining member . A copy of tho amended by-laws was then submitted , and after some conversation they wero adopted , and ordered to bo printed . It was then proposed , seconded , and carried unanimously , that a jewel bo presented to Bro . Sheen , P . M ., as well for his services whilst iu the chair as for the interest ho has taken in the prosperity of tho Lodge from its formation . The business completed , tho brethren adjourned to an excellent banquet , ancl the evening passed most pleasantly . Tho only visitor present was Bro , Conory , St , Andrew ' s Chapter , Boston , Massachussets .
PROVINCIAL : NEWCASTLE-ON-Ti'NE . ~ i \ b ) "tft « m 5 e ) " &« u 2 and Berwick Lodge ( Leigh Constitution ) . —Tho members of this Lodge held their monthly meeting on AVednesday , March 30 th , the AV . M ., Bro . John Barker in tho chair , assisted by Bro . Punshoon , Prov . G . S . AV . ; Bros . Joseph Bell , S . AV . ; Henry Hotham , J . W . ; A . Gillespie and C . J . BannisterDeaconsG . LudwiReg . ; and other brethren . The ballot was taken
, ; g , for Bros . Banning ancl Twigg , ancl being both iu . attendance , they wero reciprocally advanced by tho W . M . The time of meeting of this Lodge has boon altered from the AVednesday nearest tho full moon to the fourth AA eduosday of every month . The majority of tlie brethren present agreed to accompany tho AVorshipful Master to Hartlepool on the 14 th April , who , in his capacity of Grancl Dir . of Cers ., is to open in form the Eclectic Loclge of Mark Masters , which has just obtained a warrant from the Grand Lodge of Mark Masters of Eugland .
Royal Arch.
PROVINCIAL . Biinnox . —Chapter of Moravia ( No . 513 ) . —At a regular meeting of this Chapter , held at the Angel Inn , on AVednesday , March 30 , present , Comp . Thomas Hill , as M . E . Z . ; J . Walker , P . Z ., as H . ; John AValker , J ., and the rest of the officers . Comp . AVainman Holmes , E ., called . attention to the very beautiful paraphernalia now exhibited for the first time , the whole being voluntarily contributed by the various Companions , - tho example of Comp . John Thomas Robinson having had so good au effect , that a Chapter without any regalia , and no funds , had become
completely furnished , with the exception of the jewels and five banners , within sis mouths . It was hiuted that another worthy Companion expressed a desire to be amongst tho contributors ; if so , there is little doubt the whole will shortly be completed . Comp . Maim was highly complimented on the painting of tho floor and the standards , but all mention of individual eontributiors was deferred until next meeting , when every contributor would be duly noticed . An apology for absence was received from Comp . Henry Smith , H . The Chapter was then closed , and the Companions retired at an early hour , highly pleased with tho harmonious meeting .
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Mark Masonry.
METROPOLITAN . Tldslle Lodge ( L . C . )—This Lodge held its regular meeting ( being the second which has taken place under English authority ) at Dick ' s Coffee Houso , Fleet Street , on Friday , April 1 , when the following brethren were duly advanced to tho Mark degree : —Bros . Young ( P . M ., No . 237 ) , Hind ( No . 219 ) , Gates ( No . 219 ) , and Taylor ( No . 752 ) . Tho ceremony was most ably performed by Bro . Cotterell , AV . M .,
after which Bro . Capt . Hamilton was admitted as a joining member . A copy of tho amended by-laws was then submitted , and after some conversation they wero adopted , and ordered to bo printed . It was then proposed , seconded , and carried unanimously , that a jewel bo presented to Bro . Sheen , P . M ., as well for his services whilst iu the chair as for the interest ho has taken in the prosperity of tho Lodge from its formation . The business completed , tho brethren adjourned to an excellent banquet , ancl the evening passed most pleasantly . Tho only visitor present was Bro , Conory , St , Andrew ' s Chapter , Boston , Massachussets .
PROVINCIAL : NEWCASTLE-ON-Ti'NE . ~ i \ b ) "tft « m 5 e ) " &« u 2 and Berwick Lodge ( Leigh Constitution ) . —Tho members of this Lodge held their monthly meeting on AVednesday , March 30 th , the AV . M ., Bro . John Barker in tho chair , assisted by Bro . Punshoon , Prov . G . S . AV . ; Bros . Joseph Bell , S . AV . ; Henry Hotham , J . W . ; A . Gillespie and C . J . BannisterDeaconsG . LudwiReg . ; and other brethren . The ballot was taken
, ; g , for Bros . Banning ancl Twigg , ancl being both iu . attendance , they wero reciprocally advanced by tho W . M . The time of meeting of this Lodge has boon altered from the AVednesday nearest tho full moon to the fourth AA eduosday of every month . The majority of tlie brethren present agreed to accompany tho AVorshipful Master to Hartlepool on the 14 th April , who , in his capacity of Grancl Dir . of Cers ., is to open in form the Eclectic Loclge of Mark Masters , which has just obtained a warrant from the Grand Lodge of Mark Masters of Eugland .
Royal Arch.
PROVINCIAL . Biinnox . —Chapter of Moravia ( No . 513 ) . —At a regular meeting of this Chapter , held at the Angel Inn , on AVednesday , March 30 , present , Comp . Thomas Hill , as M . E . Z . ; J . Walker , P . Z ., as H . ; John AValker , J ., and the rest of the officers . Comp . AVainman Holmes , E ., called . attention to the very beautiful paraphernalia now exhibited for the first time , the whole being voluntarily contributed by the various Companions , - tho example of Comp . John Thomas Robinson having had so good au effect , that a Chapter without any regalia , and no funds , had become
completely furnished , with the exception of the jewels and five banners , within sis mouths . It was hiuted that another worthy Companion expressed a desire to be amongst tho contributors ; if so , there is little doubt the whole will shortly be completed . Comp . Maim was highly complimented on the painting of tho floor and the standards , but all mention of individual eontributiors was deferred until next meeting , when every contributor would be duly noticed . An apology for absence was received from Comp . Henry Smith , H . The Chapter was then closed , and the Companions retired at an early hour , highly pleased with tho harmonious meeting .