Article ROYAL ARCH. ← Page 2 of 2 Article KNIGHTS TEMPLAR. Page 1 of 1 Article MARK MASONRY. Page 1 of 1 Article MARK MASONRY. Page 1 of 1 Article MASONIC FESTIVITIES. Page 1 of 1 Article AMERICA. Page 1 of 2 →
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Royal Arch.
of office with equal regularity . —Comp . STACET , IL , was much obliged for the flattering allusions that the M . E . Z . bad made . It always gave him pleasure to do his duty , and he should make it his study to do all in bis power for the prosperity and comfort of the chapter . —Comp . AA ' OODSTOCK , X , said their kindness was always appreciated by himself , and he trusted his conduct would , at all times , be such as to entitle him to arrive at the highest honours
they could bestow . —The M . E . Z . had so many pleasing- duties to perforin on that occasion , but none more so than in proposing "The Healths of the J ., Comp . Cockcraft , and P . S . elect , Comp . Jackson , " feeling sure they would do all that their important offices required . —Comps . ' Cockcraft and Jackson returned thanks . —The M . E . Z . thought he had concluded ; but there wero two more that must not be forgotten—one of them collected , and the other expended . Their Comp . Simpson was a capital Treasurerand did
, not run them into debt ; their Comp . Matthew Cooke , Scribe E ., arranged everything to their satisfaction , and felt compensated for his labour by seeing the chapter prosper . —Comp . Matthew Cooke , E ., briefly returned thanks on behalf of the Treasurer and himself . YORE SHIRE ( AVEST . ) BRADFORD . — Chapter of Charity ( No . 379 ) . —A regular
meeting of this chapter was holden on Monday , March 4 , presided over by Wm . Gath , P . Z . ( in the unavoidable absence of Comp . Henry Smith , Z . ) , Comps . Wm . Mawson , H . ; Henry Farrar , P . Z ., as J . Present , Comps . T . AA'oodhend , S . E . ; J . Gaunt , S . N . ; J . Lumb , as P . Soj . ; J . T . Robinson , Treas . ; J . H . Buckley , P . Z ., Jan . ; . 1 . J . Holmes , Assist . ; Thos . Hill , P . Z . ; C . H . Taylor , 11 . 0 . Mawson , . 1 . Pickard , and others . The business of the evening was confined to the election of officers for the ensuing year , when the folloiving
ivere proposed , and in each case unanimously elected , viz ., AA m . Mawson , Z . ; C . II . Taylor , M . D ., 11 . ; J . T . Robinson , J . ; James Lumb , S . E . ; C . HiU , N . ; J . Gaunt , P . Soj . ; J . Pickard , Treas . ; J . H . Buckley , P . Z . Jan . ; J . J . Holmes , Assist . An apology was tendered from Comp . Rogerson , on account of sickness . A considerable accession is expected to this chapter , in consequence of the increased accommodation about to be placed at the disposal of the Lodge of Hope , in connexion with this chapter- —in the building
now erecting for them—ivhich , for convenience of purpose , will rank as one of the first in the provinces . The chapter was closed at 8-20 , when the Comps , retired to refreshment , where the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were proposed , and a happy evening spent .
Knights Templar.
CiEPE ENCAMPMENT AT GIBRALTAR . —The knights of this encampment met on the 30 th January , 1861 ; present , Sir Knts . , T AVilliams , E . C . ; Ingram , 1 st Capt . ; C . 0 . Swain , 2 nd Capt . ; Patterson , Beg . ; Weir , Capt . of Lines ; AVilkinson , Exp . ; Fears , Kitchener , Grant , Graydon Smith , Herbert , Macartney , Clery , Dunn , Poulett Somerset , C . B ., M . P . ; AVarry , Tewart , Romero , & . C . The minutes of the last meeting having been read and confirmed , the E . G . read a communication from Grand Conclave ,
announcing tbe decease of the M . E . and Supreme G . M . of the Order , Col . C . K . Kemeys Tynte , and directed the Sir Knight Registrar to see that the encampment continued in mourning until the 30 th March next . Comp . lid . A . Gibbon ( 7 tli Eoyal Fusiliers ) , of Chapter No . 315 , was then unanimously elected and duly installed a Knight Companion of the Order . Business being finished , the knights adjourned to the banquet . —The encampment again assembled on Saturday , 9 th FebruarySir Knt . J . AVilliamsE . G .
