Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Week.
have felt themselves called upon to give the matter the most serious consideration . The judges arc said to have been communicated with on the snhiect ; but ive fear the remedy for this increasing evil is not to be found in police measures , however ingenious . Barnet Fair has been opened with its usual large supply of every description and size of cattle , a fair attendance of purchasers , and prices about 10 per cent , under those of last year . The number of beasts of different sizes was 13 , 000 ; of horses , 3 , 350 ; sheep , 50 , 000 . The whole of these animals represent a value of upwards of half a million sterling .
FOBEIGK" IirTEi . LieEi .-cii . —A new pamphlet , entitled The JUmperor , Rome , and the King of'Italy , ascribed to the pen of the Emperor , has appeared iu Paris . The pamphlet , wo are told , declares that Homo is now a " Coblentz , " directed against the Emperor Napoleon , King A'ictor Emmanuel , civilisation , progress , and liberty . Such a conspiracy cannot be tolerated under the protection ofthe French flag , aud therefore the French troops- will be withdrawn ; but the principle of non-intervention will be rigidly maintained . Tho Italian government has offered every possible guarantee for the Pope's independenceand if the court of Rome persists
; in rejecting its offers , an appeal will be made to the Roman people . The Romans will be summoned to vote under the eyes of the French army ; and if they call Victor Emmanuel to reign over them , the French troops will immediately be relieved by the Italian forces , and the King of Italy " will publish the accordance agreed upon between him aud the Catholic powers , with a view to the indejiemlenco of the Holy See , " . ivhile the Pope " may act as he pleases . " So if this pamphlet be really what the famous pampletThe Tope and the Congresswaswe expect to see a speed
, , , may y " solution of the Roman question . " If we maj' believe the Paris correspondent of the Independence Beige , the French ministry is about to send special agents into tho departments , for the purpose of ascertaining the state of public opinion , with a view to the dissolution of the Legislative body . The dissolution would become expedient if the French troops should evacuate Rome ; and hopeful , but perhaps credulous , politicians insist in beh ' en ' ug-, [ we are told , that the Emperor Napoleon will soon withdraw his from Rome . Baron Ricasoli has issued an important
army circular to the Italian Envoys at foreign courts respecting the state of affairs hi Italy . He declares that the Neapolitan disorders are confined to five of the fifteen Neapolitan provinces , and that they are not caused by political discontent , but by a desire for pillage and murder . The brigands are paid and armed by the ex-King , from his safe retreat in Rome , with the open connivance aud aid of the Papal government . Such facts , Baron Ricasoli maintains , furnish an irrefragable demonstration that "the temporal power is not only condemned hy the irresistible logic
of national unity , but is become incompatible with the civilisation of mankind , which cannot tolerate acts of brigandage to be prepared iu the very centre ofthe Catholic Church , with the connivance aud encouragement of the ministers of him who represents God on earth . " Ancl therefore the present conduct of the Pope's advisers will aid the Italian government in fulfilling its task of " rendering to Italy , and at the same time restoring to the Church , liberty and dignity . " A modification of the Italian Cabinet has taken place . General Delia Rovere has at length consented to accept the portfolio of the AVar Department , and will consequently
retire from the administration of the island of Sicily , over whose affairs he has for some time presided with consummate prudence and the happiest results . In short , he governed so well and so wisely , that he was no less the object of the love of the peaceably disposed , than ofthe fear ofthe discontented . The appointment of General Briguone as his successor in the Sicilian government is pronounced by Turin correspondents to be a judicious one . As yet , the Minister of the Interior is not designated , though Count d'Avese ' s name has been mentioned . The Hungarian JMngyars have secured warm allies in the Reichsrath itself the
among Polish and Czech members of that body . The debates are described as , ' animated " and " very violent" respecting the government ' s Hungarian policy iu the Lower House . The Emperor ' s address to the Reichsrath and his reply to the Hungarian Diet ' s address were warmly censured by by the Gallician ancl . Bohemian speakers , who proposed that the House should adopt an address against centralisation , and demanded a modification of the constitution . Several of the Hungarian counties have already passedand the others will of course immediatel resolutions
, y pass , protesting against the dissolution of the Diet . The resolve not to paytaxes of any kind appears to be general throughout Hungary , and the elective officers of the counties will , it is said , either serve without pay , or trust to voluntary contributions for their support . The Austrian government have ordered the dissolution of eight committees of comitats , as well as that of Pesth . A striking sign of the good feeling growing up between the non-German nationalities of the empire is , that a motion has been made in the Creation Diet to enter on the minutes on expression of at the dissolution of
