Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 3 of 3 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 3 of 3
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Bro . NEWJIAECU proposed the parting toast , and in doing so exhorted the brethren to act upon the precepts ivhich the AV . M . had endeavoured to instil into their minds . He also gave a brief but lucid account of the various Masonic Charities , and commended them to the liberal support of the brethren . The , A \ . M . having used his gavel , solicited the brethren to accompany him to the Ball , ivhich AVOUUI be the closing feature of the . day . The partthen roseand the DProvGM
y , . . .., attended by the Prov . G . Officers and the AA . M ., proceeded to the Town Hall , and the ball commenced , the brethren still wearing the badges and decorations of the Order . Several ladies also , in compliance Avith the wishes of the brethren , wore Masonic emblems , which had a very pretty and festive appearance . The D . Prov . G . M . opened the ball with Mrs . Peggi and dancing Avas continued with great spirit until about one o'clock ,
Avhen the party adjourned to the refreshment-room , which Avas supplied by Bro . Trotman Avith every delicacy of the season . After a moderate interval dancing Avas resumed , by the AA . M . opening the second part with his former partner and continued with unabated vigour until six o ' clock , Avhen the company dispersed , highly delighted with the evening's festivity . We must not forget to mention that in the early part of the evening the "Masonic Quadrille" was dancedno gentleman being allowed
, 1 o take part in the same unless he were a brother . On this occasion the brethren formally invested their partners Avith 'their several badges , Avhich the ladies appeared to experience great pleasure in assuming , an incident which materially enhanced the hilarity of the company . A polka , called "The St . Georges's , " composed for the occasion by Bro . J . H . Power , P . M . 307 , at Cheltenham , Avas also introduced during the evening , and greatly admired . It is dedicated to the AV . M .
HAMPSHIRE . AA ' INCUESTER . —Lodge cf ( Economy ( No . 90 . )—The monthly meeting of this lodge for April took place at tho rooms adjoining the Black Swan Hotel , on the 30 th , Avhen there were present Bros . A . Smith , AA . M . ; Hasleham , Naish , Sherry , Jacob , P . M ' s . ; Higgs , S . AV . ; Sheppard , J . W . ; Huggins , Sec ,
and many other brethren . After the lodge had been opened , Bro . AVilson Fisher , E . A ., was passed to the degree of F . C . The ceremony ivas very ably worked by the AV . M ., and the working tools explained . Bro . Hasleham then gave the appointed lecture on the tracing-board . The lodge Avas closed to the first degree , and the new bye-laws were read , previous to their being submitted to the Prov . Grand Master . On tho motion of Bro . Hasleham , seconded by Bro . Naish , the ten guineas
subscribed among the members to the funds of the Boys' Institution , Avere resolved to be entered in the name of the Treasurer of the lodge for the time being , in order to ensure him a Life Governorship . It ivas also agreed that a petition be sent to the Grand Master , praying for his approval of the Centenary Medal of the Lodge ot U _ conomy , as lately selected by the brethren . Further , that Bro . Higgs , S . AW , lie appointed Treasurer of the Local Benevolent Fund . Bro . Sherry announced that he hacl accepted the Stewardship for Hampshire of the Boys' School
Festival for next year , and he hoped the brethren would use their best endeavours to support his list of subscriptions . In some subsequent business the subject of discussion was the Boys' Institution , and the AV . M ., Bros . Sherry , and Hasleham , each spoke of the proceedings attended by the two former at London in the previous week . Bro Hasleliam said , since the last meeting of the lodge there had taken place a very important meeting of the Craft in London' and as the members of the lod
; ge were perhaps anxious to hear £ -1 * the result of their opposition at the Quarterly Court to the proposed motion for allowing the purchase of presentations to the Boys' School , he had no doubt the AY . M . would address the lodge on the subject . —The AA ' . M . said he was most happy to inform the brethren that he had been perfectly successful in opposing the non-confirmation of the minutes . He found that there ivas by no means a strong