, , , , commanding , Sir Knts . Capt . Herbert and A . C . G . Swain acting as 1 st and 2 nd Copts ., and about sixteen of the Sir Knts . being present ; when Comps . Capt . Swinerton 11 . Dyer ( Sth , The Kings ) , Lieut . Charles II . Curriere ( 100 th P . W . R . C . h ' Li ' eut . L . C . A . L . de Bellefeuille ( 100 th I ' . W . R . C ) , and Lieut , A . de Montmorency Prior ( Royal Artillery ) , all of the Calpean Chapter , No . 345 , were duly installed Knights Companion of the Order .
Mark Masonry.
LEICESTERSHIRE . LEICESTEH . —Howe Lodge ( No . 21 ) . —A quarterly meetingof this lodge was held at the Freemasons' Hall , on Thursday , the 28 th ult ., Bro . Underwood ( D . Prov . G . M . M . ) , AA ' . M ., in the chair . -The lodge having been opened in form , and the minutes of the last meeting , including the election of AA . M ., read and confirmed , a board of installed Masters was opened , and the newly-elected W . M ., Bro . illiam
AA' Pettifor , was installed by Bro . Kelly , Prov . G . M . M . A ballot was taken for Bro . William Jackson , of St . John ' s Lodge , No . 318 , as a candidate for advancement , and he was duly elected . The AA . M . postponed the appointment of his officers to the next
Mark Masonry.
meeting . The report from the Grand Lodge of Mark Masters and other communications having been read , the lodge was closed . FOIVKE LODGE ( NO . 19 ) . —This lodge also assembled at the Freemasons' Hall , on the 28 th ult ., for the installation of the AV . M ., and other business , under the presidency of Bro . Kelly , Prov . G . M . M ., the retiring AA . M . The minutes having been read , and the election of Bro . Capt . Bankart , S . AV ., as AA' . M ., having been confirmed , he was installed in a board of installed Masters . The appointment of
officers was postponed . Bro . Geo . Aug . Lohr , who was balloted for at a former meeting , being present , was advanced to the degree by the Prov . G . M . in due form , Bro . Bitbrey presiding at the organ . The lodge was then closed .
Masonic Festivities.
BAIEDON . —Airedale Lodge ( No . 543 ) . —At a regular meetingof tin ' s lodge on the 19 th Jan . it was proposed and carried "That a Masonic ball he given by the brethren of this lodge at the earliest convenient time , and that application be made to the D . Prov . G . M . for a dispensation for the brethren to wear Masonic clothing . " The evening of Tuesday , the 19 th ult ., being the appointed time , the company began to assemble about eight o ' clock , and soon the large lodge room ( prepared and decorated with evergreens and Masonic
devices for the occasion ) was filled with gay , fashionable , and elegantly dressed company , chiefly young Masons , and sisters and daughters of members of the Craft . It was their first Masonic ball , and the greatest credit is due to Bros . Ambler , AA and , Tetley , and Read , who bad the management of the different departments . The AV . M ., C . F . Taylor , and his lady , led off the ball , which was kept up with unflinching spirit until twelve o'clock , when the company adjourned to the refreshment roomand partook of a
, sumptuous collation , prepared by Mrs . Walker , ofthe Royal Hotel , of whom the brethren spoke in flattering terms of the excellent provision she had made for their entertainment . Dancing re-commenced with extra vigour , and continued until after four o'clock , when the National Anthem was sung , and the company separated , highly gratified with the successful termination of their first Masonie ball .
