Article ROYAL ARCH. ← Page 2 of 2 Article KNIGHTS TEMPLAR. Page 1 of 1 Article KNIGHTS TEMPLAR. Page 1 of 1 Article THE WEEK. Page 1 of 3 →
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Royal Arch.
moved , and on Thursday , the 1 st iust ., the newly elected 1 st and 2 nd Principals were installed by Comp . Rankin Stebbing , Z ., 1025 , who presided on the occasion . The 1 st Principal is Comp . Alfred Heather , P . Z ., 319 , and 2 nd Principal H , M . Emanuel , P . Z ., 428 . "We regret to learn that the 3 rd Principal Comp . J . B . Mosse , an active Mason formerly in Somersetshire , and for many years past in Hampshire , ivas so ill as to bo unable to
attend or accept the office , his recovery being hopeless , and the Bev . Comp . Mills ivas nominated in his place . Two brethren Avere then exalted by Pro . Rankin Stebbing , assisted by Comp . Coinpigne , of Gosport , as Principal Soj ., and every prospect exists of an entire revival of this old chapter . The Lodge of Harmony ivas held on the same evening tho Rev . Bro . Mills , AV . M . ably presiding and initiating two new candidates , after which the brethren and companions who came from various parts of the country , ivere most hospitably entertained .
Knights Templar.
LANCASHIRE . PROVINCIAU GRAND COXCX - . The royal , exalted , religious , and military order of Masonic Knights Templar , under the command of Sir Knt . Albert Hudson Royds , Very Eminent Provincial Grand Commander ot Lancashire , was held at the Masonic Temple , Hope-street , Liverpool , on Friday , May 2 nd , 1862 , at one o ' clock . Seventeen
encampments of the province were represented . The Prov . Grand Commander and his officers ivere marshalled by Sir Knt . C . J . Banister , Prov . G . D . C , in the committceroom , and proceeded to the Great Hall , where they ivere received by the Sir Knights of the Jacques de Malay and the representatives of the other provincial encampments under the Arch of Steel from uorth-west , to east , Sir Knt . St . John B . Joule performing on the organ appropriate music .
• " The Provincial Grand Conclave AVIIS opened in due form hy the V . E . Prov . G . Commander , Sir Knt . Albert Hudson Royds , assisted by Sir Knts . L . Neivall , as D . Prov . G . D . ; H . Bridson , Prior ; R . F . Ainsworth , 1 st Captain ; C . C . Polo , 2 nd Captain ; Rev . J . B . Phillips , Prelate , & c . The minutes of last Provincial Grand Conclave were read and con firmed . The Treasurer's accounts were audited , and a balance of nearly £ 100 remained to the credit of the conclave . The Treasurer , Sir Knt . Stephen
Smith , Avas unanimously re-elected Treasurer . Proposed by the D . Prov . G . C , Sir Knt . Lawrence Newall , and seconded by Sit Knt . C . J . Banister , that the Prov . G . C be made , a Governor ofthe Royal Benevolent Institution for Aged Freemasons in perpetuity ; carried unnniinous ' . by . The Prov . G . Commander then invested the folioAving Sir Knights Provincial Grand Officers for the year . Sir Knight Laivrence NcAA-all I ) . Prov . G . Com . „ „ Henry Briddon Prov . G . Prior . „ „ B . Barlow - . - „ „ Snh . Prior . „ . A . F . Ainsworth , „ 1 st Cant .
„ „ C . C . Pole „ „ ' 2 nd Capt . „ „ Rev . E . J . Boiling ,, „ Prelate . „ „ „ . T . B . Phillips ,, „ Asst . do . „ „ AVm . H . AVright „ „ Chancelloi „ „ AVm . Harrison „ „ Vice ditto . „ „ Richard A erent „ „ Registrar . „ „ Stephen Smith „ „ Treasurer . „ „ Charles J . Banister ,. ,, Hospt .
„ „ Robei't Munn , jun , „ „ 1 st Expert , „ „ Reuben Mitchael , ., 2 nd ditto . „ George Mellor „ „ 1 st St . B . ,, „ Geo . H . Ormerod „ „ 2 nd ditto . „ „ H . S . Alpass „ „ Almoner . „ „ J . C . Peatson „ „ D . ofCers . „ „ AVin . Roberts ., „ Assist , do . ., 15 . B . Labrey ' „ „ 1 st A . D . C .
„ H . Fishwick „ „ 2 nd ditto . „ J . L . Hino •„ ,, IstC . ot'L , ,, „ Hy . Bibber t „ „ 2 nd ditto . ,, „ Laurence Ormerod „ „ Sword B . „ „ Bichd . Crahtree „ „ 1 st Herald , ,, „ JohnNield „ „ 2 nd ditto . „ „ St . John B . Joule „ „ Organist . ,, „ —Bamford „ „ Banner Br . „ „ Wm . Daivson „ „ E . W .