feeling in favour of the new rules , and the Governors and subscribers present scorned to be generally of opinion that the consequence of the proposed alteration would be injurious to the Charity . He had felt very strongly on the subject , and his only difficulty was not the finding of reasons , but in making a selection of the cogent and numerous objections ivhich had presented themselves to his mind . He had been ably seconded by Bro . Sherry , who had been fully armed at all points and
quite prepared to rebut any arguments that might haA-e been adduced in favour of the new scheme . After some discussion , numbers of the brethren present voted for the amendment which he proposed , and none voted against it , so that it Avas unanimously carried . —Bro . Sherry said he had discovered during the proceedings of the Quarterly Court , that the proposition emanated from the Grand Master , ivho had applied to the General Committee to know at u-hat price a child could be
taken into the Charity—doubtless in reference to the contemplated testimonial in recognition of the eminent services of Bro . Havers . Every brother Avould join in the Avish to pay a compliment to Bro . Havers , ivho was Avell knoivn in the Craft as a very energetic , and enthusiastic Mason . The Committee had taken it into their consideration , and fixed a price , Avithout having clue regard to the consequences of the innovation . If one boy Avas to be so taken into the Charity , it would , to a
certain extent , deprive the Governors aiid subscribers of their stipulated privileges , and therefore such a proposition ought to be rejected . He also thought that the proceedings of the Committee ought to be reported in the Magazine , or that the Governors and subscribers should have some means of ascertaining what was being done . " * There Avere many propositions carried , Avhich , if brought under the notice of the Craft , Avould be rejected . Bro . Hasleham moved the thanfs of the assembled antt bli lor tue
brethren ot the lodge to the Wall , Uro . erry very able manner in which they had carried out the instructions given to them at the last lodge meeting to combat the nonconfirmation of the proposed measure ., Bro . Higgs seconded the motion , and it ivas unanimously carried . The AA ' . M . thanked tbe brethren for their kindness . He felt it a pleasure to acquiesce in the Avish of the lodge , because he knew that he thereby ivas benefiting the Charities . He ivas sure that had
the proposed new rules been carried , the Boys' School Avould have been materially injured . He could confirm what Bro . Sherry had said as to the origin of the proposed new rules , because it appeared from the minutes which were read by Bro . Binckes , the Secretary . Another fact Avhich confirmed the necessity of Bro . Sherry ' s suggestion for publishing the proceedings of the General Committee ivas , that the readings of the minutes occupied three-quarters of an hour amidst such an
uproar that it was impossible to hear them . He felt convinced that the bargaining or negotiation which Avas carried on at tho elections ivas injurious to the best interest of the Charity and opposed to all Masonic principle . Bro . Sherry also briefly responded , and the lodge ivas closed doAvn at 9 . 30 . The brethren then adjourned for refreshment , and spent a most harmonious interval .
YORKSHIRE . DONCASTER . —St . George's Lodge ( No . 298 ) . —The brethren of this lodge held their annual meeting on Friday last , the 2 nd inst ., in their lodge room in the town hall , Bro . George Brooke , P . M ., acting as AA ' . M ., in the absence of the retiring Master . The lodge having been opened in the first and second degrees , the brethren Avho had not passed the chair retired . A Past
Master's lodgo ivas formed , and Bro . Theophilns Smith , was installed as AA ' . M . for the ensuing year , the ceremony of installation being ably and impressively conducted by Bro . Sherwin , P . M . After the installation Bro . Brooke again resumed the chair , aud proceeded to initiate Mr . A . T . Adams into Masonry , according to ancient usage . The following brethren were appointed officers for the ensuing year : —Bros . J . AVriaht , S . AA ' . ; AV . A caster , J . AV . ; B . Beatley , "" S . D . ; AV . Bamm , J . I ) . ; Selby ,
I . G . Bros . Webb , Treas ., and Brooke , as Sec ; Avere reappointed . A gentleman ivas proposed and seconded , as a fit and proper person for Masonry , to be balloted lor next lodge night . At the close of the proceedings about twenty of the brethren adjourned to the Woolpack Hotel , Avhere they partook of a splendid banquet , provided for them by Mr . and Mrs . 1 'illey . The chair Avas taken by the newly installed Master , and the vice by Bro . Wrig ht . The usual loyal and Steward