regret the Diet ot Hungary . The French government has demanded from the Swiss Confederation satisfaction ami compensation on account of an affray wliich occurred on the frontiers of the ennton of Genera on the 25 th ult . The Paris cabinet considers , we are told , that the French territory was violated by the Swiss gendarmes , and requires an indemnity for the persons arrested by them . Deputies were recently sent from Finland to Stockholm with the object of promoting the separation of their country from Russia ; and , according to
the Fays , upon their return home , they were immediately arrested by the Russian authorities upon a charge of treason . A solemn funeral service took place in Warsaw on the 3 rd for those who fell in the recent disturbances at AVilnn . Every church aud synagogue took part in the solemnization . The shops were closed , and the people wore mourning bands . Tranquillity , however , was not disturbed . The Russian government has commonly been deemed as unwilling as the Portent-self that Moldavia and AVallachia should be consolidated into one State ; and it is now said , if we may believe a Constantinople telegram , that the Russian Ambassador has counselled the Turkish government to defer for throe
The Week.
years—or , in other words , to postpone till the Greek Kalends—its decision " on the question of the union of Moldavia and AVallachia . "———According to the semi-official Correspondancia Autografa , of Madrid , Queeu Isabella , in her speech at the opening of the session of the Cortes , ou the 25 th of October , will " announce constitutional reforms in accordance with the political views of the Liberal Union party ; " but no doubt these reforms will practically leave the constitution and administration of Spain what they have hitherto been .
CAST ABA AJTD AICEBICA . —Lord Monck , it appears , is to succeed Sir Edmund Head as Governor General of Canada . All the public knows of lord Monck is that he was once a lord of the Treasury ; but the Globe assures us that while acting in that capacity—a very humble one , and one not at all likely to to bring out the real character of a man—he " evinced great business capacity , and acquired general popularity . " It is announced that an important addition is about to bo made to the military force in Canada . Ifc is felfc that it would be unwise , in the fact
of the present disturbances in North America , to leave our frontier unprotected against the lawlessness which is either anticipated or has already begun to show itself ; and it has therefore been determined—as the Globe and Army and ITavg Gazette inform us—to send out a reinforcement of three regiments . If we may believe a correspondent of the Times , the gold diggings of Nova Scotia and the oil wells of the United States and Canada are likely to be eclipsed , as sources of wealth , by the cod bank of Rockall . Millions of money are to he picked
up from the ocean on that lonely spot in the North Atlantic . Only four adventurous fishing smacks have found their way there as yet , but they have brought back to the Orkney Islands cargoes of cod of a fabulous value , and stories which " seem more like the adventures of Sinbad the Sailor than proved facts by successful fishermen . " The communication will attract the notice of naturalists , as well as speculative fishmongers and oil merchants ; for not only does it describe shoals of very wonderful sharks and whales , but mentions " a strange fish " which was fallen in with in large numbers . The JEurqpa- brings us the intelligence that au order issued by the Federal War Department that all Volunteers already enlisted should be immediately sent to
' Washington , even though they might not have received any arms , equipments , or uniforms . This order , which caused much excitement in the Northern States , was attributed to a belief entertained by the Federal goverment that the Southern army was about to commence operations , with a view to the occupation of Maryland and of AVashington . The Southern commanders , according to the plans attributed , to them by the New York . journals , proposed to cross the Potomac iu force , both above and below Washington , with the intention of raising the Maryland Secessionistscutting off the land communication between
, AVashington and the Northern States , and operating against the Federal capital from the westward . Petty skirmishes continued to he fought , in Missouri , and the Secessionists from all parts of that State were rallying round the standard of General Price , who was expected to make an attempt to expel the Federal troops from Jefferson City , the State capital . JUlie AVashington Cabinet had announced that henceforth every person entering or quitting the United States must be provided with a passport from the Secretary of State . The Southern privateers , had made in
many captures the Gulf of Mexico aud the West Indies ; hut it was reported—though the correctness of the report seems somewhat doubtful—that the armed steamer Sumter , which had made so many prizes off the coast of Cuba , had been captured at Curacoaby a Federal man-of-war , supposed to be the Niagara . At Haverhill , Massachusetts , the citizens have been occupying a portion of their leisure in tarring and feathering an obstinate editor of Secessionist views ; the mayor and magistrates interfered , but were powerless to prevent the outrage . Ultimately the unfortunate scribe was released upon taking an oath recanting his opinions , and promising never again to publish uny of his lucubrations against the North .