Knights Templar.
The Almoner made a collection of £ 3 los ., the oii ' ertory belli " . ' read by the Rev . J . B . Phillips . There being no further business before the Provincial Grand Conclave , it ivas closed , according to ancient custom , with solemn prayer , and the Prov . G . Commander and Prov . G . Officers retired in the same form as on entering , marshalled by Sir Knt . 0 . J . Banister .
The banquet ivas prepared at the Adelphi Hotel , presided over by the Very Eminent Prov . G . Commander , Sir Knt . A . H . Eovds . On his right V . E . Sir Knt . L . Newall , D . Prov . G . C ; and left , Sir Knts . 0 . C . Pole , Stephen Smith , AV . H . AVright ; , H . S . Alpass , Ed . pierpoint , Dr . Lee , J . Heyes , Crankshaiv , Josh . Chadwick , Jno . Knight , R . A evers , AV . Roberts , H . T . Baldivin , T . 'feather , P . Peatson , & e . The vice-chair occupied by Sir Knt . C . J . Banister . " The Queen , " " Albert Edward ,
Prince of AVales , " and the rest of the loyal toasts proposed and drunk . Also " The M . E . and S . G . Master , Sir Knt . Wm . Stuart ; " "The A ' . H . and E . Deputy G . M ., Sir Knt . Col . _ G . A . A ernon , and the Grand Officers of Grand Conclave ; " also ""Scotland and Ireland . " The Chairman then proposed the health of his Deputy , and from the manner it was received , proved that it ivas an appointment pleading to all present , — drunk with enthusiasm , and on Sir Kniget Newall rising was
received ivith rounds of applause , and in an excellent speech promised to do all he could for the province aud the order in general . " The Health of the Prov . G . Commander" was proposed by the Prov . O . Captain , Sir Knt . C . C Pole , AA-IIO responded in a truly fraternal ivay , thanking the Sir Knights , and proposing " Prosperity to the G . Officers of the Provinces , " replied to by several Sir Knights ; and as most of the Sir Knights hacl to leave by train , tho evening ivas a short and pleasant one , partaking more of a family party . The dinner AVIIS excellent , and the viands all that could be desired .
MOUNT CALVARY ENCAJ . IP . IENT , — A meeting of the above encampment took place on Monday , the 5 th inst , at the London Coli'oe House for the purpose of installing the Right Hon . Lord Lonilesborough , who ivas proposed in the encampment by Sir Knt . Thearle . There were present upon the occasion—the M . E . and S . G . M . Sir Knt . Stuart , ; John Piudy ; M . Shuttieworth PE . C and G . A ' . C ; Dr . Harcourt , ; Braithwaite , E . G . ; Elliott , P . E . C ; John Mott Thearle , P . E . C . and G . B . B . ;
Vesper , P . E . R . ; Lemanski , P . E . C ; Thompson , P . E . C ; Sir Knfc . Swan and Nicholson . The encampment was set ont upon this occasion in the most magnificent manner , and the arrangement of the Banners , dais for each officer , ancl the musical arrangements being the most perfect we have ever seen . The ceremony was most effectively performed by Sir Knt . Braithwaithe , and his felioiv officers—so -efficiently as to elicit the marked commendation of the most Ex . Sir Knt . Stuart—an
appropriate Templer march written by Frater Sir Knt . Thearle , AVIIS at the request ofthe E . G . dedicated to Lord Lonilesborough . A communication was made by Sir Knt . John Mott Thearle , that at ensuing Grand Conclave , '" , the Baldwin Encampment would give their adhesion and allegiance to Grand Conclave —a piece of information that elicited from the Grand Master a most knightly ackuOAvledgment , and expressive of his exceeding gratification to knoiv that all Knt . Uemplars ivere
HOAV to bo one family . A most sumptuous banquet ivas pro-A'ided by Bro . Clarke , to ivhich the utmost justice AVIIS paid . The toatts given by Sir Knt . Braithwaite , the E . G ., were to the purpose and brief—and at an early hour the Sir Knts . seperated , after one of the most satisfactory evenimr , spent in Masonry .
The Week.