Masonic toasts were given , and Bro . Rigby , Prov . G . , replied on behalf of tbe Provincial Grand Lodge of AA est Yorkshire . The brethren retired after having spent a very pleasant and convivial evening .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Bro . NEWJIAECU proposed the parting toast , and in doing so exhorted the brethren to act upon the precepts ivhich the AV . M . had endeavoured to instil into their minds . He also gave a brief but lucid account of the various Masonic Charities , and commended them to the liberal support of the brethren . The , A \ . M . having used his gavel , solicited the brethren to accompany him to the Ball , ivhich AVOUUI be the closing feature of the . day . The partthen roseand the DProvGM
y , . . .., attended by the Prov . G . Officers and the AA . M ., proceeded to the Town Hall , and the ball commenced , the brethren still wearing the badges and decorations of the Order . Several ladies also , in compliance Avith the wishes of the brethren , wore Masonic emblems , which had a very pretty and festive appearance . The D . Prov . G . M . opened the ball with Mrs . Peggi and dancing Avas continued with great spirit until about one o'clock ,
Avhen the party adjourned to the refreshment-room , which Avas supplied by Bro . Trotman Avith every delicacy of the season . After a moderate interval dancing Avas resumed , by the AA . M . opening the second part with his former partner and continued with unabated vigour until six o ' clock , Avhen the company dispersed , highly delighted with the evening's festivity . We must not forget to mention that in the early part of the evening the "Masonic Quadrille" was dancedno gentleman being allowed
, 1 o take part in the same unless he were a brother . On this occasion the brethren formally invested their partners Avith 'their several badges , Avhich the ladies appeared to experience great pleasure in assuming , an incident which materially enhanced the hilarity of the company . A polka , called "The St . Georges's , " composed for the occasion by Bro . J . H . Power , P . M . 307 , at Cheltenham , Avas also introduced during the evening , and greatly admired . It is dedicated to the AV . M .
HAMPSHIRE . AA ' INCUESTER . —Lodge cf ( Economy ( No . 90 . )—The monthly meeting of this lodge for April took place at tho rooms adjoining the Black Swan Hotel , on the 30 th , Avhen there were present Bros . A . Smith , AA . M . ; Hasleham , Naish , Sherry , Jacob , P . M ' s . ; Higgs , S . AV . ; Sheppard , J . W . ; Huggins , Sec ,
and many other brethren . After the lodge had been opened , Bro . AVilson Fisher , E . A ., was passed to the degree of F . C . The ceremony ivas very ably worked by the AV . M ., and the working tools explained . Bro . Hasleham then gave the appointed lecture on the tracing-board . The lodge Avas closed to the first degree , and the new bye-laws were read , previous to their being submitted to the Prov . Grand Master . On tho motion of Bro . Hasleham , seconded by Bro . Naish , the ten guineas
subscribed among the members to the funds of the Boys' Institution , Avere resolved to be entered in the name of the Treasurer of the lodge for the time being , in order to ensure him a Life Governorship . It ivas also agreed that a petition be sent to the Grand Master , praying for his approval of the Centenary Medal of the Lodge ot U _ conomy , as lately selected by the brethren . Further , that Bro . Higgs , S . AW , lie appointed Treasurer of the Local Benevolent Fund . Bro . Sherry announced that he hacl accepted the Stewardship for Hampshire of the Boys' School
Festival for next year , and he hoped the brethren would use their best endeavours to support his list of subscriptions . In some subsequent business the subject of discussion was the Boys' Institution , and the AV . M ., Bros . Sherry , and Hasleham , each spoke of the proceedings attended by the two former at London in the previous week . Bro Hasleliam said , since the last meeting of the lodge there had taken place a very important meeting of the Craft in London' and as the members of the lod
; ge were perhaps anxious to hear £ -1 * the result of their opposition at the Quarterly Court to the proposed motion for allowing the purchase of presentations to the Boys' School , he had no doubt the AY . M . would address the lodge on the subject . —The AA ' . M . said he was most happy to inform the brethren that he had been perfectly successful in opposing the non-confirmation of the minutes . He found that there ivas by no means a strong
feeling in favour of the new rules , and the Governors and subscribers present scorned to be generally of opinion that the consequence of the proposed alteration would be injurious to the Charity . He had felt very strongly on the subject , and his only difficulty was not the finding of reasons , but in making a selection of the cogent and numerous objections ivhich had presented themselves to his mind . He had been ably seconded by Bro . Sherry , who had been fully armed at all points and