To Correspondents.
To SUBSCKIBEBS AXD OTHEBS . —All remittances by cheque , post-office orders , & c , are to be made payable to the Proprietor , Mr . AVilliam Smith , C . E ., 19 , Salisbury-street , Strand , AV . C . CoMMTOJCATioxs for the EniTonto be addressed to H . G . Warren , Esq .. 19 , Salisbury-street , Strand . AM OKDEHS or Communications with respect to the publishing department to be addressed To the Publisher , 19 , Salisbury-street , Stand .
0 . —There is nothing in the laws to prevent a brother who is not a subscribing member to any lodge holding office in a chapter . The connection between Craft aud Arch Masonry is more theoretical than . real , and will ever continue to be so until lodges and chapters are brought , as they should be , under one government . As I _; civm _ i _ i . —The confirming minutes adopted , alike in Grand lodge and our private lodges , alludes to the various resolutions passed , which may be iion-confirined if the members see fit—even the election o Master to confirmation
being subject . A SUBSOEIBEE . —AVe are not aware whether there is any lodge in Edinburgh connected with the University , or which is the best lodge in that city for a clergyman to join ; perhaps some oi" our Scottish correspondents will inform us . G . M . T . is thanked for his explanation of " How old is your mother , " but he can scarcely suppose we would publish it . Had we though ' it desirable , we could have ourselves supplied the answer .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Week.
have felt themselves called upon to give the matter the most serious consideration . The judges arc said to have been communicated with on the snhiect ; but ive fear the remedy for this increasing evil is not to be found in police measures , however ingenious . Barnet Fair has been opened with its usual large supply of every description and size of cattle , a fair attendance of purchasers , and prices about 10 per cent , under those of last year . The number of beasts of different sizes was 13 , 000 ; of horses , 3 , 350 ; sheep , 50 , 000 . The whole of these animals represent a value of upwards of half a million sterling .
FOBEIGK" IirTEi . LieEi .-cii . —A new pamphlet , entitled The JUmperor , Rome , and the King of'Italy , ascribed to the pen of the Emperor , has appeared iu Paris . The pamphlet , wo are told , declares that Homo is now a " Coblentz , " directed against the Emperor Napoleon , King A'ictor Emmanuel , civilisation , progress , and liberty . Such a conspiracy cannot be tolerated under the protection ofthe French flag , aud therefore the French troops- will be withdrawn ; but the principle of non-intervention will be rigidly maintained . Tho Italian government has offered every possible guarantee for the Pope's independenceand if the court of Rome persists
; in rejecting its offers , an appeal will be made to the Roman people . The Romans will be summoned to vote under the eyes of the French army ; and if they call Victor Emmanuel to reign over them , the French troops will immediately be relieved by the Italian forces , and the King of Italy " will publish the accordance agreed upon between him aud the Catholic powers , with a view to the indejiemlenco of the Holy See , " . ivhile the Pope " may act as he pleases . " So if this pamphlet be really what the famous pampletThe Tope and the Congresswaswe expect to see a speed
, , , may y " solution of the Roman question . " If we maj' believe the Paris correspondent of the Independence Beige , the French ministry is about to send special agents into tho departments , for the purpose of ascertaining the state of public opinion , with a view to the dissolution of the Legislative body . The dissolution would become expedient if the French troops should evacuate Rome ; and hopeful , but perhaps credulous , politicians insist in beh ' en ' ug-, [ we are told , that the Emperor Napoleon will soon withdraw his from Rome . Baron Ricasoli has issued an important
army circular to the Italian Envoys at foreign courts respecting the state of affairs hi Italy . He declares that the Neapolitan disorders are confined to five of the fifteen Neapolitan provinces , and that they are not caused by political discontent , but by a desire for pillage and murder . The brigands are paid and armed by the ex-King , from his safe retreat in Rome , with the open connivance aud aid of the Papal government . Such facts , Baron Ricasoli maintains , furnish an irrefragable demonstration that "the temporal power is not only condemned hy the irresistible logic
