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The Week.
HER Majesty aud all her family we arc happy to say continue in good health at Buckingham Palace . Last AVednesday evening tlie Queen and the Prince Consort were present at the performance of " King I ienry the Fifth , " at the Princess ' s Theatre ; and Her Majesty aud the Prince Consort , with the Princesses Alieo and Helena ^ visited the British Museum on Saturday afternoon . On Monday the Adelphi Theatre mis honoured with the visit of the Queen as was the Royal Italian Opera last evening . The visits of the Earl of Derby havo been of course frequent at the palace since the defeat of the government——Count Cavour left
. Paris on AVodnesday evening . He has gone to Turin and not to London . AA e have no further intelligence in the Paris papers with regard to the congress . The review in the Champs de Mars on Sunday was favoured with splendid weather . There were about iiO . 000 troops present . Tlie Emperor and Empress were received by them with euthusiam . Great consternation was felt in Paris at the news of the ministerial defeat in the . House of Commons , it being felt that with Lord John Russell or Lord Palmerston at tho head of affairswar would bo inevitableIt is
, . said that General Lamorieiero has loft for Turin , with the intention of offering his sword to tho Piedmoutesc Government . Itis not yet known who will represent Austria at the Congress . Count Harti g is spoken of . The Count is a very able man . and knows Italy and its ailments well . Count Buol will probably himself attend the congress . The Memorial Diplomatique says that it has reason to knowthat Austria has made no objection to tlie admission of Piedmont to the congress , if the same permission be extended to all tho Italian states AVith respect to the
, evacuation of Rome , it is stated in the Memorial Diplomalkpie that Count Buol lias given au assurance that the imperial government will immediately occupy itself with the regulation ofthe details in concert with tho holy see and the court of the Tuileries . The Courrier du Dimimche a French weekly journal , gives an analysis of a despatch addressed to tbe diplomatic agents of Piedmont at foreign courts , by Count Cavour , in which he complains in a liieh tone of the intended
exclusion of Piedmont from the congress , and refers to tlie great sacrifices she made hi aid of the cause of the AA estern powers during tho Crimean war . Ho says that Piedmont was called upon to take part in the Paris congress for concluding a peace , and also in the Paris conferences on theDauubian Principalities , questions in which she had no interest , and he cannot see any reason why she should be excluded now when her own existence is at stake . The Correspondimcla Autograft ! says that a settlement of the Riff question has been effected between Spain and b
Morocco y means of a convention . There is no fresh intelligence with regard to the health ofthe King of Naples , A letter of tho 19 th ult . says : — " He continues in a most wretched state , and I am assured on good authority , that he cannot live more than three months . " The Lord High Commissioner of the Ionian Islands has appointed a commission with the concurrence of the Senate , to inquire into all public departments , for the purpose of effecting such improvements as could be legally done by tho government . Tho commission was to meet for the first time the ISth inst The
on . latest advices informs us that the new Portuguese ministry had only brought forward in the Cortes a bill to authorise the continuation ol the state receipts and expenditure until the budget cau be discussed and voted . The ministerial explanations seem to have been satisfactory , and little doubt was entertained of the approval of the money bills . The Cortes is likely to close on the 2 nd of April . It is believed that the railway will be put up to competition . - —By a telegram from Bombayreceived at the India Office it
, on Monday , appears that the rebel chiefs are still at large ; but one of them , Rao Sahib , had sent his agent to arrange for his submission . The overland mail has brought us intelligenee from Hong Kong to the 15 th February , at which date Lord Elgin was at Canton , pur troops have been constantly on the move , visiting the various villages in the neighbourhood of Canton , An expedition has just returned from Fayunc .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Week.
HER Majesty aud all her family we arc happy to say continue in good health at Buckingham Palace . Last AVednesday evening tlie Queen and the Prince Consort were present at the performance of " King I ienry the Fifth , " at the Princess ' s Theatre ; and Her Majesty aud the Prince Consort , with the Princesses Alieo and Helena ^ visited the British Museum on Saturday afternoon . On Monday the Adelphi Theatre mis honoured with the visit of the Queen as was the Royal Italian Opera last evening . The visits of the Earl of Derby havo been of course frequent at the palace since the defeat of the government——Count Cavour left
. Paris on AVodnesday evening . He has gone to Turin and not to London . AA e have no further intelligence in the Paris papers with regard to the congress . The review in the Champs de Mars on Sunday was favoured with splendid weather . There were about iiO . 000 troops present . Tlie Emperor and Empress were received by them with euthusiam . Great consternation was felt in Paris at the news of the ministerial defeat in the . House of Commons , it being felt that with Lord John Russell or Lord Palmerston at tho head of affairswar would bo inevitableIt is
, . said that General Lamorieiero has loft for Turin , with the intention of offering his sword to tho Piedmoutesc Government . Itis not yet known who will represent Austria at the Congress . Count Harti g is spoken of . The Count is a very able man . and knows Italy and its ailments well . Count Buol will probably himself attend the congress . The Memorial Diplomatique says that it has reason to knowthat Austria has made no objection to tlie admission of Piedmont to the congress , if the same permission be extended to all tho Italian states AVith respect to the
, evacuation of Rome , it is stated in the Memorial Diplomalkpie that Count Buol lias given au assurance that the imperial government will immediately occupy itself with the regulation ofthe details in concert with tho holy see and the court of the Tuileries . The Courrier du Dimimche a French weekly journal , gives an analysis of a despatch addressed to tbe diplomatic agents of Piedmont at foreign courts , by Count Cavour , in which he complains in a liieh tone of the intended
exclusion of Piedmont from the congress , and refers to tlie great sacrifices she made hi aid of the cause of the AA estern powers during tho Crimean war . Ho says that Piedmont was called upon to take part in the Paris congress for concluding a peace , and also in the Paris conferences on theDauubian Principalities , questions in which she had no interest , and he cannot see any reason why she should be excluded now when her own existence is at stake . The Correspondimcla Autograft ! says that a settlement of the Riff question has been effected between Spain and b
Morocco y means of a convention . There is no fresh intelligence with regard to the health ofthe King of Naples , A letter of tho 19 th ult . says : — " He continues in a most wretched state , and I am assured on good authority , that he cannot live more than three months . " The Lord High Commissioner of the Ionian Islands has appointed a commission with the concurrence of the Senate , to inquire into all public departments , for the purpose of effecting such improvements as could be legally done by tho government . Tho commission was to meet for the first time the ISth inst The
on . latest advices informs us that the new Portuguese ministry had only brought forward in the Cortes a bill to authorise the continuation ol the state receipts and expenditure until the budget cau be discussed and voted . The ministerial explanations seem to have been satisfactory , and little doubt was entertained of the approval of the money bills . The Cortes is likely to close on the 2 nd of April . It is believed that the railway will be put up to competition . - —By a telegram from Bombayreceived at the India Office it
, on Monday , appears that the rebel chiefs are still at large ; but one of them , Rao Sahib , had sent his agent to arrange for his submission . The overland mail has brought us intelligenee from Hong Kong to the 15 th February , at which date Lord Elgin was at Canton , pur troops have been constantly on the move , visiting the various villages in the neighbourhood of Canton , An expedition has just returned from Fayunc .