( From the Voice of Masonry . ) AYISCONSIN . —A Council of Royal and Select Masters has been recently organized at Milwaukee , as ive'learn from Comp . M . L , Youngs . The annual conclave of the Grand Commandery closed its session January Srd . It is small in numbers , having but three Commanderies in its jurisdiction . But little business was transacted , aside from tbe election of officers . . OHIO . —At Toledo , the condition of Rubicon Lodge ( No . 237 )
is peculiarly gratifying . A new hall has been fitted up , much surpassing the old one , and more central . This has been pronounced by visitors the finest in Ohio , outside of Cincinnati . The lodge experiences a healthy , steady growth , and is already absorbing the cream of the active business men of tbe place . The ordeal Rubicon Lodge has passed through has well endeared its members to the cause , and to one another , and due credit is allotted by all to Bro . Hosineras the leader in the reform . Last they presented him
, year a costly honorarium ; the present year they have unanimously reelected him Master , made him an honorary member , and exempted him from contributions . NEERASKI . —The installation of officers of AVestern Star Lodge , No . 2 , Nebraska City , was performed , Dec . 27 th , by RW . Bro _ ~ S . Redfield , S . G . AV ., after which the brethren sat down to a splendid supper . IEMNOIS . —The Masonic fraternity of Shelbyville celebrated St .
John ' s-day in an appropriate manner . In the morning , Bro . F . II . Blair , of Paris , D . G . M . for the State of Illinois , delivered an excellent address relating to the principles and usages of the ancient Order , as applied to the government ofthe brotherhood . He stated that the G . L . ivould sustain the action of any subordinate lodge in expelling a member for habitual intemperance . The address was replete with noble thoughts and sentiments , and alike worthy of the speaker and the Order . At the conclusion of the address , the
officers of Blair Chapter , No . 55 , Royal Arch Masons , of Shelbyville , were duly installed by the speaker . In the evening , the exercises of tho dedication of the new hall , and the installation of the officers of Jackson Lodge , No . 53 , occurred , in the presence of an attentive audience . The exercises wero conducted by Bro . Blair . In accordance with the usages of all well regulated families and institutions , tho occasions was also fitly commemorated by a superb supper , gotten up and served by tbe mothers , wives , sisters , daughters , and neighbours of the fraternity in Shelbyville . —Jan .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Royal Arch.
of office with equal regularity . —Comp . STACET , IL , was much obliged for the flattering allusions that the M . E . Z . bad made . It always gave him pleasure to do his duty , and he should make it his study to do all in bis power for the prosperity and comfort of the chapter . —Comp . AA ' OODSTOCK , X , said their kindness was always appreciated by himself , and he trusted his conduct would , at all times , be such as to entitle him to arrive at the highest honours
they could bestow . —The M . E . Z . had so many pleasing- duties to perforin on that occasion , but none more so than in proposing "The Healths of the J ., Comp . Cockcraft , and P . S . elect , Comp . Jackson , " feeling sure they would do all that their important offices required . —Comps . ' Cockcraft and Jackson returned thanks . —The M . E . Z . thought he had concluded ; but there wero two more that must not be forgotten—one of them collected , and the other expended . Their Comp . Simpson was a capital Treasurerand did
, not run them into debt ; their Comp . Matthew Cooke , Scribe E ., arranged everything to their satisfaction , and felt compensated for his labour by seeing the chapter prosper . —Comp . Matthew Cooke , E ., briefly returned thanks on behalf of the Treasurer and himself . YORE SHIRE ( AVEST . ) BRADFORD . — Chapter of Charity ( No . 379 ) . —A regular
meeting of this chapter was holden on Monday , March 4 , presided over by Wm . Gath , P . Z . ( in the unavoidable absence of Comp . Henry Smith , Z . ) , Comps . Wm . Mawson , H . ; Henry Farrar , P . Z ., as J . Present , Comps . T . AA'oodhend , S . E . ; J . Gaunt , S . N . ; J . Lumb , as P . Soj . ; J . T . Robinson , Treas . ; J . H . Buckley , P . Z ., Jan . ; . 1 . J . Holmes , Assist . ; Thos . Hill , P . Z . ; C . H . Taylor , 11 . 0 . Mawson , . 1 . Pickard , and others . The business of the evening was confined to the election of officers for the ensuing year , when the folloiving
ivere proposed , and in each case unanimously elected , viz ., AA m . Mawson , Z . ; C . II . Taylor , M . D ., 11 . ; J . T . Robinson , J . ; James Lumb , S . E . ; C . HiU , N . ; J . Gaunt , P . Soj . ; J . Pickard , Treas . ; J . H . Buckley , P . Z . Jan . ; J . J . Holmes , Assist . An apology was tendered from Comp . Rogerson , on account of sickness . A considerable accession is expected to this chapter , in consequence of the increased accommodation about to be placed at the disposal of the Lodge of Hope , in connexion with this chapter- —in the building
now erecting for them—ivhich , for convenience of purpose , will rank as one of the first in the provinces . The chapter was closed at 8-20 , when the Comps , retired to refreshment , where the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were proposed , and a happy evening spent .