of national unity , but is become incompatible with the civilisation of mankind , which cannot tolerate acts of brigandage to be prepared iu the very centre ofthe Catholic Church , with the connivance aud encouragement of the ministers of him who represents God on earth . " Ancl therefore the present conduct of the Pope's advisers will aid the Italian government in fulfilling its task of " rendering to Italy , and at the same time restoring to the Church , liberty and dignity . " A modification of the Italian Cabinet has taken place . General Delia Rovere has at length consented to accept the portfolio of the AVar Department , and will consequently
retire from the administration of the island of Sicily , over whose affairs he has for some time presided with consummate prudence and the happiest results . In short , he governed so well and so wisely , that he was no less the object of the love of the peaceably disposed , than ofthe fear ofthe discontented . The appointment of General Briguone as his successor in the Sicilian government is pronounced by Turin correspondents to be a judicious one . As yet , the Minister of the Interior is not designated , though Count d'Avese ' s name has been mentioned . The Hungarian JMngyars have secured warm allies in the Reichsrath itself the
among Polish and Czech members of that body . The debates are described as , ' animated " and " very violent" respecting the government ' s Hungarian policy iu the Lower House . The Emperor ' s address to the Reichsrath and his reply to the Hungarian Diet ' s address were warmly censured by by the Gallician ancl . Bohemian speakers , who proposed that the House should adopt an address against centralisation , and demanded a modification of the constitution . Several of the Hungarian counties have already passedand the others will of course immediatel resolutions
, y pass , protesting against the dissolution of the Diet . The resolve not to paytaxes of any kind appears to be general throughout Hungary , and the elective officers of the counties will , it is said , either serve without pay , or trust to voluntary contributions for their support . The Austrian government have ordered the dissolution of eight committees of comitats , as well as that of Pesth . A striking sign of the good feeling growing up between the non-German nationalities of the empire is , that a motion has been made in the Creation Diet to enter on the minutes on expression of at the dissolution of
regret the Diet ot Hungary . The French government has demanded from the Swiss Confederation satisfaction ami compensation on account of an affray wliich occurred on the frontiers of the ennton of Genera on the 25 th ult . The Paris cabinet considers , we are told , that the French territory was violated by the Swiss gendarmes , and requires an indemnity for the persons arrested by them . Deputies were recently sent from Finland to Stockholm with the object of promoting the separation of their country from Russia ; and , according to
the Fays , upon their return home , they were immediately arrested by the Russian authorities upon a charge of treason . A solemn funeral service took place in Warsaw on the 3 rd for those who fell in the recent disturbances at AVilnn . Every church aud synagogue took part in the solemnization . The shops were closed , and the people wore mourning bands . Tranquillity , however , was not disturbed . The Russian government has commonly been deemed as unwilling as the Portent-self that Moldavia and AVallachia should be consolidated into one State ; and it is now said , if we may believe a Constantinople telegram , that the Russian Ambassador has counselled the Turkish government to defer for throe
The Week.
years—or , in other words , to postpone till the Greek Kalends—its decision " on the question of the union of Moldavia and AVallachia . "———According to the semi-official Correspondancia Autografa , of Madrid , Queeu Isabella , in her speech at the opening of the session of the Cortes , ou the 25 th of October , will " announce constitutional reforms in accordance with the political views of the Liberal Union party ; " but no doubt these reforms will practically leave the constitution and administration of Spain what they have hitherto been .