THE COURT . —The Queer ., Prince Alfred , and the Princesses Alice and . Helena arrived safely at Balmoral on the 1 st inst . Princes Arthur and Leopold are still at Osborne , and judging by the Court Circr . lar , \\ mst be having a pleasant time of it , continually going out for cruises in the Channel so called , —i . e . from the length of time occupicd : on the pleasant Southampton AVaters . The King of the Belgians is seriously indisposed .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Royal Arch.
moved , and on Thursday , the 1 st iust ., the newly elected 1 st and 2 nd Principals were installed by Comp . Rankin Stebbing , Z ., 1025 , who presided on the occasion . The 1 st Principal is Comp . Alfred Heather , P . Z ., 319 , and 2 nd Principal H , M . Emanuel , P . Z ., 428 . "We regret to learn that the 3 rd Principal Comp . J . B . Mosse , an active Mason formerly in Somersetshire , and for many years past in Hampshire , ivas so ill as to bo unable to
attend or accept the office , his recovery being hopeless , and the Bev . Comp . Mills ivas nominated in his place . Two brethren Avere then exalted by Pro . Rankin Stebbing , assisted by Comp . Coinpigne , of Gosport , as Principal Soj ., and every prospect exists of an entire revival of this old chapter . The Lodge of Harmony ivas held on the same evening tho Rev . Bro . Mills , AV . M . ably presiding and initiating two new candidates , after which the brethren and companions who came from various parts of the country , ivere most hospitably entertained .
Knights Templar.
LANCASHIRE . PROVINCIAU GRAND COXCX - . The royal , exalted , religious , and military order of Masonic Knights Templar , under the command of Sir Knt . Albert Hudson Royds , Very Eminent Provincial Grand Commander ot Lancashire , was held at the Masonic Temple , Hope-street , Liverpool , on Friday , May 2 nd , 1862 , at one o ' clock . Seventeen
encampments of the province were represented . The Prov . Grand Commander and his officers ivere marshalled by Sir Knt . C . J . Banister , Prov . G . D . C , in the committceroom , and proceeded to the Great Hall , where they ivere received by the Sir Knights of the Jacques de Malay and the representatives of the other provincial encampments under the Arch of Steel from uorth-west , to east , Sir Knt . St . John B . Joule performing on the organ appropriate music .
• " The Provincial Grand Conclave AVIIS opened in due form hy the V . E . Prov . G . Commander , Sir Knt . Albert Hudson Royds , assisted by Sir Knts . L . Neivall , as D . Prov . G . D . ; H . Bridson , Prior ; R . F . Ainsworth , 1 st Captain ; C . C . Polo , 2 nd Captain ; Rev . J . B . Phillips , Prelate , & c . The minutes of last Provincial Grand Conclave were read and con firmed . The Treasurer's accounts were audited , and a balance of nearly £ 100 remained to the credit of the conclave . The Treasurer , Sir Knt . Stephen
Smith , Avas unanimously re-elected Treasurer . Proposed by the D . Prov . G . C , Sir Knt . Lawrence Newall , and seconded by Sit Knt . C . J . Banister , that the Prov . G . C be made , a Governor ofthe Royal Benevolent Institution for Aged Freemasons in perpetuity ; carried unnniinous ' . by . The Prov . G . Commander then invested the folioAving Sir Knights Provincial Grand Officers for the year . Sir Knight Laivrence NcAA-all I ) . Prov . G . Com . „ „ Henry Briddon Prov . G . Prior . „ „ B . Barlow - . - „ „ Snh . Prior . „ . A . F . Ainsworth , „ 1 st Cant .
„ „ C . C . Pole „ „ ' 2 nd Capt . „ „ Rev . E . J . Boiling ,, „ Prelate . „ „ „ . T . B . Phillips ,, „ Asst . do . „ „ AVm . H . AVright „ „ Chancelloi „ „ AVm . Harrison „ „ Vice ditto . „ „ Richard A erent „ „ Registrar . „ „ Stephen Smith „ „ Treasurer . „ „ Charles J . Banister ,. ,, Hospt .
„ „ Robei't Munn , jun , „ „ 1 st Expert , „ „ Reuben Mitchael , ., 2 nd ditto . „ George Mellor „ „ 1 st St . B . ,, „ Geo . H . Ormerod „ „ 2 nd ditto . „ „ H . S . Alpass „ „ Almoner . „ „ J . C . Peatson „ „ D . ofCers . „ „ AVin . Roberts ., „ Assist , do . ., 15 . B . Labrey ' „ „ 1 st A . D . C .
„ H . Fishwick „ „ 2 nd ditto . „ J . L . Hino •„ ,, IstC . ot'L , ,, „ Hy . Bibber t „ „ 2 nd ditto . ,, „ Laurence Ormerod „ „ Sword B . „ „ Bichd . Crahtree „ „ 1 st Herald , ,, „ JohnNield „ „ 2 nd ditto . „ „ St . John B . Joule „ „ Organist . ,, „ —Bamford „ „ Banner Br . „ „ Wm . Daivson „ „ E . W .