Knights Templar.
CiEPE ENCAMPMENT AT GIBRALTAR . —The knights of this encampment met on the 30 th January , 1861 ; present , Sir Knts . , T AVilliams , E . C . ; Ingram , 1 st Capt . ; C . 0 . Swain , 2 nd Capt . ; Patterson , Beg . ; Weir , Capt . of Lines ; AVilkinson , Exp . ; Fears , Kitchener , Grant , Graydon Smith , Herbert , Macartney , Clery , Dunn , Poulett Somerset , C . B ., M . P . ; AVarry , Tewart , Romero , & . C . The minutes of the last meeting having been read and confirmed , the E . G . read a communication from Grand Conclave ,
announcing tbe decease of the M . E . and Supreme G . M . of the Order , Col . C . K . Kemeys Tynte , and directed the Sir Knight Registrar to see that the encampment continued in mourning until the 30 th March next . Comp . lid . A . Gibbon ( 7 tli Eoyal Fusiliers ) , of Chapter No . 315 , was then unanimously elected and duly installed a Knight Companion of the Order . Business being finished , the knights adjourned to the banquet . —The encampment again assembled on Saturday , 9 th FebruarySir Knt . J . AVilliamsE . G .
, , , , commanding , Sir Knts . Capt . Herbert and A . C . G . Swain acting as 1 st and 2 nd Copts ., and about sixteen of the Sir Knts . being present ; when Comps . Capt . Swinerton 11 . Dyer ( Sth , The Kings ) , Lieut . Charles II . Curriere ( 100 th P . W . R . C . h ' Li ' eut . L . C . A . L . de Bellefeuille ( 100 th I ' . W . R . C ) , and Lieut , A . de Montmorency Prior ( Royal Artillery ) , all of the Calpean Chapter , No . 345 , were duly installed Knights Companion of the Order .
Mark Masonry.
LEICESTERSHIRE . LEICESTEH . —Howe Lodge ( No . 21 ) . —A quarterly meetingof this lodge was held at the Freemasons' Hall , on Thursday , the 28 th ult ., Bro . Underwood ( D . Prov . G . M . M . ) , AA ' . M ., in the chair . -The lodge having been opened in form , and the minutes of the last meeting , including the election of AA . M ., read and confirmed , a board of installed Masters was opened , and the newly-elected W . M ., Bro . illiam
AA' Pettifor , was installed by Bro . Kelly , Prov . G . M . M . A ballot was taken for Bro . William Jackson , of St . John ' s Lodge , No . 318 , as a candidate for advancement , and he was duly elected . The AA . M . postponed the appointment of his officers to the next
Mark Masonry.
meeting . The report from the Grand Lodge of Mark Masters and other communications having been read , the lodge was closed . FOIVKE LODGE ( NO . 19 ) . —This lodge also assembled at the Freemasons' Hall , on the 28 th ult ., for the installation of the AV . M ., and other business , under the presidency of Bro . Kelly , Prov . G . M . M ., the retiring AA . M . The minutes having been read , and the election of Bro . Capt . Bankart , S . AV ., as AA' . M ., having been confirmed , he was installed in a board of installed Masters . The appointment of
officers was postponed . Bro . Geo . Aug . Lohr , who was balloted for at a former meeting , being present , was advanced to the degree by the Prov . G . M . in due form , Bro . Bitbrey presiding at the organ . The lodge was then closed .