CAST ABA AJTD AICEBICA . —Lord Monck , it appears , is to succeed Sir Edmund Head as Governor General of Canada . All the public knows of lord Monck is that he was once a lord of the Treasury ; but the Globe assures us that while acting in that capacity—a very humble one , and one not at all likely to to bring out the real character of a man—he " evinced great business capacity , and acquired general popularity . " It is announced that an important addition is about to bo made to the military force in Canada . Ifc is felfc that it would be unwise , in the fact
of the present disturbances in North America , to leave our frontier unprotected against the lawlessness which is either anticipated or has already begun to show itself ; and it has therefore been determined—as the Globe and Army and ITavg Gazette inform us—to send out a reinforcement of three regiments . If we may believe a correspondent of the Times , the gold diggings of Nova Scotia and the oil wells of the United States and Canada are likely to be eclipsed , as sources of wealth , by the cod bank of Rockall . Millions of money are to he picked
up from the ocean on that lonely spot in the North Atlantic . Only four adventurous fishing smacks have found their way there as yet , but they have brought back to the Orkney Islands cargoes of cod of a fabulous value , and stories which " seem more like the adventures of Sinbad the Sailor than proved facts by successful fishermen . " The communication will attract the notice of naturalists , as well as speculative fishmongers and oil merchants ; for not only does it describe shoals of very wonderful sharks and whales , but mentions " a strange fish " which was fallen in with in large numbers . The JEurqpa- brings us the intelligence that au order issued by the Federal War Department that all Volunteers already enlisted should be immediately sent to
' Washington , even though they might not have received any arms , equipments , or uniforms . This order , which caused much excitement in the Northern States , was attributed to a belief entertained by the Federal goverment that the Southern army was about to commence operations , with a view to the occupation of Maryland and of AVashington . The Southern commanders , according to the plans attributed , to them by the New York . journals , proposed to cross the Potomac iu force , both above and below Washington , with the intention of raising the Maryland Secessionistscutting off the land communication between
, AVashington and the Northern States , and operating against the Federal capital from the westward . Petty skirmishes continued to he fought , in Missouri , and the Secessionists from all parts of that State were rallying round the standard of General Price , who was expected to make an attempt to expel the Federal troops from Jefferson City , the State capital . JUlie AVashington Cabinet had announced that henceforth every person entering or quitting the United States must be provided with a passport from the Secretary of State . The Southern privateers , had made in
many captures the Gulf of Mexico aud the West Indies ; hut it was reported—though the correctness of the report seems somewhat doubtful—that the armed steamer Sumter , which had made so many prizes off the coast of Cuba , had been captured at Curacoaby a Federal man-of-war , supposed to be the Niagara . At Haverhill , Massachusetts , the citizens have been occupying a portion of their leisure in tarring and feathering an obstinate editor of Secessionist views ; the mayor and magistrates interfered , but were powerless to prevent the outrage . Ultimately the unfortunate scribe was released upon taking an oath recanting his opinions , and promising never again to publish uny of his lucubrations against the North .
To Correspondents.
To SUBSCKIBEBS AXD OTHEBS . —All remittances by cheque , post-office orders , & c , are to be made payable to the Proprietor , Mr . AVilliam Smith , C . E ., 19 , Salisbury-street , Strand , AV . C . CoMMTOJCATioxs for the EniTonto be addressed to H . G . Warren , Esq .. 19 , Salisbury-street , Strand . AM OKDEHS or Communications with respect to the publishing department to be addressed To the Publisher , 19 , Salisbury-street , Stand .
0 . —There is nothing in the laws to prevent a brother who is not a subscribing member to any lodge holding office in a chapter . The connection between Craft aud Arch Masonry is more theoretical than . real , and will ever continue to be so until lodges and chapters are brought , as they should be , under one government . As I _; civm _ i _ i . —The confirming minutes adopted , alike in Grand lodge and our private lodges , alludes to the various resolutions passed , which may be iion-confirined if the members see fit—even the election o Master to confirmation
being subject . A SUBSOEIBEE . —AVe are not aware whether there is any lodge in Edinburgh connected with the University , or which is the best lodge in that city for a clergyman to join ; perhaps some oi" our Scottish correspondents will inform us . G . M . T . is thanked for his explanation of " How old is your mother , " but he can scarcely suppose we would publish it . Had we though ' it desirable , we could have ourselves supplied the answer .