Knights Templar.
The Almoner made a collection of £ 3 los ., the oii ' ertory belli " . ' read by the Rev . J . B . Phillips . There being no further business before the Provincial Grand Conclave , it ivas closed , according to ancient custom , with solemn prayer , and the Prov . G . Commander and Prov . G . Officers retired in the same form as on entering , marshalled by Sir Knt . 0 . J . Banister .
The banquet ivas prepared at the Adelphi Hotel , presided over by the Very Eminent Prov . G . Commander , Sir Knt . A . H . Eovds . On his right V . E . Sir Knt . L . Newall , D . Prov . G . C ; and left , Sir Knts . 0 . C . Pole , Stephen Smith , AV . H . AVright ; , H . S . Alpass , Ed . pierpoint , Dr . Lee , J . Heyes , Crankshaiv , Josh . Chadwick , Jno . Knight , R . A evers , AV . Roberts , H . T . Baldivin , T . 'feather , P . Peatson , & e . The vice-chair occupied by Sir Knt . C . J . Banister . " The Queen , " " Albert Edward ,
Prince of AVales , " and the rest of the loyal toasts proposed and drunk . Also " The M . E . and S . G . Master , Sir Knt . Wm . Stuart ; " "The A ' . H . and E . Deputy G . M ., Sir Knt . Col . _ G . A . A ernon , and the Grand Officers of Grand Conclave ; " also ""Scotland and Ireland . " The Chairman then proposed the health of his Deputy , and from the manner it was received , proved that it ivas an appointment pleading to all present , — drunk with enthusiasm , and on Sir Kniget Newall rising was
received ivith rounds of applause , and in an excellent speech promised to do all he could for the province aud the order in general . " The Health of the Prov . G . Commander" was proposed by the Prov . O . Captain , Sir Knt . C . C Pole , AA-IIO responded in a truly fraternal ivay , thanking the Sir Knights , and proposing " Prosperity to the G . Officers of the Provinces , " replied to by several Sir Knights ; and as most of the Sir Knights hacl to leave by train , tho evening ivas a short and pleasant one , partaking more of a family party . The dinner AVIIS excellent , and the viands all that could be desired .
MOUNT CALVARY ENCAJ . IP . IENT , — A meeting of the above encampment took place on Monday , the 5 th inst , at the London Coli'oe House for the purpose of installing the Right Hon . Lord Lonilesborough , who ivas proposed in the encampment by Sir Knt . Thearle . There were present upon the occasion—the M . E . and S . G . M . Sir Knt . Stuart , ; John Piudy ; M . Shuttieworth PE . C and G . A ' . C ; Dr . Harcourt , ; Braithwaite , E . G . ; Elliott , P . E . C ; John Mott Thearle , P . E . C . and G . B . B . ;
Vesper , P . E . R . ; Lemanski , P . E . C ; Thompson , P . E . C ; Sir Knfc . Swan and Nicholson . The encampment was set ont upon this occasion in the most magnificent manner , and the arrangement of the Banners , dais for each officer , ancl the musical arrangements being the most perfect we have ever seen . The ceremony was most effectively performed by Sir Knt . Braithwaithe , and his felioiv officers—so -efficiently as to elicit the marked commendation of the most Ex . Sir Knt . Stuart—an
appropriate Templer march written by Frater Sir Knt . Thearle , AVIIS at the request ofthe E . G . dedicated to Lord Lonilesborough . A communication was made by Sir Knt . John Mott Thearle , that at ensuing Grand Conclave , '" , the Baldwin Encampment would give their adhesion and allegiance to Grand Conclave —a piece of information that elicited from the Grand Master a most knightly ackuOAvledgment , and expressive of his exceeding gratification to knoiv that all Knt . Uemplars ivere
HOAV to bo one family . A most sumptuous banquet ivas pro-A'ided by Bro . Clarke , to ivhich the utmost justice AVIIS paid . The toatts given by Sir Knt . Braithwaite , the E . G ., were to the purpose and brief—and at an early hour the Sir Knts . seperated , after one of the most satisfactory evenimr , spent in Masonry .
The Week.
THE COURT . —The Queer ., Prince Alfred , and the Princesses Alice and . Helena arrived safely at Balmoral on the 1 st inst . Princes Arthur and Leopold are still at Osborne , and judging by the Court Circr . lar , \\ mst be having a pleasant time of it , continually going out for cruises in the Channel so called , —i . e . from the length of time occupicd : on the pleasant Southampton AVaters . The King of the Belgians is seriously indisposed .