Masonic Festivities.
BAIEDON . —Airedale Lodge ( No . 543 ) . —At a regular meetingof tin ' s lodge on the 19 th Jan . it was proposed and carried "That a Masonic ball he given by the brethren of this lodge at the earliest convenient time , and that application be made to the D . Prov . G . M . for a dispensation for the brethren to wear Masonic clothing . " The evening of Tuesday , the 19 th ult ., being the appointed time , the company began to assemble about eight o ' clock , and soon the large lodge room ( prepared and decorated with evergreens and Masonic
devices for the occasion ) was filled with gay , fashionable , and elegantly dressed company , chiefly young Masons , and sisters and daughters of members of the Craft . It was their first Masonic ball , and the greatest credit is due to Bros . Ambler , AA and , Tetley , and Read , who bad the management of the different departments . The AV . M ., C . F . Taylor , and his lady , led off the ball , which was kept up with unflinching spirit until twelve o'clock , when the company adjourned to the refreshment roomand partook of a
, sumptuous collation , prepared by Mrs . Walker , ofthe Royal Hotel , of whom the brethren spoke in flattering terms of the excellent provision she had made for their entertainment . Dancing re-commenced with extra vigour , and continued until after four o'clock , when the National Anthem was sung , and the company separated , highly gratified with the successful termination of their first Masonie ball .
( From the Voice of Masonry . ) AYISCONSIN . —A Council of Royal and Select Masters has been recently organized at Milwaukee , as ive'learn from Comp . M . L , Youngs . The annual conclave of the Grand Commandery closed its session January Srd . It is small in numbers , having but three Commanderies in its jurisdiction . But little business was transacted , aside from tbe election of officers . . OHIO . —At Toledo , the condition of Rubicon Lodge ( No . 237 )
is peculiarly gratifying . A new hall has been fitted up , much surpassing the old one , and more central . This has been pronounced by visitors the finest in Ohio , outside of Cincinnati . The lodge experiences a healthy , steady growth , and is already absorbing the cream of the active business men of tbe place . The ordeal Rubicon Lodge has passed through has well endeared its members to the cause , and to one another , and due credit is allotted by all to Bro . Hosineras the leader in the reform . Last they presented him
, year a costly honorarium ; the present year they have unanimously reelected him Master , made him an honorary member , and exempted him from contributions . NEERASKI . —The installation of officers of AVestern Star Lodge , No . 2 , Nebraska City , was performed , Dec . 27 th , by RW . Bro _ ~ S . Redfield , S . G . AV ., after which the brethren sat down to a splendid supper . IEMNOIS . —The Masonic fraternity of Shelbyville celebrated St .
John ' s-day in an appropriate manner . In the morning , Bro . F . II . Blair , of Paris , D . G . M . for the State of Illinois , delivered an excellent address relating to the principles and usages of the ancient Order , as applied to the government ofthe brotherhood . He stated that the G . L . ivould sustain the action of any subordinate lodge in expelling a member for habitual intemperance . The address was replete with noble thoughts and sentiments , and alike worthy of the speaker and the Order . At the conclusion of the address , the
officers of Blair Chapter , No . 55 , Royal Arch Masons , of Shelbyville , were duly installed by the speaker . In the evening , the exercises of tho dedication of the new hall , and the installation of the officers of Jackson Lodge , No . 53 , occurred , in the presence of an attentive audience . The exercises wero conducted by Bro . Blair . In accordance with the usages of all well regulated families and institutions , tho occasions was also fitly commemorated by a superb supper , gotten up and served by tbe mothers , wives , sisters , daughters , and neighbours of the fraternity in Shelbyville . —Jan .