quite prepared to rebut any arguments that might haA-e been adduced in favour of the new scheme . After some discussion , numbers of the brethren present voted for the amendment which he proposed , and none voted against it , so that it Avas unanimously carried . —Bro . Sherry said he had discovered during the proceedings of the Quarterly Court , that the proposition emanated from the Grand Master , ivho had applied to the General Committee to know at u-hat price a child could be
taken into the Charity—doubtless in reference to the contemplated testimonial in recognition of the eminent services of Bro . Havers . Every brother Avould join in the Avish to pay a compliment to Bro . Havers , ivho was Avell knoivn in the Craft as a very energetic , and enthusiastic Mason . The Committee had taken it into their consideration , and fixed a price , Avithout having clue regard to the consequences of the innovation . If one boy Avas to be so taken into the Charity , it would , to a
certain extent , deprive the Governors aiid subscribers of their stipulated privileges , and therefore such a proposition ought to be rejected . He also thought that the proceedings of the Committee ought to be reported in the Magazine , or that the Governors and subscribers should have some means of ascertaining what was being done . " * There Avere many propositions carried , Avhich , if brought under the notice of the Craft , Avould be rejected . Bro . Hasleham moved the thanfs of the assembled antt bli lor tue
brethren ot the lodge to the Wall , Uro . erry very able manner in which they had carried out the instructions given to them at the last lodge meeting to combat the nonconfirmation of the proposed measure ., Bro . Higgs seconded the motion , and it ivas unanimously carried . The AA ' . M . thanked tbe brethren for their kindness . He felt it a pleasure to acquiesce in the Avish of the lodge , because he knew that he thereby ivas benefiting the Charities . He ivas sure that had
the proposed new rules been carried , the Boys' School Avould have been materially injured . He could confirm what Bro . Sherry had said as to the origin of the proposed new rules , because it appeared from the minutes which were read by Bro . Binckes , the Secretary . Another fact Avhich confirmed the necessity of Bro . Sherry ' s suggestion for publishing the proceedings of the General Committee ivas , that the readings of the minutes occupied three-quarters of an hour amidst such an
uproar that it was impossible to hear them . He felt convinced that the bargaining or negotiation which Avas carried on at tho elections ivas injurious to the best interest of the Charity and opposed to all Masonic principle . Bro . Sherry also briefly responded , and the lodge ivas closed doAvn at 9 . 30 . The brethren then adjourned for refreshment , and spent a most harmonious interval .
YORKSHIRE . DONCASTER . —St . George's Lodge ( No . 298 ) . —The brethren of this lodge held their annual meeting on Friday last , the 2 nd inst ., in their lodge room in the town hall , Bro . George Brooke , P . M ., acting as AA ' . M ., in the absence of the retiring Master . The lodge having been opened in the first and second degrees , the brethren Avho had not passed the chair retired . A Past
Master's lodgo ivas formed , and Bro . Theophilns Smith , was installed as AA ' . M . for the ensuing year , the ceremony of installation being ably and impressively conducted by Bro . Sherwin , P . M . After the installation Bro . Brooke again resumed the chair , aud proceeded to initiate Mr . A . T . Adams into Masonry , according to ancient usage . The following brethren were appointed officers for the ensuing year : —Bros . J . AVriaht , S . AA ' . ; AV . A caster , J . AV . ; B . Beatley , "" S . D . ; AV . Bamm , J . I ) . ; Selby ,
I . G . Bros . Webb , Treas ., and Brooke , as Sec ; Avere reappointed . A gentleman ivas proposed and seconded , as a fit and proper person for Masonry , to be balloted lor next lodge night . At the close of the proceedings about twenty of the brethren adjourned to the Woolpack Hotel , Avhere they partook of a splendid banquet , provided for them by Mr . and Mrs . 1 'illey . The chair Avas taken by the newly installed Master , and the vice by Bro . Wrig ht . The usual loyal and Steward
Masonic toasts were given , and Bro . Rigby , Prov . G . , replied on behalf of tbe Provincial Grand Lodge of AA est Yorkshire . The brethren retired after having spent a very pleasant and convivial evening .